张艳秋, 陈红汉, 王燮培, 王彭, 苏丹梅, 谢舟

Assessment of connectivity between source rocks and strike-slip fault zone in the Fuman oilfield, Tarim Basin
Yanqiu ZHANG, Honghan CHEN, Xiepei WANG, Peng WANG, Danmei SU, Zhou XIE
图9 富满油田Ⅱ区块FI17走滑断裂带油气物性和充注期次及成藏贡献度变化趋势图
Fig. 9 Diagrams showing the variation trends of hydrocarbon physical properties, along with charging stages and their respective contributive degrees, of the FI17 strike-slip fault zone in block Ⅱ, Fuman oilfield