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    28 August 2017, Volume 38 Issue 4
    Factors controlling the formation of high-quality deep to ultra-deep carbonate reservoirs
    He Zhiliang, Zhang Juntao, Ding Qian, You Donghua, Peng Shoutao, Zhu Dongya, Qian Yixiong
    2017, 38(4):  633-644,763.  doi:10.11743/ogg20170401
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    Based on our preliminary works and previous researches,we proposed a conceptual model of five main factors controlling the formation of carbonate reservoirs,including tectonics,sequence,lithofacies,fluid and timing.Tectonics exerted influences on the reservoirs through prototyping and deformation.The former controlled the sedimentary pattern and the latter,such as the formation and evolution of ancient uplifts,the development of folds and fractures,and the combination of fractures,provide a new macro background for a late diagenetic transformation.A brand new geological fluid-rock interaction environment could be formed through the intervention of thermal events and new fluids.The structure and style of stratigraphic sequence provided a macroscopic environment for reservoir development and distribution.Boundaries of relatively higher order of sequence controlled mainly the formation of scaled karst reservoirs,while those of relatively lower order of sequence were closely related to the development and distribution of reef-facies reservoirs in platforms and their margins,which also acted as channels of inter-layer karst fluid migration.Lithofacies,including sedimentary and diagenetic facies,were the basis of a later fluid transformation and the place where reservoirs were finally sat.The differences of modifiability of different original mineral components and the structures could affect the development of reservoirs.The effects of fluids existed all the way through the formation and reconstruction of carbonate rocks.Open geological fluid environment contributed to the formation of reservoir spaces,while closed geological fluid environment contributed to the preservation of reservoir spaces.Timing refers to the whole process of carbonate formation from sedimentation to diagenetic transformation and finalization,which involved the continuous processes of and the relationships between the geological effects controlled by the above four factors.Tectonics,sequence,lithofacies,fluid and timing were closely related to one another,and each played different and inseparable roles in the formation and preservation of carbonate reservoirs.In general,large-scale high-quality carbonate reservoirs are resulted from the combined effects of multiple factors through multi-stages.
    Bioherm development model and reservoir prediction of Changxing Formation in Yuanba area,Northeastern Sichuan Basin
    Wu Hengzhi, Wu Yajun, Ke Guangming
    2017, 38(4):  645-657.  doi:10.11743/ogg20170402
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    The Changxing Formation reservoirs of Yuanba gas field are dominated by ultra-deep bioherm developed at ramp-type platform margin.Development appraisal of the gas reservoir is challenged by the diversity of reef development model,unclear reservoir distribution and great difficulty of precise prediction in ultra-deep and thin reservoir rocks.In order to solve these problems,we studied the relationship between sea-level changes and bioherm development model,analyzed the main controlling factors of reefal dolomite reservoirs development,proposed the ideas and methods of reefal reservoir prediction,and predicted the bioherm reservoir distribution.The results show that there are four-stage bioherms in the Changxing Formation of Yuanba area.For single bioherm,there are two reef development models which are controlled by paleo-geomorphology and changes of sea-level.One is single-stage and the other is double-stage(multi-stage).For reef groups,there are five development models including vertical progradation,vertical retrogradation,horizontal migration,horizontal paralleling as well as composite and superimposed model.The major factors controlling the development of favorable bioherm reservoirs in Yuanba area are sedimentary background,eustacy,constructive diagenesis and tectonic fracture.Vertically,the reservoirs mainly occur in the reef cap,while laterally,the reservoirs mostly occur in the reef crest,followed by reef back and reef front.
