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    28 October 2010, Volume 31 Issue 5
    Key challenges and research m ethods of petroleum exploration in the deep of superimposed basins in western
    2010, 31(5):  517-534.  doi:10.11743/ogg20100501
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    Based on comprehensive knowledge of deep reservoirs all over the world and petroleum geological features of superimposed basins in western China,this paper recognizes three key challenges of petroleum exploration in the deep of superimposed basins in western China.The first challenge is thathydrocarbons generated inmulti-phasesm ix together and their origins are not clear,making ithard to select leads.The second challenge is that fractures and dissolved pores/cavities m ix together in reservoirs and their origins are unclear,making ithard to predict favorable plays.The third challenge is thatphases ofhydrocarbon vary greatly and the distribution of hydrocarbon is influenced by high pressure and temperature,low porosity and permeability and several driving forces ofm igration,making it difficult to predict exploration targets using existing pool-form ing theories.Therefore,to accelerate hydrocarbon exploration in the deep of superimposed basins in western China,we have to find answers to three key issues:(i)multistage tectonic overprinting and deep hydrocarbon  generation and evolution;(ii)developmentmechanism and pattern of deep effective reservoirs;(iii)composite pool-form ingmechanism and accumulation pattern ofhydrocarbons in deep strata.It is suggested to adopt a research method that integrates forward modeling with inversion analysis of hydrocarbon accumulation process and a technical route of“geological condition-mechanism pattern of hydrocarbon accumulation”.Tarim Basin and Junggar Basin can be choosen as the focus of study as they have the greatest deep petroleum resource potential.It is expected to develop theories on composite hydrocarbon accumulation in the deep of superimposed basins in western China and supporting techniques to predicthydrocarbon distribution.These new theorieswill promote hydrocarbon exploration and fast reserve growth in the deep ofwestern China basins. Keywords:hydrocarbon distribution pattern,hydrocarbon accumulation,deep hydrocarbon exploration,superimposed basin in China

    Studies of depositional system s and sequence stratigraphy: the present and the future
    2010, 31(5):  535-541.  doi:10.11743/ogg20100502
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    This paper discusses the present status and the trend ofdomestic and international studies of sequence stratigraphy and depositional systems and presents relevant theories and basic concepts.The trend of sequence stratigraphywill be standardization of research approaches and specification of studied areas for application.In particular,the studies of deepwater sequences and carbonate sequences and sequence simulation should be strengthened.Studies of depositional systems should shift from static description to dynam ic simulation and from macroscopic analysis to m icroscopic characterization.Reconstruction of depositional processes will be strengthened,and depositional systemswill bemapped in amore standard and fine synchronic sequence framework,so as to provide more reliable foundations for petroleum exploration.

    Sequence stratigraphy and sedim entary evolution of Es 1 in D iannan area of the Jizhong Depression
    2010, 31(5):  542-551.  doi:10.11743/ogg20100503
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    Based on an integration of core,drilling,logging and seism ic data,the paper performs sequence stratigraphic division of the firstmember of the Eogene Shahejie Formation(Es 1 )in the Diannan area of JizhongDepression and constructs an isochronal sequence stratigraphic correlation framework with one system tract as a unit.One third-order sequence is recognized in Es 1 ,and it can be subdivided into a lowstand,a lake transgression and a highstand systems tractbased on the stratigraphic superimposition patterns aswell as its lithologic and lithofacies changes.The construction of the isochronous stratigraphic framework shed light on the analysis of composition,evolution and distribution pattern of its sedimentary facies.The result indicates that the Es 1 is dom inated by delta and lacustrine facies.

