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    28 April 2011, Volume 32 Issue 2
    Hydrocarbon accumulation system of the Mesozoic in Zhenjing oilfield, the Ordos Basin
    2011, 32(2):  157-164.  doi:10.11743/ogg20110201
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    Abstract: The Mesozoic reservoirs of the Zhenjing area on the southwestern edge of the Ordos Basin feature in large tightness, low permeability, low abundance and large reserves. They possess huge exploration potentials which have been evidenced by several highyield wells penetrating these reservoirs. The Zhenjing area now has become one of the main areas for reserve replacement of SINOPEC. Through the analysis of source rocks, physical properties of reservoirs, trap features, diagenesis and characteristics of mudstone compaction, it is believed that tectonism resulted in the changes of diagenetic paths and overpressure distribution, and hereby the variaty of reservoir types. As a result, the Mesozoic hydrocarbon accumulation mechanism varies distinctively in different layers. In this paper, dynamic mechanisms of hydrocarbon accumulation in the Yan'an and Yanchang formations are classified into three types, namely the indigeneous highpressure enclosed type, the indegeneous lowpressure semienclosed type, and the distal normalpressure open type. For the indigeneous highpressure enclosed type, exploration should be focused on searching for highlyefficient reservoirs, while for the indegeneous lowpressure semienclosed type, clastic paleoweathering crust should be the focus of exploration. As for the distal normalpressure open type, the major exploration targets are differential compaction anticlines associated with paleogeomorphology. 

    Discussion on the main controlling factors of Mobei oil/gas reservoirs in the Junggar Basin
    2011, 32(2):  165-174,191.  doi:10.11743/ogg20110202
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    Abstract: This paper studies the main factors influencing reserve growth, of the Mobei oil/gas reservoir. Many oil/gas layers were not identified during the early exploration period due to several reasons. The first is that no effective measures were applied to protect the oil/gas layers with low permeability and porosity and strong sensitivity. The second is that the low permeability and porosity and high clay content lowered the accuracy of log interpretation. After eliminating the impacts of lithology, physical properties and other factors on logging evaluation of oil/gas reservoirs, we established board charts to evaluate the reservoir properly. Based on this, we found 36 new oil/gas layers being neglected before in well 26. The Yanshan arc fault acts as the lateral seal for the interbeded sandstone and shale reservoirs in the 2nd member of the Lower Jurassic Sangonghe Formation. As the large-bin seismic data acquired before cannot meet the requirements of identification and fine description of small faults, the new high resolution 3D seismic data were used to delineate the sandbodies and arc fault through prestack depth migration, reservoir prediction and variable velocity mapping under an isochronous sequence framework. The coupling of favorable sedimentary microfacies with the arc fault in the directions of hydrocarbon migration and accumulation can result in the formation of favorable plays. Therefore, reserve growth can be realized through reperforming formation test in old wells and drilling new wells. The reserves of Mobei oil/gas reservoir grow by near 3 fold after this method was applied. It also can be used in similar oil/gas fields. 

    Characteristics and poolforming patterns of the Triassic immature oil in Wenmingzhai area, the Dongpu Depression
    2011, 32(2):  175-181,228.  doi:10.11743/ogg20110203
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    Abstract: Experimental analyses of group composition, carbon isotope and saturated hydrocarbon chromatogrammass spectrum were carried out on the crude oil and oil sand extract samples from the Triassic in Wenmingzhai area and the source rocks in the lower 3rd member of Shahejie Formation in Puwei area, Dongpu depression. The saturated hydrocarbon content of the crude oil and oil sand extract is in the range from 39.44% to 51.01%. Their carbon isotope of group composition ranges from-28.92‰ to-26.54‰ (PDB), and the fractionation effect of the carbon isotope among aromatic hydrocarbon, nonhydrocarbon and asphaltenes is relatively insignificant. The Pr/Ph ratio is less than 0.5, indicating the predominance of Phytane. The values of sterane C29 20R/(20R+20S) and C29 αββ / (ααα+αββ) are 0.29-0.34 and 0.25-0.34 respectively. The C27content is slightly predominant in the sterane’s series, while the diasteranes content is extremely low. The gammacerance content is relatively high and the gammacerance to C30 hopanes ratio is 0.70-0.81, indicating the geochemical characteristics of immature oil formed in a sedimentary environment with high water salinity. Oilsource correlation reveals that the immature oil in the Triassic reservoirs in Wenmingzhai area are sourced from the mudstone in the 3rd and 4th members of Shahejie Formation in Puwei area. The poolforming pattern is that hydrocarbons generated by young source rocks accumulate in old reservoirs.

