渤海湾盆地临南洼陷古近系沙河街组源-储组合类型与致密(低渗)砂岩油差异富集模式 |
韩载华, 刘华, 赵兰全, 刘景东, 尹丽娟, 李磊 |
Source rock-reservoir assemblage types and differential oil enrichment model in tight (low-permeability) sandstone reservoirs in the Paleocene Shahejie Formation in the Linnan Sub-sag, Bohai Bay Basin |
Zaihua HAN, Hua LIU, Lanquan ZHAO, Jingdong LIU, Lijuan YIN, Lei LI |
图11 临南洼陷致密(低渗)砂岩储层孔隙发育特征及含油性差异显微照片 a.残余粒间孔与次生溶蚀孔发育,内部赋存沥青,街503井,埋深4 047.3 m,源-储紧邻源下型,油浸,单偏光;b.残余粒间孔发育,夏942井,埋深3 800.8 m,源-储紧邻源下型,油斑,扫描电镜;c.镜下孔隙发育较差,夏99井,埋深4 253.2 m,源-储紧邻源下型,油迹,单偏光;d.次生溶蚀孔隙发育,临82井,埋深3 869.6 m,源-储共生夹层型,油浸,单偏光;e.石英晶间孔发育,夏斜352井,埋深3 826.8 m,源-储共生互层型,荧光,扫描电镜;f.孔隙不发育,夏斜961井,埋深3 449.8 m,源-储间隔源下型,无显示,单偏光 |
Fig.11 Micrographs showing pore developmental characteristics and oil-bearing property differences of tight (low-permeability) sandstone reservoirs in the Linnan Sub-sag |