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    25 October 2005, Volume 26 Issue 5
    Petroleum plays in rift basins and extensional structures
    Liu Hefu, Li Xiaoqing, Liu Liqun, Hou Gaowen, Bian Haijun
    2005, 26(5):  537-552.  doi:10.11743/ogg20050501
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    Rift systems in the world are widely developed in various stages and various environments of plate tectonic cycle,including(1) continental rift,(2) nascent ocean,(3) extensional continental margin,(4) back-arc rift,and(5) collision rift.The forming mechanisms of typical rift systems in the world mainly include(1) active rift,(2) passive rift,and(3) complex rift.Play is the basic assessment unit(AU) of the total petroleum system(TPS). Various kinds of plays are extensively developed in rift basins.According to horizons cut by normal faults and sedimentary system in different tectonic environments,four kinds of plays can be recognized,including(1) tilted fault block belt,(2) rollover structural belt and delta system,(3) slope break belt and reef-bank sequences,and(4) accommodation zone and turbidity fan system.

    New advancement in research of China's typical superimposed basins and reservoiring(Part I): classification and research methods of superimposed basins
    Jin Zhijun
    2005, 26(5):  553-562.  doi:10.11743/ogg20050502
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    According to basin's evolutional history and structural features,the sedimentary basins in China can be divided into monotype and superimposed type basins.The prototypes of the monotype basins can further be divided into craton basins,extensional basins and compressional basins.Superposition of two or three kinds of monotype basins can result in various kinds of superimposed basins.Research of hydrocarbon accumulation in superimposed basins should focus on analyzing the dynamic process of basin formation-hydrocarbon generation-hydrocarbon accumulation.In respect of basin formation,basin-and-range coupling during the key tectonic movements and formation and reformation of basin structures are the bases of research.In respect of hydrocarbon generation,study of sedimentary environment of Paleozoic marine carbonates and good source rocks,and(mecha-)nisms and efficiencies of hydrocarbon generation and expulsion should be strengthened.In respect of hydrocarbon accumulation,emphasis must be placed on study of hydrocarbon accumulation and dissipation mechanisms,as well as evolution of petroleum systems.In view of the multicycle nature of geotectonic evolution in China,wave analysis is one of the effective methods that can be used to study superimposed basins.Whereas superimposed basins have the characteristics of multiple sources,multi-stage hydrocarbon migration and accumulation,multi-stage reservoiring and adjustment,the ideology of "element-structure-function" system is applied to propose the concept of reservoiring system,and the "source-location" classification scheme is used to establish 6 structural types of reservoiring system.

    Action of tectonic stress on hydrocarbon migration and accumulation
    Wang Yi, Song Yan, Shan Jiazeng
    2005, 26(5):  563-571.  doi:10.11743/ogg20050503
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    Hydrocarbon migration and accumulation are the results of combined action of various factors,but tectonic stress is the main driving force of hydrocarbon migration and accumulation during tectonic active period.Sedimentary rock deformation caused by tectonic stress results in heterogeneous distribution of tectonic stress field with several concourse and dissipation centers of energy,driving oil and gas to migrate from high potential area to low potential area.Hydrocarbons tend to migrate upward along fractures and faults and from the sag's center to its periphery area.Fractures and faults act as the favorable pathways of hydrocarbon migration.Tectonic movements were most intensive during Indosinian and Himalayan in Junggar basin and had the largest control on hydrocarbon migration and accumulation.As for the Permo-Carboniferous petroleum system controlled by Indosinian tectonic movement,the direction of hydrocarbon migration was basically in parallel with the maximum major stress gradient, and hydrocarbons migrated from high stress area to low stress area.The discovered oil and gas reservoirs are mainly distributed in the low major stress area and on both sides of area with dense stress contour lines.While the Tertiary petroleum system controlled by Himalayan tectonic movement,hydrocarbon migration and accumulation mainly occurred in the southern edge of the basin with strong tectonic deformation,and hydrocarbons have migrated from the high stress area on the southern edge of oil-generating depression to the low stress area in the north.The local low tectonic stress areas in the southern part of the basin,such as Hutubi,Chepaizi(Dushanzi),Maqiao and Baijiahai,are favorable for hydrocarbons to enrich and accumulate.

