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    28 August 2011, Volume 32 Issue 4
    Forming mechanism and distribution prediction of quality marine carbonate reservoirs
    2011, 32(4):  489-498.  doi:10.11743/ogg20110401
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    Abstract: Marine carbonate reservoirs are characterized by high propensity for dissolution and filling and complexity of genesis and evolution. We performed description of sedimentary environment, study of forming mechanism and development models, and prediction of distribution of carbonate reservoirs in the CambrianOrdovician in Tarim Basin and the PermianTriassic in Northeastern Sichuan Basin, and came to the following three conclusions. First, the behaviors of carbonates dissolution are quite different depending on lithologies, structures, fluids and fillings as well as the system being open or closed. However, they still obey the law of “dissolution window”. Secondly,carbonate reservoirs are principally controlled by sedimentary environment and diagenetic process. Analysis of five influential factors including structures,stratigraphy,lithofacies,fluids and forming time shows that reservoirs in different areas and different layers are different in genesis,controlling factors and distributing characteristics. Thirdly,the geophysical prediction for carbonate reservoirs are confronted with complex surface conditions, complicated structures,great burial depth,complicated geometry and strong heterogeneity. However, the spatial distribution of highquality carbonate reservoirs can be predicted effectively by utilizing the integrated predicting methods including petrophysical characteristic analysis of logging data,processing of highresolution 3D seismic data,calibration of seismic data with well data, differentiation of geological and geophysical characteristics of different types of reservoirs,construction of the model of the geophysical response to carbonate reservoirs,demonstration of the discontinuity and irregularity of reservoirs,as well as quantitative calculation of the physical parameters and the hydrocarbon potential of carbonate reservoirs.

    Dissolution window of carbonate rocks and its geological significance
    2011, 32(4):  499-505.  doi:10.11743/ogg20110402
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    Abstract: Boxshaped variation curves of dissolution rates of carbonate rocks in CO2 aqueous solution were obtained from simulated dissolution experiments designed with simultaneously changing temperature and pressure. It shows that the dissolution of carbonate samples increases with rising temperature from the very beginning and then forms a boxlike plateau when the temperature reaches 60~120℃ and pressure reaches 13~31 MPa. The curves indicate that the dissolution rate of carbonate rocks in CO2 aqueous solution remains high within a certain burial depth range (the socalled dissolution window) of the carbonate rocks. When the depth is beyond the upper bound of the range, the dissolution rate declines rapidly and reaches the lowest point (only a little bit higher than that at room temperature) at the depth of about 4 000 meters(150℃,41 MPa). The experiment and its results bear great significances for a better understanding of carbonate reservoirs and a more accurate prediction of favorable exploration targets.

    Characteristics of marmorized reservoirs in the Tarim Basin
    2011, 32(4):  506-511,521.  doi:10.11743/ogg20110403
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    Abstract: The Lower Paleozoic carbonates of Tarim Basin were marbleized locally due to the thermal effects of magma intrusions. Marmorization is typical on the Tangwangcheng outcrop section in Bachu county at the northwestern margin of Tarim Basin and in cores from Well Zhong-16 in the Tazhong area. The characteristics of marmorization change regularly with the distance from carbonate rocks to intrusions. The degree of marmorization is high in the periphery of igneous intrusions with grains of marble being relatively coarse, but is progressively lowers and eventually disappears away from the intrusions. Grains of carbonate experienced marmorization show pseudo-hexagonal poikilitic structure with poorly developed secondary pores. Compared with the unaltered limestone, the marmorized carbonates have similar strontium isotope composition but slighter oxygen and carbon isotope compositions, indicating that the marmorization is a process dominated by thermal metamorphism. During this process, no extraneous fluids except for a small amount of formation water in the original carbonates are involved. The quality of marmorized reservoirs is basically similar with the unaltered limestone due to the absence of dissolution from extraneous fluids.

