李朋威, 何治亮, 罗平, 金廷福, 张英, 冯建赟, 宋金民, 徐士林

Characteristics of and main factors controlling the dolomite reservoir of Gaoyuzhuang-Wumishan Formations in the Jixian System, the north of North China
Pengwei Li, Zhiliang He, Ping Luo, Tingfu Jin, Ying Zhang, Jianyun Feng, Jinmin Song, Shilin Xu
图1 天津蓟县地区地质图与中、上元古界地层综合柱状图(据文献[19-20],修改)
a.天津蓟县地质简图; b.天津蓟县中、新元古界地层综合柱状图; c.研究区地理位置
Fig.1 The geology and composite stratigraphic column of Jixian County, Tianjin(modified after references[19-20])