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    08 August 2015, Volume 36 Issue 4
    Late Cenozoic Faulting activities and their influence upon hydrocarbon accumulations in the Neogene in Bohai Bay Basin
    Jiang Youlu, Liu Pei, Song Guoqi, Liu Hua, Wang Yongshi, Zhao Kai
    2015, 36(4):  525-533.  doi:10.11743/ogg20150401
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    Neogene-Quaternay faulting activities and their influence upon hydrocarbon accumulations in Bohai Bay Basin were analyzed based on hydrocarbon distribution characteristics and geological settings.It shows that the late faulting activity influenced the macroscopic distribution of the hydrocarbon accumulation assemblage and controlled the Neogene oil and gas enriched types and enriched belts of different depressions.Effect of faults different activity on hydrocarbon accumulation can be characterizedby fault activity difference coefficient(FDC).When the early and mid-generation and expulsion of hydrocarbon, the fault activity is strong and when late generation and expulsion of hydrocarbon the fault activity is weak, that is most favorable for hydrocarbon accumulation.Based on fault activity rate and FDC, we categorized the faults into Ⅰ, Ⅱ and Ⅲ kinds in terms of their controlling ability on oil and gas accumulation.The first two types with faster fault activity rate and larger FDCs, were distributed in places where oil and gas are highly enriched in the Neogene and the last type with slower fault activity rate and small FDC was in places where oil and gas enrichment is poor in the Neogene.Based on the understanding, we propose that differences in faulting activities controlled oil and gas accumulations and the types of faults determined the level of oil and gas enrichment.

    Jurassic-Neogene conglomerate characteristics in Kuqa Depression and their response to tectonic uplifting of Tianshan Mountains
    Gao Zhiyong, Zhu Rukai, Feng Jiarui, Li Xiaopei, Zhao Xuesong, Guo Meili
    2015, 36(4):  534-544.  doi:10.11743/ogg20150402
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    Samples from multiple sets of the Jurassic-Neogene conglomerate outcrops in Kuqa depression were collected and analyzed for the composition, flatness, sphericity, and size of gravel, and the sedimentary facies that had made everything happened, and for a semi-quantitative study of transportation distance of gravel in front of southern Tianshan Mountain.The results show a far-to-near pattern of gravel transport distance for the Jurassic-Neogene conglomerate.Gravels in the Lower Jurassic Ahe-Yangxia Formations migrated the farthest to 110-130 km, and those from the Neogene Jidike Formation moved the shortest at only 20 km.Between them, the gravels of the Upper Jurassic Kelaza Formation moved about 40 km, that of the Lower Cretaceous Yageliebu-Bashijiqike Formations ran at a distance range between 20 and 45 km and that in the Palaeogene conglomerate transported from 20 to 50 km.Combined with the previous apatite fission track data, the new results indicate that the uplift of the Tianshan Mountains can be divided into 4 stages(two of them were major unplifting and two of them were minor ones):the Triassic-Early Jurassic, Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous, Late Cretaceous-Eocene, and Miocene-present.The composition, shape and size of the gravels as well as migration of provenance reflected by the gravel transport distance show that the sedimentary evolution of the conglomerate responded strongly to the 4 stages of uplifting process.

    Water-rock-hydrocarbon interactions in the Middle Jurassic Shaximiao Formation sandstones, Western Sichuan
    Lv Zhengxiang, Yang Xiang, Qing Yuanhua, YE Sujuan
    2015, 36(4):  545-554.  doi:10.11743/ogg20150403
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    Water-rock-hydrocarbon interactions in the Middle Jurassic Shaximiao Formation sandstones, Western Sichuan, were studied to determine the relationship between authigenic mineral types and hydrocarbon generation through analyses of petrographic data, and scanning electron microscopy and cathode luminescence results.Formation timing of major authigenic minerals was also determined with analyses of inclusion temperature and isotope geo-temperature.Electron microprobe was employed to measure the chemical compositions of the minerals of different forming ages.Isotope analyses and formation water analyses were combined with X-ray diffraction to describe the evolving features of pore fluids of the formation.The result shows that the pore fluid in the Shaximiao Formation was originally characterized by high contents of Mg2+ and Fe2+, and high pH value.As burial depth increased and hydrocarbon entered, the fluid gradually turned acid and formed minerals such as chlorite, quartz, calcite, kaolinite, and etc, during the process.With authigenic chlorite consuming Mg2+, and Fe2+, feldspar providing Na+ and the charging of hydrocarbon providing acidic fluids, the pore fluids finally turned into this CaCl2 type low-pH formation water with high content of Na+ and Ca2+.It should be noted that there are two factors that were favorable for the formation of good reservoirs:dissolution improved storage capacity of reservoirs and authgenic chlorite formed pore rim and helped preserving primary pores during the diagenetic process.

