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    25 June 2005, Volume 26 Issue 3
    Status and major advancements in study of hydrocarbon migration
    Jin zhijun, Zhang Faqiang
    2005, 26(3):  263-270.  doi:10.11743/ogg20050301
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    Prior to 1980s,study of hydrocarbon migration had been mainly concentrated in qualitative experiments, understanding of mechanism and geochemical oil-source correlation.Afterwards,it has been diversified mainly in the following 6 aspects:(1)physical simulation with small-scale model-large scale box-like model-realistic simulation; (2)fluid dynamic simulation of hydrocarbon migration-numerical simulation of predominant hydrocarbon migration; (3)study of migration mechanism-study of systems theory;(4)geochemical research of hydrocarbon migration with fluid tracing technologies;(5)study and application of grid model-invasion percolation model;(6)fluid compartment-episodic reservoiring theory.The future trends in study of hydrocarbon migration include:predominant pathways of hydrocarbon migration in carrier beds;building and application of basin-scale invasion percolation models;evaluation methods of opening and closing of faults;marker features of hydrocarbon inclusion and authigenic minerals; study three-field coupling of palaeo-fluid migration with dynamic and quantitative dynamic methods.

    New advancement in study of reservoiring period
    Ma Anlai, Zhang Shuichang, Zhang Dajiang, Jin Zhijun
    2005, 26(3):  271-276.  doi:10.11743/ogg20050302
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    The reservoiring period has traditionally been analyzed from the matching of source rock,reservoir rock, cap rock,migration,accumulation and preservation parameters,on the basis of trap formation history,hydrocarbon generating history of source rocks and dew point pressure method.Considering that most of the petroliferous basins in China are superimposed basins,which are characterized by multiple source rocks,multi-stage hydrocarbon generation,accumulation and destruction,fluid history analysis method was introduced in late 1990s.Utilization of several new methods,such as reservoir geochemistry,fluid inclusion,illite K-Ar dating,reservoir bitumen and tracing of oilgas-water contacts,has converted the traditional qualitative(period determining)study to quantitative or senti-quantitative study,thus the formation time of pools can be relatively accurately calculated.In view of the complexity of the formation of reservoirs in superimposed basins,attentions should still be paid to basic geologic studies.Traditional methods,such as trap formation period and hydrocarbon generating history,are the basis of application of new technologies.Future trends of reservoiring period studies are combining geochemistry method with geologic setting study, traditional method with new methods,and qualitative method with quantitative method.

    Development characteristics of organic reef-bank complex on Ordovician carbonate platform margin in Tarim Basin
    Gu Jiayu, Zhang Xingyang, Luo Ping, Luo Zhong, Fang Hui
    2005, 26(3):  277-283.  doi:10.11743/ogg20050303
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    The Middle-Late Ordovician carbonate platform margin in Tarim basin can be divided into 4 types, including low energy,relatively low energy,relatively high energy,and high energy types.Different organic reef-bank complexes have been developed in different platform margin types.1)The low energy type carbonate platform margin can be represented by lime mud mound-muddy bank complex in Tazhong I faulted zone which have been developed during the early-stage deposition of the Upper Ordovician Lianglitage Formation.2)The relatively low energy type carbonate platform margin can be represented by the barrier reef-lime mud bank complex in Bachu outcrop area which have been developed during the deposition of Middle Ordovician Yijianfang Formation(Dawangou Formation).3)The relatively high energy type carbonate platform margin can be represented by the barrier reef-bank complex in Lunnan area which have been developed during the deposition of Middle Ordovician Yijianfang Formation.4)The high energy type carbonate platform margin can be represented by the framework reef-bank complex in Tazhong I faulted zone which have been developed during the latestage deposition of the Upper Ordovician Lianglitage Formation.The framework reef-bank complexes in the high energy carbonate platform margin are the most favorable exploration targets.Sea level ascending,tectonic uplifting and descending and carbonate yield are the main factors that control the migration of carbonate platform margins and their types,and they further control the development of organic reefs and banks on carbonate platform margins.

