页岩油富集可动性地球化学评价参数探讨 |
刘惠民, 包友书, 黎茂稳, 李政, 吴连波, 朱日房, 王大洋, 王鑫 |
Geochemical parameters for evaluating shale oil enrichment and mobility: A case study of shales in the Bakken Formation, Williston Basin and the Shahejie Formation, Jiyang Depression |
Huimin LIU, Youshu BAO, Maowen LI, Zheng LI, Lianbo WU, Rifang ZHU, Dayang WANG, Xin WANG |
图6 威利斯顿盆地Sanish油田Braaflat 11-11H井Bakken组页岩地球化学参数异常(数据来源于Jarvie等[ a.OSI与TOC关系;b.OSI与TOC关系(图a纵坐标的局部放大);c.OSI与TOC关系(图a横坐标的局部放大);d.S1与TOC关系;e.S1与TOC关系(图d的局部放大);f. PI与TOC关系;g. Tmax与TOC关系;h. PI与OSI关系 |
Fig.6 Plots showing the geochemical parameter anomalies of shales in the Bakken Formation in well Braaflat 11-11H in the Sanish oilfield, Williston Basin (data sourced from Jarvie et al[ |