    Characteristics of fluid inclusions and reservoiring phases in the Yanchang Formation of Zichang area, the Ordos Basin
    2011, 32(2):  182-191.  doi:10.11743/ogg20110204
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    Abstract: The main diagenetic types of sandstone reservoirs in the Yanchang Formation of Zichang area, the Ordos Basin, include compaction, cementation, disolution and fracturing. The diagenetic authigenic minerals are dominated by chlorite, authigenetic quartz and calcite. Two different phases of hydrocarbon inclusions have been identified according to the formation time series of the host diagenetic minerals. The hydrocarbon inclusions formed in the first phase mainly occur in the dissolution pores of quartz and feldspar or along earlyhealed fractures, and are coated by quartz or feldspar overgrowth. The hydrocarbon inclusions formed in the second phase are distributed along the lateformed fractures or in sparry calcite cement. The late fractures cut the early fractures or the quartz overgrowth, and go beyond the grain contact. The homogenization temperature of the paragenetic brine inclusions of hydrocarbons has two peaks at 90-105℃ and 105-120℃ respectively. Analysis of salinity and density of the two generations of fluid inclusions reveal that the oil/gas reservoirs in the Yanchang Formation were formed continuously in one stage. The test data of fluid inclusions and illitic K-Ar isotope dating and the thermal history show that late Early Cretaceous (100-120Ma) is the main hydrocarbon accumulation period in Zichang area, the Ordos Basin.

    Control of fault system on hydrocarbon accumulation in Nanpu Sag, the Bohai Bay Basin
    2011, 32(2):  192-198,206.  doi:10.11743/ogg20110205
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    Abstract: Nanpu Sag has well developed faults, yet the relationship between the faults and abundant oil and gas is not clear in the study area. The paper studied the basic characteristics of faults through seismic interpretations of structures and statistical analysis of the fault distribution. On this basis and combing with the conditions of trap, reservoir and hydrocarbon migration, the paper researched the controlling effects of the faults on the oil and gas accumulation in Nanpu Sag. The results indicate that the majority of the faults trending NEE or NE in the Nanpu Sag, showing structural styles such as “flat and ramp style”, “listric style” and “domino style” and so on in the section. The faults within the Nanpu Sag can be classified into three orders, with the firstand secondorder faults being developed in the Paleogene. The first order faults control the formation of the sag and are characterized by the earliest development, long duration and strong intensity. The secondorder faults control the local structures, and were developed later than the firstorder faults. The thirdorder faults are mostly secondary faults formed since the Neogene with weak intensity. Unique petroleum geological conditions occur in the study area due to the control of faults of different orders. The controlling effects of the fault system on hydrocarbon accumulation are represented in three aspects, that is, the occurrence of faults benefits for the formation of various types of traps, the fractures caused by faults enlarge the reservoir space for oil and gas accumulation, the diversity of sealing ability of faults prompts hydrocarbons to migrate from the deep to shallow reservoirs where they accumulate.

    Main controlling factors of the Ordovician carbonate reservoirs in Tazhong area, the Tarim Basin
    2011, 32(2):  199-206.  doi:10.11743/ogg20110206
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    Abstract: By using the physical properties and core observation, this paper compares their reservoir qualities and characteristics of reservoir spaces in the study area. The main factors controlling the development of highquality reservoirs are also discussed based on study of the lateral and vertical distribution of reservoirs and the occurrence of oil, gas and water. The reefshoal complex reservoirs of the Upper Ordovician are significantly controlled by sedimentary facies belts and faults, thus show obvious characteristics of occurring at certain horizons and segmentation. In contrast, the karstweathering crust reservoirs of the Lower Ordovician are mainly controlled by faults and karstification along unconformities. They mainly occur within 40-200m under the unconformity, and show obvious layering features. A comprehensive comparison of these two kinds of quality reservoirs indicates that both of them feature in “lateral connection and vertical superimposition” and are similar in reservoir quality, though their major controlling factors are different. Moreover, the quality carbonate reservoirs are developed under the dual control of sedimentation and modification. The western platform as well as the subsidiary karst upland and upslope in the inner fault zoneⅠ in Tazhong area have favorable conditions for the development of highquality carbonate reservoirs, thus are play fairways.

