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    08 August 2016, Volume 37 Issue 4
    Secondary oil migration distance and hydrocarbon accumulation in carbonate rocks
    Zhou Bo, Jin Zhijun, Yun Jinbiao, Bai Guoping
    2016, 37(4):  457-463.  doi:10.11743/ogg20160401
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    In this paper,we statistically analyzed the secondary hydrocarbon migration distances of 229 large carbonate oil and gas fields within the major petroliferous basins in the world.It is found that the secondary hydrocarbon migration distances and number of oil/gas fields within carbonate migration systesms show no exponential decay relationship as the clastic migration systems.Carbonate reservoirs are generally proximal to source rocks.However,for reservoirs distal to source rocks,the migration distance has no obvious control on the probability of hydrocarbon accumulation.For reservoirs distal to source rocks,oil and gas distribution are generally controlled by the distribution pattern of faults and the distribution range of carbonate reservoirs of vuggy-cavernous type.Given sufficient hydrocarbon supply,the possibility of hydrocarbon accumulation remains almost consistent with such a range.Therefore,even at a long distance,as long as it is within the distribution range of faults and reservoir rocks of the vuggy-cavernous type,the probability of hydrocarbon accumulation can be relatively high.
    Variation of Sr content and 87Sr/86Sr isotope fractionation during dolomitization and their implications
    Wang Lichao, Hu Wenxuan, Wang Xiaolin, Cao Jian, Wu Haiguang, Liao Zhiwei, Wan Ye
    2016, 37(4):  464-472.  doi:10.11743/ogg20160402
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    87Sr/86Sr ratio of dolomite is an important indicator for identifying source and characteristics of fluids related to formation and evolution of dolomite.Meanwhile,the ratio has been widely used in study of seawater 87Sr/86Sr ratio evolution of fossil seawater and strontium isotope stratigraphy.Thus,the existence and degree of influence of dolomitization on the 87Sr/86Sr ratio is crucial to understand the geologic significances of 87Sr/86Sr ratio of dolomite.However,no systematic research of this issue has been published.The Geshan section in Yixing County of Lower Yangtze region has excellent outcrops of carbonates including limestone,dolomitic limestone,calcite dolomite and dolomite,providing a chance to study the geochemical behaviors of strontium during dolomitization.In this study,we systematically analyzed the Sr contents and 87Sr/86Sr ratios of these carbonates.The Sr contents of these carbonates decrease significantly with enhancing dolomitization degree,from 1358μg/g of limestone to 94μg/g of dolomite,while the 87Sr/86Sr ratios increase from 0.708019 to 0.708182.An analysis of the relevant published data shows that the evolution feature of Sr is common to some degree,indicating that it may be attributed to the habitual behaviors of Sr during dolomitization.As Ca is replaced by Mg during dolomitization,the isomorphous Sr is lost simultaneously,leading to the lowering Sr content.In addition,lighter 86Sr emigrates from the process due to the constrint of mass effect,resulting in higher 87Sr/86Sr ratio.Therefore,the influences of dolomitization on 87Sr/86Sr ratio must be considered when identifying the source of dolomitization fluids,establishing the 87Sr/86Sr evolution curve of fossil seawater and analyzing the age of dolomite,so as to obtain correct understandings.
