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    28 October 2012, Volume 33 Issue 5
    A vitrinite reflectance kinetic model with the effect of pressure integrated
    Zhou Bo, Yun Jinbiao
    2012, 33(5):  661-669.  doi:10.11743/ogg20120501
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    Available lab and drilling data reveal that the effect of pressure upon the evolution of organic matter could not be fully described with a general model.In formations under normal pressure,organic chemical reactions follow the first-order reaction kinetics.In contrast,formations under overpressure act as semi-closed systems,in which the hydrocarbons generated from organic matter could not be expulsed in time and a chemical equilibrium is eventually reached when the amount of reaction product increases to a critical state.The pressure exerts its influence upon the evolution of organic matter through affecting the shifting of chemical equilibrium instead of changing the frequency factor of the chemical reaction.Therefore,organic matter evolution under overpressure is the result of temperature and pressure affecting the shift of chemical equilibrium.What can be derived from this observation is that it is pressure itself that does the works not the overpressure.What the overpressure does is to provide a semi-closed system for chemical reactions.Formation pressure controls the shift of chemical equilibrium to manipulate the thermal evolution of organic matters.The new model then was applied to actual petroliferous basins to simulate the evolution pattern of organic matter in a single well.A comparison of the modeled results with the real maturity data reveals that the model matches well with the real evolution of organic matter,confirming the effectiveness of the model.

    Identification of subtle traps in Hassan block, Junggar Basin
    Ji Hailong
    2012, 33(5):  670-674.  doi:10.11743/ogg20120502
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    Coarse-grained clastic fan subtle traps are well developed in the Hassan block of Junggar Basin.However,the coarse-grained clastic deposits are commonly complexes composed of multiple coarse-grained clastic fans deposited at different geological times.As their internal structures are very complicated,the identification of subtle traps is difficult.Taking the coarse-grained clastic fan of the lower Badaowan Formation of the Jurassic in Hassan block as an example,we identified sequence boundaries and analyzed features of sedimentary cycles in single well by using the sequence stratigraphy method,then performed fine division of the deposits stages of coarse-grained clastics,and finally established a stratigraphic framework.Furthermore,sedimentary section,logging and test data,and regional sedimentary facies were integrated to carry out stratigraphic correlation and layer subdivision and select target sandbodies.By using various geophysical techniques such as seismic attribute extraction and seismic facies,we accurately identified the subtle traps in the Hassan block.Commercial oil flow was tested in these subtle traps,marking a big breakthrough of exploration in this block.These methods may be also effective for identification of subtle traps in similar blocks.

    Numerical simulation of hydrocarbon generation,migration and accumulation in the Boxing sag,Dongying Depression, Jiyang Subbasin
    Wang Bingjie, Luo Shengyuan, Chen Yanhong, Wu Wanglin
    2012, 33(5):  675-685,694.  doi:10.11743/ogg20120503
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    The dark shale rich in organic matter in the middle and lower parts of Member 3(Es3)and the upper part of Member 4(Es4)of the Shahejie Formation are the source rocks in the Boxing sag of the Dongying depression.The measured geologic reserves are mainly discovered in the sandstones of the Es3 and Es4.Based on a reconstruction of thermal history of the sag,the researchers simulated the source rock thermal maturation history and hydrocarbon generation,migration and accumulation histories.The findings are listed as the following:①There are at least two periods of hydrocarbon generation and expulsion with the first period lasting from 30Ma to 25Ma and the second ranging from 16Ma to 0Ma.of the second period,the most important time is from 5Ma(the end of deposition of the Guantao Formation)to the present,during which large amount of oil were generated and distributed the way we see today,and the major source rocks are supposed to be still generating oil at pre-sent;②The amount of oil generated and accumulated in the Es4 member is significantly bigger than those in the Es3 member,indicating the hydrocarbon generation and expulsion process of the main source rocks controlled the vertical crude oil distribution to a certain extent.③Seven favorable oil plays are identified near the main source rocks according to the simulation.Although the gentle slope in the Boxing sag is located in the lower oil-potential area and is favorable for oil migration and accumulation,the maturity of source rocks at the slope area is low and the oil migration from the lower area is blocked by the Boxing fault zone,resulting in the relatively small amount of oil accumulated in the slope.

