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    08 April 2015, Volume 36 Issue 2
    Aromatic biomarkers and oil source of the Ordovician crude oil in the Halahatang Sag, Tarim Basin
    Chang Xiangchun, Wang Tieguan, Tao Xiaowan, Cheng Bin
    2015, 36(2):  175-182.  doi:10.11743/ogg20150201
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    Halahatang Sag has been one of the focuses for petroleum exploration in recent years.In order to confirm its oil source,depositional environment,thermal maturity and possible source rocks,systematic aromatic biomarkers analyses were performed on 26 oil samples from the Halahatang Sag and the Ordovician in Tahe oilfield as well as 4 potential source rock samples from the unmodified foreland region of the Tarim Basin.The results show that the Halahatang oil samples are characterized by high contents of naphthalenes and phenanthrenes,low content of biphenyl,low abundance of 1,2,5-TMN,high abundance of 1,3,6-TMN,high ratios of 4-MDBT/DBT and(2+3)-MDBT/DBT,and light carbon isotope of aromatics,which are similar to those of oil samples from the Tahe oilfield,indicating typical marine origin with contribution of lower algae and bacteria in predominance.High relative content of dibenzothiophene and low values of DBT/P and Pr/Phinfer a strong reducing depositional environment and carbonate lithology for the source rock.The equivalent vitrinite reflectances,i.e.Rc1 and Rc2,reveal a moderate to high maturity.Comparison of methyl triaromatic sterane isomeride shows that the Halahatang and Tahe oils correlate well with the Middle-Upper Ordovician source rocks,indicating a genetic affinity.
    Origin of H2S in sour gas reservoirs in the Upper Permian Changxing Formation in northeastern Sichuan Basin
    Li Kaikai, Cai Chunfang, Jiang Lei, He Xunyun, Huang Zheng
    2015, 36(2):  183-192.  doi:10.11743/ogg20150202
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    High H2S concentrations found in gas reservoirs within the Upper Permian Changxing Fm(P3ch)and Lower Triassic Feixianguan Fm(T1f)are generally thought to be formed via a process known as thermochemical sulfate reduction(TSR).However,unlike the T1f Fm,rare gypsum/anhydrite beds or anhydrite nodular were found in the P3ch Fm.This cast doubts over the accepted model for the souring process of the P3ch reservoirs.This study provides an analysis of palaegeopressure and carrier system within this system using carbonate-associated sulfate(CAS),isotopes,trace and rare earth element data.Results shows that,the H2S of high concentrations within the P3ch reservoirs were not derived from downward migration of sour gas from the T1f Fm,but were generated in situ through TSR;reactive sulfates were mainly derived from cross-formational brines migration from the T1f Fm,but with insignificant contributions from the Late Permian P3ch seawater and sulfate-rich brines within the Lower Triassic Jialingjiang Fm and Middle Carboniferous Honglong Fm formations,and the down-migration of T1f brines may have resulted in the P3ch TSR calcites having positive Eu anomaly,high Sr contents(up to 7 767 ppm)and Ba contents(up to 1 279 ppm)close to the T1f TSR calcite,and 87Sr/86Sr ratios(0.707 24~0.707 55)more radiogenic than those of the late Permian seawater;the cross-formational brine flow mainly occurred during sedimentary stage or the early stages of diagenesis,and seepage reflux during contemporaneous-penecontemporaneous stage and differential compaction flux during early-mid burial stage might serve as the main migration mechanisms;④CAS released during dolomization was another possible sulfate source,which brought the δ34S values of H2S and bitumen a little lower than those of the T1f Fm.