    Characteristics and indications of rare earth elements in dolomite of the Cambrian Loushanguan Group,SE Sichuan Basin
    Jiang Wenjian, Hou Mingcai, Xing Fengcun, Xu Shenglin, Ling Liangbiao
    2016, 37(4):  473-482.  doi:10.11743/ogg20160403
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    Petrologic study and REE (rare earth element) characterization of dolomite samples from Jingzhu and Zhongba outcrops of the Cambrian Loushanguan Group in SE Sichuan Basin identified four types of dolomite:micritic dolomite,grain dolomite,crystalline dolomite and baroque dolomite.The analysis results of the REE characteristics show that all the 4 types have low REE content (avg.15.69ppm) and relatively high Y/Ho ratios (avg.50).The very poor correlation of REE content with Fe and Mn contents suggests a limited effect of terrigenous clastics and iron and manganese oxyhydroxide on the dolomite in the study area.Different types of dolomite vary in their total REE content readings.The micritic dolomite is rich in algae and has the highest content of REE (avg.21.06ppm).The grain dolomite (avg.13.66ppm) and crystalline dolomite (avg.13.02ppm) have similar REE content.The baroque dolomite has relatively high REE content (avg.16.28ppm),indicating possible involvement of hydrothermal fluids.It also shows that all types of dolomite shares similar REE patterns with limestone.The average value of (Nd/Yb)SN in dolomite samples is 1.52,indicating they are relatively rich in LREE and depleted in HREE.All the samples show negative Eu and Ce anomalies (avg.0.79 and 0.36,respectively).Significant positive Y anomalies and positive La anomalies were also observed.All these facts indicate that the dolomite was formed by fluids of marine origin in a relatively closed diagenetic system of relatively reducing environment and low temperature.
    Origin of saddle dolomites from the Buqu Formation of Longeni Area in southern Qiangtang Basin
    Zhang Shuai, Xia Guoqing, Yi Haisheng, Cai Zhanhu, Li Qilai
    2016, 37(4):  483-489.  doi:10.11743/ogg20160404
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    Saccharoidal dolostones in the Middle Jurrasic Buqu Formation of Longeni Area in southern Qiangtang Basin were found to contain large number of saddle dolomites.Petrographic study shows typical sweeping extinction,curved crystal faces and cleavage traces under cross polarized light and dark red luminescence and unzoned textures.Fluid inclusions in the saddle dolomite were measured to have homogenization temperature ranging between 152.8 and 174.1℃ and salinity averaged at 23.3%NaCl,much higher than the salinity of modern seawater,indicating a high temperature and high salinity diagenetic environment.In-situ isotopic analysis shows δ13C value ranging from -4.81‰ to 4.29‰,and δ18O value varying from -7.51‰ to -11.2‰.The δ18O(SMOW) value of diagentic fluid was calculated to be 5‰ -11‰ by using the fractionation equation of dolomite-fluid oxygen isotope.It is believed based on a comprehensive analysis that the saddle dolomites were formed in a relatively closed deep burial setting and were the products of thermal fluid modification.The saddle dolomites were probably formed in places where pores and fractures were well developed during a recirculation of heated formation water.The high salinity formation water could be the mixture of paleo-seawater during sedimentation period and underground hot brine during burial period.Origin of the saddle dolomite reveals that the saccharoidal dolostones with coarse grains are the result of recrystalization of surface or near surface dolostones.
    Genetic mechanism and hydrocarbon accumulation of quality reservoir in deep and complicated reservoir rocks: A case from the Palaeogene in Dongying Sag,Jiyang Depression
    Wang Yongshi, Wang Yong, Hao Xuefeng, Zhu Deshun, Ding Juhong
    2016, 37(4):  490-498.  doi:10.11743/ogg20160405
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    The genetic mechanism and hydrocarbon accumulation of quality reservoirs in the deep complex Paleogene re-servoir rocks of Dongying Sag are studied by core observation,thin section analysis,petrophysical testing,isotope testing and well testing.The studies show that the secondary porosity resulted from alternative dissolution of acid-alkaline fluids improved the local physical properties of deep reservoirs to some extent and is the key to the formation of the deep quality reservoirs.The reservoirs in different deep sequences have different genetic mechanisms,reflecting the differences in ori-ginal components,fluid environment,source-reservoir combination and other conditions.The quality reservoirs of red beds in fulvial-alluvial fans of the initial rifting sequences were formed in alkaline environment and contacted laterally with source rocks,featuring in not only the dissolution of large amount of feldspar and carbonate,but also the intensive dissolution of quartz.The quality coarse clastic reservoirs of steep slope fan delta and underwater fan in the expanded rifting sequences are in interfingered contact with source rocks,and connected with deep alkaline fluids through basin-controlling faults,featuring in the erosion of large amount of feldspar and carbonate but just a small amount of partial quartz.The quality reservoirs of beach bar sands and turbidite in the expanded rifting sequences mostly occur in the source rocks,featuring in the erosion of feldspar and carbonate.The fault terrace zones on ramp are on the major migration pathway,thus the quality red reservoirs juxtaposing with the source rocks are favorable for hydrocarbon accumulation.The quality coarse clastic reservoirs in middle-fan that are screened by root-fan of steep slope are favorable for hydrocarbon accumulation.The quality beach bar sands and turbidite reservoirs that are in source rocks with high pressure are favorable for hydrocarbon accumulation.