    An isochronous stratigraphic correlation of the Shahejie Form ation in the periphery of the Bodong buried hill in the Dongying Sag,the Bohai Bay Basin
    2010, 31(5):  552-560.  doi:10.11743/ogg20100504
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    The Paleogene Shahejie Formation in the periphery of the Bodong buried hill of the Dongying Sag,the Bohai Bay Basin,features in large variation of thickness and subtle lithologic and electric markers,challenging stratigraphic correlation and division.Based on an analysis of regional geological background,an application of standard seism ic reflectors and analyses ofpaleontology and seism ic unconform ity,the paper accurately identifies layer boundaries and establishes an isochronostratigraphic framework by using lithologic and electric property identification methods.It presents an isochronostratigraphic correlation method known as“standard seism ic reflector introduction multiple factor constraint”.The Shahejie Formation is well developed in the study area and six thirdˉorder sequences are recognized.Development of the Bodong buried hill had the greatest influence over the deposition of the fourth member the lower part of the third member of the Formation,but had only a m inor effect upon the sedimentation of the upper part of the second member and its overlaying layers.

    Application of sequence biostratigraphy in the Qaidam Basin and its prospects
    2010, 31(5):  561-566.  doi:10.11743/ogg20100505
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    An integration of high resolution sequence stratigraphic and sequence biostratigraphic analysis ofwell logs allows the recognition of a distinctive sequence biostratigraphic unit from theNeogene Shangyoushashan Formation of the wellXiandong-1and the wellXiandong-8in western Qaidam Basin,NW China.The unit is distinguished from the Xiayoushashan Formation in the samewell of the same area and is used as a boundarymarker.Two comparable sequence biostratigraphic units are also recognized from the lowerPaleogene Xiaganchaigou Formation in the Hongliuquan Yuejin area of the basin.Sequence biostratigraphic correlations show that the top boundary of the remarkable“red bed”in the lowerXiaganchaigou Formation gets younger eastwards,indicating an eastward lake expansion following fluctuations of base-level cycle.In theWunan area of the basin,a sequence biostratigraphic framework is constructed under the constraint of characteristic fossils by integrating sequence biostratigraphic unitswith seism ic stratigraphy,providing standards for regional stratigraphic division and correlations in southwestern Qaidam Basin.Accordingly,the integration of biostratigraphy,seism ic stratigraphy and highˉresolution sequence stratigraphy is a powerful approach in sequence biostratigraphic study and establishing regional isochronous stratigraphic frameworks.

    Sedim entary features and evolution of the Dongying Form ation in the tidal area of the L iaohe Basin
    2010, 31(5):  567-575.  doi:10.11743/ogg20100506
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    An analysiswas carried out on the sedimentary features of the Paleogene Dongying Formation in the tidal area ofLiaohe Basin based on core,drilling and seism ic data aswell asmodern sedimentology concepts and methods.Six sedimentation types are identified in the Dongying Formation in the tidal area,namely fan delta,braided delta,delta,lake,beach bar and sublacustrine fan.The temporal and spatial distribution as well as the evolutionary features of the sedimentary system in the Formation was controlled by the structural background and lake level variation.The third member of the Formation was deposited in the early stage of lake expansion when the basin was experiencing themost intense subsidence.The sedimentary facies are dom inated by fan delta,braided delta and sublacustrine fan.The second member was formed during the lake expansion when the tectonic movementweakened and the lake basin was shallower.Sedimentary facies during the time were mainly braided delta and shallow lake-beach bar.The firstmemberwas deposited during lake shrinking and braided delta dom inated except for shallow lake-beach bar in local deep sags.