    Overpressure genesis in the Liutun salt-lake sag,Dongpu Depression, Bohai Bay Basin
    Li Xiaoqiang, Zhao Yanchao
    2012, 33(5):  686-694.  doi:10.11743/ogg20120504
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    Overpressure is common in the Liutun salt-lake sag in the Dongpu depression and obviously control the formation of mudstone fractures and affects the hydrocarbon accumulation in these fractured mudstone reservoirs.Therefore,it is important to look into the genesis of overpressure in the salt-lake sag.We analyzed the relationship between the gypsum and overpressure based on the geophysical and geochemical data and combined with the analysis of overpressure genesis mechanisms.The results show that the undercompaction caused by sealing process of the gypsum cap rocks was the major mechanism for the formation of overpressure in salt-lake sags of the Dongpu depression where the deposition rate was low.Further quantitative evaluation of the undercompaction indicates its contribution to the overpressure is 53.068%-71.416%(62.758% in average).This leads to a conclusion that the extensive undercompaction caused by the strong sealing capacity of gypsum cap rock in the salt-lake sag is the determinative factor of the overpressure,especially the ultra-strong overpressure.Hydrocarbon generation and clay-mineral dehydration of inter-salt mudstone also can contribute to a certain limited extent to the formation of overpressure.Based on the above analysis,we propose that the properties of the gypsum cap rocks are the pivotal factors affecting and controlling the formation of overpressure in salt-lake sags.

    Controlling factors of structural reservoir distribution and its prediction method in Nanpu depression, Bohai Bay Basin
    Huang Manning, Dong Yuexia, Pang Xiongqi, Hao Haijiang, Guo Jigang
    2012, 33(5):  695-704.  doi:10.11743/ogg20120505
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    Nanpu depression in Bohai Bay Basin has large petroleum exploration potential,and most of the reservoirs discovered in the depression are of structural type.However,the distribution pattern of petroleum resources is still unclear,so it is diffficult to effectively develop petroleum exploration.Geofacies,fluid potential and hydrocarbon kitchen are believed to be main factors controlling hydrocarbon distribution in Nanpu depression.Geofacies controlls hydrocarbon distribution by "favorable facies combined with high porosity and permeability" pattern, fluid potential controlls by "low potential" pattern,and hydrocarbon kitchen controlls by "near source" pattern.Based on these patterns,we established a comprehensive hydrocarbon accumulation model of "near source-favorable facies-low potential",which was applied to predict petroleum accumulation distributioin in Nanpu depression.Potential anticlinal reservoirs may occur in the first-order favorable area in Beipu structural belt and the second-order favorable area in Nanpu No.4 structural belt,whereas potential fault-block reservoirs may occur in the second-order favorable area in Beipu structural belt,second-order favorable area in Nanpu No.3 structural belt,second-order favorable area in Nanpu No.4 structural belt and third-order favorable area in Nanpu No.5 structural belt.

    Petroleum geology and subtle traps in Campos Basin, Brazil offshore
    Zhang Shen, Guo Li, Lin Weidong
    2012, 33(5):  705-712.  doi:10.11743/ogg20120506
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    In recent years,Brazil offshore has become one of the hot areas atracting international investments.In order to lower exploration risk,we studied the basic elements of total petroleum system in Campos Basin,including source rocks,reservoir rocks,traps and seals by integrating geophysical prospecting and well data,analyzed four kinds of typical subtle traps discovered in this basin,and proposed that subtle traps have large exploration potentials in this basin.Since the formation of the basin in the Early Cretaceous,it has experienced three evolution stages,including rifting,early drifting and late drifting stages,and developed three megasequences of non-marine,transitional and marine facies respectively.Three sets of source rocks possibly occur in the strata from the Lower Cretaceous to the Neogene in Campos Basin and the most important source rocks is the Lower Cretaceous Lagoa Feia Formation,from which all the discovered oil/gas in the basin were sourced.Various oil/gas reservoirs have been discovered in all the formations from the Lower Cretaceous to the Miocene,including fractured basalt in the basement,bioclastics in the Lagoa Feia Formation,carbonates in the Maca? Formation,clastic reservoirs and marine turbidites in the Upper Cretaceous-Oligocene.Subtle traps are very important in the basin and are dominated by stratigraphic traps including overlap traps,buried-hill traps and unconformity traps.More attention should be paid to the exploration of subtle traps,especially lithologic traps and fractured subtle traps.