    Carbonate reservoirs transformed by deep fluid in Tazhong area
    Lu Xiuxiang, Yang Ning, Xie Qilai, Yang Haijun
    2005, 26(3):  284-289,296.  doi:10.11743/ogg20050304
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    Occurrence of deep fluids in Tazhong area has been confirmed through analyzing rare-earth elements in rock and oil samples,carbon isotope of carbon dioxide and fluid inclusion thermometry in reservoir rocks.The deep fluids below the basement entered the basin along the discordogenic faults and through volcanic activity,and the carbonate reservoirs were modified by dissolution and metasomatosis through material and energy exchanges.The porosity and permeability of the carbonate reservoirs were thus improved,leading to the formation of deeply buried and modified type good carbonate reservoirs.The fluorspar ore belts,discovered along the large fault and in volcanic activity area in the western part of Tazhong,are the result of activities of deep fluids,and they are the main reservoir types in Tazhong 45 oilfield.The origin and sphere of activity of deep fluids are closely related to discordogenic faults and volcanic activities.Areas with well-developed discordogenic faults and volcanic rocks can be considered as indicators for seeking deep fluid modified reservoirs.

    Vertical compartmentalization of fluids in Paleozoic strata, Tarim Basin
    Xue Hui, Liu Lifang, Bian Changrong, Zhang Jinchuan
    2005, 26(3):  290-296.  doi:10.11743/ogg20050305
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    Cambro-Ordovician mudstones,upper Cambrian and Carboniferous gypsum rocks and the relatively tight lithologies have blocked the vertical migration of formation fluids in Tarim basin.In Paleozoic,Tarim basin experienced 6 tectonic movements,including Caledonian(early,late and last)and Hercynian(early,late and last).Except the last stage of Hercynian,all the other tectonic movements were mainly of elevation and subsidence movements and weak eompressional movements,thus they are characterized by limited destruction scopes and faults of small magnitude,resulting in strong vertical compartmentalization of formation fluids.The salinity of Paleozoic formation water in Tarim basin is of brine water level,which is the highest in the Ordovician,the next is in the Carboniferous,while that in the Silusian is the lowest.Preservation of the low salinity features in Silurian indicates that the Paleozoic formation fluids have been strongly compartmentalized;as a result,most hydrocarbons would mainly migrate laterally along the Paleozoic regional unconformities.Vertically,hydrocarbons are mainly distributed along the source beds, while laterally they are distributed both in depressions and uplifts along the migration pathways.

    Early Paleozoic palaeogeomorphology—characteristics of slope break zones and their control on stratigraphic-lithologic traps in Tarim Basin
    Liu Hao, Wang Yingmin
    2005, 26(3):  297-304.  doi:10.11743/ogg20050306
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    Early Paleozoic slope breaks are well developed in Tarim basin.Typical shelf break was developed in Middie Cambrian-Middle-Late Ordovician.The Silurian slope break was a kind of palaeogeomorphology with landform difference,which was different from the shelf break.In Late Cambiran-Early Ordovician,the Manjiaer slope break acted as the boundary of platform edge facies and deep-sea basin facies.In Middle-Late Ordovician,the Manjiaer-Tadong slope break was the boundary of basin facies and diamictic shelf facies;while typical isolated platform facies and basin facies were developed above and below the Tazhong slope break,respectively.In Silurian,the southem Tazhong slope break evidently controlled the tidal flat and coastal deposits,while the northern Tazhong slope break was a good demarcation line between offshore and foreshore-shoreface in coastal system.Along the slope belt-lower footslope would be the favorable area for discovering lithologic traps,e.g.structural and lithologic traps are well developed in the Middle-Upper Ordovician above and below the Tazhong slope break and in the Tazhong segment of Manjiaer-Tadong slope break,and in the Silurian upper Kalpintag Fm Tazhong gentle slope-tidal flat belt;stratigraphic overlap and lithologic traps are well developed in the lower Kalpintag Fm in Awat-Southem Manjiaer slope break-coastal belt;and stratigraphic overlap and unconformity traps are well developed in lower Kalpintag Formation in Awat-Northern Manjiaer slope break-coastal belt.