    Main control factors of large and medium gas fields and exploration domains in China
    Wang Tingbin
    2005, 26(5):  572-583,589.  doi:10.11743/ogg20050504
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    Study of the main factors controlling the reservioring of large and medium gas fields and the exploration domain have important significance to development of gas industry in China.Large and medium gas fields with reserves of over 10 BCM have only been discovered in 11 basins in 4 gas-bearing regions in western,central,eastern and offshore China(excluding gas/oil bearing region in southern part of South China Sea and Taiwan province).In combination with the geologic conditions in China,ten main factors controlling the formation of large and medium gas fields are summarized,of which sufficient amount of gas generation,gas-rich sag with high gas generation intensity and good regional sealing and preservation conditions are the most important geologic factors.According to the situation of gas resources having been explored,the deep formations in Sichuan,Ordos,Tarim,Yingqiong,East China Sea,Qaidam,Junggar, Songliao and Bohai Bay basins should still be taken as the key exploration targets for a certain period of time.Gas exploration should be focussed on the foreland basins in west-central China,gas and coal-type gas in Meso-Paleozoic carbonates,(coal-and) gas/oil-bearing basins in eastern and offshore China and gas in deeply buried lacustrine mudstones,and Meso-Paleozoic coal measures and carbonates having the ability of secondary gas generation and good preservation conditions.Importance should also be attached to exploration and research of generalized biogas.

    Analysis of China's oil reserves growth in recent 20 years
    Zhang Kang
    2005, 26(5):  584-589.  doi:10.11743/ogg20050505
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    Chinese petroleum industry has been in its robust years with relatively stable reserves and production since 1980s.The cumulative discovered oil reserves in place and recoverable reserves have been increasing smoothly and steadily from 1984 to 2004.The mature oil regions in the east are still the main contributor to oil reserves growth,with annual growth rates of oil in place and recoverable reserves averaging at 460 million tons and 95 million tons respectively in 20 years.The annual average growth of oil in place in Northwest China and offshore area are 193 million tons,and 111million tons respectively,while the annual average growth of recoverable reserves are 39.6 million and 23.7million tons,respectively.In respect of the remaining reserves that have much larger influences on future economic development,China's remaining recoverable oil reserves are stable with an annual average growth of only 10 million tons in 20 years.The mature oil regions in the east have been in the late stage of production plateau,and their remaining recoverable oil reserves have begun to decline.However,recoverable oil reserves growth in Northwest China and offshore area have offset the decline in the mature oil regions in the east.The balance between the decline in the mature oil regions in the east and the growth in Northwest China and offshore area will determine the variation tendency of the national remaining recoverable reserves and production in the future.For the sake of maintaining the increasing trend of China's oil production,every means should be tried to bring all potentialities in the oil regions in the east into full play,and strategic succeeding regions both in NW China and deep water in South China Sea should further be developed.

    Reservoiring conditions and exploration targets in Tarim basin
    Cai Xiyuan
    2005, 26(5):  590-597.  doi:10.11743/ogg20050506
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    There are many oil-and gas-bearing series in Tarim basin,and the currently discovered oil and gas reserves are mainly distributed in Ordovician,Carboniferous and Triassic reservoirs.The basin has experienced multiphase tectonic movements,leading to the formation of 3 large paleohighs.Analyses of Tahe oilfield, Hadexun oilfield and Tazhong 11 well oil reservoir show that the matching of distribution of source rocks and hydrocarbon generation history with the paleohighs and paleo-slopes are the main factors controlling formation and distribution of oil and gas reservoirs.The oil and gas reservoirs in the basin are characterized by multiphase reservoiring and adjustment.The existing Paleozoic oil reservoirs have mainly been formed in Late Hercynian,and adjustment of the early oil reservoirs and formation of the secondary oil and gas reservoirs have mainly occurred in Himalayan.Oil and gas are enriched under regional cap rocks,above and below unconformity and in the periphery of fracture belt.Based on analyses of the reservoiring characteristics and conditions of Tahe oilfield,Hadexun oilfield and Tazhong 11 well oil reservoir,it is pointed out that future exploration would be targeted at the Paleozoic carbonate buried hill,and Carboniferous,Silurian and Triassic clastic rock oil and gas reservoirs.

