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    24 August 2010, Volume 31 Issue 3
    Status,trend and outlook of organic geochem istry research in China —a summary of the Twelfth National Conference on Organic Geochem istry
    ZHANG Shui-Chang
    2010, 31(3):  265-270,276.  doi:10.11743/ogg20100301
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    Nearly30years ofdevelopmenthas expanded the research scope of the organic geochem istry in China from the petroleum exploration to key research domains such as coal,biology,environment and climate.Its great contribution to the econom ic growth and social advancement of the country has showed its strong vitality.In the Twelfth National Conference on Organic Geochem istry,breakthrough has been made in the researches of deep hydrocarbon fluid properties,tight sand gas and shale gas reservoiring,biochem ical characters of permanent organic pollutes,etc.The direction for the discipline is therefore further clarified.At present and for a period of time to come,the research of the disciplinewould be focused on①technologies for analyzing and predicting the formation and distribution of organicˉrich sediments;②the development ofmodels that integrate geochem istry with geology;③the interaction of nonorganic and organic matters aswell as the secondary alteration and transˉformation of hydrocarbonˉbearing deposits;④the mechanism,potential,and distribution of natural gas with difˉferent origins;and⑤the geochem istry of environment,coal,and biology.The conference proposes that①stress should be put on the repeatability of experimental data,the reliability of experimentalmethods and the comparaˉbility of experimental results;and②that the geochem istry research in China should follow closely the internaˉtional lead,bemore creative,blaze a trail for a integrated research of organic geochem istry and geology,and play 266

    G eochem ical characteristics of light hydrocarbons in natural gas in the TabeiUplift of the Tarim Basin and their implications
    CHEN Jian-Fa, MIAO Zhong-Ying, ZHANG Chen, CHEN Hong-Yan
    2010, 31(3):  271-276.  doi:10.11743/ogg20100302
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    Based on the analysis of light hydrocarbons in natural gas in the TabeiUplift of the Tarim Basin,obˉvious differences are found in the distribution characteristics of lighthydrocarbon in3types ofnatural gas:petroliˉferous gas,coalˉrelated gas and m ixed gas.For petroliferous gas,which is distributed in the Yingmaili low uplift and the Halahatang sag,relative contents of nˉalkane and nˉheptane are high;for coalˉrelated gas,which is disˉtributed in the Luntai fault uplift,relative contents of isoparaffin,methylcyclohexane and benzene are high;for m ixed gas,which is distributed in the Donghetang fault belt,relative contents of benzene,methylclohexane and nˉheptane are high.According to gasmaturity estimated using parameters such as carbon isotope ofmethane and the maturity of light hydrocarbon,we believe that(1)there were at least twoˉphases of poolˉform ing for natural gas in the Ti’ergen faultbelt,theYangtake faultbelt and theYingmai32buried hill structural zone;(2)natural gas in the Yingmai7fault belt,the Donghetang fault belt and the Yingmai2buried hill structural zone expeˉrienced oneˉphased poolˉform ing process;(3)parameters of light hydrocarbon reveal that natural gas in the western part of the Luntai fault uplift has features ofm igrating and charging from the Kuqa depression to the Tabei forebulge belt.

    New paleoˉgeotherm om eters for the inversion of dynam ic therm al evolution history ofm arine sequences in South China
    QIN Jian-Zhong, WANG Jie, QIU Nan-Sheng-,BrentMcInnes,TAO Cheng-
    2010, 31(3):  277-287.  doi:10.11743/ogg20100303
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    (UˉTh)/He dating of apatite and zircon is performed on eleven core and outcrop samples from the PuguangˉMaoba and Tongjiang areas in northeastern Sichuan Basin and the results are used to establish a dyˉnam ic evolution pattern forHe age and depth/temperature.The closure temperature of the He in apatite in this area is at85℃.The drilling core samples experienced the same thermal evolution historywith the outcrop samˉples in the northeastern Sichuan Basin,where the Tertiary and theQuaternarywere themain periods of cooling,uplifting and denudation.During these periods,the denudation rate was about74.8-172.5m/Ma,the maxiˉmum denudation thicknesswas2800-3000m,the earth temperature gradually reduced to helium closure temˉperature of apatite,and finally to the current temperature.All these were related to the reaction of the Sichuan