    Sequence stratigraphic framework and its control on development of Ordovician carbonate reservoir in Tarim basin
    Yu Bingsong, Chen Jianqiang, Lin Changsong
    2005, 26(3):  305-309,316.  doi:10.11743/ogg20050307
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    Vertically,the Ordovician in Tarim basin can be divided into 2 supersequence groups,which can be further divided into 5 supersequences and 18 third-order sequences.Laterally,from west to east,the Ordovician deposits transit successively from platform facies to slope and basin facies,and the development of stratigraphic sequences appear to be progressive progradation resulting in the downlapping of a series of prograded sequences onto a relatively large downlapping surface.Sequence boundaries of various orders have important control on the development of Ordovician carbonate reservoirs in Tarim basin.The transient exposure caused by the third-order sequence boundaries and the synchronous diagenesis would have facilitated the modification of reef-bank facies reservoirs on the edge of the platform corresponding the large unconformities,which correspond to the sequence boundaries of higher levels might be the key factors that have controlled the development of the Ordovician carbonate karstic reservoirs in Tarim basin.

    Genetic classification and distribution of Ordovician carbonate buried-hills in Huanghua depressionBohai Bay basin
    Yang Minghui, Wang Simin, Chen Shanyong, Ming Haihui, Tang Xuan
    2005, 26(3):  310-316.  doi:10.11743/ogg20050308
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    Three types of Ordovician carbonate buried-hills can be identified in Huanghua depression,Bohai Bay basin.(1)Tilting fault-block buried-hills were developed during Himalayan transtensional movement and their formation was related with extension faulting,such as Xuhei,North Dagang and South Dagang buried-hills.(2)Bedding slip and thrust buried-hills were generally developed within fauh-blocks during the early Yanshanian and were related with the detachment faults and blind thrust faults within the Cambrian strata,such as Qianmiqiao and Kongxi buriedhills,as well as those developed within the Xuhei tilting fault-block.(3)Anticline buried-hills can be further divided into compressional anticline buried-hills and rollover anticline buried-hills,the former were formed during the transpression movement in early Yanshanian,such as Wumaying buried-hill,while the latter were developed in the hanging wall during the extension of Cangdong fault,such as Kongdian and Wangguantun buried-hills.The tilting fault-block buried-hills are distributed in the southeastern and northwestern parts of Huanghua depression,and are related to the extensional movements of Chengxi and Cangdong faults.The anticline buried-hills are distributed successively from north to south,including Kongdian,Junmazhan,Wangguantun and Wumaying,as well as Dongguang buried hills in south-central Huanghua depression.The detachment thrust buried-hills are mainly distributed within the tilting fault-blocks.The detachment thrusts are directed from SE to NW in south-central Huanghua depression, while those in the north are directed from NW to SE in sinistral transpression state.

    Influences of thermal effect of diabase intrusion on hydrocarbon generation in Xia 38 wellblock Linpan oilfield
    Cao Xuewei, Hu Wenxuan, Jin Zhijun, Zhu Dongya
    2005, 26(3):  317-322.  doi:10.11743/ogg20050309
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    Diabase intrusions in the 3rd member of Shahejie Fm in Xia 38 wellblock of Linpan oilfield,Jiyang depression,have very remarkable influences on maceral and vitrinite retlectance(Ro)of source rocks above and below the intrusion,and the range of the effect is approximately equivalent to the thickness of the sill.The Ro value within 10m around the sill is 1 to several times of that at normal geothermal field condition,and can even be as high as 3.44%. The intensity of thermal effect's impacts on the source rocks decrease progressively away from the sill,and tend to be normal geotemperature over 50m away form the sill.As a result of different diffusion and convection conditions,influences of the sill on overlying rocks are large in scope but low in intensity;while that on underlain rocks are small in scope but high in intensity.Hydrocarbons that have been generated rapidly under the influenee of magmatie thermal energy are mainly of medium-light hydrocarbons,while heaW hydrocarbons are obviously less.Such hydrocarbon distribution pattern is clearly different from that generated slowly in normal geothermal fields,whieh shows symmetrical distribution with balanced light and heavy hydrocarbons.Theoretical calculation shows that the thermal energy from magma might sufficiently cause the temperauure of source rocks nearby with a volume of 5 times that of the intrusion to rise 200℃.The real increase of temperature,however,might be smaller than the theoretieal calculation results.

