中国含油气盆地不同构造样式及其油气地质意义 |
郭齐军, 邓铭哲, 张晨雨, 单帅强, 倪春华, 王斌 |
Structural styles and their geological significance to petroliferous basins of China |
Qijun GUO, Mingzhe DENG, Chenyu ZHANG, Shuaiqiang SHAN, Chunhua NI, Bin WANG |
图7 准噶尔盆地南缘西段高泉背斜成藏模式示意图 a. 剖面位置示意图;b. 西段典型成藏剖面(K1q.下白垩统清水河组;J2t.中侏罗统头屯河组;J2x.中侏罗统山西窑组;J1s.下侏罗统三工河组;J1b.下侏罗统八道湾组。) |
Fig.7 Schematic diagram showing the hydrocarbon accumulation of the Gaoquan anticline in the western part of the southern margin of the Junggar Basin |
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