渤海湾盆地渤南低凸起西段低角度正断层分段生长特征及其油气地质意义 |
娄瑞, 孙永河, 张中巧 |
Segmented growth of low-angle normal faults in the western Bonan swell,Bohai Bay Basin and its petroleum geological significance |
Rui LOU, Yonghe SUN, Zhongqiao ZHANG |
图7 渤南低凸起F1断层各段断距-埋深曲线、生长指数及对应地质解释剖面(数据位置见图5) a.F1断层西段断距-埋深曲线、生长指数;b.F1断层中段断距-埋深曲线、生长指数;c.F1断层东段断距-埋深曲线、生长指数;d. 过F1断层西段地质解释剖面;e. 过F1断层中段地质解释剖面;f. 过F1断层东段地质解释剖面(折线为断距-埋深曲线,条形图为生长指数;EI,生长指数,无量纲。) |
Fig. 7 Throw vs. burial depth curves, growth indices, and geological sections of the various segments of fault F1 in the Bonan swell (see Fig. 5 for data locations) |
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