    Porosity and permeability cutoffs for calculating effective thickness of different types of low-permeability reservoirs and causes of their differences: a case study of the Mesozoic in S region of central Shaanbei slope
    Zhang Fengqi, Wu Fuli, Meng Xiaoling, Gao Xingjun, Zhang Hai, Li Chengshan, Wang Baoping
    2015, 36(4):  555-562.  doi:10.11743/ogg20150404
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    Analytic means including thin section examination, SEM, cathode luminescence, mercury penetration and so on, were applied to determine the cutoffs of porosity and permeability for calculating the effective thickness of the major Mesozoic oil-bearing formations in S region of Ordos Basin.The reasons for the varying cutoffs were also discussed based on quantitative characterization of physical property changes of the formations.The results show that the cutoffs(porosity and permeability)decline with the increase of burial depth.Samples from Yan 9, Chang 2, Chang 4+5 and Chang 6 formations, have porosity cutoffs of 15%, 14%, 8% respectively, and permeability cutoffs of 4× 10-3, 1× 10-3, 0.15× 10-3 μm2 respectively.The differences in content and grain size of rigid particles in mineral composition of each reservoir caused mainly by sedimentation processes are regarded as the basic factor for the difference of cutoffs, while diagenesis is the major factor.The processes, including compaction, cementation and corrosion, dented the formations in different ways.All the formations had the similar porosity at first.But later on it turned out that Yan 9 had a higher porosity than that of Chang 2 because of their different response to corrosion and Chang 4+5 had lower porosity than that of Chang 2 because of their different behavior under cementation.
    Mazatage detachment anticline in Hetianhe gas field, Tarim Basin, western China
    Yang Geng, Li Wei, Chen Zhuxin, Shi Xin, Lei Yongliang, Wang Xiaobo
    2015, 36(4):  563-572.  doi:10.11743/ogg20150405
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    The Hetianhe gas field is one of the typical anticline gas reservoirs found in Mazatage structural belt of southern Bachu uplift in Tarim Basin.Previous exploration drilling is focused on core of the structure and the depths of exploratory wells are relatively shallow.Moreover, the quality of seismic data acquired on the flanks is poor.Therefore, structural interpretation was high in uncertainty.This paper tried to reinterpret the 2D seismic data based on calibration with drilling data and application of faulting-related fold theory.The result shows that the Mazatage structure is dominated by detachment anticline with the Middle Cambrian gypsum as detachment surface, while the part in the east of well Ma-4 in the structure is a fault-propagation fold, indicating the existence of a near NS-trending transverse strike-slip fault(seismic profile also revealed the same conclusion).Seismic interpretation also indicates that a thrust fault named Gudongshan deve-loped on the northwest flank of the structure extends into the Hetianhe gas field.The Miocene-Pliocene growth strata and Quaternary angular unconformity developed on the south and north flanks in the detached anticline show that the structure was probably formed during the Miocene-Pliocene period and reactivated during the Quaternary.
    Evolution patterns and their significances of biomarker maturity parameters—a case study on liquid hydrocarbons from type Ⅲ source rock under HTHP hydrous pyrolysis
    Sun Lina, Zhang Zhongning, Wu Yuandong, Su Long, Xia Yanqing, Wang Zixiang, Zheng Youwei
    2015, 36(4):  573-580.  doi:10.11743/ogg20150406
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    High temperature and high pressure hydrous pyrolysis experiments were conducted on type Ⅲ source rocks from Well Tao 10 in Liaohe Basin under various conditions to investigate the role of biomarker maturity parameters at different thermal evolution stages.The expelled oils collected from these experiments were separated into saturated hydrocarbons, aromatic hydrocarbons, non-hydrocarbons and asphaltene, and the saturated fractions were analyzed by GC/MS.Taking the simulation temperature as the scales of maturity, the biomarkers that are indicative of thermal maturity evolution were detected from n-alkane, isoprenoid alkane, tricyclic terpane, tetracyclic terpane, hopane and sterane, and their parameter index were also calculated.Based on the different sensitivities of different biomarkers to thermal action, the ratio of different biomarkers may reflect different thermal stages.With the simulation temperature increasing, the hopanes may be turned into tricyclic terpanes, Tm may be turned into Ts, and the configurations of isomers will be transformed from 22R to 22S, thus the ∑tricyclic terpane/∑hopane, Ts/Tm and C31-hopanes 22S/(22S+22R) may be good indicators of thermal stages.But in the stage of maturity to over-maturity, the C24-tetracyclic terpane/∑hopanes, C30βα-moretane / C30αβ-hopane and C29-sterane ββ/(αα+ββ) are more suitable indicators.Therefore, samples at different thermal evolution stages have their own optimal biomarker assemblages providing a theoretical basis for determining thermal evolution stage of source rocks by using maturity parameters in the study area.

