Oil & Gas Geology ›› 2020, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (2): 359-366.doi: 10.11743/ogg20200212
• Petroleum Geology • Previous Articles Next Articles
Chenjie Xu1(), Jiaren Ye1, Jinshui Liu2, Qiang Cao1,*(
), Yiyong Sheng1, Hanwen Yu1
Qiang Cao
CLC Number:
Chenjie Xu, Jiaren Ye, Jinshui Liu, Qiang Cao, Yiyong Sheng, Hanwen Yu. Simulation of hydrocarbon generation and expulsion for the dark mudstone with Type-Ⅲ kerogen in the Pinghu Formation of Xihu Sag in East China Sea Shelf Basin[J]. Oil & Gas Geology, 2020, 41(2): 359-366.
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Table 1
The scheme for the simulation of hydrocarbon generation and expulsion of dark mudstone with Type-Ⅲ kerogen in the Upper Pinghu Formation in Well K4, Xihu Sag, East China Sea Shelf Basin"
序号 | 模拟埋深/m | 模拟温度/℃ | 预期Ro/% | 静岩压力/MPa | 排烃釜压力/MPa | 排烃压差/MPa | 排烃温度/℃ | 恒温时间/h | 样品质量/g |
1 | 2 800 | 335 | 0.80 | 64.40 | 33.60 | 2.80 | 140 | 48 | 79.52 |
2 | 3 900 | 360 | 1.25 | 93.60 | 50.70 | 5.85 | 160 | 48 | 79.76 |
3 | 4 450 | 400 | 1.50 | 111.25 | 57.85 | 6.68 | 180 | 48 | 79.70 |
4 | 5 200 | 455 | 1.80 | 130.00 | 72.80 | 10.40 | 190 | 48 | 79.88 |
5 | 5 900 | 480 | 2.00 | 153.40 | 82.60 | 11.80 | 210 | 48 | 79.58 |
6 | 6 200 | 525 | 2.50 | 161.20 | 93.00 | 15.50 | 220 | 48 | 79.69 |
7 | 6 400 | 575 | >3.00 | 166.40 | 96.00 | 16.00 | 220 | 48 | 79.62 |
Table 2
Simulation results of the Pinghu Formation dark mudstone with Type-Ⅲ kerogen sampled from the Xihu Sag, East China Sea Shelf Basin, under proximate geological conditions"
序号 | 模拟温度/℃ | 实验Ro/% | 排出油累计产率/(mg·g-1) | 残留油累计产率/(mg·g-1) | 累计产油率/(mg·g-1) | 累计排出油占比/% | 烃气体积累计产率/(mL·g-1) | 烃气质量累计产率/(mg·g-1) | 甲烷含量/% | 累计产烃率/(mg·g-1) |
1 | 335 | 0.80 | 19.65 | 19.76 | 39.41 | 37.61 | 16.72 | 21.23 | 58.82 | 60.63 |
2 | 360 | 0.98 | 49.77 | 18.29 | 68.06 | 95.27 | 19.12 | 25.15 | 62.14 | 93.21 |
3 | 400 | 1.48 | 51.61 | 5.83 | 57.44 | 98.79 | 38.48 | 47.21 | 73.71 | 104.64 |
4 | 455 | 1.74 | 51.62 | 3.51 | 55.13 | 98.82 | 77.16 | 79.17 | 83.25 | 134.30 |
5 | 480 | 2.07 | 51.90 | 2.32 | 54.22 | 99.35 | 101.12 | 100.70 | 93.10 | 154.92 |
6 | 525 | 2.30 | 51.98 | 1.40 | 53.38 | 99.51 | 129.27 | 117.12 | 96.10 | 170.51 |
7 | 575 | 2.91 | 52.24 | 0.49 | 52.73 | 100.00 | 158.44 | 136.87 | 98.63 | 189.61 |
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