    Research achievements and exploration direction in Tarim basin
    Yu Renlian, Yan Xiangbin, Jin Xiaohui, Li Tiejun, Zhang Tao
    2005, 26(5):  598-604.  doi:10.11743/ogg20050507
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    Petroleum exploration practices and tackling key technical problems have improved the development of reservioring theories in marine carbonates in Tarim basin and that in foreland basin.As for reservoiring theory in marine carbonates,the new understandings include the followings: palaeohighs and their slope zones adjacent to the major source rocks are the favorable locations or zones for hydrocarbon enrichment;faults and unconformities are the major pathways for hydrocarbon migration and accumulation and the favorable reservoiring condition;good reservoirs composed of multi-cycle karsts and structural fissures are the crux of hydrocarbon enrichment as well as high and stable productions;good seals,multistage reservoiring and later adjustment are important factors for preservation of oil/gas reservoirs and the formation of complex oil and gas accumulations.As for reservoiring theory in foreland basin,the new advancements are as follows: faults passing through source rocks would play an important role in linking source rocks with reservoirs;the widely developed structural traps,good seal and late tectonic activities would have important control on reservoiring.The development and perfection of reservoiring theories have provided distinct guidance to exploration in Tarim basin: Akkule uplift,Yakela faulted uplift,Tazhong palaeohigh,Hetianhe palaeohigh,Guchengxu palaeohigh and the southern edge of Kuqa depression are the favorable areas for exploring large and medium oil/gas fields;while the southern part of Bachu uplift,Kongquehe slope and deep strata in the craton basin are the important domains that are worth to study and to explore.

    Evaluation of oil/gas exploration potentials in SINOPEC's frontiers in West China
    Zhang Dajing, Liu Jinxia, Shao Zhibing, Lei Ming, Jia Qingsu
    2005, 26(5):  605-612,617.  doi:10.11743/ogg20050508
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    Several factors influencing hydrocarbon accumulation,including oil source conditions,hydrocarbon carrier system,time-space matching and preservation conditions,are comprehensively analyzed by taking the development of effective source rocks as the main subject to study and taking account of hydrocarbon generation,migration,accumulation and preservation.The exploration potentials of SINOPEC's frontiers in West China are classified into 4 types.There are altogether 9 type Ⅰ acreages,24 typeⅡ acreages,20 type Ⅲ acreages and 17 type Ⅳ acreages.9 acreages in Tazhong of Tarim basin and in Junzhong of Junggar basin are of type Ⅰ,and are the major exploration acreages for discovering large and medium oil and gas fields.The exploration in these acreages should be intensified.It is proposed to actively explore type Ⅱ acreages,comprehensively study type Ⅲ acreages and relinquish type Ⅳ acreages.

    Geothermal history of Tarim basin
    Li Huili, Qiu Nanhsheng, Jin Zhijun, He Zhiliang
    2005, 26(5):  613-617.  doi:10.11743/ogg20050509
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    Geothermal history of Tarim basin is closely related with its structural evolution history.Palaeogeotherm in Tarim basin has been in declining trend since Paleozoic.There were two relatively high palaeogeothermal stages,one in Cambrian-Early Ordovician and the other in Carboniferous-Permian.The palaeogeotherm in Tarim basin was relatively high during Early Paleozoic.It was 3.2℃~3.5℃ per hundred meters in Cambrian-Early Ordovician,and then remarkably lowered.It increased a little bit in Carboniferous-Permian to 3.0℃~3.2℃ per hundred meters.It slowly declined in Mesozoic and lowered to 2.5℃ per hundred meters at the end of Mesozoic.It continuously declined in Cenozoic to the current 2℃ per hundred meters.As the structural development and evolution histories are different in various structural units,the geothermal history of each structural unit in Tarim basin has distinct characteristics.Shaya,Katak and Guchengxu uplifts always had relatively high geothermal heat flow,because they had been in basement uplift area for a long period;while Manja'er depression had relatively low geothermal heat flow,because it had been in downwarping region with large burial depth of basement for a long period.Moreover,Tarim basin has experienced N-S compression in Cenozoic.As a result of the loading of mountains,the lithosphere in the central part of the basin had been upwarped,so the geothermal gradient in Katak uplift had relatively small variation or increased a little bit;while the downwarping on the edge has caused continuous and rapid subsidence of the Southwest Tarim depression in Cenozoic,as a result,the geothermal gradient lowered rapidly by a big margin.