    Geochemical characteristics of Tumuji oil sands in western Songliao Basin
    Li Ningxi, Huang Haiping, Sun Jingjing, Liu Mei, Zhang Haifeng, Jiang Wenlong
    2015, 36(4):  581-586.  doi:10.11743/ogg20150407
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    Being one of the important unconventional oil resources, oil sand is well worth of geochemical study so as to better guide its resource assessment.Thirteen oil sand samples were collected from Tumuji ranch in western Songliao Basin and analyzed for oil yield, bulk composition and GC-MS.The result shows that the oil yield of oil sand is high, and non-hydrocarbon components dominate the bulk composition.Most compounds in saturated and aromatic hydrocarbon fractions were largely biodegraded.The n-alkanes, isoprenoid alkanes, hopanes and steranes were all degraded in varying degree except for tricyclic terpanes.No 25-norhopane series has been detected in the studied sample suite. The naphthalene and phenanthrene series were all destroyed but the triaromatic steroids are intact.These oils are derived from single source rock system on the basis of biodegradation resistant compound signatures.

    Discovery of hydrothermal dolostones in Baiyinchagan sag of Erlian Basin, Inner Mongolia, and its geologic and mineral significance
    Zhong Dakang, Jiang Zhenchang, Guo Qiang, Sun Haitao, Yang Zhe
    2015, 36(4):  587-595.  doi:10.11743/ogg20150408
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    Based on drilling, logging and various test data, this paper studied the origin of deep-semi deep lacustrine dolostones of the Lower Cretaceous Tenggeer Formation in Baiyinchagan sag of Erlian Basin, Inner Mongolia.Core observation and thin section analysis data in combination with electron probe, energy spectrum, trace element and X-ray diffraction were used to analyze mineral composition and texture, structure of the rock.On this basis, we identified the origin of the dolostones.The results show that the dolostones(zeolitic dolostones and zeolite with single layer thickness of 0.2-1.5 m)in the study area are composed of ankerite(proportion of Fe is 0.5%-5%), natrolite, analcite, sjogrenite, barite and pyrite.The dolomite crystals feature in size of 10-200 μm, wavy extinction, saddle morphology and development of fissures.These dolostones have muddy-micritic or intraclast(mainly from dolomites and zeolites)structures.Laminated, contemporaneous deformation, net-veined, and brecciated structures are common.GR is 700-1 100 API, which is 2-4 times as large as that of normal mudstones.U and Th content is up to 40-60 ppm and 60-100 ppm respectively.Trace elements, including Cu, Ni, Co, Fe and Mn, have a similar composition and distribution with the modern hydrothermal sediments on the Red Sea floor.The dolostones are distributed along the basement faults laterally.It is concluded that this is a set of 'white smoke chimney' hydrothermal dolostones.However, these sediments are rarely reported.The study of the chemical and thermodynamics process is deficient, and the deposition mechanism is not very clear.This research will be helpful for enriching the theory of sedimentology and discovering more mineral resources associated with hydrothermal sediments.