    Authigenic illite dating for the timing of oil-gas accumulation of the Permian reservoirs in northeastern Ordos Basin
    Chen Gang, Xu Liming, Ding Chao, Zhang Huiruo, Li Shuheng, Hu Yanxu, Huang Deshun, Li Nan, Li Yan
    2012, 33(5):  713-719,729.  doi:10.11743/ogg20120507
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    The K-Ar dating method with authigenic illite(AI)is applied to oil-gas-bearing sandstone core-samples to determine the stages and timing of the Permian oil-gas accumulation in northeastern Ordos Basin.Results show that the Permian oil-gas-bearing intervals all experienced two events of original oil-gas accumulation during the periods of 175-155 Ma and 145-115 Ma,respectively corresponding to two age-peaks at 165 Ma of the Middle Jurassic and 130 Ma of the Early Cretaceous in coincidence with the generation stages of the permian hydrocarbon source rocks in the Early and Middle Mesozoic.Specifically,oil-gas accumulation in the Lower Permian features in a relatively wide time range from 178 Ma to 110 Ma,while that in the Middle and Upper Permian is characterized by a narrow time range from 160 Ma to 108 Ma.The AI dating of(160-125)Ma of the Upper Permian samples indicates a relatively earlier ending time of its oil-gas accumulation.Also,the spatial and temporal distribution of the AI ages shows that the sequence of oil-gas migration to accumulation in the Permian is mainly from south(178-122 Ma)to north(131-108 Ma).Accordingly,it could be speculated that reservoirs in the Permian almost unanimously experienced two stages of original oil-gas accumulation during the Early to Middle Jurassic and the Early Cretaceous;and the current secondary accumulation features of the Upper Permian reservoirs should be mainly caused by the later reformation and adjustment of the original oil-gas accumulation during the Late Mesozoic to Cenozoic uplifting of the basin.

    Characterization of chalk reservoirs:an example from Tishrine oilfield, Syria
    Zhang Tao, Wu Xingwei, Zhu Zhixin, Xia Dongling, Chen Guiju, Yu Huiling
    2012, 33(5):  720-729.  doi:10.11743/ogg20120508
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    Taking the Tishrine oilfield in Syria as an example,this paper discusses a characterization of a special type of carbonate reservoir-chalk reservoir.The Upper Cretaceous-Eocene reservoirs in this oilfield are rich in micro-pores and fractures,and typically have high porosity and ultra-low permeability.Lab analysis shows that their core plug porosity can be as high as 35%,permeability is less than 1×10-3 μm2 for most samples,formation resistivity is rather low(0.1-5 Ω·m),and the irreducible water saturation can be as high as 70-95%.The study suggests that the Upper Cretaceous-Eocene are chalk or chalkoid(chalk-like)reservoirs deposited in shelf and off-shelf environments,which contain a large number of tiny coccolithophores of a few microns in diameter and well developed intergranular micropores.Their pore throat radius is in the range from 0.5 to 1 μm.Coupled with high salinity(3-7 times higher than that of sea water),these reservoirs have very low formation resistivity.Factors such as sedimentary environment,shale content,calcite cementation,recrystallization and compaction are considered as the key forces controlling the development of the reservoirs.As far as the study area is concerned,such conditions as no exposure to atmospheric water,highstand deposition and no clastic input were favorable for forming high-quality reservoirs.The late fracturing event played a very important role in the forming of present permeability of these reservoirs.The fractures are mostly associated with late strike-slip faulting or tectonic inversion and also control the geometry and heterogeneity of the reservoirs.The challenges we are going to facing in the study of this special reservoir include the prediction of fracture distribution,identification of oil-bearing intervals,and determination of reserves estimating parameters