    Carbon isotope features and genetic type of natural gas in Tahe oilfield
    Gao Bo, Fan Ming, Liu Wenhui, Nan Qingyun, Zhang Dianwei
    2005, 26(5):  618-622.  doi:10.11743/ogg20050510
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    Natural gas in Tahe oilfield is mainly composed of hydrocarbon gas with an average content of(94.09)%.The non-hydrocarbon gas is mainly composed of N2 and CO2,with average contents of 4.2% and 1.19%,respectively.Hydrocarbon gas is mainly composed of methane with an average content of 76.23%;while the heavy hydrocarbon has an average content of 17.86%.The drying coefficient(C1/C1-5) averages(0.81),indicating typical wet gas as a whole.The δ13C2 values of all samples in this area are less than-30‰,indicating that it is of petroleum gas;and the δ13C values are in obvious positive sequence,i.e.δ13C113C213C3,indicating that it is typically of organic origin.The associated gas in Tahe oilfield mostly belongs to typical petroleum gas,without any mixture of gas from other sources.The carbon isotope composition of me-thane reveals that the evolution of its source rocks is in the range of mature to over mature stages,and is mainly in highly over-mature stage.Analysis in combination with geologic setting indicates that the source rocks are of Cambrian-Ordovician.The non-linear distribution of some series of carbon isotopes shows that the gas in Tahe oilfield has been charged in two stages.Associated gas has been charged in the early stage,while pyrolysis gas has been charged in the late stage.

    Development strategy of fractured-vuggy carbonate reservoirs—taking Ordovician oil/gas reservoirs in main development blocks of Tahe oilfield as examples
    Chen Zhihai, Liu Changhong, Yang Jian, Huang Guangtao, Lu Xinbian
    2005, 26(5):  623-629.  doi:10.11743/ogg20050511
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    Ordovician reservoirs in Tahe oilfield are typical fractured-vuggy carbonate reservoirs of fossil karst type.Progressive exploration and development pattern was adopted in the initial stage of development.Reserves were brought into production stage by stage.Vertical well pattern combining the selected "spots,lines and the whole area" was applied to control the reserves.Reservoir prediction and identification technologies with extraction and analysis of seismic attribute as the core,as well as strong acid fracturing and sidetrack horizontal drilling technologies were successfully applied in development.Success ratio of development well increased from below 60% to over 85%,discovered oil reserves in place exceeded 500 million tons,and annual production capacity of the oilfield reached 3.5 million tons.However,several factors have influenced further improving development effects along with progress of oilfield development,such as inadequate understanding of the features of fractured-vuggy reservoirs,low reliability of discovered oil reserves,and lack of measures to enhance oil recovery and single well production capacity in mid-and late-development stages.To solve these problems,the following measures should be taken in future oilfield development:(a) compilation or adjustment of development program should be made on the basis of producing reserves or recoverable reserves;(b) enhancing control over reserves by applying combined vertical and horizontal well pattern;(c) redividing development blocks;(d) determining rational well numbers according to single well controlled reserves;and(e) determining individual well's production proration according to rational producing pressure drop.

    Reservoir characteristics and development strategy of Ordovician fractured-vuggy reservoirs in block 4 of Tahe oilfield
    Li Jianglong, Huang Xiaote, Zhang Liping
    2005, 26(5):  630-633.  doi:10.11743/ogg20050512
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    Reservoirs in block 4 of Tahe oilfield are mainly distributed in Ordovician weathered crust and appear as irregular chicken-wire pattern.Solution cavities and fractures are the main types of reservoir space.The height of most solution caviteis is less than 2m,and the formation intervals with average fracture width of over(0.1 mm) account for 58% of the total.Areal distribution of reservoirs is related with the development of fossil karst.Fossil karst channels appear as beaded strong seismic reflection,and magnitude differences exist between deep and shallow laterolog anomalies.Monte Carlo method is used to calculate reserves of fractured-vuggy reservoirs.One way is to achieve the probability distribution of porosity,net thickness and oil saturation based on interpretation of log data.Another one is to achieve reserves distribution of each well through assuming that the values of porosity,net thickness and oil saturation are accurate and the area of reservoir body accords with certain probability distribution.Tahe oilfield is a massive oil pool with bottom water,being communicated with deep fossil karst water channel system.Rational development of fractured-vuggy carbonate reservoirs should take fracture-vug units as bases,cyclic waterflooding and lateral drilling as the principal measures,and "one well one scheme" as the guiding principle.