    Form ing conditions and characteristics of shale gas in the Lower Paleozoic of the Upper Yangtze region,China
    DONG Da-Zhong, CHENG Ke-Ming, WANG Yu-Man, LI Xin-Jing, WANG She-Jiao, HUANG Jin-Liang
    2010, 31(3):  288-299,308.  doi:10.11743/ogg20100304
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    W ith focus on the sedimentary,geoˉchem istry,reservoir,and gas potential,a prelim inary study is perˉformed on the form ing conditions and characteristics of the shale gas in the Lower Silurian Longmaxi Formation and the Lower Cambrian Qiongzhu Formation in the Upper Yangtze region by using outcrop,drilling,and core data.The results indicate that an Early Paleozoic shallowˉdeep water shelf sedimentary environment controlled the development and distribution of the organicˉrich black shale in the formations.The black shale is the thickest in the depocenter on the deep water shelf.TheirTOC values are generally high.Horizontally,the distribution of organic rich black shale(TOC>2%)is in accordance with that of the shelf.In contrast,vertically,theymainly occur in the m iddleˉlower and bottom parts of the formations and have a continuous thickness of30-50m and a TOC value over4%.Being sim ilar to the gasˉbearing shale in America,the black shale is rich in brittlem ineˉrals,but unitary in clay m ineral type,and contains no smectite.The matrix contains wellˉdeveloped pores and m icroˉfissures,occurring in threadlike,netted and honeycomb shapes.The measured porosity of core samples ranges from2%to16%,indicatingmoderate poroperm characteristics.Active gas shows occur during drilling in the black shale.Gas content of core samples is above the industrial development threshold.Isothermal adsorption simulation of the samples also shows a high methane adsorption capacity.The overall gas potential is sim ilar to

    Characteristics of extraction of organoˉclay complexes and their significance to petroleum geology
    CAI Jin-Gong, LU Long-Fei, SONG Ming-Shui-,DING Fei-,BAO Yu-Jin, FAN Fu
    2010, 31(3):  300-308.  doi:10.11743/ogg20100305
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    Two samples of organic clay complex,one is synthesized(sample No.0)and the other is natural(sample No.1with grain size less than2μm acquired from source rocks),are extracted by chloroform and suˉpercritical fluid successively.Analyses of extract volume,group composition,and GCˉMS were carried out and TOC,XRD,IR and thermal analysismethodswere applied to the residue to study the occurrence of organicmatˉter in source rocks and its significance to petroleum geology studies.The result reveals that the amounts of extract are quite different for chloroform and supercritical fluid.For the supercritical fluid,the dom inantGC peak of carˉbon shows a tendency ofmoving towards carbon with larger numbers,indicating a difference in characteristics of organicmatters revealed by different extraction agents.However,the TOC in the residue is stillhigh,showing that a significant amount of organicmatters still exist on clay surfaces after successive extraction processes.The XRD

    Influences of sulfur on composition of oil cracked gas and carbon isotopes
    YIN Qin-,SONG Zhi-Guang, LIU Jin-Zhong
    2010, 31(3):  309-314.  doi:10.11743/ogg20100306
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    A series of thermal simulation experiments were carried outwith crude samples(from the Lungu area ofTarim Basin)and samplesm ixed with elementary sulfur or nˉpropylmercaptan in a confined system of gold tubeˉautoclave.The influences of sulfur on cracked gas of oil and the isotope composition of hydrocarbon gas are studied through comparing the yields of experimental products and their isotope compositions in each experiment.The results show that adding sulfur or organic sulfide slightly inhibits,as awhole,the generation of methane and other hydrocarbon gas,but facilitates the production of nonˉhydrocarbon gases such as hydrogen and carbon dioxide.Besides,the amount of elementary sulfur or organic sulfide has an apparent effect over the composition of the products.Adding sulfurwill exert a significant impact upon the carbon isotope composition of hydrocarbon gas,causing the carbon isotope generated at low temperature to be heavier.The influence of organic sulfide over the products is especially significant,resulting in a positive difference of as high as7‰upon the carbon isotope ofmethane,and5‰upon that of ethane and propane.The study also suggests that the chem ical state of sulfur has something to do with its influence upon the composition of oilˉcracking products and that themechanism oforganic sulfide involving in cracking reaction is greatly different from thatof elemenˉtary sulfur.