    Seismic reservoir prediction and exploration prospect analysis of shallow gas reservoirs in the Qujing Basin, Yunnan province
    2011, 32(2):  207-213.  doi:10.11743/ogg20110207
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    The gas reservoir of Ciying Formation in Qujing basin is a typical lithologic gas reservoir with supershallow burial depth of 300~450 m. The major reservoir has high porosity and moderate permeability, and its lithology is mediumfine sandstone in point bar of delta plain facies and shows very rapid lateral change. As no specific seismic reservoir prediction technologies are available before, success rate of exploration and development was low. Based on analyses of reservoir physical properties and wave impedance characteristics, forward modeling and seismic response, we established a reservoir prediction model, i.e., mound or lenticular low frequency strong wave trough impedance and low impedance. It was successfully used to predict the distribution of favorable sedimentary facies through analyses of seismic facies and seismic attribute. The interpretation traps of mudstone and coal seam were effectively eliminated. By AVO analyses and multiwavelet decomposition, a gas reservoir identification model, i.e., typeⅢ AVO, strong low frequency and weak highfrequency was built and applied to predict the distribution of gas reservoirs. The reservoir and gas potential prediction results are integrated to comprehensively evaluate lithologic traps. Several favorable lithologic traps are discovered and successfully verified by drilling, significantly improving exploration success rate. The Neogene basins are widely distributed in Yunnan Province and have great exploration potentials, but are still underexplored by now. The technique of seismic reservoir prediction can be applied for exploration and development of similar gas reservoirs.

    High resolution sequence stratigraphy and reservoir prediction of northern Wuerxun Sag, the Hailar Basin
    2011, 32(2):  214-221,228.  doi:10.11743/ogg20110208
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    Abstract: The reservoir types are unclear in the northern Wuerxun Sag, the Hailar Basin, due to the complex fractures and various sedimentary genetic types. Based on the core, seismic and logging data, a high resolution sequence framework was established through the identification and comparison of key boundaries of the main oilbearing formations, i.e. the second member of Nantun Formation (K1n2) and the first member of Damoguaihe Formation (K1d1). The pay zones cross two thirdorder sequence boundaries in the Su131 and Su 102 faultblock reservoirs. The main reservoir is the lowsystemtract slumped turbidite located at the bottom of the thirdorder sequence instead of the fandelta front sand body located at the top of thirdorder sequence. Based on redefinition of the sequencestratigraphic position of the main pay zone and analysis of reservoir genetic types, it is proposed that the reservoir in the northern Wuerxun Sag is of structurallithologic type. In addition, the temporal and spatial distribution of sand units is analyzed. These understandings lay a solid basis for further development and extension of the oilfield.

    Recognition of sedimentary cycles of sandbodies in steepslope zones of continental rifted basins—a case study of middleshallow horizons in the northern Chexi Subsag of the Jiyang Depression
    2011, 32(2):  222-228.  doi:10.11743/ogg20110209
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    In order to solve the problem of sedimentary cycle recognition of the middleshallow sandbodies in the northern Chexi Subsag, we proposed a geologic and seismicconstrained sedimentary cycle description method by using the Milankovitch cycle theory and wavelet transformation with well logging, constrained. Spectrum analysis of well logs shows that sedimentary cycle of sandbodies in Dongying Formation in the northern Chexi Subsag was controlled by the Milankovitch cycle. The fourth and fifthorder sequences were controlled by the cycle of 4040 ka eccentricity and 536 ka dip of earth’s axis, which is the foundation of the division and correlation of sandbody sedimentary cycle. According to the theories of Milankovitch cycle and wavelet transformation, we identified 8-10 small sedimentary fans vertically in the sandbodies of the Dongying Formation in the northern Chexi Subsag. The results show that analyses of high frequency cycles by using the Milankovitch cycle and wavelet transform can improve the quantificational level of sedimentary cycle division. The designed curves of Milankovitch cycle filters and the selected wavelet transformation coefficients correlate well with the high frequency cycles, and thus can be used to effectively recognize sedimentary cycles of sandbodies.