    Percolation characteristics of fractured-vuggy carbonate reservoir in Tahe oilfield
    Kang Zhijiang, Li Jianglong, Zhang Dongli, Wu Yongchao, Zhang Jie
    2005, 26(5):  634-640,673.  doi:10.11743/ogg20050513
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    According to reservoir characteristics,production performance and percolation mechanism,the fractured-vuggy carbonate reservoirs in Tahe oilfield can be divided into five types.(1) Low saturation fractured-vuggy reservoirs with solution cavities as the main pore type.This type of reservoir is characterized by high initial productivity,long plateau production period,late water breakthrough, and relatively long water-free oil production period.Attention should be paid to changes of formation pressure and timely maintaining pressure through water injection.(2) Low saturation fractured-vuggy reservoirs with fractures and vugs as the main pore type.This kind of reservoirs is characterized by relatively high initial productivity,relatively short plateau production period,early water breakthrough,short water-free oil production,and rapid water-out.Largescale acid fracturing treatment should be avoided during early well completion,and producing pressure drop should be lowered,so as to prolong water-free production period.(3) Low saturation fractured-vuggy reservoirs with fractures and pores as the main pore type.This type of reservoir is characterized by low initial productivity,short plateau production period and rapid water breakthrough. Producing pressure drop should be lowered to slow down bottom water coning.(4) Oversaturation fractured-vuggy reservoirs with gas cap.This kind of reservoir has relatively high initial productivity,late water breakthrough and slow water cut rising speed.Gas production from the gas cap should be minimized so as to maintain driving energy of the gas in the reservoir.(5) Fractured-vuggy heavy oil reservoir.This kind of reservoir has relatively high initial productivity,slowly increasing water cut in impulsion mode.Research should be carried out on formation pressure and recovery schemes.

    Tectonic evolution and its control on hydrocarbon accumulation in West Africa
    Xiong Liping, Wang Jun, Yin Jinyin, Zhang Haiqing, Zhang Faqiang
    2005, 26(5):  641-646.  doi:10.11743/ogg20050514
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    Formation and development of the coastal basins in West Africa had been related with the opening and later continuous spreading of Atlantic Ocean since Mesozoic.They were continental rift and passive continental margin basins formed as a result of the break-up of Gondwana and the spreading of Atlantic Ocean.Their deve-lopments had been influenced by plate tectonic evolution and had experienced late Paleozoic-Early Mesozoic continental craton stage(pre-rift stage),rift stage and transition stage since Middle-Late Mesozoic,and passive continental margin stage by the end of Mesozoic-Tertiary.Formation of the basins was characterized by early in the south and late in the north,due to the influence of the opening of South Atlantic being early in the south and late in the north.Basins in the central part of the rifts were well developed,followed by basins in the southern part,while those in the northern part were relatively poor.A thick halite was widely developed in this area at the end of rifting.Early development of passive continental margin basins had inherited the sedimentary features in the rifting stage,but their features in late stage(post-Eocene) were contrary to that in the rifting stage,very thick Nigeria deltaic sediments had been deposited in the northern part.The formation of oil and gas reservoirs was obviously later in the northern part than that in the southern part.Petroleum systems in basins to the south of Gabon basin are mainly of those below the halite,while those in Nigeria basin are mainly of Tertiary petroleum systems developed above the halite.The formation of oil and gas reservoirs is closely related to structures formed by halite activities.The oil-and gas-bearing layers get younger toward the ocean.