    Application of geostatistical inversion to thin reservoir prediction
    Wang Xiangwen, Liu Hong, Teng Binbin, Wang Lianyu
    2012, 33(5):  730-735.  doi:10.11743/ogg20120509
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    Taking M1 thin reservoir in H-N oilfield,Southern Ecuador,as an example,this paper documents the challenges and problems of thin reservoir prediction and presents relevant techniques and methods to tackle these problems.Based on analysis of geophysical characteristics of reservoirs and surrounding rocks,a geostatistical inversion technique is applied in this case to identify the thin(1-25 ft)reservoirs with rapid lateral changes and strong concealment.Sand distribution is refined through correlation between different data volume including seismic interpretation,CSSI(Constrained Sparse Spike Inversion)and geostatistical inversion,and is further checked by non-well,random-wells and newly drilled wells.The accuracy of thin reservoir prediction is greatly enhanced to a vertical resolution up to 5 ft.This technique is successfully applied in H-N oilfield and the new drilling data show that all the prediceted thin sand layers are encountered and the drilling coincidence rate is 82%.

    Reservoir characteristics of the Feixianguan Formation in Kaijiang-Liangping continental shelf flanks,northeastern Sichuan Basin
    Yang Yingying, Li Guorong, Deng Yong
    2012, 33(5):  736-742.  doi:10.11743/ogg20120510
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    Kaijiang-Liangping continental shelf in northeastern Sichuan Basin is an important area for petroleum exploration in China.Reservoir distribution is very complicated and the reservoir quality is greatly variable.Based on the previous research,this paper described the reservoir characteristics of the Ferxianguan Formation by using high-resolution sequence stratigraphy and integrating various data such as seismic,logging,lithofacies,outcrop and thin section data.On the basis of high-frequency sequence stratigraphy division and correlation of single well,a high resolution sequence framework was established with system tract as the unit.The development features and factors controlling bank facies reservoirs rocks were analyzed within the framework.Taking Puguang and Yuanba blocks as the case study,we established the fine structure pattern for reservoirs in the Feixianguan Formation.The reservoirs in the Puguang gas field are thick in vertical and continuous in lateral,and have good porosity and permeability.In contrast,the reservoirs in the Yuanba gas field are thin in vertical,commonly occur at the upper or top of the high-frequency sequences,and have poor porosity and permeability as a whole.The further study of reservoir development and distribution within the high-resolution stratigraphic framework is of great significance to the exploration and development in the Feixianguan Formation.

    Clay mineral distribution and its controlling factors in the Upper Paleozoic gas reservoirs of Sulige gas field
    Li Mingrui, Zhang Qing, Duan Hongzhen, Deng Jie
    2012, 33(5):  743-750.  doi:10.11743/ogg20120511
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    Clay minerals distribute widely in the gas reservoirs of the 8th member of the Shihezi Formation and the 1st member of the Shanxi Formation in the Upper Paleozoic of the Sulige gas field in Ordos Basin.The study of clay mineral content changes and main controlling factors plays a very important role in the low-permeability reservoir stimulation and protection.Based on a comprehensive study of data such as X-ray diffraction,thin sections and cast thin sections of clay minerals,and so on,we proved that the clay minerals in the 1st member of Shanxi Formation and the upper and lower 8th member of the Shihezi Formation are mostly chlorite,illite,kaolinite and illite-smectite mixed-layer.The horizontal and vertical distributions of these minerals are studied with the single factor analysis method and the main controlling factors for their distribution difference are also analyzed.The results show that the mother rocks in different provenance regions determined their original composition,climate condition changes from relatively warm and wet to dry controlled their weathering and alteration degrees,and strong hydrodynamics,proper pH value and weak reductive environment of fluvial sedimentary environment provided favorable conditions for their deposition,transformation as well as preservation.However,the increase of illite content from alteration of feldspar during the late diagenetic stage B caused the lowering of reservoir quality.