    Features and evolution of sedimentary facies in the second Member of Paleogene Shahejie Formation in Bonan Subsag,Bohai Bay Basin
    Song Fan, Qiu Longwei, Su Nina, Xu Ningning, Zhou Peng
    2016, 37(4):  499-508.  doi:10.11743/ogg20160406
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    In order to reveal the sedimentary facies distribution and evolution pattern of the 2nd Member of Shahejie Formation in Bonan Subsag of Bohai Bay Basin and to find new target areas for future oil and gas exploration in Zhanhua depression,we classiffied and correlated the sand groups of the 2nd Member of Shahejie Formation,delineated the distribution of sedimentary facies in different historical periods and summarized the sedimentary evolution pattern based on the comprehensive study of core,logging and seismic data.Four sand groups were identified in the 2nd Member of the Shahejie Formation in Bonan Subsag.They overlap each other southwards and get larger progressively in distribution area.Near the uplift zone around the Bonan Subsag,fan delta front deposits are predominant and consist mainly of underwater distributary channel microfacies,followed by channel mouth bar and subaquatic interdistributary embayments.Inside the Bonan Subsag,shore-shallow lacustrine beach bars are predominant and can be divided into three types with different distribution patterns according to their origin,namely normal sandy beach bars,sandstone and carbonate mixed beach bars and storm beach bars.The sedimentary evolution of the 2nd Member of Shahejie Formation features in continuous enlarging of lake basin,progressive expanding of sedimentary range.decreasing of fan delta distribution area,and increasing of beach bar distribution area.
    Migration pattern and geodynamic mechanism of Cenozoic depocenter and subsidence center in Huimin Sag,Bohai Bay Basin
    Lin Yuxiang, Zhao Chengjin, Zhu Chuanzhen, Wu Yuchen, Li Jia, Li Xiuqin
    2016, 37(4):  509-519.  doi:10.11743/ogg20160407
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    Based on analysis on regional geology,strata thickness,sedimentary characteristics and faulting intensity of Huimin sag,this paper studied the characteristics of structural activities and the depocenter migration patterns in different evolutionary periods of Huimin sag and explained their geodynamic mechanisms.New methods were proposed for delineation of depocenters.There were two dynamic depocenters or subsidence centers in Huimin sag in the Cenozoic era.The depocenters and subsidence centers basically coincided with each other except for Es4 period.The depocenters had migrated to the southwest of Linyi,while the subsidence centers were still in the west of Zizhen during the Es4 period.The Es4-Es3 periodwas an important transition period for the migration of subsidence centers which migrated mainly along the N-S direction.In contrast,the migration was mainly along the E-W direction during Ek-Es4 period and Es3-Ed period.In the western part of the sag,the depocenters migrated in "S"-shaped trajectory,while in the eastern part,they migrated anticlockwise.Sag-controlling faults were mainly active during Ek and Es4 period,while subsag-controlling faults were predominant in Es3-Ed period.Both the sag-controlling and subsag-controlling faults were controlled by the NNW-trending extension structure and the right lateral strike-slip of Lanliao fault and Tanlu fault.And it was related to mantle convection caused by the velocity and angle changes of the Pacific plate subducting to the Eurasian plate and the collision of India-Eurasia plate.