    Progress of shallow-water delta research and a case study of continental lake basin
    Liu Ziliang, Shen Fang, Zhu Xiaomin, Liao Jijia, Zhang Xiuqian, Meng Hao
    2015, 36(4):  596-604.  doi:10.11743/ogg20150409
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    By summarizing the research progress of shallow water delta and combining with the study of shallow delta of the Yanchang Formation in Ordos Basin, this paper discussed the sedimentary characteristics of the shallow water delta.The results indicate that the basic conditions for development of shallow water delta include stable tectonic setting, large basin area, low relief of paleotopography, frequent changes of lake level, shallow water and abundant provenance supply.In general, shallow water delta deposition lacks the traditional characteristics of three-tier structure.There are differences between different types of shallow water delta sedimentary bodies.For example, shallow braided river delta features in coarse grained sediments, strong water energy, incomplete vertical facies sequence, and poor preservation of mouth bar.In contrast, mouth bar is common in shallow water meandering river delta.The case study of continental lake basin shows that the Yanchang Formation of Ordos Basin developed shallow water braided delta and shallow water meandering delta, which are characterized by small area of delta plain and widespread delta front zone.Its width-depth ratio of channel is large, the sediments are coarse, and it is common to find multiple superimposed erosion surfaces and large trough-shaped, wedge-shaped cross-bedding in plain distributary channel deposits.Delta front can extend more than one hundred kilometers and underwater distributary channels are characterized by lateral branches and bifurcate and vertical intermittent fining upwards rhythm.Moreover, the space-time evolution of shallow water delta sedimentary system in the study area is also discussed.

    Logging identification and controlling factors of present stress orientations of the coarse-grained clastic reservoirs in Mabei region, Juggar Basin
    Fu Jianwei, Li Hongnan, Sun Zhongchun, Wang Guiwen, Luo Xingping
    2015, 36(4):  605-611.  doi:10.11743/ogg20150410
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    One of the challenges the operators have been facing in fracturing the tight coarse-grained clastic reservoirs in Mabei area of Juggar basin is to identify the orientation of present stress field.This has made the characterization of present stress filed orientation and its controlling factors more significant than before.The paper introduces an identification method of the orientation through 1) recognizing of well axis by locating the polar plate of dipmeter and reading micro resistivity image abnormal(the orientation of the long axis represents the direction of the minimum principle stress, which can be used to roughly indicate the orientation of in-situ stress field); 2) determining the orientation of induced fracture in the wall of boreholes by FMI firstly and then identifying the in-situ stress orientation; or 3) using dipole shear imaging log with fast-slow shear velocity and orientation pickup first and then identifying the orientation.Analyses of plane distribution and main controlling factors of stress field in the study area based on the identification shows that the present maximum horizontal principle stress in Mabei is overall in an E-W direction.The present maximum horizontal principle stress field orientations were mainly controlled by the paleotectonic movement.Faulting activities in some part of the region exerted influences over changing of the orientation of the present stress field.The extent of the change is thought to be linked to faulting features and scale.

    Sedimentary characteristics of gravelly beach-bar in the Lower Cretaceous Tenggeer Formation of Baiyinchagan sag, Erlian Basin
    Gao Hongcan, Xiao Bin, Zheng Rongcai, Liu Yun, Tan Xianfeng, Shang Yazhen, Zhang Bin
    2015, 36(4):  612-620.  doi:10.11743/ogg20150411
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    In order to demonstrate the sedimentary characteristics of gravelly beach-bar in the Lower Cretaceous Tenggeer Formation in the joint area of the Xilinhaolai and Daerqi of the southern gentle slope of the Baiyinchagan sag, Erlian Basin, abundant cores and logging data were utilized to analyze the spatial distribution, texture, sedimentary structure and vertical sedimentary sequences in the context of regional geological setting.The beach-bar conglomerates occur in the debris flow conglomerates and pebble sandstone-mudstone as thin interbeds, featuring in fair roundness but worse sorting, relative abundance of pebbles with barred and flat shape, and Janus configuration of maximum flat plain/major axis.It is in gradational contact with the underlying debris-flow deposits featuring in reverse grading, while it is in abrupt contact with the overlying shallow lake mudstones or debris-flow deposits, featuring, as a whole, in vertical alternation of reverse and normal grading.The sedimentary model in the study area is dominated by elutriation and winnowing of the early debris-flow deposits by the waves in the waterfront and shallow lacustrine.The fine-grained clasts were transported to the shallow lake to form the sandy beach-bar, while the pebbles stayed to form gravelly beach-bar, with troughs possibly occurring between these two deposits system.They were formed under 4 main conditions, namely the powerful water strength, low relief landform, low system tract(LST)and suitable sedimentary sources.