    Construction of injection-production well pattern in fractured-vuggy carbonate reservoir and its development significance:A case study from Tahe oilfield in Tarim Basin
    Lu Xinbian, Rong Yuanshuai, Li Xiaobo, Wu Feng
    2017, 38(4):  658-664.  doi:10.11743/ogg20170403
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    It is desirable to establish an injection-production well pattern that can reflect the complex fracture-vug structure and connectivity of the fractured-vuggy carbonate reservoir in Tahe oilfield.The fracture-vug spatial structure characteristics of reservoirs of weathering crust type,fault-controlling type and underground river type were comprehensively analyzed in the geological contexts of various karst types.These in combination with the analysis of characteristics of injection-production relationship and basic well patterns led to the concept of "injection-production spatial structure well pattern".It is to establish the relationship of injector and producer in a three dimensional space based on the spatial distribution of fracture-vug complex and in combination with parameters of fracture-vug such as morphology,scale and connectivity,so as to maximize control of fracture-vug,producing reserves of waterflooding and recovery factor.The results show that the injector-producer relationship for reservoirs of weathering crust type is characterized by "injector at lower location and producer at higher location,injection through fractures and production through vugs,injection through smaller vugs and production through larger vugs,thus "plane" injection-production well pattern is suitable.The injector-producer relationship for reservoirs of fault-controlling type is characterized by "isoheight injection and production,injection through fractures and production through vugs",thus banded injection-production well pattern should be adopted.The injector-producer relationship for underground river type is characterized by "injector at lower location and producer at higher location,injection through vug and production through vug",thus linear injection-production well pattern is suitable.In addition,differential water injection schemes should be selected according to the well pattern,so as to realize the goal of this concept,i.e.multi-direction injection-production,multi-segment injection-production and spatial injection-production.
    Applications of petrography and isotope analysis of micro-drill samples to the study of genesis of grape-like dolomite of the Dengying Formation in the Sichuan Basin
    Qian Yixiong, Feng Jufang, He Zhiliang, Zhang Keyin, Jin Ting, Dong Shaofeng, You Donghua, Zhang Yongdong
    2017, 38(4):  665-676.  doi:10.11743/ogg20170404
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    The shell-comb and grape-like dolomite of the Dengying Formation in the Sichuan Basin has an unusual textures.The petrographic data,carbon,oxygen and strontium isotope analysis on matrix and grape-like dolomites microdrill-samples have been used to investigate the origin of shell comb and grape-like dolomite.The grape-like dolomite is characterized by length-fast fascicular-optic fibrous aragonite cement,and bladed radial slow high-Mg calcites as well as granular calcites.The micritic dolomite in opposite direction growth,which consists of different size of either spherical and dumbbell forms or rhombic shape,has formed in pattern rhythm layers of banding or laminated along the terrace of C-axis of crystal.The zonation,which consists of microcrystalline,fine crystalline dolomite,has generally a more distinctive negative values of δ13C(PDB) and δ18O(PDB) than that of the black and white fibrous dolomite of grape-like dolomite.The black or dull fibrous dolomite has a positive δ13C(PDB) and δ18O(PDB),compared with that of white fibrous dolomite.It may mainly indicate a marine origin for shell comb and grape-like dolomite.At least three different fluid environment oscillation to generate the banding of shell comb grape-like dolomite:① One of them is characteristic of lower negative of δ13C(PDB)and δ18O(PDB) and much higher 87Sr/86Sr compared to that of matrix dolomite or seawater.The wide medium bright orange luminescent bands with interval of dull bright zones is supposed to form in seawater overprinted with fresh water,indicate an periodic environment changes between weak oxidation and weak reduction;② The second has a sharp variation of sequences,with slow decrease of δ13C(PDB) and increase of δ18O(PDB) from its centre to rim of zonation.Normal seawater value of 87Sr/86Sr,medium bright orange luminescent in the centre to dull or non-luminescent in outer zones indicates it generated in a seawater with continuous recharge of fresh water,and weak reduction in the center shifted to weak oxidation in the outer of zone;③ The third one does not have very clear zonation,and negative 18O(PDB) in the rim with a slow increase of δ13C(PDB) and increasing and later decreasing of δ18O(PDB).It also shows a cathodoluminescence feature similar to that of matrix dolomite,which has been interpreted as a weak reduction and later oxidation environment.The environment first developed in condense seawater and was ventilated by fresh water in later diagenesis periods.In conclusion,the shell comb and grape-like dolomite has been developed in an unusual Neoproterzoic seawater characterized by very high Mg/Ca.It is coeval with the precipitation of algal laminated stromatolite and thrombolite,in forms of the microbial mat,mound,biofilms and reef.The environment model can most likely account for rapid growth of isopachous,fibrous aragonite and bladed high-Mg calcites cement,and growth of later granular calcites induced or promoted by bacterial microbial modulation,and para-contemporaneous dolomitization in condense seawater.The fluid is oversaturated seawater at the beginning,and later superimposed by a cyclic subaerial exposure of fresh water.