    Sedim entary characteristics and m odels of shallowˉwater delta deposits in the second m ember of the Shahejie Form ation in the Chezhen Sag, the Jiyang Depression
    2010, 31(5):  576-582.  doi:10.11743/ogg20100507
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    Shallow-water delta depositswere generally developed during the sedimentation of the second member of the Shahejie Formation in the Chezheng sag of Jiyang Depression with a relatively flat topography.A systematic study of the sedimentary characteristics and models of these delta depositswas performed by integrating core observation and relevant testdatawith logging data.The shallow-water delta front subfacies dom inates the second member of the Formation and can be divided into the inner front and the outer front.It is characterized by large width of facies belt,highly developed underwater distributary channel and largescale distribution of sheet-like sandbody.The shallow-water delta sandbodies are dom inated by medium-to-fine sandstone,siltstone/fine sandstone and siltymudstone.The grain size probability curves present patterns of“rolling+skip+suspension”,“1skip+1suspension”and“2skip+1suspension”.Several types of sedimentary structures were developed,including various fluviatile beddings and wave beddings and marks aswell as bioturbation.

    Provenance system s and their control on the sedim entation of the upper Es 4 in Guangli area of the Dongying Sag,the Bohai Bay Basin
    2010, 31(5):  583-593.  doi:10.11743/ogg20100508
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    According to analyses of rock component,element geochem istry and sandy net-to-gross ratio,two provenance systems,namely the southern one and the northeastern one,are believed to exist during the sedimentaˉtion of the upper4 th member ofEocene Shahejie Formation(Es 4 )in Guangli area ofDongying Sag,the BohaiBay Basin and they controlled the genetic types and distribution of sandbodies.In the early period of the sedimentation of the upperEs 4 ,the south provenance predom inated,and there developed meander river delta and shallow lake-beach bars.While in the late period the sedimentation of the upperEs 4 ,the northeast provenance predom inated,and there developed braided river delta and fan delta.In the m iddle period of the sedimentation of the upperEs 4 ,the two provenance systems coexisted,and there developed sandbodies ofmultiple genetic typeswith alternating gravity flow deposits and traction currentdeposits.Beach bars resulted from modification of longshore current at the delta front should be important targets for further exploration.Exploration of lithologic structural combination traps of beach bars types should be strengthened.

    Types and oil potential of gravity flow sandbodies in the m iddle Es 3 of Dongxin oilfield,the Bohai Bay Basin
    2010, 31(5):  594-601.  doi:10.11743/ogg20100509
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    Gravity flow depositswere widely developed in deep and sem ideep lakes during the deposition of the m iddle Es 3 in the Dongxin area,the Bohai Bay Basin.An integrated analysis on core,logging and seism ic data reveals that the gravity flow deposits can be classified into four types of sandbody,namely they are slope cumulate complex associated with delta front slump,slump turbidite fan,distal turbidite,and subaquaceous debris flow deposits of flood origin.A gravity flow sedimentarymodelwas also built up for the area.Oil potentials of various types of sandbodies are analyzed based on comparative studies of oil source,physical properties and trap conditions in the area.It is pointed out that oil potentials of slump turbidite fans and parts of the distal turbidite are higher than that of slope cumulate complex and subaquaceous debris flow.

    Provenance system s and their control over sandbodies in the upper Es 4 of the Shengtuo area in the Dongying Sag,the Bohai Bay Basin
    2010, 31(5):  602-609.  doi:10.11743/ogg20100510
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    An analysis of the provenances and sandbody types of the upper4 th member of Eogene Shahejie Formation(Es 4 )in the Shengtuo area of the Dongying Sag,the BohaiBay Basin was carried out based on an integration of seism ic,logging and geochem ical data,a paleogeomorphologic analysis,and a study of lithic fragment assemblage,ratio of characteristic elements and net-to-gross ratio.The results indicate that there were two different provenance systems during the deposition of the upper Es 4 :one on the upthrow of the Tuo94fault and the other on the upthrow of the Shengbei fault.Controlled by these two systems,various types of sandbodieswere developed in the area,including nearshore subaqueous fan,sublacustrine fan and channel turbidite.The nearshore subaqueous fansmainly occur on the downthrow of the Chennan fault,the sublacustrine fansmainly occur on the downthrows of the Tuo94fault and the ShengbeiFault,while the channel turbidites occur in the trough along the Shengbei fault.It is suggested that the braided channel sandbodies and channel turbidite have the bestporoperm characteristics,and their reservoir space is composed of fractures and dissolved pores.Therefore,the braided channel is a favorable facies belt for oil and gas accumulation.