    Differences of the Ordovician reefbank reservoirs in S-76 and TZ-62 well in the Tarim Basin
    2011, 32(4):  512-521.  doi:10.11743/ogg20110404
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    Abstract: Reefbank facies belts in the Ordovian Yijianfang and Lianglitage Formations are important target for hydrocarbon exploration in Tarim Basin. In Well S76 in Tahe area, the reefbank reservoirs of the Yijianfang Formation are developed in the intraplatform ramp and belong to intraplatform reefbank facies. In contrast, in Well TZ-62 in Tazhong area, the reefbank reservoirs of the Lianglitage Formation are developed on the margin of steep platform and are of platformmargin reefbank facies. By analyzing subsequence patterns, six types of subsequence can be identified in both wells, but occur at different structural locations. Compared with Well S-76, the subsequences of Well TZ-062 were more sensitive to fluctuation of sea level thus are smaller in thickness. Analysis of sequence structures reveals that the intraplatform reefbank facies in Well S-76 were mostly developed in highstand system tract, i.e. the falling semicycle of the base level. In contrast, the platform margin reefbank facies in Well TZ-62 were developed in transgressive system tract, i.e. the rising semicycle of the base level. Therefore, the reefbank facies of Well S-76 feature in progradational growth, small thickness and rapid change of sedimentary facies. On the contrary, the reefbank facies of Well TZ-62 are characterized by aggradational growth, larger thickness and slow change of sedimentary facies due to the relatively stable accommodation space. The targets in both wells are located in the rising cycle of the base level of a thirdorder sequence and are dominated by grainstone and marl respectively. Comparisons of lithological association, sedimentary facies and sequence stratigraphy of these two kinds of reefbank facies reveal that the development patterns of reefbank reservoirs in different facie belts are different due to the impacts of structural locations and sea level fluctuation, resulting in the differences of lithology, thickness and scale of different reefbank facies. 

    Features of dissolved dolostone reservoirs in the Xiaoerbulak Formation, Tarim Basin
    2011, 32(4):  522-530.  doi:10.11743/ogg20110405
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    Abstract: The Xiaoerbulak Formation consists mainly of dark gray silt and finesized crystalline dolostones with dissolution porosity of different types and values. Highlydeveloped beddingparallel dissolution pores within the top of the Formation may have high storage capacity. Based on field and microscopic observations as well as EPMA and SEM analysis, the authors suggest that dolostone dissolution in the area features in multiperiod developments and diversified dissolution fluids. The dolostone dissolutions can be classified into four types: beddingparallel dissolution, dolostone porefilling redissolution, intergrain dissolution and hypergene dissolution. Beddingparallel dissolution occurs mainly along the bedding. The diameters of dissolution pores are about a few millimeters and most of the pores are lined with dolomite. Compared with matrix dolomite, the porefilling dolomite is richer in such elements as Fe, Mn, Na and Ba, indicating its close relationship with deep thermal fluid. Some porefilling dolomite may redissolve and reprecipitate—a process that could alter the existing pores. The precipitates are rich in S, Si, Sr and other elements, indicating a dissolution fluid with complicated compositions and diversified sources. In addition, dissolution of grain dolostone also occurs and shows the characteristics of hypergene dissolution in some places, which may contribute to the development of reservoir space.

    Classifications of sequence boundaries in the Lower Paleozoic carbonates in Tarim Basin and their significances
    2011, 32(4):  531-541.  doi:10.11743/ogg20110406
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    Abstract: Marine carbonate reservoirs in Tarim Basin are regarded as an important domain for reserve growth and production addition. However, the previous sequence stratigraphic division of the Lower Paleozoic carbonates is not suitable for target selection and development strategy optimization, influencing production. According to the genesis (such as tectonic, exposure and erosion, diagenetic intensity) of the sequence boundaries, and combining with data such as outcrop observations, seismic profiles, logging curves and core analysis of the marine carbonates in Tarim Basin, we recognized five types of marine carbonate sequence boundaries, including TypeⅠ (karsttype boundary from late strong uplifting), TypeⅡ (microkarst type boundary from early forced regression and erosion), Type Ⅲ (platformmargin type boundary from early dissolution and weak erosion), Type Ⅳ (shallow reefbank type boundary from penecontemporaneous intermittent exposure), and Type Ⅴ (contemporary underwater carbonate platform type boundary). Although the genesis and reservoir characteristics of these sequence boundaries are quite different, they can be easily distinguished according seismic, logging, drilling and core data. This division scheme is pracitical and can be used to guide selection of favorable plays, identification of sweet spots and selection of development well types.

