Oil & Gas Geology ›› 1999, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (4): 369-374.doi: 10.11743/ogg19990423

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Liu Lijun   

  1. Jianghan Petroleum Institate, jingzhou, Hubei
  • Received:1999-08-20 Online:1999-12-25 Published:2012-01-16


Since 1960's, the study of deep-water tractive current deposits has become a new research field in sedimentology. The present studies on deep-water tiactive current deposits are mainly focused on contourits current deposit, internal-tide and internal-wave deposits. Considerable progress has been made in the study of contourite corrent depositssince mid-1960's, especially in the study of modern contourite deposits. Now deep understanding has made on the formation mechenism, the characteristics of texture and structure, the vertical sequences, the rock facies and recognition marks of contourite deposits. The discovery of contourite-dome is the most important and distinctve achievement in this field. Numerous large-scale modern contourite-dome, which can be compared with deep-water turbidite fans, were discovered in deep-water oceanic areas and in stratigraphic record. The study on internal-tide and internal-wave deposits began in the early 1990's and developed rapidly, and has made considerable progress in the formation mechanism, the characteristics of texture and structure, the vertical sequences, the rock facies and arcognition marks. The Ordovician internal-tide and internal-wave deposits in West Zhejiang and Tarim Basin are typical cases in this field. Compared withturibidities, the deep-water tractive current deposits are more favourible in the reservoir characteristics, and have veryimportant oil-gas-bearing potential.

Key words: deep-water tractive current, depositional characterisitics, internal-tide, internal-wave, contourite current, status quo

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