    Diagenesis in sequence stratigraphic framework of the Lower-Middle Ordovician Yingshan Formation,Tarim Basin:A case study from Tahe area and Keping-Bachu outcrop
    Du Yang, Fan Tailiang, Gao Zhiqian, Han Hongdou, Zhang Qun
    2017, 38(4):  677-692.  doi:10.11743/ogg20170405
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    Genetic mechanism of the Lower-Middle Ordovician Yingshan Formation reservoir in the Tarim Basin becomes a focus in the current exploration of the basin.Samples were taken from wells in Tahe area and Keping-Bachu outcrops to study the development and evolution of diagenesis in parasequence,parasequence set,third-order sequence stratigraphic framework,through petrology and geochemistry methods.The results show that the sedimentary facies significantly control the diagenesis.Tidal flat sedimentary environment is characterized by three zones:marine phreatic diagenesis in the subtidal,marine diagenetic environment and meteoric vadose environment in the intertidal,and meteoric water seepage cements associated with karst at the top of the parasequence in the supratidal.Regressive parasequence set developed syngenetic meteoric dissolution in early transgression,and marine diagenesis in late transgression stage.During early highstand period,parasequence were still affected by seawater diagenesis until the top of late thinning parasequence is exposed to subaerial environments.In the third-order sequence of the Lower Yingshan Formation,transgression is characterized by paleokarst controlled by parasequences and apparently increasing cementation to the down-dip.Weak karst developed du-ring the late highstand.Intense burial dolomitization appeared in the Lower Yingshan Formation.The remnant connate seawaters could be the main diagenetic fluids of dolomitization.In the third-order sequence of the Upper Yingshan Formation,seawater cementation is widely developed near marine flooding surface.The rapid transgression resulted in the development of weak syngenetic meteoric diagenesis.Epidiagenesis controlled by fractures developed in the Upper Yingshan Formation.
    Characteristics and genesis of pores and micro-pores in ultra-deep limestones:A case study of Yijianfang Formation limestones from Shunnan-7 and Shuntuo-1 wells in Tarim Basin
    You Donghua, Han Jun, Hu Wenxuan, Qian Yixiong, Cao Zicheng, Chen Qianglu, Li Huili
    2017, 38(4):  693-702.  doi:10.11743/ogg20170406
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    Development of effective reservoir space,genetic mechanism and reservoir quality of deep to ultra-deep limestone are key concerns of deep to ultra-deep oil and gas exploration.Detailed core observations,computerized tomography,microscopy,cathodoluminescence and scanning electron microscopy analyses were carried out to characterize the petrology and pore spaces of limestone samples from the Yijianfang Formation in Shunnan-7 and Shuntuo-1 wells in Tarim Basin.Pores in the Lower Yijianfang Formation limestones (Well Shunnan-7) are dominated by fenestrae and shelter pores,which survived the cementation in the deposition to early diagenetic stages.Micro-pores are calcite intercrystalline pores in algae particles,and their formation might be jointly controlled by recrystallization and maturation of original organic matters.The pores of boundstones in the Upper Yijianfang Formation (Well Shuntuo-1) are dominated by moldic pores in biological shells and inter-crystalline pores within aggregates of silica spheres and euhedral calcites;their micro-pores are mainly biomembrane micro-pores,inter-crystalline micro-pores resulted from recrystallization of calcites and micro-pores in euhedral quartz in limestone matrix.Hydrothermal alteration in the early diagenetic stage may be the major genetic mechanism of pores and micro-pores in Well Shuntuo-1.The early hydrocarbon charging may play an important role in the preservation of pores and micro-pores during burial.Our results show that the characteristics and genesis of pores and micro-pores of limestones with different structural features in different wells are different.Thus,the controlling factors for the development and distribution of ultra-deep limestone reservoirs are complicated.
