Oil & Gas Geology ›› 2010, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (6): 689-698.doi: 10.11743/ogg20100601

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Significant advancem ent in natural gas exploration and developm ent in China during the past sixty years


  • Online:2010-12-28 Published:2011-02-09


:Based on analyzing the reserve and production growth of natural gas in China from1949to2009,we summarize theoretical and practical significances of the coal-derived gas theory and sum up the achievements in exploration and development of giant gas fields and their significances.Over the past sixty years,significant advancement has been made in gas exploration and production in China.First,China has become one of the world’s top players in natural gas reserves.In1949,China’s proved geological reserves was only0.385BCM,but in2009,this number exceeded7000BCM.Second,with a annual production of85.2BCM in2009,China is theworld’s7th biggestgas producer now,while itonly produced11.17MCM ofgas in1949.Third,the theory on coalˉderived gas has promoted the rapid advancement of gas exploration and production.In1979,the theory on coal-derived gas emerged as a new theory to lead the exploration and production of natural gas.Fourth,it is an importantway to rapidly developmentChina’s natural gas industry by exploring and developing giantgas fields.By2009,44large and giant gas fields have been discovered in China.They account for80.5%of the total reserves and66.4%of total gas production in China.Significantprogress has beenmade in natural gas exploration and development in China during the past sixty years.

Key words: coal-derived gas, exploration and development, natural gas, China