张艳秋, 陈红汉, 王燮培, 王彭, 苏丹梅, 谢舟

Assessment of connectivity between source rocks and strike-slip fault zone in the Fuman oilfield, Tarim Basin
Yanqiu ZHANG, Honghan CHEN, Xiepei WANG, Peng WANG, Danmei SU, Zhou XIE
表2 根据Riedel剪切的离散元模型计算的F17走滑断裂带雁列断裂深度
Table 2 Depths of the en echelon faults in the F17 strike-slip fault zone calculated using the DEM for Riedel shear structures
A段4 367.3332.911 417.89525.74448.072 555.4
3 712.2337.90813.64279.57
3 852.8335.031 352.08482.31
4 780.1437.171 390.97481.91
4 424.1737.721 358.06467.56
2 578.5235.501 274.30451.34
B段2 405.0354.28320.07100.6488.452 102.0
3 227.6455.21281.1888.20
2 485.7955.47251.2778.77
1 893.5153.62251.2779.15
2 366.1449.42299.1395.50
C段3 197.7347.73355.97114.41142.342 074.0
3 724.2047.32499.55160.84
4 005.3848.43361.95116.00
4 056.2446.87559.38180.46
3 987.4445.34430.75139.99
D段2 734.0755.431 423.87446.39513.853 932.6
3 323.3649.901 758.90560.58
4 816.0344.041 633.26534.57