    Development and evolution of basins in Yellow Sea
    Zheng Qiugen, Cai Liguo, Ding Wenlong, Lu Yongde, Cao Qinggu
    2005, 26(5):  647-654.  doi:10.11743/ogg20050515
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    The subduction of Yangtse plate under the North China plate ended the continental collision and changed into intracontinental subduction at the end of Triassic, resulting in the formation of intracontinental foreland basins on the flanks of Dabie-Sulu orogenic belt.In this period,the South Yellow Sea basin on the southern side of Dabie-Sulu orogenic belt was an intracontinental foreland basin(J1—J2),while the North Yellow Sea basin and Jiaolai basin on the northern side of Dabie-Sulu orogenic belt were probably uplifted,because the Lower and Middle Jurassic sequence is absent.From Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous,extensive volcanic eruption and magmatic intrusion occurred in the eastern China,indicating the dramatic change of tectonic stress in this region.Tectonic settings were obviously different on the northern and southern sides of Dabie-Sulu orogenic belt.The characteristics of volcanic rocks on the northern side of Dabie-Sulu orogenic belt indicate that this region,including North Yellow Sea and Jiaolai basins,was in a rifting stage,represented by the occurrence of grabens and half-grabens and the development of high angle plane normal faults and listric normal faults.In Late Cretaceous to Early Tertiary,the tectonic setting in eastern China changed obviously into large scale rift faulting.The A-type granite developed in Dabie-Sulu orogenic belt in late Cretaceous,indicating the end of orogenesis and entered into the avalanche period and post-orogenic period of orogenic belt,which was consistent with the extension period in eastern China.Rift faulting was strong in South Yellow Sea basin,where relatively thick Eogene strata was deposited.Rift faulting was relatively weak in North Yellow Sea basin,where thin Eogene strata was deposited only in a small area in the north.The South and North Yellow Sea basins changed from rift to depression due to thermal subsidence in Neogene.

    Potential of petroleum exploration in pre-Tertiary in Jiyang depression
    Hu Zongquan, Zhou Xinke, Zhang Yulan
    2005, 26(5):  655-660.  doi:10.11743/ogg20050516
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    Three pre-Tertiary source rock sequences are developed in Jiyang depression,including Lower Paleozoic carbonates,Upper Paleozoic coal measures and Mesozoic Jurassic coal measures,of which the Upper Paleozoic coal measures are the best.Therefore,gas reservoirs that have been generated and reservoired indigenously should be taken as the main targets of exploration in pre-Tertiary in Jiyang depression.Focus should be put on the Upper Paleozoic petroleum system,with considerations being given to Mesozoic petroleum system.The geologic features and reservoiring history of Gu-1 gas reservoir in Gubei area indicate that formation of gas reservoirs characterized by being generated and reservoired indigenously has largely depended on the development of the Upper Paleozoic source rocks,large anticlinal traps and good timing of source-reservoir-cap rocks in the deep sag area.Comprehensive evaluation of the distribution of favorable source rocks,reservoir and seal conditions and trap types indicates that there are 7 favorable exploration prospects in the Upper Paleozoic in Jiyang depression,including Gubei,Gunan,Luojia and Guojuzi in Zhanhua sag,Jinjia and Linfanjia in Dongying sag,and Chexi in Chezhen sag,and 4 less favorable prospects,including Chengdong and Yinan in Zhanhua sag and southern slopes of both Dongying and Huimin sags.

    Prospects of exploring Palaeozoic primary oil and gas pools in southern area of North China cratonic basin
    Zhang Zhongmin, Long Shengxiang, Xu Huazheng
    2005, 26(5):  661-667.  doi:10.11743/ogg20050517
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    According to analyses of the features and hydrocarbon generation history of Paleozoic source rocks,the Lower Paleozoic marine source rocks in North China are basically poor source rocks to non-source rocks due to their low organic matter abundance,though they have good kerogen type and large thickness;moreover,later burial history and thermal evolution history of source rocks are complex after the source rocks getting mature.Therefore exploration risk is high when taking them as the source rocks of a petroleum system.The Lower Paleozoic source rocks have medium to poor hydrocarbon generation potentials only in the southern part of Bohai Bay.After deeply buried in Himalayan,the Lower Paleozoic would be in condition to secondary hydrocarbon generation in Jiyang depression,Linqing depression,Dongpu sag and Huangkou sag,thus certain exploration potentials exist in these areas.The Upper Paleozoic Carboniferous-Permian source rocks are mainly coal measure strata,with thickness in the range of 150~500m,low to medium organic matter abundance,and type Ⅲ kerogen.Secondary hydrocarbon generation in Upper Paleozoic source rocks had occurred mainly at the end of Late Triassic and the end of Early Cretaceous,and hydrocarbons were well preserved,thus there would be large potentials for exploration of primary oil and gas reservoirs.The Upper Paleozoic favorable exploration areas are mainly in the Tertiary sags with large secondary gas generation intensity,such as Dongpu sag,Linnan sag,the southern part of Dezhou sag and the northern part of Xinxian sag in Bohai Bay basin.