    Genesis of chlorites and its relationship with high-quality reservoirs in the Xujiahe Formation tight sandstones, western Sichuan depression
    Sun Quanli, Sun Hansen, Jia Bao, Yu Jianjun, Luo Wenjun
    2012, 33(5):  751-757.  doi:10.11743/ogg20120512
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    Tight gas production is taking up bigger and bigger shares in China’s total natural gas production.However,further exploration and development of this kind of gas reservoirs face great challenges due to their distribution complexity and prediction difficulty.Although the Xujiahe Formation in western Sichuan depression is typical tight sandstone,it has relatively good reservoirs with relatively higher permeability and porosity.Research of these reservoirs reveals a unique phenomenon of the existence of a rim chlorite cementation.Based on analysis of data such as thin section,SEM and X-ray diffraction and in combination with sedimentary facies,regional geology and volcanic activity,the authors determined the period in which the chlorite was formed.It is suggested that the existence of chlorite can effectively protect the primary pores in these reservoirs.However,the sole exis-tence of ring-shaped chlorite cementation does not necessarily mean a relatively better reservoir.Other pre-requirements for a high-quality reservoir are also needed,for example,the ring must be thick and continuous enough and the reservoirs must be formed in high-energy sedimentary environment.

    Accumulation patterns of the Chang-9 oil reservoir in the Yanchang Formation of Hongjingzi area in Jiyuan oilfield
    Chen Zhaobing, Zhu Yushuang, Xie Hui, Zhang Jie, Wang Haihua, Cheng Gang, Xu Sen
    2012, 33(5):  758-765.  doi:10.11743/ogg20120513
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    The paper summarized the hydrocarbon accumulation pattern in the formation based on analysis of logging and core data,relationship among lithology,physical property,electrical property and oil-bearing situation,as well as formation test and production test results from the Chang-9 reservoir in the Yanchang Formation of the Hongjingzi block in Jiyuan oilfield,Ordos Basin.It is suggested that the oil and gas generated in source rocks of the Chang-7 layer were mainly driven by the excess flow pressure inside and migrated to the Chang-9 reservoirs through pores and fractures.However,the hydrocarbon expulsion in Chang-7 was not strong enough to fully fill up the Chang-9 reservoirs.In addition the bottom water widely developed in the Chang-9 reservoirs impeded the further downward migration of hydrocarbons.The top barriers inside the Chang-9 provided the sealing conditions necessary for hydrocarbon accumulation in the reservoirs,resulting in the enrichment of some hydrocarbons in interlayers inside the Chang-9.Hydrocarbons might first accumulate in top layers of the Chang-91 where the physical properties were more favorable due to the dual control of lithology and physical properties.The relationship between structure features and formation testing as well as production testing results demonstrates that the structural relief has very little effect on oil and gas accumulations in the Chang-9 reservoirs.

    Lower limits of physical properties and their controlling factors of effective coarse-grained clastic reservoirs in the Shahejie Formation on northern steep slope of Bonan subsag,the Bohai Bay Basin
    Li Wenhao, Zhang Zhihuan, Zan Ling, Zhang Lisheng
    2012, 33(5):  766-777.  doi:10.11743/ogg20120514
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    This paper determined the lower limits of physical properties for the effective coarse-grained clastic reservoir rocks in different intervals of the Shahejie Formation on northern steep slope of Bonan subsag,the Bohai Bay Basin by integrating the distribution function curve and production test methods combined with logging and production testing data.The relational expressions between the lower limits of physical properties and depths were also defined through matching.On this basis,this paper analyzed the effects of lithology,sedimentary facies,diagenetic stage and formation pressure on the formation of effective reservoir rocks.The lower limits of physical properties of effective reservoirs decrease with the increasing depth.Favorable sedimentary facies is the key factor controlling the development of effective coarse-grained clastic reservoirs,and determine reservoir quality.The effective reservoirs area are mainly distributed in the western slump turbidite fans and the midfan of the central and eastern nearshore subaqueous fans in the study,the latter is better.Diagenesis also affect reservoir quality to a certain extent.The coarse-grained clastic reservoirs developed mostly at A1 and A2 substage of middle diagenetic stage,which correspond to the major hydrocarbon generation stage during organic thermal evolution,which is favorable for the formation of secondary porosity,with dissolution improving the quality of deep reservoir rocks.,Formation pressure has little effect on effective reservoir rocks.