    A study on characteristics and diagenesis of carbonate reservoirs in the Middle Triassic Leikoupo Formation in western Sichuan Depression
    2011, 32(4):  542-550,559.  doi:10.11743/ogg20110407
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    Abstract: Reservoirs are relatively welldeveloped in the Leikoupo Formation of western Sichuan Depression. They are mainly algal dolorenite and mediumfine crystalline dolostone reservoirs with intergranular and intragranular dissolution pores. The pore structures are dominated by mediumfine pore throat. As a whole, these reservoirs are low in both porosity and permeability. Thick algal dolorenite reservoirs in the Formation distribute widely in western margin of the Basin. As a whole, the reservoirs were formed in seabed burial diagenetic environment. However, the west segment of the Depression shows evidence of meteoric diagenesis which weakens southward. Controlled by different diagenetic enviroments, the reservoirs experienced such diagenetic processes as compaction, pressuresolution, cementation, dissolution, dolomitization, and etc. Among them, the dissolution, dolomitization, and later fracturing are constructive diagenesis. The penecontemporaneous exposure dissolution and hypergene dissolution mainly occurred in northern Zhongba structural belt, while the burial dissolution contributed a lot to the formation of reservoirs in the midsouth segment of the Depression. The oolitic and dolorenite are thought to be mainly related to early back flow seepage and burial dolomitization. A comprehensive study of sedimentation and diagnesis of the Depression indicates that the Leikoupo Formation in the south of the northern segment of the Depression has welldeveloped arenitic shoals and experienced penecontemporaneous meteoric dissolution, hypergene dissolution and burial dissolution, and thus may be the most potential exploration targets. But attention shall also be paid to the middle segment for the fact that bitumen is observed in the intergranular pores of ooliteic and dolorenite there. 

    Diagenesis and forming mechanism of the Lower Triassic carbonate reservoirs in the middle part of the western Sichuan Depression
    2011, 32(4):  551-559.  doi:10.11743/ogg20110408
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    Abstract: This paper studies the characteristics, diagenesis and forming mechanism of the carbonate reservoirs in the Lower Triassic Feixianguan and Jialingjiang formations in the middle part of the western Sichuan Depression based on the outcrop observation and microscopic analysis of core samples, and in combination with the test results of physical property, trace element, and carbon and oxygen isotope analysis of some samples. The results show that grain bank reservoirs are developed in some intervals of the Lower Triassic and they are dominated by mid-lowporosity and lowpermeability reservoirs. The reservoir lithologies are dominated by oolitic dolomite, oolitic limestone, and micritic dolomite with residual oolitic psammitic texture. Diagenesis of the grainy carbonates in the Feixianguan Formation varies a lot from northeast to southwest, changing from cementation in submarine diagenetic environment to dissolution and cementation in burial diagenetic environment. The Jialingjiang Formation is dominated by diagenesis in burial environment. Comprehensive study shows that dissolution and dolomitization are the key factors that control the development of grainbank reservoirs. Petrological and geochemical characteristics indicate that some oolitic dolomite and dolorenite of the Feixianguan and Jialingjiang formations are the products of burial dolomitization, and that burial dissolution might be caused by the mixing and cooling of basin brine.

    Reservoir modeling of tight gas sands in the Upper Palaeozoic of the northern Ordos Basin
    2011, 32(4):  560-567.  doi:10.11743/ogg20110409
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    Abstract: The tight gas sands in the Upper Palaeozoic in northern Ordos Basin feature in tightness, low porosity and low permeability. Their geophysical anomalies are often insignificant, characteristics of priori geological models are ambiguous, and constraints on corresponding geophysical data volume are poor. For these reasons, the final reservoir model can not reflect exactly the heterogeneity of the tight gas sands. In order to solve these problems in modeling of the tight gas sands in the study area, geologic research results and seismic information are fully integrated in reservoir modeling. A reservoir geology database is first created based on geologic research results and is used to quantify the priori geologic knowledge. Then, a database of seismic constraints which are sensitive to reservoir parameters is created through seismic attribute optimization and seismic inversion. Next, information of time and depth domains is matched by building a fine velocity model. Finally, an integrated geologic model of the tight gas sands is established based on structure modeling, sedimentary facies/ lithofacies modeling and continuous reservoir parameter modeling under the control sedimentary facies. Application to reservoir modeling of the tight gas sands in the Daniudi gas field verifies its effectiveness.

