叶玥豪, 陈伟, 汪华, 宋金民, 明盈, 戴鑫, 李智武, 孙豪飞, 马小刚, 刘婷婷, 唐辉, 刘树根

Characteristics and determinants of shale reservoirs in the Upper Permian Dalong Formation, Sichuan Basin
Yuehao YE, Wei CHEN, Hua WANG, Jinmin SONG, Ying MING, Xin DAI, Zhiwu LI, Haofei SUN, Xiaogang MA, Tingting LIU, Hui TANG, Shugen LIU
图4 四川盆地川北地区DY1井大隆组矿物特征
Fig.4 Ternary diagram of mineral contents of the Dalong Formation in well DY1 in the northern Sichuan Basin