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    25 December 2006, Volume 27 Issue 6
    Review and outlook of SINOPEC's oil and gas exploration
    Cai Xiyuan
    2006, 27(6):  715-721.  doi:10.11743/ogg20060601
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    Great progress had been made in oil and gas exploration by Sinopec during China's 10th 'Five-Year'Plan.Puguang,the largest marine carbonate gas field in China was discovered and rapidly proved;and Tahe,a super-large marine palaeokarst oil field was progressively proved during the period.The additional proved oil in place had steadily increased by 1.31 billion tons and proved gas in place had rapidly grown to 682.59 BCM.The geological philosophy and exploration technologies of continental subtle pools had been upgraded and that of marine carbonate reservoirs had taken a primary shape.New management systems and mechanism had been bravely tried and a special management concept(also known as 'collectivized decision,project management,marketized operation,and socialized service')had been implemented in the area of risk explorations,thus effectively helping make big breakthroughs and discoveries in SINOPEC'S oil and gas exploration and providing a firm basis for the implementation of SINOPEC's oil and gas resource strategy for the 11th Five-Year Plan or even longer period.

    Exploration propects,problems and strategies of marine oil and gas in China
    Jin Zhijun, Cai Liguo
    2006, 27(6):  722-730.  doi:10.11743/ogg20060602
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    The discovery of giant oil/gas fields,Tahe and Puguang,shows that China's marine sequences have great hydrocarbon potentials and can be a very important option of strategic energy replacement in China.However,due to an early formation and long evolution history,the marine sequences in China had gone through a multistage evolution,during which several sets of source rocks had formed with several episodes of reservoiring and adjustment.As a result,the distribution of oil and gas in the strata is so complicated that the exploration is full of risk and uncertainty.Therefore,new exploration breakthroughs and discovery of more and larger oil/gas fields in marine sequences require:insisting on exploration and continuous investment;adhering to theoretical innovation and technologic advancement;developing the hydrocarbon reservoiring theory and exploration technology of China's marine sequences to solve the key issues concerning exploration of marine sequences,centering on the scientific topic of 'hydrocarbon accumulation and dissipation mechanisms and enrichment pattern in marine carbonates in a multistage tectonic setting;highlighting the study of structural evolution;focusing on the research of source rocks,reservoirs,and sealing effectiveness;and emphasizing on three combinations,i.e.the combination of theoretical innovation with exploration practices,regional evaluation with target assessment,and geological study with engineering techniques.Only by doing all that can we found more large oil/gas fields in the marine sequences.

    Exploration theory and practice of the Tertiary subtle reservoirs in Jiyang depression
    Zhang Shanwen
    2006, 27(6):  731-740,761.  doi:10.11743/ogg20060603
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    Jiyang Depression,a typical terrestrial rifted basin experienced complicated tectonism and sedimentation,contains many well-developed subtle reservoirs.Research on the forming mechanism of the subtle reservoirs reveals three important theoretical understandings.First,steep and slow slope fault-steps and innerand outer-basin slope-breaks shaped during fault-dominated tectonism control the formation and distribution of reservoir rocks(also known as 'faulting-slope-controlled sandstone'),making the place an ideal area for exploration of subtle reservoirs.Secondly,different hydrocarbon conducting paths with the shape of meshwork-carpet,capi-tal letter 'T',ladder,and fractures,develop and operate inside the particular time-space tract in the basin,constituting a complex hydrocarbon transportation system(also known as 'compound transportation')and providing information for the evaluation of exploration direction of subtle reservoirs.Finally,the coupling relation between facies(receiving condition)and liquid potential(driving condition)determines reservoiring conditions and charateristics(also know as 'facies-potential-controlled reservoirs').These understandings constitute the kernel idea of subtle reservoir exploration and promote effectively the petroleum exploration in Jiyang depression during the Tenth Five-Year Plan.