    Accumulation conditions for continental shale oil and gas in the Biyang Depression
    2011, 32(4):  568-576.  doi:10.11743/ogg20110410
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    Abstract: The AS1 Well in the continental shale reservoir in Biyang Depression reached a peak production of oil 4.68 m3/d and gas 90 m3/d after hydraulic fracturing stimulation, marking a major breakthrough in shale oil & gas exploration and development in the Eogene continental faulted basins in eastern China. Oil in shale is often symbiotic with gas. The data gathered from geological experiments, well logging, etc., are used to analyze shale distribution, organic geochemical features, reservoir characteristics and sealing conditions of AS1. Results show that major shale layers within the interval of 2450-2510 m in well AS1 feature in great thickness and wide distribution of a single layer, high TOC and a Ro within 0.57%-0.72%, indicating that the source rocks are maturity and in peak hydrocarbon generation. Ro Gas logging of shale oil & gas layers show abnormal results and the logging curve present special features of “3 high points and 2 low points”. Shale layers contain welldeveloped micropores and fissures, which can be excellent reservoir space. The layers are also rich in brittle minerals like quarts, which is favorable for fracturing. After assessment by using the volumetric method, we believe that the Depression has great shale oil and gas exploration potential (about 0.54 billion tons of shale oil & gas). 
    Special reservoir formation conditions and their exploration significance of the large saline lacustrine basin of inland plateautaking the western Qadam Basin for example
    2011, 32(4):  577-583,592.  doi:10.11743/ogg20110411
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    Abstract: The author proposed four major special conditions for hydrocarbon accumulation in large saline lacustrine basins of inland plateau (such as the western Qaidam area). First, their sedimentary environment is similar to that of modern Qinghai Lake, featuring in unique deposition conditions such as multisource, small systems, narrow facies belt and multiple types. Secondly, controlled by unique geological background and water medium, they share the pattern of one hydrocarbongeneration depression with a number of kitchens. Thirdly, different from other large inland lake (such as the Ordos Basin) with a single hydrocarbon migration potential, they have the advantage of multidirectional migration potential of oil and gas. Finally, reservoirs in active regions at higher altitude show a “selfclosed” pooling pattern. Based on the above four specific reservoiring conditions, the author proposed that oil and gas exploration in western Qadam Basin shall not only focus on delta front deposits, but also on the following three targets: beach bar sand, algal limestone as well as slump and turbidite sandbody caused by earthquakes. In addition, the abovementioned features determine that the oil fields in western Qaidam have the characteristics of nearsource accumulation, wide distribution, small but numerous oil/gas fields. Thus the exploration should be mainly brought before areas close to the main kitchens, such as Altun, Gansen and along Honggouzi. Meanwhile, the understanding of socalled “selfclosed” reservoiring pointed out that the uplifted basin margin be the main areas for future reserve growth.

    Complex faultblock groups in Dongpu Sag and their exploration potential
    2011, 32(4):  584-592.  doi:10.11743/ogg20110412
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    Abstract: Faultblock groups are the most important ‘cradle’ for oil/gas traps in Dongpu Sag whose distinctive tectonic setting and local deformation offered favorable conditions for the formation of complex faultblock groups. Based on exploration and development data, we studied the characteristics, formation mechanism, reservoirforming condition, and exploration potential of the complex faultblock groups. Besides the general features of faultblock groups, the distinguishing characteristics of these groups in Dongpu Sag are of mirror image relationships both in vertical and horizontal directions. The complexity of the faultblock groups is related to varying dynamics, multiphase extension, complicated local deformation condition and different deformation rocks. Dongpu Sag contains good source rocks, reservoirs and cap rocks. The fault blocks here serve as elementary oil/gas accumulation units. Although an individual fault block may be small, the faultblock groups form favorable traps with the faults acting as major migration paths. The faultblock groups in Dongpu Sag have great exploration potentials, and can still be regarded as major exploration targets in the future.

