特提斯洋与古亚洲洋协同演化控制下的塔里木台盆区油气富集效应 |
何治亮, 杨鑫, 高键, 云露, 曹自成, 李慧莉, 杨佳奇 |
Hydrocarbon enrichment effects in the non-foreland area of the Tarim Basin under the coevolution control of the Tethys and Paleo-Asian oceans |
Zhiliang HE, Xin YANG, Jian GAO, Lu YUN, Zicheng CAO, Huili Li, Jiaqi YANG |
图1 塔里木盆地及周缘地区大地构造单元划分(据参考文献[ a. 亚洲大陆大地构造格架; b. 塔里木邻区构造域划分 |
Fig. 1 Division of geotectonic units in the Tarim Basin and its surrounding areas (modified after reference [ |