    Exploration achievements and prospects of the Permian Triassic natural gas in northeastern Sichuan basin
    Ma Yongsheng, Cai Xunyu
    2006, 27(6):  741-750.  doi:10.11743/ogg20060604
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    The shifting of exploration target from structural traps to structural-lithologic traps(represented by dolomite reservoirs reef flat facies in Changxing-Feixianguan Formation of)led to the discovery of Puguang gas field-China's largest marine gas field so far.Based on 40 years of exploration achievements,the reef flat sedimentary model,'ternary reservoir controlling mechanism'concerning the deep carbonate reservoirs,and the 'compound reservoir controlling'model,are established by integrating the geological with seismic data.Breakthroughs are also made in the exploration of oolitic beach limestone in the third and fourth members of Feixianguan Formation and dolomite in the second member of Jialinjiang Formation in the periphery structures.Meanwhile,a theoretical system of gas pooling in deep marine carbonates is constructed,and a series of technologies aiming at integrated reservoir prediction are developed.New exploration achievements reveal that there are several potential exploration targets in the area and that Sichuan basin is an important area for future gas exploration.

    Exploration practices in frontiers of Tahe oilfield
    Zhai Xiaoxian
    2006, 27(6):  751-761.  doi:10.11743/ogg20060605
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    During the Tenth Five-Year Plan(2001-2005),the reserves of Tahe oilfield reached 1.638772 billion tons of oil equivalent,in which the proved reserves is 522.2601 million tons of oil equivalent.The boundary of the Ordavician reservoirs in Tahe oilfield expands steadily with its target strata and exploration areas also increasing.The main achievements in oil and gas exploration can be boiled down to the following 'three breakthroughs': ①the exploration of the Ordovician in new regions in Tahe oilfield is realized by basing on identification of the main controlling factors of development and distribution pattern of the Ordovician paleokarst reservoirs;②the exploration of new clasitic rock sequences is actualized,enlarging the exploration area in Tahe oil field;and ③the exploration of new types of traps is achieved with attainment of commercial oil and gas flow in non-anticlinal traps.Meanwhile,great achievements are also made in exploration concepts: ①estaclishment of the theory of hydrocarbon accumulation in fractured-vuggy paleokarst reservoir lays the foundations for the finding of oversize Tahe oilfield,②discovery of the middle Caledonian karst provides a scientific basis for the southward expansion of Tahe oilfield,③development of theory of multiple hydrocarbon accumulation effectively guides the exploration of clastic rocks,and ④the concept of 'frontal uplift and the slope controlling hydrocarbon accumulation'guides the exploration in the southern margin of Tianshan and contributes to the discovery of a number of new traps,putting a cornerstone for the sustainable development of SINOPEC Northwest Petroleum Branch Company.

    Reservoiring features of Daniudi low-permeability gas field in Ordos basin and its exploration and development technologies
    Hao Shumin, Hui Kuanyang, Li Liang
    2006, 27(6):  762-768.  doi:10.11743/ogg20060606
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    The giant Daniudi gas field,located in the north of Ordos basin,is of a tight and low-permeability type.Its main gas-bearing horizons from bottom to top are the Taiyuan Formation of the Upper Carboniferous and Shanxi Formation and lower Shihezi Formation of the Lower Permian,forming a complete set of sedimentary sequences of marine tidal flat-paralic-delta-terrestrial braided channel.The sequences,with a thickness of 250 m to 280 m and a stable lateral distribution,are in a shape of a huge box,to which the commercial gas pools are confined due to a dual tight sealing of favorable lithophysics and anomalous pressure of the regional cap in the upper Shihezi Formation.Layered lithologic traps overlap with one another and hydrocarbon reservoiring in them is characterized by near-source and box-like traps.To solve the problems caused by lithologic trap,tight and low-permeability sand reservoirs,and low natural production of the field,core technologies,such as description and evaluation of stacked lithologic traps and seismic prediction of coal bed reservoirs,have been developed during the exploration and development of the Daniudi gas field.And corresponding technologies of quick drilling aiming at protecting gas reservoirs and large-scale fracturing intending to promote gas production of tight reservoirs have also been advanced.

