何治亮, 杨鑫, 高键, 云露, 曹自成, 李慧莉, 杨佳奇

Hydrocarbon enrichment effects in the non-foreland area of the Tarim Basin under the coevolution control of the Tethys and Paleo-Asian oceans
Zhiliang HE, Xin YANG, Jian GAO, Lu YUN, Zicheng CAO, Huili Li, Jiaqi YANG
图4 塔里木盆地及周缘地区构造演化模式
CKL.中昆仑地块;CTS.中天山地块;CTS-YL.中天山-伊犁地块;EA.欧亚大陆;GDS.冈底斯地块;ID.印度陆块;KL-TRM.昆仑-塔里木陆块;KL-TRM-TS.昆仑-塔里木-天山陆块;QT-KL-TRM.羌塘-昆仑-塔里木陆块;SQT.南羌塘地块;TRM.塔里木陆块;TSH.甜水海地块; YL.伊犁地块
Fig. 4 Tectonic evolutionary patterns of the Tarim Basin and its surrounding areas