氮气吸附滞后回环定量分析及其在孔隙结构表征中的指示意义 |
宋泽章, 阿比德·阿不拉, 吕明阳, 张月巧, 姜福杰, 刘哲宇, 郑伟, 王夏阳 |
Quantitative analysis of nitrogen adsorption hysteresis loop and its indicative significance to pore structure characterization:A case study on the Upper Triassic Chang 7 Member, Ordos Basin |
Zezhang SONG, Abula ABIDE, Mingyang LYU, Yueqiao ZHANG, Fujie JIANG, Zheyu LIU, Wei ZHENG, Xiayang WANG |
图5 鄂尔多斯盆地陇东地区长7段泥页岩样品3类典型低温氮气吸附-脱附等温曲线 |
Fig. 5 Low-temperature nitrogen adsorption isotherms of three types for samples from the Chang 7 shale of Longdong area, Ordos Basin[回环面积单位:mL/(nm·g)。] |