    Seismic identification and evaluation of deep carbonate faults and fractures in Shunnan area,Tarim Basin
    Liu Jun, Ren Lidan, Li Zongjie, Wang Peng, Yang Zichuan, Ma Lingwei
    2017, 38(4):  703-710.  doi:10.11743/ogg20170407
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    There are many oil and gas discoveries along NE-trending strike-slip faults in Shunnan area,Tarim Basin,indicating that the strike-slip faults can be a controlling factor for hydrocarbon migration and accumulation. Considering deep burial depth,low signal-to-noise ratio and small fault displacement along the faults strike,seismic responses of small fault and fracture zones are not clear and difficult to be interpreted. Based on the actual three-dimensional seismic data of the Shunnan area,we carried out the numerical simulation for two models,model of limestone top surface and model of limestone internal surfaces. We also clarified seismic response characteristics for faults of different scales and established seismic identification model. According to the geological features and seismic recognition pattern of strike-slip faults,we selected sensitive seismic attributes such as trend surface,fine coherent,ant body and likelihood. Finally,based on the results of fracture prediction,the paper gave a description and evaluation on the strike-slip fault zone,such as fracture properties,levels,segmentation,and cavity features,and gave advice to the optimization of exploration plays and prosepects.
    Migration of the Cambrian and Middle-Lower Ordovician carbonate platform margin and its relation to relative sea level changes in southeastern Tarim Basin
    He Feng, Lin Changsong, Liu Jingyan, Zhang Zilong, Zhang Junlong, Yan Bo, Qu Tailai
    2017, 38(4):  711-721.  doi:10.11743/ogg20170408
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    A comprehensive analysis on cores,thin sections and logging data is combined with seismic facies,seismic attri-butes and palaeo geomorphology to identify platform margin and trace the distribution and migration of platform-margin facies belt in southeastern Tarim Basin during different deposition periods of the Cambrian and the Middle and Lower Ordovician.The rock types of platform-margin facies belt are mainly calcarenite,bioclastic limestone,oolitic limestone and micritic limestone.On seismic reflection profiles,platform margin beach facies present as chaotic or blank reflections,and the reef-beach complexes show mound reflection exteriorly and chaotic reflection or blank reflection interiorly.Both the buildup features with increasing stratum thickness caused by rapid growth of large reef-beach complexes,and the steep slope or distal steepening features caused by decreasing stratigraphic thickness in the basin,are indicators of platform margins.The method that uses natural gamma ray spectrometry logging data to identify carbonate lithology and sedimentary energy is combined with the data of organic carbon,carbon and oxygen isotopes,to map the relative sea level changes and their controlling effect upon platform margin migration in different sedimentary periods in southeastern Tarim Basin.Slope-basin facies with under-developed platform margin had dominated the Early Cambrian.With sea level continuously falling during the Middle to Late Cambrian,restricted platform facies started to take shape with edges migrating basin ward.In the Early Ordovician,the platform margin narrowed due to sea level rising during the Penglai Formation deposition and widened as the sea level falling again during the Lower Yingshan Formation deposition.The upper Yingshan Formation experienced rapid transgression which narrowed the platform edge and the lower Yingshanzu Formation went through falling sea level which turned the platform into open ones and widened the platform margin.However,the platform was again submerged as sea level rapidly rising after the deposition of the Yijianfang Formation.
    Relict texture of dolostones and its significance to sedimentary facies:A case study from the Middle-Lower Ordovician in Tazhong area,Tarim Basin
    Zhang Xuefeng, Li Xiaofeng, Li Zongjie, Liu Bo, Song Haiqiang
    2017, 38(4):  722-728.  doi:10.11743/ogg20170409
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    As a kind of sedimentary rock,primary,contemporaneous and penecontemporaneous dolostones with mud-or silt-sized crystalline structures are generally related to restricted-evaporative sedimentary setting.However,those formed by replacement or hydrothermal alteration during burial process could not be used as direct indicators of sedimentary facies,at least not until the relict texture of the dolostone is recognized and the original limestone depositional setting is restored.This is critical to sedimentary-and reservoir-related research on dolostone.The Middle-Lower Ordovician dolostone from the Central Uplift Zone,Tarim Basin,may serve as a good example.It is commonly regarded as signature of restric-ted-evaporative platform facies.However,an investigation of the dolostone in the study area proved otherwise.We identified the lithology of samples taken from the area through systematic core/thin section observation and established criteria for relict texture identification by comparing the dolomitized and the un-dolomitized parts of the same samples.The results show that dolostones in the area are characterized by three relict textures,among which the relict ghost texture dominates.The other two relict textures,i.e., the relict granular/biogenetic texture and the relict grain shape texture,are uncommon.We therefore suggest that the Ordovician dolostones originated mainly from a set of grained shoal limestone,and the sedimentary facies during the Early-Middle Ordovician was an open platform rather than a restricted platform.The predominant microfacies are intraplatform high-energy arenstritic shoal.
