Oil-gas shows from destruction oil/gas reservoirs in the petroliferous basins of China and their geological significance
Huo Zhipeng, Pang Xiongqi, Du Yijing, Shen Weibing, Jiang Tao, Guo Fengtao
2013, 34(4):
356 )
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Oil-gas shows can provide much important information to explore the related residual or secondary reservoirs.Based on field survey,geological analysis and literature investigation,this paper systematically studied the distribution of oil-gas shows in different basins/regions in China,discussed their genetic mechanisms and analyzed their petroleum geological significance.According to the degree of destruction of reservoirs,oil-gas shows can be classified into three types:partial destruction,strong destruction,and complete destruction.All these three types of oil-gas shows are widely distributed in each basin/region in China.The partial-destruction type of oil-gas shows,including oil seepage,gas seepage and mud volcano,is mainly distributed in the western and southern China.The strong-destruction type of oil-gas shows such as heavy oil is mainly distributed in the western and eastern China.The complete-destruction type of oil-gas shows,such as natural bitumen,tar sand and mineral wax,mainly occurs in the western and southern China.On the other hand,in terms of the times and extent of destruction of reservoirs,the genetic mechanism of oil-gas shows can be categorized into two types:primary-destruction and secondary-destruction.The former type of oil-gas shows include surface oil seepage,gas seepage and volcano and their formation are influenced by the intense tectonic movements,frequent earthquakes and rapid deposition.It can be further divided into four kinds according to their ways of out-flowing the surface of earth:surface-cutting fault,uplifting-denudation,diapir penetrating,unconformity outcropping.The secondary-destruction type of oil-gas shows include heavy oil,natural bitumen,tar sand and mineral wax on the surface and underground,and features in water washing oxidation and biodegradation after destroyed directly and they are usually paragenic and transitional.In the early stage of petroleum exploration,the oil-gas shows of partial-destruction type or that on thrust belt and diaper structure have greater guiding significance to discover underground reservoirs.On the one hand,although all kinds of destructive effects can destroy reservoirs to form oil-gas shows,they could also have positive influences on the redistribution and preservation of hydrocarbons.Therefore,preservation condition is the key factor to find reservoirs in areas with oil-gas shows.