    Rift system and its controlling effects upon pre-salt hydrocarbon accumulation in Great Campos Basin, Brazil
    Wang Xinwei, Meng Qingqiang, Wu Changwu, Tao Ye, Guo Yongqiang, Zhang Yunxia
    2015, 36(2):  193-202.  doi:10.11743/ogg20150203
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    Great Campos Basin in offshore eastern Brazil has been one of the major investment attractions for Chinese oil companies.Based on previous studies and the latest exploration achievements in the basin,the article identified its evolution stages,analyzed its structural features,and discussed the controlling effect of structural differences upon the formation of pre-salt accumulations.The basin had experienced five stages of tectonic evolution:intracratonic depression during the Late Triassic-Jurassic,intracontinental rifting in Neocomain-Barremian,rift-depression transition in the Aptian,initial opening in the Albian-Santonian and large-scale rifting in the Campanian-Pliocene.The overall tectonic system during the rifting stage can be likened to a “chessboard” featuring dipping direction(EW)zonation and strike(SN)segmentation.Along the dipping direction,the tectonic system consists of four belts in terms of depth of bedrock:nearshore concave belt,central low-convex belt,offshore concave belt and external high belt.Along the strike,the tectonic system is divided into 3 segments by the accommodating fault belt:Santos,Campos and Espírito Santos.They differ in tectonic line,rift shape and sedimentary thickness.The controlling effect of rift system upon the pre-salt accumulations in the basin is mainly expressed through source rock maturity;trap types and distribution of good reservoir rocks.The external high belt and central low-convex belt in the basin is considered as the most promising targets for pre-salt exploration.
    Characteristics and accumulation pattern of oil reservoirs in the 8th member of the Yangchang Formation in Mafang area, Ordos Basin
    Shao Xiaoyan, Tian Jingchun, Fan Yongjie, Li Fengjie
    2015, 36(2):  203-208.  doi:10.11743/ogg20150204
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    Sedimentary facies study was combined with seismic data interpretation and tectonic correlation to analyze the features of faults development in the Mafang area of Ordos Basin,so as to gain a deep insight into the characteristics and accumulation pattern of oil reservoirs in the 8th member of the Yangchang Formation.The research shows that the reservoirs were developed in delta-plain distributary channel sands with high-porosity and high-permeability and distributed on the slope belts along the two flanks of the Tianhuan sag.Oil reservoirs were mainly distributed in the east flank.In contrast,fewer reservoirs occur in the west flank.However,the northwest-southeast striking normal fault developed in the central Mafang area readjusted and destroyed the reservoirs in the foot wall.The accumulation pattern of the reservoirs can be summarized as the high-porosity and high-permeability sand bodies in the distributary channels were the reservoirs,litho-logical traps bounded by mudstone provided accumulation space for oil;later faulting activities connected and adjusted the previously-formed reservoirs and faulted anticline formed by opposite normal faults was important structural locations for oil and gas to accumulate.
    Controlling factors of high-quality lacustrine hydrocarbon source rocks in southern Changling Depression
    Li Hao, Lu Jianlin, Zuo Zongxin, Wang Baohua, Li Ruilei, Liu Yazhao
    2015, 36(2):  209-218,229.  doi:10.11743/ogg20150205
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    Heterogeneity study of lacustrine source rocks relys heavily on a deeper understanding of the major controlling factors on their formation.Geochemical,petrological and sequence stratigraphy analyses of two sets of source rocks(K1sh and K1yc)in southern Changling Depression,Soliao Basin,reveal that multiple factors played roles in shaping the distribution of organic matters there.Al/Ti ratio was used to evaluate their paleoproductivity.Parameters like V/Cr,V/(V+Ni),Sr concentration,Sr/Ba,and Sr/Cu as well as paleoclimatic indexes,were also employed to study their sedimentary settings.Results show that high-quality source rocks(mainly in upper Shahezi Formation)were developed in a highstand system tract and lacustrine transgressive system tract that featured in medium paleoproductivity,humid paleoclimate,low paleosalinity and low deposition rate.They are rich in Al,Ba,Cu,Cr,V and Ni,but lack of Mn and S.Meanwhile,low-quality source rocks(maninly found in the Yingcheng Formation),were developed in lowstand system tract(LST)that was characterized by low paleoproductivity,semi-arid paleoclimate,high paleosalinity and high deposition rate.They are abundant in Co,Sr and V but lack of Al,Ba,Cr,Cu,Mn and Ni.We therefore suggest that,in the study area,(1)system tracts controlled the distribution of source rocks,(2)moderate-to-good primary productivity was a critical precondition for the development of high-quality source rocks,and(3)humid climate,low salinity as well as favorable sedimentation rate,were the reasons behind organic matter accumlations.