    Genetic mechanism of reefal dolostones of the Changxing Formation in Yuanba area,northeastern Sichuan Basin
    Xu Shoucheng, Li Guorong, Zhang Xiaoqing, Wu Yajun, Jing Xiaoyan, Liu Yuanyang
    2017, 38(4):  729-740.  doi:10.11743/ogg20170410
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    Dolostones of the Upper Permian Changxing Formation are the major reservoir rock type of the bioherm gas pool in Yuanba area,Northeastern Sichuan Basin.The formation of the reefal dolostone reservoir in the Changxing Formation is principally influenced by both dolomitization and dissolution.In order to reveal the genetic mechanism of bioherm dolostone,core observation,petrographic and geochemical analyses were integrated to study different types of dolomites and their characteristics of the Changxing Formation dolostone and determine the types and stages of dolomitization of the dolostone reservoir.Four types of dolomitization were identified,including syngenetic evaporative dolomitization and seepage-reflux dolomitization under high salinity,shallow burial dolomitisation and hydrothermal dolomitization of early diagenesis.The three stages of dolomitization control the quality and distribution of the reefal dolostone reservoirs of the Changxing Formation in Yuanba area.
    Characteristics and controlling factors of microbial carbonate reservoirs in the Upper Sinian Dengying Formation in the Sichuan Basin,China
    Song Jinmin, Liu Shugen, Li Zhiwu, Luo Ping, Yang Di, Sun Wei, Peng Hanlin, Yu Yongqiang
    2017, 38(4):  741-752.  doi:10.11743/ogg20170411
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    Microbial carbonates dominate the 2nd and 4th members of the Dengying Formation in the Upper Sinian,Sichuan Basin.The 2nd member contains mainly thrombolites and grapestones with botryoidalis pores,microbe visceral pores,microbe framework pores,inter-clot dissolved pores as reservoir space.Vertically,there are three reservoir intervals with bi-tumen concentrated 117 m below the unconformity of the first stage of the Tongwan movement.The 4th member contains largely laminites and stromatolites,with fenestral pores and karst pores as the main reservoir spaces and inter-clot dissolved pores and microbe visceral pores as the minor reservoir spaces.Three reservoir intervals occur in the member with bitumen concentrated 134.2 m below the unconformity of the second stage of the Tongwan movement.The development and distribution of microbial carbonate reservoirs in the members are suggested to be controlled mainly by shallow water tidal microbial mat,microbial structures,dolomitization and Mianyang-Changning intracratonic sag. The widespread mat might be the foundation of high-quality reservoirs,the microbial structures be the cause of the original reservoir diffe-rences,the dolomitization be the key to the formation of the reservoirs,and the weathering karst and burial dissolution controlled by the Mianyang-Changning intracratonic sag be the determinative factor for the modification and distribution of the reservoirs.And it is predicted that high-quality reservoirs in the Formation be along both sides of the margin area of Mianyang-Changning intracratonic sag.
    Sequence division and controlling factors of reservoir development of the 4th Member of Leikoupo Formation in foreland of Longmen Mountains in the Western Sichuan Depression,Sichuan Basin
    Li Hongtao, Hu Xiangyang, Shi Yunqing, Xiao Kaihua, Jia Yuewei, Wei Xiuping, Feng Qiong
    2017, 38(4):  753-763.  doi:10.11743/ogg20170412
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    Based on detailed observation of cores,thin section,well logging and seismic data analysis,high frequency sequence and sedimentary microfacies of the Upper T2l4 were studied in the Shiyangchang-Jinma-Yazihe area of foreland of Longmen Mountains in western Sichuan Depression.Combined with logging interpretation results,the reservoir distribution and controlling factors of reservoir development are analyzed.The results indicate that the Upper T2l4 can be divided into one fourth-order sequence,and may be further divided into multiple fifth-order and sixth-order high frequency sequences.The high frequency sequence has the characteristics of sedimentary assemblages obviously shallowing upward and their horizontal correlation is good.Sedimentary environments mainly are tidal flat in the research area,and the tidal flat depo-sits mainly develop intertidal zone and subtidal zone sub-facies.Lithology of flat deposits is varied in the vertical direction and is more stable in horizontal orientation.Intertidal zone is a favorite sub-facies for reservoir development,and can be divided into dolomite flat,algae dolomite flat,dolomite-lime flat micro-facies.Subtidal zone can be divided into lime flat,algae lime flat,dolomite lime flat micro-facies.Silty-fine dolomite flat,algal (laminated) dolomite flat in the intertidal zone is favorable micro-facies for reservoir development.They were usually distributed in middle-upper part of upper and lower reservoir with clear reservoir cycles.The favorable intertidal micro-facies distribution reservoir for development is controlled by (high frequency) sequence,which also has a certain impact to later diagenesis.The high frequency sequence is the key factor to affect reservoir formation and distribution.