    T im ing of hydrocarbon charging in shallow reservoirs by differences of diagenetic characteristics of reservoirs —an example from A oilfield in Kazakhstan
    LIU Jing-Dong, JIANG You-Lu
    2010, 31(3):  315-320.  doi:10.11743/ogg20100307
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    For the tim ing of hydrocarbon charging in shallow reservoirs,methods such as traditional geological analysis,fluid inclusions in reservoirs and illite dating have obvious shortages.Based on the interactions between hydrocarbons,water and m inerals,this paper puts forward a newmethod to determ ine hydrocarbon charging time of shallow reservoirs by differences of diagenetic characteristics of reservoir rocks.Taking the A oilfield in Kazakhstan as an example,the hydrocarbon charging time for theMˉⅡoil layer is determ ined in this way.The time of bulk hydrocarbon charging can be determ ined through the analyses of differences of content of certain m inerals and in combination with diagenetic evolutionary sequence and burial thermal history.On the basis of poolˉform ing element analysis,hydrocarbon charging direction can be traced and hydrocarbon charging process can be identified with references to the trend of relative content of diagenetic m inerals.

    Heterogeneity of crude oil from W en’an oilfield in Jizhong area and its implications
    XU Zhen, ZHANG Chun-Ming
    2010, 31(3):  321-326,334.  doi:10.11743/ogg20100308
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    The whole oilGC/MS analysis shows thatmolecular constituents of oil in theWen’an oilfield in the Jizhong area have certain heterogeneity.According to this study,it is believed that at least two genetic types ofoil(TypeⅠand TypeⅡ)occur in theWen’an oilfield.The TypeⅠoil is characterized by relatively high steˉraneˉhopane ratio,relatively higher content of biomarkers(sterane,gammacerane and4ˉmethyl sterane)and reˉlatively lower content of aromatic compounds(methylphenanthrene,triaromatic sterane and methyldibenzothioˉphene).In contrast,the TypeⅡoil features in lower steraneˉhopane ratio,relatively lower content ofbiomarkers and relatively higher contentof aromatic compounds.The distribution of these two types ofoil shows certain reguˉlarity,with the typeⅠoil occurring in the Yilunpu structural belt in the southern part and the TypeⅡoil disˉtributed in the Shigezhuang structural belt in the northern part.At least two petroleum systems occur in the Wen’an oilfield.

    Developm ent pattern of hydrotherm al fluids in Tengchong,Yunnan Province and its implications for hydrotherm al dissolution in the Tarim Basin
    ZHU Dong-Ya-,MENG Qing-Qiang-,JIE Qi-Lai, JIN Zhi-Jun
    2010, 31(3):  327-334.  doi:10.11743/ogg20100309
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    Based on the study of the developmentpattern ofhydrothermal fluids in Tengchong,Yunnan Province,we discuss characteristics ofhydrothermal activities in Tarim Basin.According to the study,theδ 13 C(PDB)vaˉlues of the CO 2 in the hot spring gases in Tengchong are between-6.4‰and-4.7‰,and the 3 He/ 4 He ratios are between1.09and3.51.The compositions of oxygen and hydrogen isotopes in hydrothermal fluids from hot spring are sim ilarwith those in meteoric water,but the oxygen isotopes show a tendency of getting heavier in theirmass.Based on the study,we believe gases from hot spring in Tengchongmainly come from deep mantle,while hydrothermal fluids originate from rainfall,which infiltrates downwards and is heated by deep heat sources and then goes upwards.According to the features of structural evolution ofTarim Basin,we believe the ShayaˉLuntai and the Yanan faulted zones in northern Tarim Basin in Late Perm ian had sim ilar geological conditions with those in Tengchong today.Under these conditions,hydrothermal fluids originating from the downward infilˉtration ofmeteoric waterwere active and strongly dissolved carbonates in the Lower Paleozoic.On the contrary,there were no sim ilar geological conditions in the Tazhong area,the Bachu area and the southern slope zone in the Tabei uplift,and thus hydrothermal dissolution was relativelyweaker.