    Buried hill reservoirs in Bamianhe area of Dongying depression,Bohai Bay basin
    Yu Hongfeng, Wang Yingmin, Li Xue
    2005, 26(3):  323-328.  doi:10.11743/ogg20050310
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    Cambrian and Ordovician carbonates in Bamianhe area on the southern slope of Dongying depression in Bohai Bay basin have experienced leaching and denudation during the long period of outcropping,resulting in well developed dissolution rugs.Moreover,fractures resulting from tectonic activities communicate with the dissolution vugs lead to the formation of good weathered-crust reservoirs.The brown oil shales and dark-colored mudstones in the 4th and 3rd members of Shahejie Fm in Niuzhuang and Boxing sags have large hydrocarbon-generating potentials,thus they are the major source rocks.The grey and dark-grey mudstones in the 2nd member of Kongdian Fm have relatively good hydrocarbon-generating capacity,thus they are also relatively good source rocks.The hydrocarbons generated from these source rocks might have migrated through the pathways,composed of faults in the southern slope zone,the unconformities between Neogene and Paleogene and between Paleogene and Mesozoic,as well as the sandbodies or cartier beds in Paleogene Kongdian and Shahejie Formations,and upward along the slope.When they migrated into the Cambrian-Ordovician carbonate weathered-crust reservoirs in Bamianhe area,they might have accumulated and become pools,due to the sealing of mudstones in Guantao Fm,the 4th member of Shahejie Fm and Kongdian Fm.

    Reconstruction of Early-Middle Triassic basin in North China and hydrocarbon generation in Palaeozoic
    Xu Huazheng, Zhou Xinke, Gao Jinhui, Wang Xingwu
    2005, 26(3):  329-336.  doi:10.11743/ogg20050311
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    Middle-Lower Triassic in eastern part of North China is fragmentarily distributed in small areas;however, they have similar lithologies,fades and rhythmic characteristics,indicating a depositional setting of a large basin.It can be observed in a wide area that the grain size of sandstone is fining,shale content is increasing,and sediment is thickening apparently from NW to SE,indicating that sedimentary features in Early-Middle Triassic were similar with that in late Late Permian(Shiqianfeng age).Middle-Lower Triassic has inherited not only the Late Permian palaeogeodynamic setting of“convergence in the north and divergence in the south”,but also the palaeogeographie flamework of high in the northwest and low in the southeast.All these show that Hercynian movement would have lasted till Middle Triassic.Several methods including vitrinite reflectance(Ro),interval transit time and apatite fission track, are used to reconstruct the sedimentary thickness of Middle-Lower Triassic,and to plot the isopach map of the prototype basin.The sedimentary-subsidence center is located in Linqing-Dongpu-Taikang and Huainan-Huaibei areas, where the Middle-Lower Triassic is as thick as 2000~2600m.At the end of Meddle Triassic,the burial depth of the top of Majiagou Formation in Lower Paleozoic would have reached 3080~3690m,the palaeogeotemperature would be 112.4~130.7℃,and the Ro would be 0.85%~1.10%.The Lower Paleozoic source rocks,mainly consisting of marine organic matters,would have passed the peak oil generation stage,with 80% of the organic matters have been converted into oil,thus the hydrocarbon generation potential in later stage would be very low.While the Upper Paleozoic source rocks,mainly consisting of coal formation,were still in the early stage of hydrocarbon generation with relatively good hydrocarbon generating potential,because the peak hydrocarbon generation of humic coal would lag behind the Type Ⅰ-Ⅱ1 kerogens.