    Hydrocarbon exploration targets in central uplift area of Tarim basin
    He Zhiliang, Chen Qianglu, Qian Yixiong, Li Huili
    2006, 27(6):  769-778.  doi:10.11743/ogg20060607
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    Three uplifts(i.e.,Bachu,Katak and Guchengxu)in central Tarim basin show an echelon pattern in distribution from west to east.Their tectonic evolution features in both unity and great differences.The Katak uplift is a typical stable paleo-uplift formed and finalized during the early geological time and slightly reformed and adjusted during the later stage;the Bachu uplift is an active paleo-uplift characterized by late development and formation and is still active at present,and the Guchengxu uplift had undergone a relatively long period of evolution and ceased to change at a late geological time.The structural deformation in the central uplift area features in vertical layering and lateral zonality. The polycyclic tectonic evolution in the Katak uplift and its surrounding slope zone and Bachu-MaiGanTi areas is most likely a process responsible for the complex dynamic relationship among the multiple reservoiring,destruction,preservation,and adjustment.A typical complex hydrocarbon accumulation zone is formed with reservoirs superimposed vertically and lined laterally.Eight hydrocarbon exploration targets or target groups are nailed down in the oil and gas accumulation zone with a flat incumbent "S" shape in the central uplift area and its surrounding areas.

    Formation conditions and prospecting technologies for subtle reservoirs in the Che-Mo palaeohigh of central Junggar basin
    Wu Hengzhi, Meng Xianlong, Yang Jiangfeng
    2006, 27(6):  779-785,803.  doi:10.11743/ogg20060608
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    The central Junggar basin is dominated by monoclinal stractures.Despite the fact that the subtle reservoirs discovered in recent years are mostly stratigraphic and lithologic,the reservoir types show diversification,so are the main controlling factors of reservoiring in the basin.Analyzing from the angle of genesis,the carrier conditions of the sand formations,uncomformities,and fault in the central basin,control the distribution and enrichment of hydrocarbons. The Che-Mo palaeohigh developed in the central basin controls the adjustment and modification of the reservoirs.By summarizing the past experiences,a set of seismic recognition technologies that integrate seismic processing with interpretation and are guided by patterns are gradually developed for the exploration of frontiers in western China.

    Gas reservoiring mode in Xujiahe Formation of western Sichuan depression
    Yang Keming
    2006, 27(6):  786-793,803.  doi:10.11743/ogg20060609
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    Xujiahe Formation can be divided into a lower and an upper reservoir assemblages Pooling modes for the former are thought to be high-pressure drive and low-pressure suction and pull and that for the later are regarded as water-soluble gas migration and release and buoyancy transmitting gas through dominant pathway.For the high pressure drive mode,the controlling factor of gas enrichment is the existence of 'faulted but unbroken'fracture system superimposed on the early palaeostructure,and for the low-pressure suction and pull mode,the key factors of gas pooling include sufficient gas source,open faults,compressional structure suction,and decompression by stratum denudation.For the water-soluble gas migration and release mode,the determining elements of gas reservoiring are the continuous migration of structural high,late uplift,and low relief structural and lithologic combination trap with good physical properties;for the mode of buoyancy transmitting gas through dominant pathway,the crucial condition for gas reservoiring is the existence of effective traps on dominant pathway.

    Patterns of natural gas accumulation and enrichment in Dongpu depression
    Jiao Daqing, Wang Deren, Wu Xiaoling
    2006, 27(6):  794-803.  doi:10.11743/ogg20060610
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    Dongpu depression is one of the few basins in China that are abundant with both oil and gas.Two sets of Paleozoic and Cenozoic source rocks,with deep burial depth and high thermal maturity,have gone through complicate history of bury,thermal evolution,and hydrocarbon generation.Good cap rocks represented by halite are well developed.Various types of sandbodies provide the depression with favorable accumulation conditions.Traps in the depression are of various types and the timing of their formation and hydrocarbon generation is ideal.Furthermore,the structural framework(two sags,one uplift,and one slope)of the depression and the abnormal high pressure in some part of the depression make it a favorable place for the migration and accumulation of hydrocarbon.Three types of gas reservoirs,including coal-derived gas,condensate gas and mixed gas,are recognized in the depression.The coal-derived gas reservoirs mainly occur in the top of central uplifts,condensate gas reservoirs mainly occur around the sags,and the mixed gas reservoirs are distributed in between.

