黄彤飞, 张光亚, 罗贝维, 喻志骅, 张磊, 何治亮, 白国平, 尹继全, 祝厚勤, 殷进垠, 姚健欢

Cretaceous prototype basins and lithofacies paleogeography in the Tethyan domain and their role in hydrocarbon accumulation
Tongfei HUANG, Guangya ZHANG, Beiwei LUO, Zhihua YU, Lei ZHANG, Zhiliang HE, Guoping BAI, Jiquan YIN, Houqin ZHU, Jinyin YIN, Jianhuan YAO
图1 特提斯域及邻区区域构造格架
[底图据美国国家海洋和大气管理局NOAA数据库;缝合带位置及名称等据吴福元等(2020)、Van Hinsbergen等(2020)和朱日祥等(2022)。]
Fig.1 Map showing the regional tectonic framework of the Tethyan domain and adjacent areas