    Characteristics and‘sweet spot’prediction of dolomitic tight oil reservoirs of the Fengcheng Formation in Wuxia area, Junggar Basin
    Zhang Guoyin, Wang Zhizhang, Guo Xuguang, Zhou Kequan, Pan Lu, Sun Le
    2015, 36(2):  219-229.  doi:10.11743/ogg20150206
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    Dolomitic tight oil reservoir in west slope of the Mahu Sag has become an important exploration domain in the Junggar Basin in recent years.Based on characteristic analysis of the dolomitic rock of the Fengcheng Formation in Wuxia area,we summarized the controlling factors of dolomitic tight oil reservoir development,and concluded that high quality source rocks occur in the Fengcheng Formation,and the distribution of‘sweet spot’was jointly determined by lithology,porosity and fracture development.According to the association of matrix porosity and fracture,the‘sweet spots’were divided into porosity type,fracture type and porosity-fracture type.The influences of lithology,porosity,thickness,surrounding rock of 'sweet spot’to seismic responses were studied through seismic petrophysical analysis and seismic forward modeling on sensitive parameters.On this basis,effective tight oi‘sweet spot’prediction methods were selected and seismic multi-attribute analysis technique was used to predict the distribution of favorable dolomitic rocks.The distribution of favorable porosity was predicted by using acoustic impedance inversion and stochastic simulation inversion technique.The distribution of favorable fractures was predicted by using mineral composition brittleness index evaluation method and ant tracking technology.The‘sweet spots’of type-Ⅰ, type-Ⅱ and type-Ⅲ were identified based on integration of lithology,porosity,fracture prediction results.These study results provide the basis for further tight oil exploration in the region.
    Fine characterization technique and its application to channel sandstone in continental tight gas reservoirs of western Sichuan Depression
    Wu Hengzhi, Ye Tairan, Zhao Di, Ma Ruhui
    2015, 36(2):  230-239.  doi:10.11743/ogg20150207
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    The Jurassic sandstone reservoirs in western Sichuan Depression are mainly of delta distributary channel depo-sits,featuring in tightness and low permeability.The channel sands are complex invertical superimposition,small in thickness,and large in variations of lithology and poroperm characteristics.It is difficult to predict and characterize those reservoirs due to the limited seismic resolution,constraining target evaluation and well pattern deployment.A comprehensive method was adopted to study the reservoirs from macroscopic to microscopic observation,from qualitative to quantitative analysis and from appearance description to internal heterogeneity evaluation.Several key techniques were proposed,including channel sedimentary sequence identification,forward modeling of stacked channel sands,description of space distribution of facies and quantitative characterization of reservoirs based on progressive inversion.They were successfully used in subdivision of channel sequence,prediction of stacking pattern and quantitative description of appearance,making it possible to perform fine evaluation of development target with single channel as an appraisal unit.A technology system was established for fine description and characterization of continental channel sands in tight-gas reservoirs.