    L itho-paleogeographic evolution in theM iddleˉLate Triassic in western Sichuan Province and its significance for petroleum exploration
    2010, 31(5):  610-619.  doi:10.11743/ogg20100511
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    During the Middle and Late Triassic,western Sichuan Province experienced a transform ing process from marine facies,transitional facies,to continental facies.Most source rocks and reservoir rocks developed during that period.Based on drilling and outcrop data and regional geological characteristics,this paper exam ines its lithoˉpaleogeographic features and evolution.During the deposition of the Leikoupo Formation to theMa’an-tang Formation,from west to east,the sedimentary environmentwas deepwater basin,platform margin and platˉform.The high energy platform edge shoal/reef facies and intraplatform shoal facies are favorable targets for petroleum exploration.During the deposition of the2 nd member and the3 rd member of the Xujiahe Formation,itwas a marineˉterrestrial transitional setting with delta deposits.Several m icrofacies,such as delta plain distributary channels,delta front subaqueous distributary channels and mouth bars,are favorable for the development of reservoirs.They have been the main exploration targets in recent years.The AnxianMovement,which occurred at the end ofdeposition of the3 rd member of the Xujiahe Formation,is a key point for the transition ofmarine facies to terrestrial facies in western Sichuan Province.At that time,the Longmen Mountain area was folded to mountains completely and the whole Sichuan Basin was turned into a continental sedimentary environment.During the deposition of the4 th member and the5 th member of the Xujiahe Formation,western Sichuan Provincewas dom inated by fluvial fans,lacustrine deltas and lake systems.By systematically exam ining theMiddle-Late Triassic litho-paleogeographic framework and evolution in western Sichuan Province,we can further check our exploˉration and appraisal approaches,analyze exploration strategies and figure outmain exploration targets,so as to guide exploration in future.

    Assemblage types and genetic m odels of the Shanxi sandbodies in Daniudi gasfield,the O rdos Basin
    2010, 31(5):  632-639.  doi:10.11743/ogg20100512
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    According to core and logging data,this paper examines the origins and assemblage types of sandbodies in the Permian Shanxi Formation in Daniudi gasfield,the Ordos Basin.We believe that the genetic types of sand-bodies in the Shanxi Formation include underwater distributary channel sands,mouth bar sands,distal bar sands and sheet-like sands.The Shanxi Formation consists of4types of braided river delta front sandbody assemblages,including superimposed and scoured underwater distributary channel sands,overlappedmouth bars,underwater distributary water-mouth bar sands and distal bar sands sheet-like sands.Ways and volume of sediment input and change of accommodation are the key factors that control the temperal and spatial distribution patterns of sandbody assemblages of different genetic types during the deposition of the ShanxiFormation in Daniudi gasfield.Based on these results,we set up two geneticmodelss of sandbodies for the study area,one being prograding accommodation decreasingmodel and the other being retrograding accommodation enlargingmodel.It is proposed thatunderwater distributary channel sands and distributarymouth bar sands are the potential exploration targets in the ShanxiFormation.

    Structural evolution and distribution of paleokarst reservoirs in the O rdos Basin
    2010, 31(5):  640-647.  doi:10.11743/ogg20100513
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    Using residual thickness method,paleoˉtectonic features during different periods are recovered in Ordos Basin.Taking karst reservoirs in the Ordovician as an example,this paper also discusses the influence of paleoˉtectonic evolutionary process on the development of karst reservoirs.In the Ordovician,the paleotectonics ofOrdos Basin features in one high between an eastern lowwith gentle slope and awestern lowwith steep slope.Dolom itewith gypsum deposited on the eastern gentle slope,and provided amaterial basis for the developmentof paleokarst reservoirs.After the Ordovician,there was a hiatus about1.3×10 12 years and the previous tectonics was inherited.From a paleogeomorphic pointofview,the eastern slope of the central paleohigh belongs to a karst slope where concentrated water flow and active throughflow provided favorable conditions for the development of karst reservoirs ofweathering crust type.From the Carboniferous Benxi period when deposition renewed to the Early-Middle Triassic,the erosion surface on top of the Ordovician keptprevious paleotectonic features.The paleohigh is believed to be favorable destinations for subsurface active fluids.The slope zones,which experienced karsitification ofweathering crusts earlier,are favorable for the development of burial karsitification.