    O rigins of natural gas in Tazhong area,the Tarim Basin and their differences
    WANG Xiang, ZHANG Min, LIU Yu-Hua-
    2010, 31(3):  335-342.  doi:10.11743/ogg20100310
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    A systematic analysis is conducted on compositions and geochem ical characteristics of carbon isotopes of natural gas in the Tazhong area,Tarim Basin.It is found that the gaseous hydrocarbon compositions of the naˉtural gas from the Tazhong area basically show a pattern ofδ 13 C 1 <δ 13 C 2 <δ 13 C 3 <δ 13 C 4 with their values ofδ 13 C 1 all below-30‰,indicating their organic origin.According to the relationship between ln(C 2 /C 3 )and ln(C 1 /C 2 )and that between C 2 /iC 4 and C 2 /C 3 ,natural gas in the Ordovician is believed to originate from pyrolyˉsis of crude oil.While natural gas in the Carboniferous is m ixed gas originating from pyrolysis of both kerogen and crude oil.In the eastern and western parts of the Tazhong area,the source rocks are different in age and thermal history,leading to the significant differences of hydrocarbon compositions and carbon isotopes of natural gas in these areas.In the western part,natural gas mainly originates from the MiddleˉUpper Ordovician source rocks.While in the eastern part,natural gas probably originates from the highˉto overˉmature Cambrian source rocks.Thermochem ical sulfate reduction in the eastern wellblock is stronger than that in the western wellblock.

    A discussion on m ethods for estim ating diffusion loss of natural gas
    XUE Hai-Tao, LI Lu-Lu, LU Shuang-Fang
    2010, 31(3):  343-346,352.  doi:10.11743/ogg20100311
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    A study on the actual measured gas diffusion coefficient shows that calculating diffusion coefficient with the StokesˉEinstein equation is feasible.According to the mass balance principle,a comparison is carried out between the dischargeable gas(i.e.,the generated gasm inus residual gas)and themaximum diffused gas,amongwhich the smaller one is selected as the actual gas diffusion loss.The actual gas diffusion loss rises with an increase of organic matter abundance,hydrocarbonˉgeneration potential,source rock thickness and top burial depth.In a general geological condition,the calculated gas diffusion loss is several or even tens of times larger than the actual amount,causing an exaggeration of diffusion loss in the calculation of gas reserves.

    Evolution of the Carboniferous source rocks and hydrocarbon accumulation sequence in LudongˉW ucaiwan area,the Juggar Basin
    XIANG Bao-Li, WANG Xu-Long-,ZHAO Meng-Jun, YANG Di-Sheng, DA Jiang
    2010, 31(3):  347-352.  doi:10.11743/ogg20100312
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    The Carboniferous source rocks in the LudongˉWucaiwan area are in zonal distribution and are most highly developed in the west and south parts of the Dinan uplift in the area.The maturity of the source rocks varies greatly from one place to another.The highestmaturity ismainly located along the west part of the Dinan uplift and the northwest of theWucaiwan sag.While towards the south and the north of the area,the maturity presents a tendency ofdecreasing.A comprehensive analysis ofhydrocarbon reservoiring in the area is performed based on the thermal evolution of the source rocks and inclusion temperatures.The results indicate thathydrocarˉbons accumulated in different blocks at a certain sequence.Ranking according to the time of the first phase of accumulation,Wucaiwan is at the top of the list,followed by western Dinan,eastern Dinan,and finally northern Dinan.The distribution of hydrocarbons is controlled by the location and evolution of the source rocks aswell as the reservoiring sequence.