    Sedimentary characteristics of typical fluvial facies in the Cretaceous Quantou Formation in southeast uplift of southern Songliao Basin
    Li Zhandong, Wang Dianju, Zhang Haixiang, Yin Yuelei, Zhao Fengquan, Xu Lei, Cheng Peng, Liu Yan
    2015, 36(4):  621-629.  doi:10.11743/ogg20150412
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    Data of core analyses, logging curves, laboratory tests and seismic profiles, were employed in the analyses of the Cretaceous Quantou Formation in southeast uplift of southern Songliao Basin to understand its reservoir characteristics, sedimentary facies types and configuration of sedimentary system.The results show that the formation is dominated by oxidized purple sandstone and pink siltstone.Reservoirs are tight with rather low porosity and permeability and contain mainly quartz, feldspar, debris and trace minerals.Heavy Mineral Assemblage Analysis Method and Sand Content Analysis were used to reveal the controlling factors of the basin.It shows that three major fluvial branches, namely Lishu-Sangshutai, Changchun-Nongan and Yushu-Fuyu, controlled the basin.Sand content decreases gradually from east to west along the edge of the basin to another depression.The formation features in rapid sedimentation of coarse grains which formed fans in steep slopes and rivers in gentle slopes.Stratigraphically speaking, the basin contains sequence V-q1 which mainly developed braided river deposits and alluvial fan deposits; Sequence V-q2 and V-q3 which mainly developed alluvial fan, braided river, meandering river depositional system, during its transition from braided river to meandering river, and sequence V-q4 which developed the meandering river deposits and completed the process of turning from braided river to meandering river.Meanwhile, Changchun and Yushu branches converged in Changchun Ridge anticline belt and formed fluvial deposits during the late stage of the formation.
    Reservoir architecture and remaining oil distribution in mouth bar—A case study on the braided delta of long-axis gentle slope in Zaonan fault block of Dagang Oilfield
    Yin Senlin, Chen Gongyang, Dai Chunming, Wu Shenghe, Lu Fengming, Feng Wenjie
    2015, 36(4):  630-639.  doi:10.11743/ogg20150413
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    Cores, well logging and seismic and laboratory analysis data as well as hierarchical analysis, model fitting and numerical simulation methods, were used in the study of internal configuration and distribution of remaining oil controlled by intercalations in the mouth bar of Dagang Oilfield.Result shows that there are two intercalation distribution patterns in the mouth bar as the result of different unloading patterns of sediments in distributed channels, namely the lateral overlapping pattern and the upwarping pattern.The former presents itself as a lateral stack of intercalations with certain dips crossing source direction and the latter shows a parallel uplifting pattern of multiple intercalations crossing source direction.The scales and directions of different patterns vary greatly.Remaining oil distributions in intercalations of different patterns are different.Along the provenance direction, the oil gathered inside and at the front of prograding accretion formed within intercalations.When crossing the provenance direction, the oil accumulated in the lateral accretion bodies blocked by internal interlayers in the bar for the lateral overlapping pattern and in higher places for the upwarping pattern.

    Depositional model of the Triassic Baikouquan Formation in Mabei area of Junggar Basin
    Zhang Shuncun, Zou Niuniu, Shi Ji'an, Chang Qiusheng, Lu Xinchuan, Chen Bo
    2015, 36(4):  640-650.  doi:10.11743/ogg20150414
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    Reservoirs in the Triassic Baikouquan Formation in Mabei area of northwest margin of Juggar Basin were deve-loped in a fan delta setting, in which the rock types are diversified, the lithologic facies under different sedimentary microfacies played vital role in controlling reservoir properties, and the matching between sedimentary microfacies and lithologic facies was complex.Thus establishing depositional models with matching sedimentary microfacies and lithologic facies is of great significance in studying the main controlling factors of reservoirs and prediction of reservoirs.Based on a combination of analyses of core observation, thin section and log data, with sedimentary background and tectonic settings of the study area, we focused on the configuration relationship between the lithologic facies and sedimentary microfacies and took into consideration the granularity and color of sediments, sedimentary texture and microfacies, and diagenesis.The results shows that 11 main lithologic facies types can be recognized in the study area:superaqueous mudslides conglomerate facies, subaqueous channel conglomerate facies, braided channel coarse-clastic facies, underwater channel coarse-clastic facies, subaqueous debris flow coarse-clastic facies, plain interchannel sandstone-mudstone facies, underwater interchannel sandstone-mudstone facies, underwater channel-end sandstone facies, mouth bar-distal sandbar sandstone facies, frontal fan-delta siltstone facies, and frontal fan-delta mudstone facies.A depositional model with matching sedimentary microfacies and lithologic phase was also established based on lithologic facies characterization, profile analyses of lithological facies and sedimentary facies, as well as sedimentary sequence, depositional texture and sedimentary structure.Then, we studied the planar distribution of the microfacies and lithologic facies in the Triassic Bakouquan Formation.It shows that three members of the Formation contain mainly fan-delta plain and fan-delta front subfacies.The first member developed conglomerate in its fan-delta plain and sandstone in its fan-delta front; the second member grew at its lower part mainly conglomerate in its fan-delta plain and glutenite and sandstone in its fan-delta front; and at its upper part conglomerate with glutenite in fan-delta plain and sand with some coarse-clastic rocks in fan-delta front; and the third member is dominated by coarse-clastic facies followed by conglomerate facies in its fan-delta plain, and it is dominated by sandstone facies followed by coarse-clastic faceis in its fan delta front.