    Correlation of remaining oil distribution and fracture development in H3 reservoir of Huoshaoshan oilfield Tu Bin, Ding Zupeng and Liu Yuetian
    2011, 32(2):  229-235.  doi:10.11743/ogg20110210
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    Abstract: Located in the eastern Junggar Basin, the Huoshaoshan oil reservoir is characterized by complex fracture distribution and percolation mechanism. Due to the complexity of fractures, the effect of development was poor at the very beginning, the flow pattern of injected water is hard to understand, and the remaining oil distribution is difficult to predict. Based on analysis of the characters and orientation of the fractures and the reservoirforming patterns, we understood the distribution of the fractures in the reservoir. According to the water/oil displacement patterns of four matrixfracture combinations and in combination with the change of water cut of oil wells, we predicted remaining oil distribution in the reservoir through numerical simulation. It is concluded that tectonization and lithological change are the two major factors influencing three fracture development zones, including macro fracture zone, micro fracture zone and matrix zone. There are lots of remaining oil both in the macro fracture zone due to water channeling and in the matrix zone due to poor waterflooding efficiency. The remaining oil distribution is predicted through geologic modeling, reservoir engineering analysis and numerical simulation, laying a basis for reservoir adjustment in near future

    Macro heterogeneity of reservoirs in Sulige gasfield—a case study of the 8th member of the Shihezi Formation and the 1st member of the Shanxi Formation in the Su53 Block
    2011, 32(2):  236-244.  doi:10.11743/ogg20110211
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    Abstract: Sulige gas field, located at Sulige temple district in Ordos City, is a typical lithologic gas reservoir characterized by low porosity, low permeability and low abundance. In this paper, the distribution of sandbodies with relatively high permeability in the low permeability background is predicted and the relative gas enrichment zones are recognized in Su53 block. The reservoir heterogeneity is analyzed by using the logging and test data and combining with regional geological features. Meanwhile, 3D geological modeling results and microscopic analysis data are integrated to predict the inlayer, horizontal and interlayer heterogeneities in the eighth member of Shihezi Formation and the first member of Shanxi Formation in Su53 Block, Sulige gas field. The results suggest that both their inlayer and interlayer heterogeneities are strong, and are stronger vertically than horizontally. Sandbodies are highly developed in the upper part of the eighth member of Shihezi Formation. Their continuity is good along the channel but poor perpendicular to the channel, resulting in the strongest interlayer heterogeneity.

    Application of spontaneous potential logging to the identification of low resistivity reservoirs —an example from the Triassic reservoirs in Jilake area of the Tarim Basin
    2011, 32(2):  245-250.  doi:10.11743/ogg20110212
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    Abstract: As low resistivity reservoirs have similar resistivity as water layers, it is difficult to differentiate water layers from low resistivity reservoirs, and to determine oilwater contacts by using conventional logging data. Experimental study on relationship between full waterbearing conductivity (Co) and solution conductivity (Cw) with samples from lowresistivity layers and nonlowresistivity layers shows that the additional conductivity contributed by clay minerals is the main factor leading to the low resistivity of the second unit of the Triassic in Jilake area. When this type of lowresistivity reservoirs is penetrated, anions on clay surface may absorb cations in the solution. The cations absorbed to clay surface in turn may further impede the migration of anions in the solution, resulting in ion retention in the low resistivity reservoirs and charge shielding. The negative difference of SP log of the lowresistivity layers decreases in comparison with the nonlowresistivity layers. A quasispontaneous curve (SPrt) of nonlowresistivity layers is then created and compared with the SP curve to identify lowresistivity layers. This method has been successfully applied to recognize the lowresistivity reservoirs in the study area.