    Characteristics and petroleum geological significance of lacustrine forced regressive deposits in the 1st Member of Liushagang Formation in Weixi'nan Sag, Beibuwan Basin
    Pei Jianxiang, Dong Guineng, Zhu Qi
    2016, 37(4):  520-527.  doi:10.11743/ogg20160408
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    An oblique progradational sequence occurs in the 1st Member of Liushagang Formation in Weixi'nan Sag,Beibuwan Basin.A comprehensive analysis of single well facies,multi-well correlation,and seismic facies based on geological,logging and seismic data reveals that it belongs to lacustrine forced regressive deposits.It is characterized by obvious upward shallowing in respect of singe well facies,vertical overlapping and lateral sequential migration of multi-phase deltas in multi-well correlation,and significant oblique progradation reflection configuration on seismic profiles.Local uplifting of the basement is the main controlling factor for the development of lacustrine forced regression.The identification of the lacustrine forced regressive deposits helped to eliminate the disputes concerning stratigraphic division and correlation of the 3rd Member of Weizhou Formation and the 1st Member of Liushagang Formation in Weixi'nan sag.Meanwhile,it also led to the recognition of lithologic traps such as turbidite,sublacustrine fan,and progradational delta and the discovery of several reservoirs within the lacustrine forced regression system tracts,thus expanding new domains for oil and gas exploration in this sag.
    Characterization of petroleum pooling patterns in dense flower-like fault belts: Taking the middle and shallow layers in Nanpu Sag of Bohai Bay Basin as an example
    Hu Ming, Jiang Hongjun, Fu Guang, Li Na, Chen Yajun
    2016, 37(4):  528-537.  doi:10.11743/ogg20160409
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    A study was carried out to investigate oil and gas pooling patterns in belts with densely-distributed flower-like faults in the middle and shallow layers of Nanpu Sag,Bohai Gulf Basin.Methods such as composite profile comparison and tracing,cumulative uplift amplitude and cap rock juxtaposition thickness analyses and etc.,were resorted to analyze or establish oil pooling patterns and disparities across (horizontally and vertically) the belts based on seismic and drilling data as well as previous studies.The results indicate that (1) flower-like faults,mostly antiformal faults,are well developed and densely distributed in NE-trending belts of the Sag; (2) horizontally,oil and gas mainly enrich in the inner (containing more pools) and marginal parts of the belts,with enrichment degree being higher in the inner part than in the marginal part and higher in the antiformal dense flower-like fault belt than in the synformal belt,and uplift amplitude controls the upper limits of oil and gas pooling in the antiformal flower-like dense fault belt; (3) vertically,oil and gas pooling is conditioned by cap rock juxtaposition thickness-the juxtaposition thickness of E3d2 and N1+2g (both cap rocks) in the Sag were observed to have a control over the oil and gas pooling in the middle and shallow layers in belts with densely-distributed flo-wer-like faults; (4) areas in the antiformal dense flower-like belts with larger cumulative uplift amplitude and juxtaposition thickness of the E3d2 being less than 90m~95m are considered potential exploration targets in the Sag.