    Reservoir space characteristics and charging process of Lacustrine shale gas—a case study of the Chang 7 member in Yanchang Block in Shanbei slope of Erdos Basin
    Wang Xiangzeng, Fan Bojiang, Zhang Lixia, Jiang Chengfu
    2015, 36(4):  651-659.  doi:10.11743/ogg20150415
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    Reservoir spaces in shale controls not only the shale gas reserves, but also the production capacity of shale gas wells, thus the study of reservoir space characteristics and charging process of lacustrine shale gas helps greatly to determine exploration targets.This paper integrates various technologies, such as field outcrops, core observation, thin section and SEM Pore Imaging, to study the reservoir space types and their features of Chang 7 shale of the Yanchang Fm in Yanchang Block of Shanbei slope zone, Erdos Basin.Combined with the experimental results of shale gas components, this paper simulates the shale gas charging process.The results show that, the reservoir spaces of Chang 7 shale are dominated by primary intergranular pores, secondary dissolved pores, organic pores, structural fractures and lamellation fractures.In the desorption process, the methane gas with relatively small molecule size is the first to be released from shale.However, the methane gas containing 13C is relatively more difficult to be released from the shale.In the early gas generating stage, the small portion of heavy gas generated from Chang 7 shale mainly adsorbed on the organic surface and micropores.In the main gas generating stage, heavy gas and 13CCH4-containing methane had priority over other gas components to be absorbed in the shale reservoir.Only when the adsorption capacity and dissolution capacity of shale were met, could the free gas exist in the shale reservoir.
    Late fugitive emission of shale gas from Wufeng-Longmaxi Formation in Sichuan Basin and its periphery
    Wei Zhihong
    2015, 36(4):  659-665.  doi:10.11743/ogg20150416
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    In order to understand the ways and intensity of fugitive emission of shale gas from the Wufeng-Longmaxi Formation in Sichuan Basin and its periphery, we analyzed the time and features of late fugitive emission of shale gas and established shale gas leak mode by integrating various data inclduingthe burial history, structural features, pressure coeficient, gas contents and poroperm characteristics of cores from typical wells.It is believed that late fugitive emission of shale gas occurred in the whole period of late continuous uplifting of the shale gas strata.From the periphery to the interior of the basin, the initiation time of fugitive emission changed from the Early Cretaceous to Late Cretaceous.The matrix pores of shale reservoirs are dominated by nanoscale and the permeability is at nano-darcy level(averaging at 0.000 215× 10-3 μm2), and the sensitivity of permeability to stress is strong(descending two order of amplitude when effective overburden pressure of core ascending from 3.5 MPa to 40 MPa).The fugitive emission of shale gas from deep strata in which faults are poorly developed is the weak diffusion driven by hydrocarbon concentration difference.The late tectonic movements led to the uplifting of shale reservoirs or development of open faults.As the stress released, the permeability of shale reservoirs increased and horizontal permeability became far greater than vertical permeability(the average horizontal permeability of whole cores on surface is 0.567 8× 10-3 μm2, while the average perpendicular permeability is 0.153 9× 10-3 μm2).The fugitive emission of shale gas is the most intensive near the eroded outcrop area, in areas where the bu-rial depth of shale is shallow or near the open faults belt, and the intensity of emission along strata direction is far greater than that along the direction perpendicular to strata.As the stress, permeability and hydrocarbon concentration change from deep area to shallow area and then to outcrop area as well as the area near open faults belt, the bedding-parallel fugitive emission mode of shale gas is featured by gradual changes from weak diffusion to relative strong diffusion to strong diffusion and finally to seepage flow and the intensity of fugitive emission increase gradually.