    Origin of the Lower Cambrian leopard-pattern limestones and its influence on reservoirs in the Sichuan Basin
    Han Bo, Feng Jufang, He Zhiliang, Tian Haiqin, Zhu Shuang, Wang Xiaotao
    2017, 38(4):  764-775,783.  doi:10.11743/ogg20170413
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    Wide occurrence of leopard-pattern limestones (dolostone) has aroused extensive attention of scholars,but origin of this type of rock remains disputable.So a study on its features,origin,and impact on reservoir properties is significant to petroleum exploration.Four reference cross sections were chosen in the Lower Cambrian Longwangmiao Formation and Tianheban Formation in the Sichuan Basin to analyze petrologic and geochemistry characteristics.Based on outcrop sedimentary facies study,microscopic observation,X-ray diffraction analysis,scanning electron microscopic observation,electron probe microanalysis,and stable isotope analysis,the origin of the limestone was discussed.Leopard pattern limestone occurs mainly in two types of rocks in the Lower Cambrian sediments in the Sichuan Basin:wackstone and packstone.According to their different features in patch morphology,clay content,dolomite size and crystal form,leopard pa-ttern limestone can be classified into three types:muddy leopard limestone,leopard limestone containing mud,and leopard limestone.The first two types mainly appear in wackstone,composed of muddy to silty,anhedral to semi-euhedral crystalline dolomite,while the third type of leopard pattern limestone occur in packstone,composed of silty to fine,semi-euhedral to euhedral crystalline dolomite.Leopard pattern limestone in wackstone deposited in subtidal environment with low water energy,lime mud and aragonite mud(transform to dolomite) deposited alternately in tune with the water body transform from open to restricted frequently due to sea level change.Leopard pattern are formed by wave disturbance and di-fferential load from overlying strata.Leopard pattern limestone in packstone was mainly formed during shallow burial stage,when formation water with high content of magnesium penetrated into the cemented sediments and dolomitization took place.Intercrystalline pore space is widely observed in leopard limestone,which shows much better reservoir properties than limestone,so the proportion of leopard pattern limestone to the whole rock determines the petrophysical properties of reservoir rocks.
    Genesis of iron-rich dolostones in the 5th member of the Majiagou Formation of the Ordovician in Ordos Basin
    Zhang Juntao, He Zhiliang, Yue Xiaojuan, Sun Yipu, Jin Xiaohui, Chen Xia
    2017, 38(4):  776-783.  doi:10.11743/ogg20170414
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    According to the crystalline form and size,dolostones from the 5th member of the Ordovician Majiagou Formation,Ordos Basin,can be divided into two types:M-type microcrystalline dolostone and F-type silt-to-fine-sized crystalline dolostone. Both types have a high Fe content. However,Fe is not uniformly distributed in the two types of dolostonees. In the M-type dolostone,the matrix dolomite has a Fe content of 583×10-6 to 3 811×10-6 and the iron-rich dolomite mainly occurs as filling material in dissolved mold pores,the coarse crystalline pore-filling dolomites have a Fe content of 29 112×10-6 to 47 148×10-6 and the Fe is evenly distributed in the crystalline,and the silt-sized crystalline pore-filling dolomites have a Fe content up to 81 752×10-6,and the Fe concentrate only at the edge of the dolomites. In the F-type dolostones,the matrix has a Fe content of 233×10-6 to 2 007×10-6,dolomites filled up fractures and pores have an evenly distributed Fe with a content up to 9 178×10-6. There might be a correlation between the Fe enrichment and pore development. Well-developed pores generally mean higher concentration of Fe. The value ranges of δ13C(V-PDB) and δ18O(V-PDB) of the M-type microcrystalline dolomites are -3.5‰ to 1.4‰ and-6.5‰ to -8.0‰,respectively. Those of silt-sized crystalline pore-filling dolomites are -0.7‰ to -2.7‰ and -9.8‰ to -11.5‰,and those of coarse crystalline pore-filling dolomites are -1.7‰ to -2.9‰ and -9.9‰ to -11.3‰,indicating possible influences of hydrothemal fluids. The value ranges of δ13C(V-PDB) and δ18O(V-PDB) of the F-type are -0.4‰ to -0.8‰ and -5.3‰ to -6.6‰.The two types may have their Fe derived from the overlying ferruginous clay rocks. After long exposure to weathering and erosion,the dolomites harbored a large number of pores with some residual overburden of ferruginous clay rocks,from which Fe-rich fluids migrated downward by gravity during burial process,and Fe3+ was transformed into F2+ when the fluid reaches a certain temperature and depth making it easier for F2+ to enter into dolomite lattice and forming iron-rich dolomites.