    Characteristics and main controlling factors of tight sandstone reservoirs in the 8th member of the Yanchang Formation in Zhenjing area, Ordos Basin
    Xu Menglong, He Zhiliang, Yin wei, Wang Rui, Liu Chunyan
    2015, 36(2):  240-247.  doi:10.11743/ogg20150208
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    The Yanchang Formation in Zhenjing area,southwestern Ordos Basin,contains typical low-porosity and low-permeability tight sandstone reservoirs.Core observation and logging data analyses of more than 20 wells drilled in the reservoirs were combined with experimental means like microscope and scanning electronic microscope to study the litho-logy and sedimentology of the reservoirs.Results show that the rocks are mainly lithic~arkoses with small amount of feldspathic litharenites.Sedimentary facies are dominated by the subfacie of braided fluvial delta,of which the microfacies-underwater distributary channel and mouth bar-have the best and second best petrophysical properties for hydrocarbon pooling.Analyses of relationship between reservoir physical properties and grain size of sandstone indicate that sandstone is the best in terms of reservoir physical properties.Diagenesis study of the area shows that three factors had played critical roles,namely compaction,cementation and dissolution.Compaction caused porosity(and permeability)of the rocks to decrease to less than 10% at a depth deeper than 2 400 m.Cementation was both destructive and constructive in that it reduced porosity of the rocks but meanwhile it also restrained further compaction and kept the particles apart.Dissolution was favorable for reservoir physical properties as the porosity was greatly improved during two stages of dissolution in deep reservoirs.
    Configuration-based fine description of high-quality sand bodies in tidal-flat bar-Taking the tight sandstone reservoir in the 2nd member of the Taiyuan Formation in D-17 wellblock in Daniudi gasfield as an example
    Yang Chenyu, Tian Jingchun, Zhang Xiang, Lin Xiaobing, Liu Xugang, Cao Tongsheng, Xing Haoting
    2015, 36(2):  248-254.  doi:10.11743/ogg20150209
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    Logging data and lithological analyses of the tidal-flat depositsin the 2nd member of the Taiyuan Formation(D-17 wellblock)in the Daniudi gas field revealed three sedimentary microfacies:mainsandbar,sandbar flanking and overlain sandbar flanking-.A response-template of sedimentary micro-facies-lithofacies-logging facies-physical property-heterogeneity-gas test was also established.Correlation shows that the main sandbar is mainly gravel-bearing quartzose laterite and lithic quartz sandstone,corresponding to smooth-box type logging curves;and thelatter two are mainly medium-to fine-grained lithic sandstone and quartz sandstone,corresponding to dented box-and bell-shaped or funnel-shaped logging curves.Regionally,two belts were identified based on sand body assemblage types:sand body belt consisting main sandbar and sand body belt consisting sandbar flanking.The former is 6-8 km wide,and has an average thickness of 14.5 m,an average net-to-gross ratio of 0.53 and an average permeability of 0.48×10-3 μm2.The latter is 4-6 km wide and has an average thickness of 10.56 m,an average net-to-gross ratio of 0.36 and an average permeability of 0.36×10-3 μm2.The former with its well developed and widely distributed sand bodies is considered to be a better development target as it has better physical properties and strong heterogeneity and good gas testing results.
    Features and genesis of carbon-oxygen isotopes in calcite cement from sandstone in oil-bearing Fuyu layer of Daqing Placanticline
    Song Tushun, Ma Feng, Liu Li, Meng Qi'an, Yu Yanlong, Liu Na, Yu Miao
    2015, 36(2):  255-261.  doi:10.11743/ogg20150210
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    Calcite is one the most widely spreading cements in deep sandstone reservoirs in Daqing Placanticline.It has also been regarded as the main factor for facilitating the formation of tight reservoirs in oil-bearing Fuyu layer.Thin section,scanning electron microscope,X-ray diffraction,fluid inclusion and carbon/oxygen isotope analyses were carried out on calcite from cored wells penetrating the layer to identify its isotope composition and genesis.The results show that the reservoirs are mainly feldspar lithic and lithic feldspar sandstone with clay minerals represented by I/S+I+K assemblage.The cement has its δ13C(PDB)value ranging between -20.3‰ and -3.2‰ and the δ18O(PDB)value varying from -25.3‰ to -20.3‰ with an average value of -22.67‰.Calculation shows that the paleosalinity Z is between 73.92 and 109.89,indicating a fresh water environment with high salinity for the formation of carbonate.The temperature for the calcite to be formed is between 80 ℃ and 100 ℃ based on converted temperature of isotopes and homogenization temperature of fluid inclusions.Isotope diagrams reveal that the formation of the calcite cement is probability connected with organic acid decarboxylation,inferring an “organic carbon” origin for the carbon in the cement.