    Features of fractures in shallow- to mid-depth reservoirs with ultra-low permeability and their comparison with those in deep reservoirs in Anpeng oilfield,the Nanxiang Basin
    Gong Lei, Zeng Lianbo, Li Juan, Jiang Jianwei, Tang Xiaomei, Wang Zhaosheng
    2012, 33(5):  778-784.  doi:10.11743/ogg20120515
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    Based on data of outcrops,cores,image logs and thin sections,we analyzed the features of fractures in the shallow- to mid-depth reservoirs in Anpeng oilfield of Nanxiang Basin,compared them with that of the deep reservoirs,and determined the main factors controlling the development of these fractures.The study suggests that there are two types of fractures in the shallow-to mid-depth reservoirs in the Anpeng oilfield:the tectonic fractures and the diagenetic fractures.The former of high dip-angle dominates the study area with an average linear density of 0.42/m and a height of generally less than 0.40m(averaging at 0.25m),which indicates that fractures are confined within the layers.Micro-fractures are very important channels for connecting the intergranular pores and intragranular dissolved pores,and enhance reservoir pore connectivity.Affected by horizontal tectonic compressions during the Early and Late Himalayan movements,three sets of tectonic fractures were formed in the study area,i.e.E-W,NE-SW and NW-SE striking fractures.The E-W fractures were developed better than the other two sets.The formation and distribution of these fractures in the oilfield were controlled by such factors as the tectonic stress field,lithology,porosity,permeability,layer thickness and structures.Under the same controlling factors,the fractures in the shallow- to mid-depth reservoirs of the field are thought to have the similar genetic types,occurrences and development characteristics to that of the deep reservoirs,but slightly lower degree of development than that of the deep reservoirs.

    Characteristics and genesis of Mid-Triassic Leikoupo Formation reservoirs, Northeastern Sichuan Basin
    Qin Weijun, Zou Wei
    2012, 33(5):  785-790,795.  doi:10.11743/ogg20120516
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    The overall sedimentary environment of the Mid-Triassic Leikoupo Formation in the Northeastern Sichuan Basin is dominated by evaporite platforms where a set of thick and wide-spreading evaporites predominantly of gypsums and dolomites were deposited.The Leikoupo Formation can be subdivided into four members.The seismic responses of the fourth member feature in weak amplitude,low frequency and relatively continuous reflection configuration.Most reservoir rocks within the fourth member are type-III of low permeability,some of them show characters of type-II.Their pore spaces are dominated by caverns,dissolution-widened fractures and structural fissures.The development and distribution of the reservoir rocks in the member were controlled by both sedimentary facies and weathered crust.Dolomites of platform evaporate facies and lagoon facies in the study area were exposed and eroded into weathered crust during the last period of the Leikoupo Formation deposition.In addition,the dolomites also experienced leaching and corrosion of meteoric water along unconformities and fractures,resulting in a set of high-quality reservoir rocks.