    Inversion of thermal history in carbonate strata by using free radical concentration of kerogen
    Li Huili, Qiu Nansheng, Jin Zhijun, He Zhiliang, Zhu Yingkang
    2005, 26(3):  337-343.  doi:10.11743/ogg20050312
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    Thermal simulation experiments of kerogen samples show that free radical concentration would first increase and then decrease along with increasing thermal evolution degree of kerogen samples.The increase of free radical concentration is related to the ruptare of alkyl radical side chain and dropout of heteroatomic functional group in lower evolutionary phase of kerogen;while the decrease of free radical concentration is the results of condensation and polymerization of kerogen during higher evolutionary phase.The free radical concentration is controlled by temperature and heating time,thus the experimental data can be used to establish quantitative relational expression between free radical concentration of kerogen and temperature-time index.The theoretically calculated values of free radical concentration should be fitted with the measured values by repeatedly adjusting denudation thickness and heat flow values,the inversion of thermal history of carbonate strata can thus be made.Since there are only a small amount of thermal simulation experimental data can be used in this study,the result achieved in this study is just for exploring a new methodology,and the scope of application is limited.Thermal simulation experiments and corresponding researches on kerogen samples from marine carbonates should further be carried out in the future.

    Pattern of pressurization from hydrocarbon generation in carbonate source rocks and its significance
    Zhao Zhe, Zhong Ningning, Huang Zhilong
    2005, 26(3):  344-348,355.  doi:10.11743/ogg20050313
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    Driving forces of hydrocarbon expulsion from carbonate source rocks are mainly hydrothermal pressurization and hydrocarbon generation pressurization due to the early diagenesis-consolidation of carbonates.A numerical relation model between pressurization values and temperatures is built through simulation experiments of temperature-pressure relationship on carbonate source rock samples with various organic carbon contents.Experiment results show that hydrocarbon generation pressurization values are much higher than hydrothermal pressurization values in the process of hydrocarbon generation in carbonate source rocks.The dynamic forces driving hydrocarbon expulsion from carbonate source rocks are mainly influenced by organic matter abundance of the source rocks and temperature.As for the same source rocks,hydrocarbon generation pressurization values increase rapidly along with the increasing thermal evolution level.Hydrocarbon generation pressurization values would be in positive correlation with organic carbon contents of mples when the thermal evolution levels are equivalent.If the organic carbon content of source rocks is too low,hyrocarbon generation pressurization would not be high enough for effectively driving hydrocarbon expulsion from the source rocks.Since water content in carbonate source rocks is generally very low,hydrocarbon generation pressurization,especially gas generation pressurization would be more important to hydrocarbon expulsion.Therefore,carbonate source rocks follow the dynamic pattern of hydrocarbon generation-pressurization-overpressure-pressure release-hydrocarbon expulsion.

    Volcanic activities and evolution of source rocks in Xujiaweizi fault depression, Songliao basin
    Jin Xiaohui, Lin Renzi, Zhou Huayao, Feng Zihui, Ren Yanguang
    2005, 26(3):  349-355.  doi:10.11743/ogg20050314
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    Xujiaweizi fault depression has experienced three relatively large volcanic activities during rift fauting,among which the volcanic activity duing the deposition of Yingcheng Fm had the longest duration.The volcanic activity speeded up the maturation of the major source rocks including deep Huoshiling Fm,Shahezi Fm and Yingcheng Fm. Simulations of burial history,thermal history and hydrocarbon generation history show that the Ro value of Huoshiling Fm source rocks at a burial depth of 1300m would have rapidly reached 0.7% in about 1Ma.The Ro value of Shahezi and Huoshiling Fins source rocks would have reached 1% at a burial depth of 2600m.Before the deposition of Quantou Fm,Shahezi and Huoshiling Fins source rocks would have entered the peak of gas generation.Before the deposition of Qingshankou Fro,Yingcheng Fin source rocks would have been in the peak of gas generation,while Shahezi and Huoshiling Fms source rocks would have begun to generate dry gas.At this time,the regional seals of the 2ndmember of Denglouku Fm and the 1st and 2nd members of Quantou Fm would have been formed,leading to the formation of gas pools in Yingcheng-Quantou Fms.By the end of the deposition of Nenjiang Fm,the movement of boundary faults led to the redistribution of gas pools in Yingcheng-Quantou Fms.