    Main controlling factors and exploration direction of subtle oil reservoirs in Qianjiang depression
    Fang Zhixiong
    2006, 27(6):  804-812.  doi:10.11743/ogg20060611
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    During the deposition of Qianjiang-Jinghezhen formations,Qianjiang salt lake tectonically experienced three evolution phases,i.e.,downfaulting,downwarping, and uplifting-erosion-finalization,each with different paleostructural features.Controlled by the paleostructural features,sources,paleoclimates,and water bodies,(fan)deltaic and salt lake depositional systems,as well as four patterns of salt-lake sedimentary fill(fault slope zones,slope break zones,salt lake density flows and southern ramp gypsic salt),were developed in Qianjiang depression during the deposition of the Qianjiang Formation.In Qiangjiang depression,the paleostructural features of the Qianjiang depression Formation control the patterns of depositional fill;the present tectonic setting controls the hydrocarbon reservoiring;the water media condition have an influence on the extension and distribution of the sandbodies,and the genetic types of sandbodies control the types and sizes of the oil reservoirs.The central part of the depression is favorable for exploration of structural-lithologic reservoirs;the eastern slope zone is favorable for prospecting regional updip pinchout lithologic reservoirs;and the peripheral area of the synclines is favorable for explorations of local updip pinchout lithologic reservoirs.

    Exploration in the shallow complex fault blocks of the north slope zone in Biyang depression
    Qiu Ronghua
    2006, 27(6):  813-819,840.  doi:10.11743/ogg20060612
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    After 30 years of practices,the overall concept of exploration in Biyang depression had been thoroughly changed by returning back to the prolific maturing blocks in the depressions at the end of the Ninth Five-Year Plan.Further geological study shows that the shallow complex fault block reservoirs in the north slope zone have great exploration potentials because of its favorable conditions for hydrocarbon pooling.In view of the shallow burial depth and complex fault block structures in the slope zone in northern Biyang depression,3-D seismic exploration had been adopted to preserve the shallow reflections.Apart from that,thermal testing was also implemented in the economic evaluation of heavy oil development.As a result of years of exploration in the zone,many oil-bearing traps has been discovered and reserves has been significantly increased,making the slope zone the key area for reserves and production growth in Henan oilfield for the Tenth Five-Year Plan or even longer period.

    Formation conditions for middle and large oil/gas fields in rift sequences of Songliao basin and thear future exploration targets
    Zhou Liqing, Lei Yixin
    2006, 27(6):  820-826,840.  doi:10.11743/ogg20060613
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    Middle and large oil/gas fields are largely distributed in the deep fault depressions along the two sides of NNE Sunwu-shuangliao lithosphere fault crossing the central part of Songliao basin.These fault depressions has favorable geological conditions for hydrocarbon reservoiring.First,very thick source rocks were deposited in the inherited large abyssal-hypabyssal lakes caused by constant and quick subsidence of the fault depression and the surrounding depressions'blockade of the large proveniences on basin edge. Secondly,two types of reservoir rocks-volcanics and sandstone-were formed when a severe strike slip extensional movement happened in early-middle Yanshan period and caused the development of lacustrine facies mudstone with volcanic rocks and detrital rocks interbedded.Thirdly,after the formation of fault depression,the continuous quick subsidence,together with the lacustrine facies mudstone and shale sequences with abnormal pressure in drape depression,forced the source rocks go through thermal evolution and hydrocarbon generation and shaped the cap rocks into favorable sealing material for natural gas in the depressions.Fourthly,as the depressions experienced stable subsidence with no severe lifting in the later period,well-preserved regional cap rocks provide favorable preservation condition for gas reservoirs.Finally,much less activities of basal deep faults in the Late Cretaceous induced less destruction to the gas reservoirs. A study on the accumulation pattern in deep fault depressions shows that middle and large oil/gas fields are mainly distributed in the inherited latitudinally trending nose-like structure,stratigraphic overlapping pinch out traps,and complex lithological traps,among them the uplift zone between two deep fault depressions is where the largest oil/gas fields are distributed.