    Characteristics and controlling factors of reservoirs in Penglai 9-1 large-scale oilfield in buried granite hills, Bohai Sea
    Wang Xin, Zhou Xinhuai, Xu Guosheng, Liu Pengbo, Gao Kunshun, Guan Dayong
    2015, 36(2):  262-270.  doi:10.11743/ogg20150211
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    Penglai 9-1 oilfield has been the first large-scale field found in weathering crust reservoirs of the Mesozoic bu-ried granite hills in coast waters of China in recent years.In this brand new area of exploration,reservoir characterization and its forming mechanism are considered essential for efficient and successful exploration.Thin section,SEM,and clay mineral X-diffraction analyses were combined with logging data to provide insight into uncertainties of the area.The results show that the buried granite hills can be divided into soil zone,sand-conglomerate weathering zone,fracture zone and base rock zone,and reservoiring space in them changes in a regular pattern from pore to fracture-pore,pore-fracture and fracture,from the surface to the center as weathering and leaching gradually weaken.Horizontally,granite reservoirs are continuously and widely distributed and paralleled to the top of the buried hills.Thicker reservoirs are mainly developed near large-scale faults with intensive activities and paleogeomorphic slope areas.The paper proposes that the reservoirs were controlled mainly by epigenic karstification,organic acid dissolution,structural deformation and micro-palaeogeomorphology.The significance of the understanding may be felt in the future exploration and development of oil and gas in weathering curst reservoirs of buried granite hills intruded during Yanshan period.
    Sedimentary characteristics comparison and controlling factors analyses of nearshore subaqueous fan and fan delta in the Hetaoyuan Formation of southeastern Biyang Sag
    Dong Yanlei, Zhu Xiaomin, Geng Xiaojie, Wang Bo, Wang Heng, Jiang Qiang, Guo Lei, Wei Minpeng
    2015, 36(2):  271-279.  doi:10.11743/ogg20150212
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    Coarse-grained clastic deposits are widely developed in the Hetaoyuan Formation of the steep slope belt in southern Biyang Sag of Nanxiang Basin.They together with nose-like structures in the sag form many high-quality oil and gas reservoirs.However,the genesis of these deposits is still uncertain.The bone of contention is whether they are fan delta genesis or nearshore subaqueous fan genesis.To answer the question and get a better look at how they are distributed horizontally,we compared and summarized the two geneses and discussed their controlling factors in a stratigraphic sequence framework and from the following 6 perspectives of sedimentary settings,subfacies and microfacies categorization,drilling and logging data,core analyses,grain size distribution features and seismic response characteristics.The results show that the steepness difference of faults caused by large boundary faulting activities controlled their genesis.Horizontally,fan deltas are developed in the west area with gentle faults(55°-75°)while nearshore subaqueous fans are deve-loped in the east area with steep faults(75°-90°)nearshore. Seismic profiles also show that early faults are steeper and favorable for the deposition of nearshore subaqueous fans;while later faults are more gentle and good for fan delta to be formed.