    Hydrocarbon expulsion characteristics and resource potential of deep source rocks in the Liaodong Bay
    2011, 32(2):  251-258.  doi:10.11743/ogg20110213
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    Abstract: Based on available geochemical data such as pyrolysis and total organic carbon (TOC), we studied the hydrocarbon expulsion characteristics of the deep source rocks by using the hydrocarbongeneration potential method,which is based on geological threshold theory. Three types of hydrocarbon expulsion models were established in this paper, with the typeI source rock expelling hydrocarbons earlier and more efficiently than the typeⅡand typeⅢ. The Es3 source rocks, the main source rocks in Liaodong Bay, started expelling hydrocarbons (dominated by oil) at the end of Shahejie Formation and the total amount of hydrocarbons expelled is 4.33 billion tons. In comparison, the Es1+2 source rocks started expelling hydrocarbons during the deposition of the Dongying Formation, with a total expulsion amount of 2.26 billion tons. The total amount of hydrocarbons expelled from the deep source rocks is 6.59 billion tons. The resource volume is estimated to be 2.106 billion tons, of which oil is 1.712 billion tons. The study results indicate that the resource potential of the deep layers in Liaodong Bay is very huge and dominated by oil. The Liaoxi salient located between the Liaoxi and Liaozhong troughs both of which are hydrocarbon kitchens is very favorable for hydrocarbon accumulation.

    Characteristics of structural evolution in Haiwaihe area, the southern part of the Central Salient in the Liaohe Basin
    2011, 32(2):  259-264,301.  doi:10.11743/ogg20110214
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    Abstract: Sedimentary system in the Liaohe Basin could be divided into prestrikeslip sequence, synstrikeslip sequence, and poststrikeslip sequence according to the strength of strikeslip activities. The poststrikeslip sequence, which was slightly influenced by the strikeslip activities, could be restored by traditional methods of balanced crosssection. By contrast, the syn and pre strikeslip sequences, significantly controlled and influenced by the strikeslip activities, have to be restored with different thickness on both sides of the fault to balance the volume in twodimension. The quantitative balanced crosssection restoration of the strikeslip basin reveals the structural evolution process of the study area during the Mesozoic and Cenozoic. Balanced cross sections in Haiwaihe area show that the Liaohe Basin underwent progressively extension and depression during the Mesozoic, and evolved into a rift basin in the Cenozoic. The basin was modified by the NEtrending dextral strikeslip during the deposition of the first and second members of Shahejie Formation, and was uplifted and eroded again after the deposition of the Dongying Formation. Finally, based on a comprehensive analysis of the petroleum geological characteristics in Haiwaihe area, this paper discusses the model of hydrocarbon accumulation and prospects for exploration.

    Petroleum geologic characteristis and exploration potential of  Block D in Burma
    2011, 32(2):  265-272,301.  doi:10.11743/ogg20110215
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    Abstract: Block D located in the westerncentral of Irrawaddy basin in Burma, has two major Eocene deltaic sedimentary systems with one in the east and the other in the west. The main sedimentary facies include delta plainprodelta and shallow marine facies. Block D experienced three main tectonic evolution phases including the Eocene united subsidence, the OligoceneMiocene differential subsidence and the postPliocene overthrusting. The tectonic framework of Block D is characterized by NStrending and EWzoning “four uplifts, two depressions and one slope”. The quality source rocks in Block D are dominated by the Tabyin Formation gray mudstone and coalseam mudstone, and the Laungshe Formation dark shale. They feature in high organic abundance and high hydrocarbongeneration potential. Moreover, three reservoirseal combinations in the Pengdang, Kabaw and Tabyin formations provide favorable conditions for effective hydrocarbon accumulation and preservation. 〖JP+1〗There are two trap styles in Block D, including anticline trap controlled by faults and sand lens trap. Study〖JP〗 of thermal evolution of source rocks indicates that the timing of hydrocarbon generation, migration, trap formation and reservoirseal combination is rational. The potential plays of Block D mainly occur in three structural belts including Patolon anticline belt, Mahudaung anticline belt and Thingadon synclinorial belt.

    Characteristics and formation mechanisms of the Cenozoic faults in the Bohai Sea waters
    2011, 32(2):  273-279.  doi:10.11743/ogg20110216
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    Abstract: Fault is one of the major factors that control hydrocarbon accumulation in the Bohai Sea waters. Based on seismic interpretation and structural mapping, this paper focuses on the characteristics and formation mechanisms of the Cenozoic faults in the Bohai Sea waters. In the study area, extensional and strikeslipping faults are the most predominant, and inverted faults are locally distributed. On plane view, most of the faults are of NE, NW or EWtrend, and the NEtrending faults mostly belong to the Tanlu strikeslip faut zone. While on sectional view, the faults occur as flower structures. The NWtrending faults are associated with the ZhangjiakouPenglai strikeslip fault zone, and constitute a conjugate shear faults system with the NEtrending faults during the neotectonic stage. The near EWtrending faults can be classified into two types according to their scale. The largescale EWtrending faults, acting as the boundary faults between the salient and trough in the southern part, experienced the early extensional and late strikeslipping movements. They exhibit quasiflower structures composed of major listric faults and shallow branching strikeslipping faults on the section. The smallscale EWtrending faults are densely developed in the shallow strata, and they are mostly derivative faults resulted from the strikeslipping movement of the Tanlu fault zone.

