Oil & Gas Geology ›› 2006, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (1): 11-16.doi: 10.11743/ogg20060102

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Types of marine plays in southern China and exploration prospects

Wo Yujin1,2, Xiao Kaihua2, Zhou Yan2, Yang Zhiqiang2   

  1. 1. Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou, Guangdong 510640, China;
    2. Exploration & Production Research Institute, SINOPEC, Beijing 100083, China
  • Received:2005-06-27 Online:2006-02-25 Published:2012-01-16


Being bounded by the Silurian regional detachment, the marine stratigraphic series in southern China can be divided into lower and upper two structural layers. According to the strength and characteristics of deformation of the structural layers, as well as their combination features, the geologic configuration of marine stratigrahpic series in southern China can be classified into 7 types, i. e. single layer stable, double layer continuous, double layer fault-folded, single layer imbricated, double layer thrust-slipped, single layer thrust faulted and binary nappe types. Multiphase subsidence and upheaval since Indosinian have led to the formation of 6 kinds of burial evolution history, which can be grouped into two large types, namely"early subsidence-late upheaval"and"early upheaval-late subsidence". The initial buildup of marine sedimentary formations, later reconstruction by tectonic movements and the superimposition of the overlying non-marine formations have resulted in 4 play types, including primary type, reconstructed type, regenerated type, and epigenotype; of which the primary play type has good oil and gas preservation conditions, and thus has good exploration prospects. The plays of regenerated type and epigenotype in the Middle and Lower Yangtze areas have certain exploration prospects, too.

Key words: geologic architecture, burial evolution history, play, oil and gas exploration, marine sedimentary formations in southern China

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