    Status and prospect of research on microscopic shale gas reservoir space
    Zhang Qin, Liu Chang, Mei Xiaohan, Qiaoli Jingyu
    2015, 36(4):  666-674.  doi:10.11743/ogg20150417
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    Beginning with a review of the history of research on microscopic shale reservoir space, this paper presents the status and prospect of research on microscopic reservoir space of shale gas reservoirs in an attempt to improve the classification system and theory of microscopic pores of shale gas reservoirs.The study of the microscopic shale reservoir space can be divided into a random observation and exploratory stage in the earlier period and a stage of the establishment of conceptual system and its application in the recent period.There are lots of methods for classifying microscopic pores of shale reservoir, among which there are three most typical comprehensive classification schemes, namely pore size-based, pore occurrence-structure-based and pore origin-based schemes.However, there are no unified standards and terminologies for their classification.The study of the evolution of microscopic shale reservoirs is becoming more quantitative.The controlling factors for the development of microscopic pores are complex.The sedimentary environment, structural background, lithology and mineral components control the types of primary pores and the degree of their development.The total organic carbon(TOC)and the types of kerogen influence the development of pores within organic matters.The diagenetic stages directly control the development and evolution of different microscopic pores.In light of the status of study of microscopic shale gas reservoirs, a propose is brought forward here to further improve the classification standard of microscopic pores, so as to establish a scientific, objective, comprehensive and systematic microscopic reservoir classification and evaluation system.A quantitative study of the controlling factors needs to be strengthened to define the correlation of controlling factors and different microscopic pores.In addition, testing methods must be improved progressively for further enlarging the scope and enhancing the precision of measurement, realizing direct, accurate and stereo display of the microscopic pore space of shale reservoirs.
    SEM observation of organic matters in the Eopaleozoic shale in South China
    Zhang Hui, Jiao Shujing, Pang Qifa, Li Ning, Lin Bowei
    2015, 36(4):  675-680.  doi:10.11743/ogg20150418
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    The Eopaleozoic shale in South China is assessed as the preferred target for shale gas exploration and development in China, and the research on its organic matters is imperative.Some shale samples are taken from the Eopaleozoic such as the Lower Cambrian, Upper Ordovician and Lower Silurian in Anhui, Guizhou and Sichuan provinces in South China.The naturally fractured surfaces(perpendicular to or parallel to the beddings)and the argon ion milled surface are prepared from these shale samples.Under the scanning electron microscope(SEM)with field emission, the maceral, che-mical composition, occurrences of the organic matters and pore types are systematically observed and studied.The results show that the organic maceral types are dominated by bituminite and bacteria and algae body with strong potential of hydrocarbon generation.The bituminite is composed of spherulites with several to dozens of nanometers in diameter with stripped, interstitial, thin films and amorphous occurrences.The bacteria and algae body has obvious characteristics of biological morphology, mainly in clastic form and dozens of micrometers in diameter.On the basis of identification of maceral, the genetic types of the organic pores are classified into biological pore, vesicular pore, bitum-spherulite pore and molded pore.And both the vesicular pore and bitum-spherulite pore occur in the interior of bituminite and their diameters are of nanometer-scale, which are the direct evidences of hydrocarbon generation from organic matters.Therefore, the development degree of these pores is viewed as one of the indexes for hydrocarbon generation potential assessment of the source rocks.

    Deep profile correction for redevelopment of high-temperature and high-salinity reservoirs and pilot test
    Yang Zhongjian, Jia Suogang, Zhang Lihui, Dou Hongmei, Zeng Lijun, Zhu Xiuyu, He Jia, Yang Lu
    2015, 36(4):  681-687.  doi:10.11743/ogg20150419
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    In viewing the serious injection-production contradictions and highly-dispersed residual oil distribution in the late stage of development of E31 reservoir in Kuergasi oilfield in Qinhai Province, we performed deep profile correction technology laboratory study and pilot test in the high-temperature and high-salinity reservoirs.Based on detailed analyses of the reservoirs, a well pattern with 15 injectors and 30 producers were selected for the pilot test.A technological process with water-plugging and profile correction integrated is established based on identification of preferential water pathways.Flooding characteristic curve shows an incremental recovery factor of 2.1% was achieved during the pilot.During the process, mechanisms of profile correction were further explored and various combinations of injection parameters were tried.Comparing the water-intake profiles and producing profiles before and after the pilot shows that the post-development syndrome was greatly improved by successfully tapping the producing potential of both major and minor oil producing layers.The study indicates that the procedure works effectively in increasing flooding sweep efficiency and the ratio of total producing interval thickness to total perforated interval thickness of producers. For brown reservoirs who have suffered from the similar problem to the one concerned, the procedure may be applied to solve certain technological problems.