    Hydrocarbon accumulation and reservoiring pattern in Biyang depression,Nanxiang basin
    Qin Weijun, Lin Sheqing, Cheng Zhe, Jin Xiaohui, Xu Xianghua, Zhu Youhong
    2005, 26(5):  668-673.  doi:10.11743/ogg20050518
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    Three types of reservoirs,including lithologic,anticlinal and fault block oil/gas reservoirs,are developed in Biyang depression of Nanxiang basin.As to lithologic reservoir characterized by being generated and reservoired indigenously,the upwarping pinch-out sandbodies are nearly perpendicular to the structural contour lines of nose setting,leading to the formation of large area sandstone upwarping pinch-out or lateral margin upwarping pinch-out lithologic oil/gas reservoirs.Such reservoirs more or less experienced three hydrocarbon charging stages,with the middle-late stage as the major one.Oil and gas in the anticlinal reservoir were sourced by both the 2nd and 3rd members of Hetaoyuan Fm and successively migrated downward along the layered sandbodies and accumulated in Xia'ermen anticline.Palaeo-anticlinal + lithologic reservoirs were formed at the end of deposition of Liaozhuang Fm.Faulting at the last stage of deposition of Shangsi Fm modified the previously formed oil/gas reservoirs,leading to the formation of new fault+lithologic oil/gas reservoirs.Complex faulted nose and fault-block traps with various sizes and shapes have been formed in the north slope,due to the NE and NW faultings.Oil and gas in such reservoirs were sourced from the deep depression in the south and migrated laterally from the deep depression to the north before the deposition of Liaozhuang Fm,and migrated upward along faults to the shallow layers after the deposition of Liaozhuang Fm.Such reservoirs are characterized by late reservoiring.It is predicted that the steep slope zone in the southern part of the depression is the favorable area for discovering lithologic reservoirs,the eastern part of the depression is favorable for discovering anticlinal re-servoirs,and the north slope zone is favorable for discovering fault block reservoirs.

    A discussion on relationship between tectonic stress field and migration and accumulation of hydrocarbons in Qaidam basin
    Zhang Mingli, Jin Zhijun, Wan Tianfeng, Tang Liangjie, Li Jingchang, Zeng Lianbo
    2005, 26(5):  674-679.  doi:10.11743/ogg20050519
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    Qaidam basin has experienced four major tectonic movements since Early Jurassic,including late Himalayan stage(end of Middle Pleistocene),middle Himalayan stage(end of upper Youshashanian),late Yan-shanian stage(end of Cretaceous) and early Yanshanian stage(end of middle Jurassic).The maximum principal stress values during the 4 major stages measured with acoustic emission(AE) method are 35.6~41.4,54.8~62.8,73.8 and 58.3 MPa,respectively.The current effective value of principal compressive stress is in the range of 15.6~112.3 MPa.The effective value of principal compressive stress during the main reservoiring stages of Tertiary oil and gas is in the range of 54.8~62.8 MPa.The sealing history of the NWW fault in western Qaidam basin is studied through simulating the stress fields during the major reservoiring stages and analyzing the typical oil and gas reservoirs in this area.It is found that the NWW reverse fault had dual effects on hydrocarbon migration and accumulation in late Miocene.It acted as hydrocarbon migration pathway during the active stage,and acted as seal during the ceasing stage,making hydrocarbons to accumulate both in the hanging wall and footwall of the fault.Hydrocarbons have accumulated mainly in the areas with moderate shearing stress.

    Characteristics of deposition and erosion in Chuxiong Late Triassic foreland basin
    Zhou Yan, Jin Zhijun, Tang Liangjie, Li Rufeng
    2005, 26(5):  680-687,702.  doi:10.11743/ogg20050520
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    Depositional wave analysis technique has been used to analyze the deposition and erosion characteristics of several typical profiles in Chuxiong basin,such as Xiaoqingpo in Xiangyun,Anlongbao,Sazhi in Yuanmou,Yipinglang in Lufeng,Wulong 1 well and Yuncan 1 well,and to establish their wave equations.There are mainly 4 deposition-erosion types in Chuxiong Late Triassic foreland basin,including boundary type(SB type),early deposition-late erosion type(T type),deposition type(TH type)and early erosion-late deposition type(H type).These four deposition-erosion types are in good correlation with the architecture of foreland basin.The boundary type(SB type),early depsotion-late erosion type(T type),deposition type(TH type)and early erosion-late deposition type(H type) are distributed in orogenic belt,overthrust belt,foreland hollow zone and foreland uplift zone,respectively.