    Bottom water breakthrough prediction in fractured-vuggy reservoirs with bottom water——an example from the well S48 in Block 4 of Tahe oilfield
    Chen Zhaohui, Deng Yong, Xu Bo, Dong Jianxin
    2012, 33(5):  791-795.  doi:10.11743/ogg20120517
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    Bottom water coning is a major reason reducing production and recovery factor of single well in reservoirs with bottom water.The Ordovician of the Tahe oilfield has well-developed fractured-vuggy reservoirs with bottom water,which are different from conventional porous reservoirs and fractured reservoirs in many ways.Pores,fractures and vugs coexist and large cavern system dominates the reservoir spaces in this type of reservoirs.Due to spatial diversification of reservoir scale and discontinuous distribution of reservoir space,the fractured-vuggy reservoirs have a water coning mechanism significantly different from that of a regular reservoir with bottom water.Considering its uneven distribution of vugs and strong heterogeneity,we established a conceptual geological model with permeability variation to describe the reservoirs and derived a prediction formula for the bottom water breakthrough by defining permeability variation coefficient and the drainage radius ratio to characterize the development of fractures and vugs.We applied the formula to the calculation of bottom water breakthrough time in the well S48 in Block 4 of the Tahe oilfield.Through the comparison of the results with the actual data,we tried to determine the effectiveness of the formula and analyze the influences of fracture and vug deve-lopment(represented by permeability variation coefficient and drainage radius ratio),single well production and perforation upon the time of bottom-water breakthrough.

    Using hydrodynamic force to change flow direction in low-permeability oil reservoirs——an example from the Baobei block in Baolang oilfield,Xinjiang
    Li Weicai, Cui Lianxun, Zhao Rui
    2012, 33(5):  796-801,810.  doi:10.11743/ogg20120518
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    The development and production of low-permeability oil reservoirs have been staggered by problems such as low recovery factor and low efficiency of waterflooding,singular direction of fluid flow and etc.How to effectively develop this kind of reservoirs therefore has gained more and more attention around the world in recent years.The paper discussed a study on the application of a flow direction changing method with hydrodynamic force in the Baobei block of the Baolang oilfield in Xinjiang Autonomous region.The study suggests that there are three ways of changing flow direction with the hydrodynamic force:water injector adjustments,producer adjustment and conversion of producers to injectors.Based on practical geological and production data of the oilfield,the study offered practical measures for changing flow direction in 52 producers through infilling injectors and adjusting producing layers.An evaluation was also carried out by using reservoir numerical simulation model to check the effectiveness of these measures during the study.The model predicts increases in comprehensive water cut by 6.36%,oil production by 265,100 tons and daily oil output by 59.34 tons fifteen years after the measures being taken.Based on the prediction,the paper comes to the conclusion that the method can effectively impede water cut increasing,increase single production,and enhance waterflooding recovery factor in oil reservoirs with low permeability.

    Distribution of formation water in tight sandstone reservoirs of western Sulige gas field, Ordos Basin
    Wang Xiaomei, Zhao Jingzhou, Liu Xinshe, Fan Liyong
    2012, 33(5):  802-810.  doi:10.11743/ogg20120519
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    The criteria for an acceptable formation watercut level in the western Sulige gasfield in Ordos Basin can be summarized as salinity≥50g/L,sodium-chlorine ratio<0.5,sodium-calcium ratio<1 and fracturing fluid flowback rate≥100%.Based on a comprehensive analysis of water formation chemical characteristics,hydrogen and oxygen isotopes as well as trace element "Br",the paper concludes that the formation water in the western Sulige gasfield was of continental sedimentary origin and experienced extensive water-rock interaction and evaporation processes.The analysis also indicates that sealing condition for the formation water in the Upper Paleozoic is good,thus which is favorable for gas accumulation and preservation.Further analysis in combination with consideration of hydrocarbon accumulation elements such as source rocks,reservoir and cap rocks reveals that the formation water is residual water from the process of weak dynamic hydrocarbon accumulation.The complicated gas-water distribution pattern is caused by reservoir heterogeneity and microstructures on the background of low hydrocarbon-generating intensity and low tectonic position.The formation water of high salinity in the eastern Ordos Basin is suggested to be related to the water-rock process of the Ordovician salinastone.