    Correction of light and heavy hydrocarbon loss for residual hydrocarbon S1 and its significance to assessing resource potential of E2s4(2) member in Damintun Sag, Bohai Bay Basin
    Li Jinbu, Lu Shuangfang, Chen Guohui, Shan Junfeng, Hu Yingjie, Mao Junli, Xue Haitao, Wang Min
    2016, 37(4):  538-545.  doi:10.11743/ogg20160410
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    Free hydrocarbon content(S1)is a frequently-used pyrolytic parameter in assessment of shale oil resource.However,light and heavy hydrocarbon losing during the process often yields result on the low side.For heavy hydrocarbon loss,we compared pyrolysed hydrocarbon content(S2)obtained through pyrolytic experiment before and after extraction of samples to estimate the lost heavy hydrocarbon of S1.For light hydrocarbon loss,we carried out Rock-Eval and PY-GC experiments on immature shale samples and gold tube experiment on crude samples to calculate the ratio of C6-13/C13+ in different stages of maturity according to chemical dynamic theory and Easy Ro model,then took this ratio as the ratio of residual C6-13/C13+ in shale,and finally performed correction of light hydrocarbon lose based on S1 obtained after heavy hydrocarbon correction.Using the corrected parameter in assessment of shale oil resource made a great difference.Taking the E2s4(2) member in Damintun Sag,Bohai Bay Basin as an example,the result is only 22.6 billion tons without correction but 2.86 times higher (64.7 billion tons) after the corrected parameter was used.It is therefore suggested that correction of light and heavy hydrocarbon loss for residual hydrocarbon S1 during assessment of shale oil resources is necessary.
    Multi-staged dissolution of sandstone in Cretaceous Bashijiqike Formation in DB gas field of Kuqa Depression,Tarim Basin
    Yuan Jing, Cheng Ronghong, Zhu Zhongqian, Yang Xuejun, Yuan Lingrong, Li Chuntang
    2016, 37(4):  546-555.  doi:10.11743/ogg20160411
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    Characteristics and genesis of dissolution and its influence over pores in sandstone reservoirs of the Cretaceous Bashijiqike Formation in DB gas field of Kuqa Depression are studied based on observation of cores,and normal/cast thin sections,analyses through cathodoluminescence microscope,scan electricity microscope,and characterization of reservoir physical properties,and etc.The result shows that the sandstone reservoirs in the Formation have ultra-low porosity and permeability and contain various types of dissolved pores.The reservoirs had experienced successively atmospheric water supergene leaching (dissolving carbonate cementation),organic acid dissolution (dissolving feldspar),weak alkaline dissolution (dissolving unstable debris),and less weak alternative acid/alkali dissolution(dissolving quartzose),resulting in intergrannular dissolution pores,dissolution fractures,large dissolution pores surpassing grain size,intragranular dissolution pores,and etc.A combination of the study with previous analyses,including stratigraphic burial history,and evolutionary history of organic matter and tectonics of the Formation,indicates that right timing between multi-staged dissolution and hydrocarbon charge was critical for forming prolific DB field.
    Tectonic evolutionary characteristics and their causes of Chepaizi Uplift in Junggar Basin
    Hu Qiuyuan, Dong Dawei, Zhao Li, Li Li, Li Xiao, Kong Xue
    2016, 37(4):  556-564.  doi:10.11743/ogg20160412
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    Chepaizi Uplift in Junggar Basin is abundant in oil and gas resources and has unique tectonic evolution history.New understanding of the history was made possible recently with the latest exploration progress in the area.By combining balanced section technique with quantitative analyses of basic tectonic characteristics and activity parameters and physical structure modeling experiments,we discussed systematically in this paper the tectonic evolutionary characteristics and genesis from a spatial and temporal perspective.The result shows that the evolutionary history of the Uplift can be divided into four stages:the initial development stage (C3-P),continuously uplifting stage (T-J),stably burying stage (K-E) and local stretching tilting stage (N-Q),since it was initiated during Late Carboniferous and then went through successively strong-weak-weaker compression and a weak extension.The tectonic evolution was mainly controlled by major changes in the tectonic stress field in the Uplift and its adjacent areas since the Late Carboniferous.During the C3-P period,an eastward "escaping tectonic compression" developed in the Uplift under the control of the E-W compression stress field,leading to the development of the nearly SN-trending Hongche fault belt in the east of the Uplift and large amounts of SN-trending secondary reverse faults in the major part of the Uplift.During the T-J period,the Uplift was in the NW-SE compression stress field on the top of the thrust wedge,and went through continuous uplifting,leading to the inheritance activities of some early reserve faults.During the K-E period,the Uplift experienced integral and slow subsidence and got stably buried.And during the N-Q period,the stress field turned to be NNE-trending extensional stress field,leading to local stretching and tilting.Large amounts of NWW-trending normal faults were developed while some early reverse faults experienced negative structural inversion.Controlled by the tectonic stress field,the regional tectonic line had turned from near SN direction to NE-SW trend and then to EW direction.