    Equal-tilt-angle production profile calculation model of horizontal wells
    Song Wenguang, Jiang Qiongqin, Li Jiling, Li Ming
    2015, 36(4):  688-694.  doi:10.11743/ogg20150420
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    Due to factors like gravity, laminar flow of oil, gas and water occurs in horizontal wells, which completely differs from the traditional vertical or slant wells.When applied to horizontal wells, the traditional fluid production profile interpretation method often produces errors.Thus it is imminent to create a new interpretation method for horizontal wells, so as to improve its interpretation accuracy and to enhance oil recovery. In this paper, we first analyzed the existing interpretation methods, and then describe the experimental results of horizontal well flow pattern mechanism.Our test data showed that the flow pattern remains constant when the tilt angle and the fluid parameters in each phase of the horizontal wells are the same.Yet a slight change in the inclined angle has great impact on the flow pattern.Therefore, we proposed an equal-tilt-angle interpretation model to calculate the flow rates of each phases in horizontal wells, designed an inversion algorithm, and programmed the model for calculation of fluid production of each layer.Comparative analysis with logging data from 22 wells showed that the error is less than 7.8% for single phase flow interpretation, less than 9.8% for multi phase flow interpretation, and less than 9.68% for total flow interpretation.Experimental results show that this interpretation method can improve the interpretation accuracy of fluid production profile in horizontal wells, and meet the requirements of engineering applications.

    A new method for estimating relative permeability with resistivity data
    Ma Dong, Wu Hua, Zeng Ming
    2015, 36(4):  695-700.  doi:10.11743/ogg20150421
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    Relative permeability is a key parameter in reservoir description, oil & gas field development and numerical reservoir simulation.Steady-state and unsteady-state methods are often used for determining the parameter.However, the relative permeability can't easily be obtained through the experiments as they are often time-consuming, expensive, and sometimes require certain experimental conditions.In contrast, resistivity data are easy to get through laboratory measurements and well logging.This paper proposes a new method of getting relative permeability by using easily-obtained resistivity data through a combination of capillary tube model and Archie equation and introduction of tortuosity.The method was verified by data from the published literatures and experiment results.It shows that the relative permeability of water phase obtained through the method is highly comparable to that acquired through experiment method.So when relative permeability data are inadequate or unavailable, we can estimate the relative permeability of water phase by using the method based on resistivity data.

    Sequence stratigraphic geochemistry and its application in evaluation of source rocks:taking Beier sag of Hailar Basin as an example
    Wu Wenxiang, Zhang Haixiang, Li Zhandong, Liang Peng, Liu Sai, Li Meng, Bao Chuhui
    2015, 36(4):  701-710.  doi:10.11743/ogg20150422
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    Beier sag is one of the prolific sags in Hailar Basin.However, the significance of high quality source rocks consisting of dark mudstone, marl, oil shale and calcareous mudstone, developed in the SQ2 sequence of the transgressive system tract in the sag, had been overlooked in previous studies.Based on various data including the measured TOC, content of the chloroform asphalt “A”, hydrocarbon generation potential(S1+S2), vitrinite reflectance, as well as TOC from log interpretation, a detailed study of the source rocks was carried out in the context of sequence stratigraphic framework by using the geochemical-sequence analysis method to identify and evaluate the system tracts in which the major and quality source rocks had dwelled and calculate the amount of hydrocarbon generation and expulsion of the source rocks.The results show that most indexes including TOC, chloroform bitumen “A”, S1+S2, and etc., indicate that the source rocks in SQ2 and SQ3 are good to excellent in quality and dominated by oil-prone organic matter, meaning the two sequences are the major source rocks in the sag.The major source rocks are strongly heterogeneous and the high-quality source rocks were mainly developed in transgressive system tracts and early stage high stand system tracts(especially in SQ2).Calculation of hydrocarbon generation and expulsion from the source rocks shows that the source rocks in SQ2 contributed the most with hydrocarbon generation amount accounting up to 84% of the total and hydrocarbon expulsion amount accounting up to 93% of the total.The SQ2 was therefore considered the most promising home for source rocks in the sag.Evaluation of source rocks wiith geochemistry method can be used not only to guide exploration in brown blocks but also to improve working efficiency of source rock evaluation of green blocks with rare wells and samples.