    Factors controlling carbonate rock dissolution under high temperature and pressure
    Ding Qian, He Zhiliang, Wo Yujin, Zhang Juntao, Fan Ming, Yue Xiaojuan
    2017, 38(4):  784-791.  doi:10.11743/ogg20170415
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    In recent years,deep and ultra-deep carbonate reservoirs have shown great potential in petroleum exploration.However,prediction of high quality deep and ultra-deep carbonate reservoirs is constrained by understanding of the mechanism of carbonate dissolution/precipitation.The study on this process could provide insight into the pore development mechanism of petroleum reservoir space.In this study,we conducted dissolution-precipitation experiments simulating surface to deep burial environments.The effects of temperature,pressure,water-rock ratio and dissolved ions on the carbonate dissolution-precipitation process were investigated under conditions from normal temperature and pressure to high temperature and pressure (~200℃~70 MPa) with a series of petrographic and geochemical analytical methods.The results show that the dissolution window curve occurs between 75~150℃ in the open system,and 120~175℃ in the semi-open system.In the open system with 0.3% CO2 solution,the dissolution capacity of calcite is significantly higher than that of dolomite,while in the semi-open system with 0.3% CO2 solution,dolomitic limestone has the highest dissolution capacity.In the open system with diluted H2SO4 solution,the dissolution capacity of dolostone surpasses that of limestone when the temperature is over 175℃ due to surface-complexation processes of sulfide and cation.
    A sedimentology study of carbonate reservoirs in Callovian-Oxfordian Stage, Amu Darya Basin,Turkmenistan
    Cui Cui, Zheng Rongcai, Wang Qiang, Song Haiqiang, Wu Lei, Fei Huaiyi, Wen Wen
    2017, 38(4):  792-804.  doi:10.11743/ogg20170416
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    The Amu Darya basin,located in northeastern Turkmenistan,is one of the most important petroliferous basins in central Asia.Three third-order shallowing-upward stratigraphic sequences,each of which is composed of two system tracts (transgressive system tract and highstand system tract),were recognized in the basin based on analyses of core observation,logging and seismic data.A sedimentology study of the Calov-Oxfordian carbonate platform reservoirs in the area reveals that there are six facies:evaporate platform,restricted platform,open platform,platform margin reef,gentle slope and basin.Among them,the platform margin reef and gentle slope reef flat are considered potential reservoirs for play fairways.The reservoirs are mostly rudist bivalve reef limestone and all sorts of grain limestones.Primary pores are well preserved and fracture-pore networks are common in the reservoirs.It is suggested that the distribution of reservoirs in the platform margin and the slope is obviously affected by controlling factors such as reef presence,distribution of shoal facies belts favorable for oil and gas accumulations,burial diagenesis.An understanding of these factors could be useful for oil and gas exploration activities in the future.