    Hydrocarbon pooling features and seismic recognizing technologies of small complex fault blocks in Subei basin
    Mao Fengming, Chen Anding, Liu Yurui, Yan Yuanfeng, Ye Saodong, Liu Qidong, Chen Liqiong, Tan Yan
    2006, 27(6):  827-840.  doi:10.11743/ogg20060614
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    Subei basin is composed of small half grabens and features in closely-spaced faults,small traps,and homogeneous hydrocarbon abundance.Hydrocarbon pooling in Subei basin has the following characteristics:(1)The Late Eocene is the pooling period;(2)Hydrocarbon expulsion of source rocks is unilateral;(3)The migration and accumulation styles are different in the Eocene fault depression and the Palaeocene depression.The Eocene fault depression has small and isolated sandbodies,where hydrocarbons accumulate through vertical migration along the faults,the pools are distributed in the deep depression and occur vertically in multiple layers along the faults,and are dominated by structural-lithologic reservoirs.While the depression develops large delta sandbodies,hydrocarbon generation and accumulation occurring in the same layer and hydrocarbon migration is active.The pools mainly occur in the slope and uplift zones and are dominated by structural reservoirs.(4)Hydrocarbon enrichment is mainly controlled by source rock maturity,physical properties of sandbodies and sealing of the faults.The upper source-reservoir-cap rock combination is controlled by hydrocarbon migration,and the middle and lower combinations are controlled by the development of carrier beds and traps.To deal with the exploration of small complex fault block reservoirs,a set of technologies concerning seismic acquisition,processing,and interpretation,have been developed and improved.

    Reservoiring pattern of natural gas in deep of southern Songliao basin
    Zhang Yuming, Li Ming, Li Ruilei
    2006, 27(6):  841-848.  doi:10.11743/ogg20060615
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    The fault depressions,isolated with one another but genetically related,are developed in deep of southern Songliao basin and most of them are considered to be capable of generating hydrocarbon.An analysis carried out on the reservoiring pattern of natural gas in Shiwu and Changlin fault depressions suggests that the gas reservoiring be controlled by the distribution and evolution of source rocks and the configuration between large-scale structure belt and the sedimentary facies and their preservation conditions.The deep gas reservoirs were formed in two phases,namely Denlouku and Nenjiang,in which the later is more important.Large-scale structure belt in area with medium to high hydrocarbon-generating intensity is critical for the accumulation and reservoiring because the favorable reservoirs and faults inside the belt control the local enrichment of oil and gas.However,the preservation condition is not ideal due to an absence of regional cap adjacent to hydrocarbon source rock.It is concluded that different combinations of source rock,structure,deposition,and preservation,can form various complex hydrocarbon accumulation zones.The central structure,the eastern Qinjiatun strike slip structure and the northern complex hydrocarbon accumulation zone of overlap pinchout type in Shiwu fault depression,and Dongling complex accumulation zone on the eastern slope and the entral low uplift complex accumulation in Changlin fault depression,are the main exploration targets in the future,and the large submarine alluvial fan western steep slope in Changlin fault depression is also regarded as a potential hydrocarbon accumulation zone.

    Recognition and fine description of subtle traps in Jiyang depression
    Han Wengong, Zhang Jianning, Wang Jinduo
    2006, 27(6):  849-859.  doi:10.11743/ogg20060616
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    The maturing oil areas in eastern China have entered the exploration stage for subtle traps,in which the recognition and description of reservoir(mainly the prediction of sandbodies)is considered the key factor for successful exploration.Aiming at the various types of continental subtle traps in fault lakes,set of technologies that based on 3-D seismic exploration technology and seismo geological analysis are developed for determination of the facies,lithologies,physical properties of reservoirs,and prediction of fluids at different exploration stages.The application of the technologies in the recognition and description of the typical channel turbidite sandbodies and sandstones in Jiyang depression shows positive results.