    Facies differentiation and sedimentation volume partition of fluvial strata
    Li Hongwei, Yuan Shiyi, Zhu Yixiang, Tian Changbing, Fan Junxia, Yan Lin
    2005, 26(3):  356-360.  doi:10.11743/ogg20050315
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    Elevation and subsidence of base level,accompanying change of accommodation space,leading to denudation,transportation,passing by,sedimentation or undercompensation of sediments in various facies tracts,would result in cyclic sequences.The phenomena of synchronic formations having different thicknesses seen in isochronal correlation of terrestrial formations are the stratigraphic responses to facies differentiation and sedimentation volume partition.In the direction parallel with sources,lithofacies types might change from braided channel facies sequence to meandering stream and delta facies sequences;while in the direction perpendicular to the sources,the fluvial facies might change from channel fill to interchannel washover and flood plain deposits,or the delta facies might change from distributary channel deposit to inter-distributary bay deposit.Facies differentiation accompanied by sedimentation volume partition would result in different volume partitions of synchronous deposit in different facies traets.Palaeogeomorphology might have controlled the distribution of fluvial facies reservoirs.Transportation of palaeocurrent might lead to the deposition of channel sandbodies on the sequence boundary where valleys have been developed in the palaeogeomorphologic low-land with relatively large accommodation space.

    Structural zonation and oil/gas distribution in intersecting area of Micang and Daba mountains
    Wu Shixiang, Tang Liangjie, Guo Tonglou, Li Rufeng, Chen Meitao, Zhou Yan
    2005, 26(3):  361-365,390.  doi:10.11743/ogg20050316
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    The intersecting area of Micang and Daba mountains would have experienced at least two tectonic combinations.One is the superimposition of the nearly EW trend Micang mountain anticline on the NS trend Daba mountain thrust fold belt,resulting in the formation of EW trend superimposed anticlinal fold with the metamorphic basement of Mieang mountain as the core.Another one is the approximately EW trend Tongnanba major structure,affected by the nappe of Daba Mountain structure,the structural trend in the eastern section has been rotated,as a result,it has integrally been reconstructed into a complete NE anticlinal structure.Formation shortening rates of balanced cross sections are calculated from over 10 major sections in the study area.According to variation of formation shortening rate from large to small,strong,medium and weak deformation zones can be divided in the direction from both Micang and Daba mountain fronts to the basin.These deformation zones have interacted and superimposed with each other in Tongnanba region.Analyses of structural deformation intensity and reservoiring conditions show that the imbricated thrust fault zone,Heichiliang,Fuyangba and Nanyangchang in Micang mountain front are the most favorable positive blocks for exploration in the study area.

    Characteristics of Lower Cretaceous petroleum system in Chagan sag and exploration direction
    Wang Guoli, Wu Maobing
    2005, 26(3):  366-369.  doi:10.11743/ogg20050317
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    There are two petroleum systems in Chagan sag with the 2nd member of Bayingebi Formation of the Lower Cretaceous as the major source rocks and the 1st member of Suhongtu Formation as the major reservoir rocks.In one petroleum system,the source rocks and reservoir rocks are in the same horizon,while in another one,the source rocks are located below the reservoir rocks.Thermal modeling in the basin shows that the source rocks would have become mature by the end of Cretaceous,and hydrocarbon generation and expulsion would have been peaked.Yanshan movement (65 Ma) at the end of Cretaceous has been the crucial period for the petroleum systems.Based on comprehensive analysis of the charging degree of hydrocarbon,migration direction and trapping conditions,it is believed that Maodun intrusion zone and Barun fauh-nose zone are favorable for exploration.

    Experimental study of improving rheological characteristics of heavy oil's percolation flow
    Wang Bu'e, Zheng Huiguang
    2005, 26(3):  370-373.  doi:10.11743/ogg20050318
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    Non-Newtonian flow characteristic of heavy oil is the main reason resulting in low oil recovery rate and low recovery factor in heavy oil reservoir.ZHSS-01 surfactant system can form reverse emulsion when it is mixed with heavy oil in the reservoir in a relatively wide range of temperature(30-71℃),relatively high salinity(16×104 mg/ L)and relatively high hardness of water (1.1×104 mg/L),which would lead to a viscosity breaking effectiveness of over 98%.As a result,the rheological characteristics of percolation flow of heavy oil around the wellbore can be improved,fihrational resistance of heavy oil in the vicinity of the wellbore is lowered,and oil production rate is increased.Experimental study shows that recovery factor can be enhanced over 3 % when heavy oil being displaced with ZHSS-01 surfactant system.

