塔里木盆地塔河油田S80走滑断裂发育特征及其对奥陶系储层的控制作用 |
韩鹏远, 丁文龙, 杨德彬, 张娟, 马海陇, 王生晖 |
Characteristics of the S80 strike-slip fault zone and its controlling effects on the Ordovician reservoirs in the Tahe oilfield, Tarim Basin |
Pengyuan HAN, Wenlong DING, Debin YANG, Juan ZHANG, Hailong MA, Shenghui WANG |
图2 塔河地区S80走滑断裂带地震多层相干特征与断裂解释典型剖面(剖面位置见图1b) a. T81层位相干及断裂解释结果;b. T78层位相干及断裂解释结果;c. T76层位相干及断裂解释结果;d. T50层位相干及断裂解释结果;e. T34层位相干及断裂解释结果;f.过S80走滑断裂带典型地震剖面及构造层划分 T34.下白垩统亚格列木组顶界面;T50.中二叠统开派兹雷克组顶界面;T56.下石炭统巴楚组顶界面;T74.中奥陶统一间房组顶界面;T76.中-下奥陶统鹰山组下段顶界面;T78.下奥陶统蓬莱坝组顶界面;T80.上寒武统下丘里塔格组顶界面;T81.上寒武统阿瓦塔格组顶界面;T90.上震旦统奇格布拉克组顶界面 |
Fig. 2 Typical profiles showing the multilayer coherence and fault interpretations of the S80 strike-slip fault zone in Tahe area (see Fig. 1b for the profile locations) |