    Prediction of the Ordovician fractured-vuggy carbonate reservoirs in Tahe oilfield
    Han Gehua, Qi Lixin, Li Zongjie, Fan Zhengjun
    2006, 27(6):  860-870,878.  doi:10.11743/ogg20060617
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    The Ordovician fractured-vuggy carbonate reservoirs in Tahe oilfield have a burial depth of more than 5 300 m.Their matrix has no storage capacity and their reservoir spaces are dominated by fractures and vugs,which control the accumulation of oil and gas.The reservoirs have a strong heterogeneity both vertically and horizontally.The reservoir prediction is very difficult due to its low seismic SNR and poor resolution.Predicting and locating the highly fractured-vuggy zones in the Ordovician thus becomes the key factor for increasing of the growth of reserves and production in Tahe oilfield.Based on the strudy of genetic mechanism of the reservoirs,a genetic prediction mode is established for the fractured-vuggy carbonate reservoirs to lay a geological foundation for the reservoir prediction.In view of the characteristics of the Ordovician reservoirs,the fine imaging technology(cored with pre-stack time migration and object fine processing)of fractured-vuggy carbonate reservoir is developed.Through reservoir calibration and forward modeling analysis,a geophysical recognition mode(including logging recognition mode and seismic recognition mode)for carbonate fractured-vuggy reservoir is established and it provides evidences for reservoir recognition and prediction.To effectively predict the carbonate zones with highly developed fractures and vugs,technologies,such as amplitude variation,coherent cube analysis,and wave impedance and inversion,are also adopted.

    High-resolution seismics in the mountainous terrain of northeastern Sichuan
    Yang Guixiang, Zhen Tianfa, Jin Penggui, Gao Lin
    2006, 27(6):  871-878.  doi:10.11743/ogg20060618
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    The geological conditions in northeastern Sichuan are complicated by the coexistence of complex mountainous terrain,deep burial of exploration targets,and carbonate reservoirs.Guided by the notion of integrated seismic acquisition,processing,and interpretation for prediction of reservoir,a study is carried out on such areas as the high-resolution seismic acquisition,high-fidelity seismic data processing,and deep carbonate reservoir prediction in complex mountainous terrain.A series of technologies are developed,including high-resolution seismic acquisition in complex mountainous terrain with reservoir-oriented acquisition design,high-precision positioning,high-density sampling,and saturated excitation as its cores,and high-resolution reservoir imaging and integrated seismic prediction suitable for reef flat reservoirs.They enhance the signal-to-noise ratio and resolution of seismic data and support the exploration of natural gas in the area.

    Recognition of shallow-middle gas reservoirs in western Sichuan depression
    Tang Jianming, Yang Jun2, Zhang Shaonan
    2006, 27(6):  879-894.  doi:10.11743/ogg20060619
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    The non-marine shallow-middle gas reservoirs(with depth ranging from 500 m to 3000 m)in western Sichuan depression are near-normal to tight sandstone of distal facies.These reservoirs are mainly distributed in the Jurassic and Cretaceous formations where large-to medium-sized gas fields,such as Xinchang,Luodai,Xindu,Majing,and etc,are harbored.The shallow-middle reservoirs in western Sichuan depression feature in well-developed reservoirs,favorable transportation conditions,ideal matching of reservoir distribution and structure configuration,and good sealing.Sedimentary micro-facies reservoirs are mainly composed of delta front sill-like sand,delta front distributary channel sand,estuarine sand bar,and sublacustrine fan sand.The reservoirs typically show low wave impedance and large wave impedance difference with surrounding rocks.The seismogeological conditions are rather unfavorable in western Sichuan depression,where the surface is covered by unconsolidated pebble and sandy soil beds with thickness ranging from several meters to 200 meters,resulting in severe high frequency attenuation and strong interference waves,such as surface wave,acoustic wave and refraction wave,and low S/N ratio.Therefore,a successful gas reservoir recognition in the study area involves the application of high-precision 3D seismic data acquisition in areas covered by unconsolidated pebble layers,3D seismic processing with gas bearing seismic responses preserved,reservoir seismic attributes extraction and analysis based on forward modeling,and reservoir spatial delineation and multi-disciplinary integrated evaluation.The exploration and production of the shallow-middle gas reservoirs in the study area show that seismic exploration plays an important role in delineation of reservoir distribution,description of the spatial geometry of the reservoirs,inverse modeling of the reservoir parameters,study of sedimentary facies and heterogeneity,determining prolific gas-bearing zone,and recognition of gas-bearing properties.