    Identification of oil and water layers in Budate fractured buried hill reservoir, the Hailar Basin
    2011, 32(4):  593-600.  doi:10.11743/ogg20110413
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    Abstract: Budate buried hill reservoir is a epimetamorphosed fractured basement reservoir with dual porosity. Both matrix porosity and fracture porosity contribute to its oil saturation. The theory of capillary pressure balance in the process of hydrocarbon accumulation is used to establish the functional relationship between oil column height and matrix porosity for calculating oil saturation in matrix porosity. The total oil saturation of buried hill reservoir with dual porosity can be calculated by using the empirical parameters of fracture oil saturation. Formation test data, production test data and initial fluid production are correlated with the logging responses of the corresponding perforated intervals in different fault blocks in the study area. The correlated logging curves are then used to calculate matrix porosity, fracture porosity and total oil saturation of the reservoir. The calculation results are separately crossplotted with resistivity curve parameters to generate chart boards for interpretation of oil, water and oil/water layers in different fault blocks. The interpretation results of oil and water layers in each wells are used to systematically analyze production performance and oil/water contact. Budate buried hill reservoir is divided into four oil/water systems each with a uniform oil/water contact. They are in good conformance with the geological characteristics and reservoir types. These methods can guide planning and program adjustment of buried hill reservoir development.

    Abnormal pressure and hydrocarbon reservoiring pattern of the Zhanhua sag in Jiyang Depression
    2011, 32(4):  601-605,624.  doi:10.11743/ogg20110414
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    Abstract: In Zhanhua sag of Jiyang Depression in Bohai Bay Basin, structural traps are predominant in the second member of the Shahejie Formation and the strata above it, while subtle traps such as lithologic and structurallithologic traps dominate the third member of the Shahejie Formation and the strata below it. There is a certain correlation between formation pressure distribution and hydrocarbon distribution in the area, i.e., structural reservoirs occurring in areas with normal pressure while lithologic reservoirs being developed in areas with abnormal high pressure. Abnormal high pressure provides impetus for the migration of hydrocarbons in deep lithologic reservoirs. When the pressure coefficient curve presents a “3”shape, reservoirs with relatively lowpressure have higher oil potentials. Based on the relationship between formation pressure and hydrocarbon accumulation, we set up two accumulation models: “externalsourced hydrocarbons accumulating via carrier faults” and “internalsourced hydrocarbon accumulating via highpressure injection”. Shallow externalsourced hydrocarbon accumulations with normal pressure are mainly controlled by source rockrooted faults. For example, the hydrocarbon generated from the lower and mid parts of the third member of the Shahejie Formation migrates vertically along the faults and accumulates in the structural traps such as fault block and rolling anticlines in the second member of the Shahejie Formaiton and strata above it, or migrates laterally to and accumulates in structural traps. The controlling factor for the second pooling model is abnormal high pressure. Hydrocarbons generated from the lower and mid parts of the third member of the Shahejie Formation may be charged into adjacent sandbodies and structurallithologic traps under the drive of the abnormal high pressure.

    New advances in sedimentology and sequence stratigraphy of foreland basin
    2011, 32(4):  606-614.  doi:10.11743/ogg20110415
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    Abstract: This article summarized some advances in petroleum sequence stratigraphy and sedimentology from an angle of oil/gas exploration in foreland basins. It introduced new theories of petroleum geology and expounded on prospects of oil/gas exploration in the foreland basins all over the world. It elaborated on the distribution of global foreland basins and fault belts and their dynamic mechanism, as well as features of drainage system development in foreland basins. It also discussed the functions of fractured reservoirs (taking the Zagros basin as an example), syntectonic depositional wedge (taking the Ebro basin in Spain as an example), system tracts and sedimentary sandbodies (taking Spitsbergen foreland basin in Europe as an example), and petroleum systems (taking the Andes foreland basin in South America as an example). Finally, it pointed out that cases from South America and Middleeast foreland basins have important significance in guiding oil and gas exploration in central and western China, while the case from western Canadian foreland basin can be used as reference for assessment of unconventional resources in China. China is abundant in unconventional oil and gas resources, such as heavy oil, tight sandstone oil and gas, shale gas, coalbed methane, nature gas hydrate and etc. Tight oil and gas are mostly distributed in sedimentary facies belts of deep water lacustrine foredeeps in some foreland basins. Heavy oil and oil sands are distributed in orogenic belts and frontal uplift of certain foreland basins. Coal-bed methane is related to pinch out belts of coalbeds with a physical and/or lithological boundary. Shale gas exploration in China shall focus on sedimentary environmental analysis of source rocks, such as black shale with rich organic matter and carbonated shale. A case from Erdos Basin shows that basin and mountain coupling systems, sequence stratigraphy, basin floor topography restoration and sedimentary model of sandbodies may help us to better understand petroleum geology. It is suggested that attention shall be paid to the study of sedimentology and sequence stratigraphy of foreland basins so as to achieve breakthrough in oil and gas (especially unconventional resources) exploration in China.