    An analysis on the provenance of the Neogene Shawan Form ation in the ChepaiziUplift of the Junggar Basin
    2010, 31(5):  648-655.  doi:10.11743/ogg20100514
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    Seism ic,drilling,logging and test data are integrated to systematically study the provenances and paleocurrentdirection through analysis ofpaleogeomorphology,net-to-gross ratio,stratigraphic dip and lithic components for the Shawan Formation of the Chepaizi uplift in Junggar Basin.The result indicates that there are two major provenances,one in the northwest and the other in the northeast.The early provenancewas developed early and controlled the near S-N distribution of the sandbodies.Later itm igrated eastwards,mainly northeastwards,and controlled the NE-SW distribution of sandbodies.

    Relationship between authigenic m inerals and porosity in the deep Paleogene form ations of the Jiyang Depression
    2010, 31(5):  656-663.  doi:10.11743/ogg20100515
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    Measures as thinˉsection analysis,claym ineral X-ray diffraction,vitrinite reflection and physical proˉperty analysis of oil layer,combined with the results of a regional petroleum geological study,were applied to the research of the relationship between authigenic m inerals and secondary porosity of the deep clastic reservoirs in the3 rd and4 th members of the Paleogene Shahejie Formation in Jiyang Depression.The result shows that,for the3 rd member,the secondary porosity of the depth intervalwithin3150-3600m are related to the dissolution of acid-soluble components such as carbonatem inerals,while thatwithin4250-4500m are formed by dissolution of alkali-soluble components.In contrast,for the4 th member,the secondary porosity of the depth intervalswithin3350-3600,3950-4200and4500-4900m are formedmainly by dissolution of acid-solublem inerals,and those within5600-5700m are connected with dissolution of alkali-soluble components.For the depth interval of4400-4700m in Chezhen sag,the low content of kaolinite and high content of ledikite coincide wellwith high secondary porosity.For the deep layers in northern Dongying sag and Bonan sag,high content of chlorite coincide relativelywellwith high secondary porosity and present amutualwaning and waxing relationship with the ledikite content.For the depth interval of3500-4800m in the Bonan sag,there is an abnormal clay mineral transforming zone,and high I/S ratios coincide relativelywellwith an abrupt increasing of chlorite and high secˉondary porosity.