    Reservoir characteristics and main controlling factors of calcareous coarse clastic rocks of the third Member of Xujiahe Formation in Yuanba area, northeastern Sichuan Basin
    Du Hongquan, Wang Wei, Zhou Xia, Hao Jingyu, Yin Feng
    2016, 37(4):  565-571.  doi:10.11743/ogg20160413
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    Several wells have tested moderate-to-high industrial gas flow from the calcareous coarse clastic reservoirs the third Member of Xujiahe Formation in Yuanba Area,Northeastern Sichuan Basin,revealing its great exploration and development potential.However,the reservoir characteristics and main controlling factors are still unclear.Core,thin section and testing data are integrated to study the rock types,reservoir space,physical properties and controlling factors.The reservoirs are dominated by calcareous sandstone and limy conglomerate which featuring in low content of quartz,feldspar and high content of carbonate debris.And the reservoir space is dominated by intergranular dissolved pores,intragranular dissolved pores and fractures.The calcareous sandstone reservoirs are obviously different from the limy conglomerate reservoirs.The former is of fracture-pore type reservoir,while the latter is of pore-fracture type reservoir with low porosity and low permeability.The development of the reservoirs was mainly controlled by sedimentary microfacies,rock types,dissolution and fractures.Besides,for the development of high-quality reservoir,favorable sedimentary microfacies and reservoir rock types are the basis and dissolution and fractures are the key factors.The medium-coarse grained calcareous sandstone in underwater distributary channel is the most favorable faces,as the high content of calcareous component can improve the development of high quality reservoirs through dissolution and fracture modification at late stage.
    Research progress and application of EOR techniques in SINOPEC
    Ji Bingyu, Wang Youqi, Nie Jun, Zhang Li, Yu Hongmin, He Yingfu
    2016, 37(4):  572-576.  doi:10.11743/ogg20160414
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    This paper introduced the research progress and application of the EOR techniques such as chemical flooding,heavy oil thermal recovery,gas flooding and microbial flooding,summarized the application conditions,application results and existing problems for various techniques,and disscussed the direction of the large-scale application of EOR techniques for SINOPEC.The results show that chemical flooding has become the predominant EOR technology EOR projects of SINOPEC are under.Polymer and SP flooding techniques are mature and complete in supporting technologies,and have been put into industrial application technologies in China,with well developed relating techniques,and in the phase of industrialization.Heterogeneous Post-polymer flooding test of non-homogeneous composite flooding technique has been test successfully carried out in the 1st Block of central Gudao,Shengli oilfield,and after polymer flooding which can be expected to enhanced oil recovery of 7.3% is expected.Among heavy oil thermal recovery techniques,thermochemical puff & huff,well pattern infilling and thermal recovery of conventional heavy oil techniques are in the process of generalization and application have had large scale field applications,while steam injection and thermochemical steam injection techniques are still under research.SINOPEC is currently carrying out pilots for gas flooding and microbial flooding which can be expected to with the expectation of enhanced oil recovery increase.The focuses of SINOPEC's industrial application of EOR techniques in the future are displacing agent or displacing system capable of being adapted to harsh reservoir conditions,mobility control technique and combined application of mature technologies.
