方锐, 蒋裕强, 杨长城, 邓海波, 蒋婵, 洪海涛, 唐松, 谷一凡, 朱讯, 孙莎莎, 蔡光银

Occurrence states and mobility of shale oil in different lithologic assemblages in the Jurassic Lianggaoshan Formation, Sichuan Basin
Rui FANG, Yuqiang JIANG, Changcheng YANG, Haibo DENG, Chan JIANG, Haitao HONG, Song TANG, Yifan GU, Xun ZHU, Shasha SUN, Guangyin CAI
图7 四川盆地凉高山组不同岩性组合页岩样品在不同干燥温度下的核磁共振T2
a. 纯页岩型组合(A型),XQ1井,埋深2 452.29 m;.b. 介壳型页岩组合(B型),HQ1井,埋深1 894.02 m;c. 含粉砂纹层页岩组合(C1型),XQ1井,埋深2 465.48 m;d. 粉砂岩与泥页岩薄互层组合(C2型),YT1井,埋深2 152.13 m
Fig.7 NMR T2 spectra for saturated shale oil in different lithologic assemblages in the Lianggaoshan Formation, Sichuan Basin at different drying temperatures