    Differences of geological conditions of hydrocarbon accumulation am ong fields in the L iaoxi Low Uplift,the L iaodong Bay
    2010, 31(5):  664-670.  doi:10.11743/ogg20100516
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    Based on comprehensive analyses of reservoir features,source rocks and carrier systems,this paper summarizes differences ofhydrocarbon accumulation among threem iddle and large oilfields(the JZ20-2,JZ25-1S and SZ36-1oilfields)in the Liaoxi Low Uplift,the Liaodong Bay area.For the JZ20-2oilfield,the hydrocarbon accumulation pattern is singlem igration direction and double sources.Separated by the regional overpressure cap rocks consisting of the lower part of the2 nd member and the3 rd member of the Dongying Formation,the upper oil pool in the Dongying Formation has normal pressure and its hydrocarbonswere generated by source rocks in the3 rd member of the Dongying Formation in the northern Liaozhong subsag,andm igrated along the delta sandbodies in the2 nd member of the Dongying Formation,while the lower condensate gas pool in the Shahejie Formation and buried hill has overpressure and the hydrocarbons were generated by source rocks in the Shahejie Formation in the northern Liaozhong subsag and m igrated along unconform ities.For the JZ25-1S oilfield,the hydrocarbon accumulation pattern is doublem igration direction and m ixed sources.Hydrocarbons sourced from the Liaoxi sag m igrated vertically to the Liaoxi low uplift along the Liaoxi-1and Liaoxi-2boundary faults,and hydrocarbons sourced from the Liaozhong sag m igrated laterally along unconform ities and sandbodies in the eastern slope. Finally,these hydrocarbonsm ixed and accumulated in the sandstone of the2 nd member of the Shahejie Formation in the JZ25-1S structure and the reservoirs in Archaeozoic buried hills.For the SZ36-1oilfield,hydrocarbon accumulation pattern is single m igration direction and single source.Hydrocarbon sourced from the southern Liaozhong subsagm igrated in large scale and long distance along the faults connecting source rocks and reservoirs and delta sandbodies to sandstones in the2 nd member of the Dongying Formation in the SZ36-1structure.

    D istribution,geom etry and hydrodynam ic m echanism of tidal sand ridges in the Zhujiang Form ation,the western Zhujiangkou Basin
    2010, 31(5):  671-677.  doi:10.11743/ogg20100517
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    An integration of seism ic,drilling and logging datawith sequence stratigraphic theories reveals that the oil-bearing argillaceous siltstones of low-resistivity at the upper part of the firstmember of the Zhujiang Formation in western Zhujiangkou Basin are tidal sand ridges.This paper studies their geometry and planar distribution,and discusses their hydrodynam ic features and form ingmechanism.Four stages ofwater channels are identified in the upper part of the firstmember of the Zhujiang Formation,and their distribution aswell as logging and seism ic characteristics are also analyzed.It is suggested that there are two kinds of potential subtle traps:intrachannel tidal sand ridge structural-stratigraphic traps and channel lateral-sealing structural-stratigraphic traps.

    Logging evaluation of perm eability ofmulticyclic carbonate rock reservoirs in theM iddle Sichuan Basin
    2010, 31(5):  678-674.  doi:10.11743/ogg20100518
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    Taking multicyclic carbonate reservoirs in the2 nd interval of the2 nd member of the Lower Triassic Jialingjiang Formation in theMoxi gas field as an example,and from the perspective ofm icroscopic pore-throat structure and reservoir genesis,this paper puts forward a geology-constrained logging evaluation method of permeability based on experimental data such as core observation,physical property analysis,mercury penetration,cast and electron scanningm icroscope.Various logging interpretationmodels ofpermeability are setup according to different lithologies and pore-throat structures.Practical application shows that permeability obtained with this method correlateswellwith core analysis and can accurately characterize permeability ofmulticyclic carbonate reservoirswith great heterogeneity.This new method provides another reliable tool for reservoir evaluation.

    Application of particle swarm optim ization-based BP neural network to multiˉattribute fusion techniques
    2010, 31(5):  685-688.  doi:10.11743/ogg20100519
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    Constrained by factors such as quality of seism ic data,lithology and structures,single seism ic attribute can only be used to predict reservoirs to a certain extent and there aremultiple possibilities.Through calibrating seism ic attributeswith well data,seism ic attribute fusion techniques can correlate oil/gas potentialwith seism ic attributes.For oil/gas potential prediction of reservoirs,mathematics-based multi-attribute fusion can avoid the ambiguity of single attribute reservoir interpretation.Back propagation(BP)neural network is very good at nonlinear fitting,but it is easy to get a localm inimum without convergence,influencing the accuracy of prediction.To solve this problem,particle swarm is adopted first to optim ize the network weight and threshold,and BP neural network is then used to differentiate reservoirs and nonreservoirs.The results are satisfactory.