    Seismic sedimentology study of fine sequence stratigraphic framework: a case study of the Hetaoyuan Formation in the Biyang Sag
    2011, 32(4):  615-624.  doi:10.11743/ogg20110416
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    Abstract: Seismic sedimentology is an emerging interdisciplinary subject that studies sedimentary rocks with seismic data. It is the current hot spot of international sedimentology study, and is an effective tool for mapping highfrequency sequence and depositional systems. It plays an important role in the exploration and production of thin sandstone reservoirs. There are abundant quality seismic data in Biyang Sag which features in underdeveloped faults but highly developed slump turbidite fans. The Hetaoyuan Formation in Biyang Sag is divided into five thirdorder and eight fourthorder sequences on the basis of the fundamental principles of seismic sedimentology and sequence stratigraphy. Seismic lithology study and seismic geomorphology study within highfrequency sequence stratigraphic framework are performed through 90degree phasing convention, frequency division processing, stratal slicing, and core calibration. It is confirmed that multiple provenances contributed to the development of the braided river deltaslump turbidite fan depositional system in the Hetaoyuan Formation, and the development of slump turbidite fans was controlled by the braided river delta. The geometry and distribution of slump turbidite fan sandbodies and their relation with oil and gas are defined. It is pointed out that SQ2, SQ3 and SQ4 are favorable plays of lithologic traps, and the sandbodies of delta front and turbidite fan are favorable exploration targets.

    Reserve classification and evaluation of the Ordovician fracturedvuggy reservoirs in Tahe oilfield
    2011, 32(4):  625-630.  doi:10.11743/ogg20110417
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    Abstract: The fracturedvuggy reservoirs in Tahe Oilfield are characterized by strong heterogeneity in spatial distribution, size, and quality of reservoirs, thus their proven reserves calculated with method formulated for clastic reservoirs are inaccurate. Therefore, their proven reserves are classified and evaluated based on the seismic reflectance signature, rate of seismic amplitude variation and difference of the measured deliverability among wells. Undeveloped reserves are divided into proved underdeveloped reserves, unevaluated Class Ⅰ reserves, unevaluated Class Ⅱ reserves, and reserves to be cancelled after verification. Various approaches are introduced for defining boundaries of reserves of different categories. As each approach has its only limitations, it is necessary to integrate multiple methods for evaluating reserves. These classification and evaluation approaches are used in the fracturedvuggy carbonate reservoirs in Tahe oilfield. The results show that they can effectively guide the emplacement of development wells, give priority to the producing of high quality reserves, strengthen evaluation of the unevaluated Class I reserves, enhance singlewell deliverability and ratio of producing reserves.

    Influences of polymer solution on rock resistivity and various indexes
    2011, 32(4):  631-636.  doi:10.11743/ogg20110418
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    Abstract: For sandstone reservoirs after polymer flooding, the selection of saturation interpretation models as well as their parameters depends on whether electric characters and parameters of the reservoirs change with the adsorption and retention of polymer. Based on experiment measurements of resistivity of reservoir rocks after flooded by polymer solutions of different concentration and salinity, we studied the influence of polymer flooding on rock resistivity and various indexes, and came to a conclusion that when the salinity is greater than 4 000mg/L, the polymer solution has a relative small impact upon the resistivity (only 5.8% as polymer concentration increases from 0 to 3 000 mg/L) and various indexes, and thus can be ignored during logging interpretation. The study laid down a sound foundation for a better interpretation of saturation after polymer flooding.