    Characteristics and forming mechanisms of reservoirs in the Shahejie Formation of Qibei slope, Bohai Bay Basin
    Xue Zong'an, Zhao Yuhong, Wu Yiping, Zhu Chao, Xu Hailong, Bian Haiguang
    2015, 36(2):  280-287.  doi:10.11743/ogg20150213
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    Experimental means,including ordinary slices,casting sections and electron microscope,were used to study samples from reservoirs in the Shahejie Formation of Qibei slope in Bohai Bay Basin.The results were then combined with logging data to analyze the features(lithological composition,porosity and permeability distribution,pore texture and re-servoir quality index(RQI))and forming mechanism of the reservoirs.The analyses show that the sandstone reservoirs in the formation are typical low-porosity and low-permeability reservoirs featuring in low maturity,various types of pores,Ⅳ type of pore structure,small-to micro-sized pore throat and secondary intergrannual pores.The forming mechanisms of the reservoirs include sedimentation,secondary dissolution and deep overpressure.It also indicates that sedimentary setting of the channels controlled the particle size,cement properties and content,pore throat size and sorting coefficient of the re-servoirs.Sandstone in the main channels offered better conditions for the forming of reservoirs as it is thicker and has a porosity of 3%-5% higher than that at the side edges.Primary pores in the reservoirs were almost killed during compaction and cementation,while dissolution of feldspar and other minerals created secondary pores and provided reservoir space.Overpressure in the reservoirs restrained compaction but boosted dissolution and enlarged reservoiring space.A comprehensive analysis of all the information suggests that secondary pore zones in gravity flow channels and fan delta fronts be the most favorable locations for reservoirs to develop.

    Characteristics and genesis of high-porosity and low-permeability reservoirs in the Huangliu Formation of high temperature and high pressure zone in Dongfang area, Yinggehai Basin
    Huang Zhilong, Zhu Jiancheng, Ma Jian, Wu Hongzhu, Zhang Huolan
    2015, 36(2):  288-296.  doi:10.11743/ogg20150214
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    The significant oil and gas exploration breakthrough made in the middle-to-deep-layers in HTHP(high tempe-rature and high pressure)central diapir zone in DF area of Yinggehai Basin poses a big challenge to traditional oil and gas exploration theories.Lithology,diagenesis,physical properties and microscopic pore throats analyses were carried out on the reservoirs in the Huangliu Formation of the area to classify the types of the reservoirs and understand the genesis of high porosity and low permeability formation.The results indicate that the reservoirs are mainly siltstone experienced weak compaction and cementation.The physical properties of the reservoirs are dominated by medium porosity and medium-to-low permeability with great variance.Pore throat size distribution of the reservoirs is highly heterogeneous:reservoirs of different physical properties have similar pore size but greatly different average pore throat sizes.According to shale content,permeability,average throat size and displacement pressure,the reservoirs can be categorized into four types:slightly shaly reservoirs with medium porosity,medium permeability and small throat size;type Ⅰ and type Ⅱ moderately shaly reservoirs with low permeability and small throat size;shaly reservoirs with low porosity and extra-low permeability and fine-to-small throat.Evident shows that the formation of the reservoirs was closely linked to overpressure and active high-tempe-rature thermal fluid flow. However,the permeability of the reservoirs was mainly controlled by sedimentation.Fine grain size and high content of mud are considered to be the main reasons for the formation of the low permeability reservoirs.

    Development strategies for low-permeability carbonate heavy oil reservoirs:A case study from O oilfield in Syria
    Song Chuanzhen, Liu Chuanxi, Xu Ting, Cao Lili, Ding Yiping, Yang Sen
    2015, 36(2):  297-305.  doi:10.11743/ogg20150215
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    Reservoir SH_B of O oilfield in Syria is atypical porous carbonate heavy oil reservoir with low-permeability.It strikingly features in low permeability and high viscosity.Under the present well patterns and development models,the development effect here is poor and it is manifested by three-low parameters:low ratio of produced reserves to proved reserves,low single well production and low recovery.No cost-effective and enforceable development plan has been proposed.Presently,there is no successful case on low-permeability heavy oil reservoir development and no mature technology and experience for reference.The development of this kind of reservoir is still a world-class challenge.In order to improve development benefits and realize effective development,reservoir engineering theories and methodologies,numerical simulation and economic evaluation techniques are used to study and optimize systematically the development models,well types,well patterns,well spacing,lateral length,and thermal recovery parameters of horizontal well.Research me-thods for developing carbonate heavy oil reservoir are suggested,and development strategy specifically for reservoir SH_B is proposed.The optimized development technical policy lays a foundation for development planning and provides a refe-rence for domestic and foreign analogous reservoirs.