    G eochem ical characteristic comparison of crude oil samples from the western Qaidam Basin
    BAO Jian-Ping, ZHU Cui-Shan-,WANG Li-Qun
    2010, 31(3):  353-359.  doi:10.11743/ogg20100313
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    Crude oils produced from the oilfields in western Qaidam Basin are sourced from saline lacustrine faˉcies,thus they share certain geochem ical characteristics such as lower Pr/Ph ratio and predom inance of even carbon in normal alkanes.However,a comparison of the samples from the south and north parts of the western basin reveals that crude samples from the south part feature in an obvious nC 37 predom inance in normal alkanes,lower Pr/Ph ratio and high gammarcerane index,while those from the north part has no nC 37 predom inance in normal alkanes,but higher Pr/Ph ratio and lower gammacerane index,indicating differences in geochem ical characteristics of the source rocks between the two parts of the basin.It is noted that a negative correlation beˉtween nC 37 predom inance and Pr/Ph ratio,and a positive correlation between nC 37 predom inance and gammaceˉrance index couldmean that the nC 37 predom inance be related to the nature ofdepositional environment and that a strongly reduced and highly saline environment is themain factor causing an obvious nC 37 predom inance in the crude samples.

    Characteristics of fluid inclusions in reservoirs in the eighth m ember of the Shihezi Form ation and the firstm ember of the Shanxi Form ation in Uxin Ju area,the O rdos Basin and their significance
    LIU Xiao-Hong-,FENG Ming-You-,LUO Jing-Lan, LIN Tong
    2010, 31(3):  360-366,374.  doi:10.11743/ogg20100314
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    W ith methods such as ordinary m icroscopic observation,fluorescence m icroscopic observation,homoˉgeneous temperature and ice point temperaturemeasurement and LaserRoman spectroscopic analysis of composiˉtion,a systematic study is conducted on the geometry,temperature,salinity and compositions of the fluid incluˉsions in reservoirs in the eighth member of the Shihezi Formation and the firstmember of the Shanxi Formation in theUxin Ju area,Ordos Basin.The development conditions of autogeneticm inerals and the origin of secondary pores are also discussed.Three types of fluid inclusions are identified:saline water,hydrocarbon and CO 2 incluˉsions.According to the study,it is believed that the study area experienced two stages of fluids charging process.One stage was with low temperature and low salinity and the other stage was with high temperature and high salinity.Accompanying the two stages was two phases of hydrocarbon charging process:one with moderateˉlow maturity and the other onewith highmaturity.Combinedwith burialhistory,we believe thathydrocarbon charged the reservoirsmainly from the end ofMiddle Jurrassic to the end ofEarly Cretaceous.The organic acid and CO 2 generated during thematuration ofhydrocarbon are themain causes of secondary pore development in the sandˉstone reservoirs.Later tectonic thermal activities are favorable for the preservation of primary pores and the

    O rganic petrology of the Hongshuizhuang Form ation in northern North China
    QIN Jing, ZHONG Ning-Ning, QI Wen, ZHANG Yan-Qi, LUO Qing-Yong
    2010, 31(3):  367-374.  doi:10.11743/ogg20100315
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    The Hongshuizhuang Formation of the Jixian System in northernNorth China is a typical formation reˉlatively rich in organicmatter in theMesoproterozoic and theNeoproterozoic strata.ItsTOC can be up to13%-20%.Its features of lithologic cycle show that the Hongshuizhuang Formation shale was deposited in stagnant water bodywith weak horizontal circulation.And other characteristics such as organic carbon and sulfur content suggest that the formation contains highˉquality source rockswith large hydrocarbonˉgeneration potential.A study of the organic maceral characteristics of the formation indicates that theMesoproterozoic and the Neoproterozoic feature in single biotic formation,and that the organicmaceral compositions of theHongshuizhuang Formation are simple with alginite and sapropelinite debris in predom inance.The rapid increasing of alginite provide themateˉrial foundation for organic matter rich deposits.The discovery of provitrinite in the shale confirms the view that the provitrinite is of thallogen origin,providing an important clue for selecting thermal evolution parameters for the preˉDevonian marine strata.The existence of a large number of oil droplets in the shale cracks show that the organic matter of thallogen origin in theHongshuizhuang Formation had gone through effective hydrocarbon genˉeration and expulsion.The Hongshuizhuang Formation with an age over140Ma is the oldest organic rich deposˉits discovered so far in China that had experienced effective hydrocarbon expulsion.

