塔里木盆地富满油田走滑断裂带通源性评价 |
张艳秋, 陈红汉, 王燮培, 王彭, 苏丹梅, 谢舟 |
Assessment of connectivity between source rocks and strike-slip fault zone in the Fuman oilfield, Tarim Basin |
Yanqiu ZHANG, Honghan CHEN, Xiepei WANG, Peng WANG, Danmei SU, Zhou XIE |
图3 塔里木盆地富满油田位置(a)和奥陶系综合柱状图(b) |
Fig.3 Map showing the location of the Fuman oilfield (a) and composite stratigraphic column of the Ordovician strata (b) in the Tarim Basin |