    Analysis of flow unit distribution based on architecture of deep-water turbidite channel systems
    Wan Qionghua, Wu Shenghe, Chen Liang, Lin Yu, Liang Jie, Zhang Jiajia, Lu Yao
    2015, 36(2):  306-313.  doi:10.11743/ogg20150216
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    The study of deep-water turbidite channels(with their wired locations and complicated forming process)has been mostly about their sedimentary mechanism and models.However,the study results could not be effectively applied in actual development of oil and gas fields.We suggest that a combination of architecture model with flow units of the channels be a better solution to the problem for the following reasons:①available architecture division of the channels can be used to guide directly and effectively a hierarchy analysis of seepage barriers and interconnected bodies of flow units in the channels;②existing sedimentary models can be resorted to constraint the distribution laws of the flow units;and③a combination of①and②can be used to guide oil and gas development.We took a deep-water submarine fan reservoir of Niger delta in West Africa as an example to illustrate the idea.Based on available reservoir architecture division,we identified seepage barriers and interconnected bodies and divided the reservoir into 4 types(A,B,C and D)of flow units through multi-parameters-based flow unit identification.We then tried to interprete flow units of single well and study profile distribution characteristics of single channel and plain distribution characteristics of composite channels with the architecture model as a guidance.The results were finally applied to the development of oil and gas fields.The resarch shows that the types and distribution features of flow units of different single channels may vary greatly from one to ano-ther and the distribution of these flow units were controlled by the distribution pattern of different types of single channels.For composite channels,the migration and stacking patterns of the channels systems at different stages led to a difference in flow unit distribution characteristics.

    Play evaluation methods and their application in preliminary exploration
    Liu Chaoying, Yan Xiangbin, Gao Shanlin, Min Bin
    2015, 36(2):  314-318,329.  doi:10.11743/ogg20150217
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    With the increasing of exploration maturity,the focus of exploration target evaluation has gradually shifted from basins to plays and traps.As the major targets to hydrocarbon discovery,preliminary exploratory plays are the main targets to achieve exploration benefit.However,evaluation of preliminary exploration target is very challenging due to the low exploration maturity and multiple evaluation parameters which are difficult to quantify.Based on the principles of exploration risk analysis,this paper established the model of probability of hydrocarbon discovery-strategic value of resources for evaluation of preliminary exploratory plays,and provided relevant assessment parameters,assignment criteria,computational formula and results classification methods,making it possible to evaluate preliminary exploration target on an unified platform.Five preliminary exploration plays in the Sichuan Basin,such as Tongnanba,Exi-Yudong,Nanjiang,lower combination of southeast Sichuan and Zhixinchang-Longbaoliang,are selected and evaluated with this model.