    Application of multiple-point geostatistics in 3D internal architecture modeling of point bar
    Liu Keke, Hou Jiagen, Liu Yuming, Shi Yanqing, Liu Lin, Tang Li, Gao Xingjun, Zhou Xinmao
    2016, 37(4):  577-583.  doi:10.11743/ogg20160415
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    For the first time,an application of Multiple-point geostatistics in 3D internal architecture modeling of point bar is proposed in this paper.Data from dense well patterns (well spacing of 60 m) offer us the statistical distribution characteristics of interbeds within the point bar.Training images are produced by interactive processing of the statistical results for quantitative characterization of the interbeds,such as their thickness,dip,frequency,density and horizontal spacing.A typical point bar is first choosed for vertically projecting the interbeds interpreted from single well data to its top surface along the surfaces of interbeds,and then a 3D spinning cube is calculated in combination with the depositional patterns of the point bar for strike characterization of the interbeds.The Snesim algorithm is used for 3D architectural modeling of lateral accretion,and the results are compared with those from sequential indicator simulation (SIS).It is concluded that SIS may represent the characteristics of interbeds,but it is inadequate to characterize their continuity.Besides,a lack of constraints from training images forbids satisfactory quantitative characterization.In contrast,the model based on Snesim is under the dual control of training images and 3D spinning cube,thus it can quantitatively characterize the distribution,geometry and spatial structure of the interbeds.The data of watered-out reservoirs reveal that the architecture model built with multiple-point geostatistics method can guide the mapping of remaining oil.
    A study on sand bodies connectivity in normal pressure reservoirs of the Bohai Sea with hydrostatic pressure data
    Qian Geng, Zhang Jianmin, Liu Chuanqi, Zhan Lan, Yang Haifeng, Mu Pengfei, Li Xingli
    2016, 37(4):  584-590,597.  doi:10.11743/ogg20160416
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    Based on the consistency of pressure system within the same reservoir,the theoretical linear relationship between formation pressure and depth is currently used as an important criterion to determine the connectivity of sand bodies within the same sequence stratigraphic framework under normal pressure.However,the linear rule for determining sandbodies connectivity has its limitations due to the influences of high permeability and fluid heterogeneity of reservoir.A new method for connectivity analysis of sand bodies is proposed based on mathematical induction,established the inverse proportional function between pressure coefficient and depth of reservoir.The properties of inverse proportional function such as intersection,monotonicity,boundedness and symmetries provide us a way to explore the relationship between inverse proportional function and reservoir pressure system,and to further determine the connectivity of two or more sand bodies.With hydrostatic pressure data from more than 50 normal pressure reservoirs out of 7 oilfields in Bohai Sea whose connectivity have been confirmed by wells,we verified the relationship between the connectivity of sand bodies and the properties of inverse proportional function of pressure coefficient and depth.The following conclusions were made.① The function image being continuous and overlapping,monotonicity and asymptote being consistent,and symmetry axis being unique are the critical criteria for determining the connectivity of sand bodies within the same sequence stratigraphic framework;② The pressure coefficient is more sensitive and reliable than the linear function;③ The curvature of inverse proportional function is affected by reservoir permeability and fluid properties,thus overcomes the limitations of linear rule.
    Study and application of high-order statistics constrained sparse blind deconvolution technique
    Zhang Hua, Pang Yanqing, He Zhenhua, Yang Bo, He Guangming, Wu Furong, Chen Aiping, Xie Xiaocui
    2016, 37(4):  591-597.  doi:10.11743/ogg20160417
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    Based on the basic theory of Bayesian and using the high precision wavelet estimated in high-order double spectrum domain as constraints,this paper realized sparse blind deconvolution frequency-expanding processing under the modified Cauchy criteria and obtained data that are more reliable and have higher frequency than the conventional deconvolution frequency-enhancing method.The results of numerical experiments and real data processing show that the wavelet estimated in the dual spectrum domain has higher accuracy,under the priori constraint of which the sparse blind deconvolution can greatly enhance the resolution of both P-wave and PS-wave.It can meet the requirement of resolute very thin layers,thus can be used as an effective method for high resolution processing.