    Impact of tectonic evolution on Paleozoic and Mesozoic petroleum systems in Jianghan plain
    Xiao Kaihua, Chen Hong, Wo Yujin, Zhou Yan, Zhang Yunxia
    2005, 26(5):  688-693.  doi:10.11743/ogg20050521
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    During Paleozoic and Mesozoic,Jianghan plain had experienced multicycle sedimentary tectonic evolution,including Caledonian,Hercynian-Early Indosinian,Late Indosinian-Early Yanshanian,and Late Yan-(shan)ian-Himalayan movements,leading to the formation of Sinian-Silurian and Silurian-Jurassic petroleum systems.Large scale hydrocarbon migration and accumulation has occurred in every tectonic movement stage.The tectoclases resulting from tectonic movement can remarkably improve the poroperm characteristics of reservoirs.The weathering crusts resulting from tectonic movement are favorable reservoir intervals.The 4 hydrocarbon preservation units have experienced an evolution process of formation-reconstruction,destruction-survival or re-formation during these 4 major tectonic movements.The tectonic movements developed since Indosinian are the main driving force and influential factors of the formation and evolution of Meso-Paleozoic petroleum systems.In Indosinian,tectonic framework in this area is characterized by large uplift and large depression and the source rocks have entered the peak hydrocarbon generation stage,resulting in the early enrichment of hydrocarbons in the uplifted area.Early Yanshanian is the main period of the formation of Meso-Paleozoic intrasequence-structures and hydrocarbon migration and accumulation.While Late Yanshanian-Himalayan is the period of reservoir reconstruction and adjustment,leading to the finalization of various types of reservoirs in Himalayan.Xiantao-Daijiachang and Dangyang secondary deep depressions are the favorable areas for exploration of reconstruction type reservoirs.Mayangtan structural belt in the northern part of Chenhu-Tuditang synclinorium is the favorable area for exploring the late hydrocarbon-generation type reservoirs.Yaxin and Wancheng buried-hill belts are the most favorable area for exploration of secondary and multiple source types oil/gas reservoirs.

    Progressive development of subtle lithologic reservoirs in Wang 68 wellblock of Niuzhuang oifleild
    Wang Guangfu, Zhan Chunguang
    2005, 26(5):  694-697.  doi:10.11743/ogg20050522
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    Through analyzing the characteristics of strata,structure,reservoir and oil pool of the middle 3rd member of Shahejie formation(Es3) in Wang 68 wellblock of Niuzhuang oilfield,it is believed that the middle Es3 sandbodies both in Wang 68 wellblock and in the adjacent Niu 20 wellblock are fluxoturbidites deposited in semi-deep and deep lacustrine environment.The sandbodies are in the same horizons;the thickness,lithology and layering characteristics are correlatable;and the reservoirs in both wellblocks are of lithologic subtle types.Wang 68 and Niu 20 wellblocks are respectively located on both sides of Niuzhuang-1 fault.Therefore,the deposition of the middle Es3 sandbodies in Wang 68 wellblock on the footwall would not be controlled by Niu-zhuang-1 fault.The development experiences in Niu 20 wellblock are used to guide the progressive development in Wang 68 wellblock,achieving proved oil reserves of 3.05 million tons and oil production capacity of 35,000 tons.

    Start-up pressure gradient of tight gas reservoirs in Daniudi gas field and its application method
    Wang Xibin, Liu Chuanxi, Zheng Rongchen
    2005, 26(5):  698-702.  doi:10.11743/ogg20050523
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    Start-up pressure gradient of the tight gas reservoirs in Daniudi gas field decreases with increasing effective permeability under constant water saturation,and increases with increasing water saturation.The calculation formula for the drainage radius of gas well at production plateau is deducted from unstable percolation(theory).If start-up pressure is taken into consideration and gas well production is identical,the drainage radius of gas well at production plateau increases with effective permeability.If effective permeability is identical,the drainage radius of gas wells at production plateau decreases with increasing gas well production.The minimum well spacing at a certain proration condition can be calculated by the drainage radius of gas well at production plateau.The production plateau of gas well will not be shortened by well interference only when the real well spacing is larger than minimum well spacing.