    Economic evaluation system for traps in a highlyexplored area and its application
    2011, 32(2):  280-286.  doi:10.11743/ogg20110217
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    Abstract: To improve economic evaluation of traps in a highlyexplored area and serve for exploration decision of oilfield, an economic evaluation system for traps in a highlyexplored area was developed. The main functions of the system include the followings. ① The artificial neutral network method can be used to carry out nonlinear “analogy” on the available typical trap parameters database, so as to confirm trap types and the mode of exploration, development and production, to simulate the full process of oil/gas exploration and development, and to conduct quantitative economic evaluation of traps, which overcomes the disadvantages of traditional evaluation method; ② Monte Carlo simulation method can be used to carry out sensitive factor and uncertainty analysis of trap economic evaluation, and realize quantification of trap risks; ③ The optimal linearity theory can be used to perform optimization analysis of investment income and exploration risks, realizing integral evaluation of risk and portfolio. The system has been applied in Shengli oilfield, which drills over 30 exploration wells every year with a success rate of over 40%.

    Calculation of key reserve parameters of fluvial reservoirs in Bohai oilfiled Wang Haigeng, Tian Xiaoping, Cui Yunjiang, Guo Tieen, Wang Shaopeng,Huang Jianting, Sun Fengtao
    2011, 32(2):  287-292.  doi:10.11743/ogg20110218
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    Abstract: Oil/gasbearing area and net pay thickness are the two key parameters for reserve calculation of fluvial sandstone reservoirs in Bohai oilfield. Quality seismic data and logconstrained seismic inversion technology were used to predict the area and thickness of oil/gasbearing sandbodies with accuracy over 80%. The abundant formation pressure data available were used to predict oil/gaswater contacts. The prediction results coincide well with the measured data, effectively enhance the accuracy of oil/gasbearing area for reserve calculation. Sidewall core data and formation pressure data were used to determine the lower limit of net pay thickness. The ΔSP/ΔRxo was used to identify low resistivity oil layers and the accuracy is up to 100%.

    Characteristics and their influential factors of SEC reserve evaluation
    2011, 32(2):  293-301.  doi:10.11743/ogg20110219
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    Abstract: This paper introduces the criteria for classification of SEC reserves, discusses evaluation methods of SEC reserves in terms of static evaluation, dynamic evaluation and value evaluation, and analyzes the sensitivity of evaluation results to various parameters, including static, dynamic and economic parameters. Moreover, the main factors influencing evaluation results are identified through various case studies. For dynamic evaluation of reserves, previous development patterns, current development status and future development trend should be used to rationally divide reserve evaluation units and select optimal types of decline curves, decline rate, stable production time and initial production rate, so as to ensure the evaluation results being objective and accurate. Oil price is believed to the most sensitive economic parameter that influences the remaining economically recoverable reserves and its values, followed by cost, cost partitioning coefficient and investment. This study provides a basis for determining SEC reserves evaluation procedure and appraising the accuracy of evaluation results.

    Technical policy optimization for the development of carbonate sour gas reservoirs
    2011, 32(2):  302-310.  doi:10.11743/ogg20110220
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    Abstract: Puguang gas field is a superlarge marine carbonate gas field in China featuring in deep burial, large thickness, strong heterogeneity, high H2S and CO2 contents and edgeand bottomwater. Gas reservoir engineering theory and methodologies, numerical simulation and economic evaluation techniques are used to optimize the technical policies for its development, including layer division, welltype selection, reasonable well spacing,well pattern, reasonable productivity, reasonable gas production rate, technical and economic limits of single well, control and impediment of edgebottom water advancing, prevention of sulfur precipitation and so on. A set of technical methods are formulated for optimizing technical policies of carbonate sour gas reservoirs and are applied to Puguang gas field. The rational technical policies obtained provide a solid basis for development planning and adjustment and effective development of this gas field.