Oil & Gas Geology ›› 1983, Vol. 4 ›› Issue (1): 45-52.doi: 10.11743/ogg19830103
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Yang Shenpiao, Yang Ruichi, Liu Taicheng
Dongying depression has experienced evolution of blockfaulting,erosion and overlapping during Eogene,resulting,in a gently Waved erosional surface of basement rocks on its north steep slope where lacustrine embayments were separated by basement;noses and subaqueous alluvial fans well developed,These paleomorphological and paleotopographical features have obviously controllcd the size and geometry of fans,which can be divided into three types:1) lacustrine cliff fans;2) faulted scarp fans:and 3) terraced fans,with the first one being the dominant type. They are coalescing each other to form a kind of skirt-hem. The fans are sand and conglomerate bodies formed by rapid deposition of flood turbidite near the source area.It has become a new field for the exploration of oil and gas,since it may contain important stratigraphical types of oil traps. Different parts of these fans form different traps The model roughly is: the innerfans form stratigraphical overlapping traps;the mid-fans lithologic traps sealed by faults;the outerfans lenticular lithologic traps. The basement noses are the prerequisite ground for oil accumulation. The mid-fan front and channels,having a lot of secondary pores and good reservoir properties,may be prolific in oil and gas.
Yang Shenpiao, Yang Ruichi, Liu Taicheng. STRATIGRAPHIC OIL POOL IN EOGENE SUBAQUEOUS ALLUVIAL FAN IN DONGYING DEPRESSION[J]. Oil & Gas Geology, 1983, 4(1): 45-52.
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URL: http://ogg.pepris.com/EN/10.11743/ogg19830103