    Seismic anisotropy of shale gas reservoirs in the 5th member of the Xujiahe Formation in western depression of Sichuan Basin
    Xu Tianji, Yan Lili, Cheng Bingjie, Tiang Jianming, Li Shuguang, Yang Zhenwu
    2015, 36(2):  319-329.  doi:10.11743/ogg20150218
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    The huge gas potential in the 5th member of the Xujiahe Formation has made it one of the hottest exploration targets in China.However,the formation has not been well explored and many geological “mysteries” remained unsolved-anisotropy of the gas reservoirs there is one of them.A research was carried out on the anisotropy to better understand the reservoirs features and accumulation patterns,so as to improve the precision of reservoir prediction and success rate of well drilling.Previous study shows that the member had been controlled by sedimentary environment and formed lithologic assemblage dominated by thick mudstone and shale and thin tight sandstone.Looking horizontally,the shale varies drama-tically and shows strong anisotropy due to complicated mineral combination,directional alignment of detrital grains,cyclic veneer and other heterogeneous features.There have had no effective method for analyzing and predicting the anisotropy so far.Available methods are mostly based on seismic data to obtain anisotropy information of rocks through analyses of seismic reflection and the direct responses of azimuth attributes upon rock types,physical features and structure configurations.Comparatively speaking,anisotropy feature of shale formations is likely to be ignored by isotropy analyses based solely on stacked wide-azimuth seismic data.By combining both the azimuth and wide-azimuth stacked seismic data,we compared and analyzed the seismic reflection responses,curvature attributes,coherence attributes and impedances of the two sets of data,and then captured features of reservoir space under the guidance of the anisotropy information.A fine interpretation of sedimentary facies,lithology and fracture of the reservoirs and an accurate prediction of sweet spots in the member were then achieved by applying the above-mentioned method and data yield from it.
    Assignment standard for hydrocarbon-bearing probability of traps and its application in Tarim Basin
    Li Na, Yan Xiangbin, Cai Lixue
    2015, 36(2):  330-338.  doi:10.11743/ogg20150219
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    Assignment standard for hydrocarbon-bearing probability of traps is the basis of quantitative assessment hydrocarbon potential of traps and has played a very important role in exploration risk analyses.Four key reservoiring elements including trap,charging,reservoir and preservation were chosen to be the major factors to represent hydrocarbon-bearing probabilities of traps with the products of their individual probabilities.For traps composed vertically of several target re-servoirs,the hydrocarbon-bearing probability refers to the probability of founding oil or gas in at least one target reservoir of the trap.Each of the four factors was further divided into two subfactors-occurrence subfactor and effective subfactor-based on different reservoiring controlling mechanisms and risk analyses of various oil or gas reservoirs.By applying the Barrel Effect principle to our calculation,we proposed that if all the key parameters of the subfactors were independent from one another,then the hydrocarbon-bearing probability would be the product of probability of key parameters;on the other hand,if the subfactors were related to one another,then the probability would be the product of probability of key parameter with the maximum risk multiplying that of other subfactors.Based on the relevance,availability,controlling le-vel and quality of data,we established the principle for probability assignment and set up standards for assigning the probabilities to the factors and subfactors and a 5-level hydrocarbon-bearing probability system.According to the system,the bigger the probability of trap contains hydrocarbon,the lower the geological risks,and vice versa.Implementation of the method in Tarim basin has been proven positive.
    Theoretical chart of shale gas content
    Xue Bing, Zhang Jinchuan, Yang Chao, Zhang Peng, Pei Songwei
    2015, 36(2):  339-346.  doi:10.11743/ogg20150220
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    Shale gas content is composed of free gas contentand adsorbed gas content.The free gas content may be inf-luenced by porosity,gas saturation,density,pressure and temperature,whilethe adsorbed gas content is affected by organic carbon content,organic matter maturity,pressure and temperature.The adsorption capacities of organic matters of diffe-rent types(adsorption/TOC)of shale are quite different,and show the sequence of Ⅲ>Ⅱ>Ⅰ.Thus,different formulas were proposed for the calculation of free gas content and adsorbed gas content.Through analyzing and selecting the key factors for shale gas content,and based on relational theoretical calculations,charts of shale gas content were developed for different organic matter types,so as to quickly and accurately calculate shale gas content.Overall,shale gas content increases with depth,but the increment decreases progressively.The theoretical values calculated with the charts correlate well with the field measured values,indicating the wide applicability of these charts.The theoretical shale gas content obtained with these charts can provide a reliable basis for the reasonable evaluation of shale gas resource potential and prediction of play fairways in the early stage of shale gas exploration when the available geologic parameters are rare.