    Crude features and origins of the Neogene heavy oil reservoirs in the BohaiBay
    GUO Yong-Hua, ZHOU Xin-Huai, LI Jian-Ping, LING Yan-Xi, YANG Jun-Min
    2010, 31(3):  375-380,385.  doi:10.11743/ogg20100316
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    During the past10years,a number of oil/gas fields of various scale and oil/gasˉbearing structures have been found in the Neogene of the Bohai Bay.The initial oil in place is as high as2billion cubic meters.Most of them are heavy oil fields.A detailed research of these fields gives the following conclusions.(1)The distribution of these heavy oil reservoirs is in apparent negative correlation with their burial depth.Their lower lim it ofoccurrence is at about2000m.(2)The crude samples from these reservoirs are high in density,viscosiˉty(inˉsitu oil viscositywithin70-500mPa•s)and bitumenˉcolloid content(a key factor controlling viscosiˉty),but low in freezing point and gas oil ratio.(3)Oilwasmainly generated by the sources rocks of the Palaeoˉgene Shahejie Formation in the hydrocarbon kitchen.In some areas,source rocks in the third member of the Palaeogene Dongying Formation also contributed some oil to the reservoirs.The generated oilm igrated upwards to and accumulated in the reservoirs above the source rocks.These reservoirs feature in active faulting,late pooˉling,multipleˉstage charging,and m icrobiological degradation.(4)Crude density and viscosity are relatively low at the top of these reservoirs and near them igration paths,a phenomenon closely related to late oil charging and oxidation ofwater bodies at the bottom of the reservoirs.

    G as accumulations and distribution features in the south of the Changling fault depression in the Songliao Basin
    Xie- Chen, HU Chun-Xin
    2010, 31(3):  381-385.  doi:10.11743/ogg20100317
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    Three sets of source rocks,namely the Yingcheng Formation,Shahezi Formation,and Huoshiling Forˉmation,occur in the south of the Changling faultdepression in the Songliao Basin.Among them,the ShaheziForˉmation shale with high TOC is considered to be themajor source rocks in the area.It ismainly distributed in inˉdependent subˉsag being strongly compartmentalized.The hydrocarbon kitchen controls the distribution of gas reservoirs and the hydrocarbonˉgeneration potential controls the fullness of gas reservoirs.Gas reservoirs in the area feature in multiˉstage hydrocarbon charging and late carbon dioxide charging.It is suggested that the front row structures and lithological traps near the hydrocarbon kitchen are the potential targets for gas exploration.

    Influence ofNeotectonics on hydrocarbon generation in the Paleogene source rocks of the northern Dongpu Depression and its implications for the form ing of oil/gas pools in shallow strata
    FAN Chang-Yu, WANG Zhen-Liang, LI Ping
    2010, 31(3):  386-392.  doi:10.11743/ogg20100318
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    Since the Paleogene,the Dongpu depression has experienced two stages of tectonic movements,at the end of sedimentation of the Dongying Formation and in the late period of sedimentation of the Minghuazhen Formation respectively.These tectonic movements putgreat influence on hydrocarbon generation of the deepˉburied source rocks and the forming ofoil/gas pools in shallow strata.On the basis ofburialhistory reconstruction and previous studies on thermal evolution,we reconstruct the hydrocarbon generation history of source rocks in the thirdmember of the Shaheˉjie Formation since Paleogene,discuss the influence of tectonicmovements on hydrocarbon generation of source rocks in the thirdmember of the Shahejie Formation and analyze its implications for the forming of oil/gas pools in shallow strata.According to the results,it is believed that(i)the great strength of the DongyingMovement restrained and delayed hydrocarbon generation of the deepˉburied source rocks,which led to the massive hydrocarbon generation after the DongyingMovement;(ii)the DongyingMovement preserved the hydrocarbon generation potential of the deepˉburied source rocks,which laid foundations for secondary hydrocarbon generation when the source rocks were buried deeper and the forming of oil/gas pools in the late period of sedimentation of theMinghuazhen Formation.