    A study of distribution characteristics of petroleum in Niger delta basin and their controling factors
    Hou Gaowen, Liu Hefu, Zuo Shengjie
    2005, 26(3):  374-378.  doi:10.11743/ogg20050319
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    Evolution of Niger delta basin can be divided into two stages.During the early stage,i.e.early Cretaceous,embryonic Niger delta has been formed,and the thermal uplifting associated with volcanic activities has provided heat sources for maturation of Tertiary organic matters.During the late stage,i.e.,Paleocene to Eocene,the framework of Niger delta has been basically finalized,with many growth faults and associated rollover anticlines being developed.The rollover anticlines basically can be divided into 4 types:1) simple rollover anticline;2) rollover anticlines that have been formed by the joint action of two or more growth faults and the master fault;3) rollover anticlines that have been formed by the joint action of one or more antithetic (north-dipping) faults and the master fault; 4)cave-in structures on top of rollover anticlines,due to the uplifting of shale.Most of the reservoirs,mainly of structural type,are related to the rollover anticlines associated with growth faults,and reservoirs of non-structural trap type have also been developed.The major controlling factors of hydrocarbon accumulation in Niger delta include the very thick inherited delta deposits,good hydrocarbon generating conditions,stable and well-developed reservoirs and seals,as well as! faults acting as the major migration pathways.

    Calculation methods of remaining economic recoverable reserves in waterflooding oilfields
    Ran Qiyou, Zhao Qingfei, Fang Kaipu, Zhao Xiaojun
    2005, 26(3):  379-383.  doi:10.11743/ogg20050320
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    Computation modes of remaining economic recoverable reserves in waterflooding oilfields include 4 types of waterfiooding curves,which are suitable for use in layered reservoirs with different crude viscosities respectively.The basic principle for calculating economic recoverable reserves is capital break-even,while waterflooding characteristic curves,oil price and cost should be integrated when calculating economic ultimate water cut.Economic ultimate water cuts are in positive correlation with oil price and commodity rate of crude oil,and in negative correlation with tonnage dues of oil and tonnage operating cost of fluid.

    Common problems and solutions in plotting theoretical curves of water-cut vs. recovery percent of reserves
    Fan Zheyuan, Yuan Xiangchun, Liao Rongfeng, Shu Qinglin
    2005, 26(3):  384-387.  doi:10.11743/ogg20050321
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    Relative permeability curve method and stream-tube method are commonly used to plot theoretical curves of water-cut vs.recovery percent of reserves.When the former method is used to plot the theoretical curves,the relationship between relative permeability and water cut is often analyzed through statistical and regression analyses,resulting in water cut tends to be high in low water saturation stage,and tends to be low in high water saturation stage. This problem can be solved by directly using experimental data to calculate.If a constant value is assigned to volumetric sweep efficiency,a universal conclusion is often obtained,i.e.development effects are relatively poor in medium-low water cut stage,and are relatively good in high water cut stage.This problem can be solved by establishing statistical relational expression through analyzing the relationship between volumetric sweep efficiency,mobility ratio in a pattern system and permeability variation coefficient.

    About oil and gas preservation unit
    Feng Zengzhao
    2005, 26(3):  388-390.  doi:10.11743/ogg20050322
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    The profound connotation of the terminology“oil and gas preservation unit” and the role it plays in oil and gas exploration in marine strata in South China is very important.The paper“Concept of hydrocarbon preservation unit and its appraisal principles”by He Dengfa et al.(2004) has promoted propagation of this concept,but it incorrectly regarded the article by Ma Li et al.(1998) as the first paper putting forward this concept.The concept of“oil and gas preservation unit”and the originality of its connotation should belong to Mr.Li Shangwu and Dianqiangui Petroleum Exploration Bureau,but not to other people or organizations/units.