    Triaxial stress experiment of mudstone under simulated geological conditions and its petroleum significance
    Li Shuangjian, Jin Zhijun, Yuan Yusong, Zhou Yan, Sun Dongsheng
    2016, 37(4):  598-605.  doi:10.11743/ogg20160418
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    Mechanical properties of mudstone largely determines both their quality as cap rocks and the quality as shale gas reservoirs.In this study,the typical mudstone in the Silurian Longmaxi Formation in southern Sichuan Basin was selected for triaxial mechanical tests,so as to understand the variations of mechanical properties of the mudstone and their affecting factors.A total of 20 sets of experiments were carried out at confining pressures of 0,10,20,40,and 60 MPa,and at temperatures of 20,50,100,and 130℃,respectively.The relationships between the mechanical properties of mudstone,temperature,and confining pressure were established.The results showed that there is basically a positive linear relationship between the confining pressure and elastic modulus,Poisson's ratio,compressive strength,and residual strength of the mudstone within the confining pressure range of less than 60 MPa.There is no clear correlation between temperature and those mechanical properties of mudstone within the temperature range of lower than 130℃.However,those mechanical parameters of mudstone remained relatively consistent under the same confining pressure and different temperatures,indicating that burial depth (confining pressure),instead of temperature,determines the mechanical parameters of mudstone.The stress-strain curves of mudstone also indicated that even the mudstone at the late diagenetic stage tends to transit from brittle to ductile with the increase of buried depth.According to the relationship between the peak and the residual compressive strengths,the critical burial depth for brittle-ductile transition of the Silurian mudstone in Sichuan Basin is determined approximately at 4200-4400m.Beyond this critical depth,the mudstone is less prone to fracture and thus has greater sealing ability as cap rocks,while has poor fracability as shale gas reservoirs.
    A numerical simulation method of heterogeneous combination flooding
    Cao Weidong, Dai Tao, Yu Jinbiao, Lu Tongchao, Cheng Aijie, Xi Kaihua
    2016, 37(4):  606-611.  doi:10.11743/ogg20160419
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    Heterogeneous combination flooding is a new chemical flooding method for further enhancing oil recovery in post-polymer-flooding reservoirs,and its main components of displacing agents include branched preformed particle gel(B-PPG),polymer and surfactant.According to laboratory experiments,the physicochemical properties of B-PPG and its oil-displacing characteristics are obviously different from that of polymer.The traditional mathematics model and simulators for chemical flooding can not accurately describe the oil displacement mechanism of B-PPG.In order to figure out the mechanism of heterogeneous combination flooding,a concept of particle throughput factor was introduced based on laboratory experiment results.We described the discontinuous migration features of B-PPG particles,modified the mathematical representation of residual resistance coefficient,built a new mathematical model,and performed fast solution algorithm research and software realization.Numerical experiments showed that the mathematical model can satisfactorily describe the oil-displacing mechanism of B-PPG,fit laboratory experiment results,and show good performance in history matching and dynamic tracking in field application.
    NMR research of movable fluid and T2 cutoff of marine shale in South China
    Zhou Shangwen, Liu Honglin, Yan Gang, Xue Huaqing, Guo Wei
    2016, 37(4):  612-616.  doi:10.11743/ogg20160420
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    Low field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance was combined with high speed centrifugal experiments to study movable fluids and T2 cutoff values of marine shale in South China.The experiments reveal the importance of establishing water saturated state and irreducible water state for the calculation of movable fluids.For marine shale from South China,the optimum pressure for establishing water saturated state is 12MPa,and the optimum centrifugal force for establishing irreducible water state is 2.76MPa.The T2 cutoff values range between 1.07ms and 3.22ms,averaging at 1.8ms,significantly less than that of tight sandstone.Therefore,using empirical value (13ms) for the calculation of movable fluids may result in great error.To deal with the problem,we integrated the T2 spectrums of both saturated water state and irreducible water state to calculate movable fluid saturation.The result ranges between 23.19% and 30.84% (averaging at 27.28%),indicating high irreducible water saturation and ultra-low water saturation.we also converted the NMR T2 spectrum into pore size distribution,revealing the pore radius of shale to be within 20 and 200 nm range.