    Conventional logging identification of fracture-vug complex types data based on crossplots-decision tree:A case study from the Ordovician in Tahe oilfield,Tarim Basin
    Wang Xiaochang, Zhang Jun, Li Jun, Hu Song, Kong Qiangfu
    2017, 38(4):  805-812.  doi:10.11743/ogg20170417
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    The Ordovician in Tahe oilfield are rich in oil and gas resources.It develops caves,vugs and fractures filled with different materials due to karstification.Different reservoir spaces and fillers form a variety of fracture-vug complex types.So the conventional logging responses are complex and it is very difficult to identify the fracture-vug complex types.Based on outcrops,cores,borehole image logging data,six fracture-vug complex types are determined.They are unfilled cave type,sand and shale-filled cave type,breccias-filled cave type,calcite-filled cave type,fractured-vuggy type and fractured type,respectively.In combination with the differences of lithologies and physical properties between different fracture-vug complex types,their characteristics of dual lateral,natural gamma,sonic,neutron and density logging and distribution patterns are analyzed.Nine crossplots sensitive to fracture-vug complexes are selected from the pairwise logging response cross plots and are integrated with decision tree to formulate a step by step fracture-vug complex type identification method.This method is applied to real well data processing and interpretation in Tahe oilfield.Compared with of cores and geologic logging,the coincidence rates of the identification results with core and geologic logging data are greater than 85%.The method can reduce the confusion among the conventional logging responses of different fracture-vug complex types,thus increase the accuracy of identification results.
    Classification and characterization method for multi-scale fractured-vuggy reservoir zones in carbonate reservoirs:An example from Ordovician reservoirs in Tahe oilfield S80 unit
    Lyu Xinrui, Li Hongkai, Wei Hehua, Si Chaonian, Wu Xingwei, Bu Cuiping, Kang Zhijiang, Sun Jianfang
    2017, 38(4):  813-821.  doi:10.11743/ogg20170418
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    Formation of carbonate fractured-vuggy reservoirs is controlled by palaeogeomorphology,tectonic movement and karstification.The main storage spaces are large-scale caves,small-scale dissolved pores and multi-scale fractures with different geometry.Because of complicated genetic mechanisms and highly discrete,traditional continuum reservoir characterization methods are difficult to apply directly.Based on the recognition and description of fractured-vuggy reservoir,we use the classification characterization method to characterize various reservoirs.Guided by karst genetic mechanisms and outcrops studies,in combination with seismic qualitative forecast and quantitative inversion results,we simulate wea-thering karst caves and faults-controlled caves using sequential indicator and the object-based method respectively.We use the method of collaborative sequential indicator simulation to establish the distribution model of the small scale dissolution pore.Based on the seismic information,we establish the multi-scale discrete fracturing network using the artificial interpretation,ant tracking and random simulation methods.Based on karst genetic mechanisms,we construct fusion principle for different types of reservoirs,and thus effectively integrated different types of reservoirs.The results show that the idea of the classification and characterization method can effectively describe the strong heterogeneity of S80 unit.Based on the model,we can refine the reserve classification in different the reservoir pay sections,evaluate the new well design,identify the target area,and apply it to the numerical simulation of reservoirs.The method lays the geological foundation to guide discovery of remaining oil potential,and modification of development plan.
    Waveform-indication-based seismic inversion of carbonate reservoirs:A case study of the Lower-Middle Ordovician in Tahe oilfield,Tarim Basin
    Han Changcheng, Lin Chengyan, Ren Lihua, Dong Chunmei, Wei Ting
    2017, 38(4):  822-830.  doi:10.11743/ogg20170419
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    Carbonate karst reservoirs of the Lower-Middle Ordovician in Tahe oilfield feature in large burial depth,irregular distribution,complex reservoir types and strong heterogeneity,thus reservoir type identification is always a challenging during oil and gas exploration and development in the area.This paper documented a new impedance inversion method,i.e.waveform-indication-based inversion,based on Bayesian discriminant theory and Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling algorithm.The method,based on reservoir type identification,seismic reflection characteristics and petrophysical analyses,can be used to optimize sample wells by observing seismic waveform similarities,and establish an initial impedance model by referring to sampling spacing and curve characteristics.The relationship between proposed distribution and prior information is firstly established to achieve efficient sampling of a priori solution space.A Metropolis-Hastings sampling algorithm is then used to sample the posterior probability distribution,so as to obtain the maximum posterior probability solution.The application of the method in identifying the types of the Ordovician karst reservoirs in Tahe Oilfield shows significant improvement of inversion accuracy and a better utilization of horizontal variation of seismic waveforms to reveal effectively the types and spatial and lateral distribution of the reservoirs,and provides fine characterization of the reservoirs.