Oil & Gas Geology ›› 2020, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (5): 1048-1059.doi: 10.11743/ogg20200515
• Petroleum Geology • Previous Articles Next Articles
Shiqing Wu1,2(), Jianhua Guo1,2,*(
), Zhiyu Li1,2, Mingyang Qin1,2, Yanran Huang1,2,3, Haonan He4
Jianhua Guo
CLC Number:
Shiqing Wu, Jianhua Guo, Zhiyu Li, Mingyang Qin, Yanran Huang, Haonan He. Identification and optimization of shale gas "sweet spots" in marine Niutitang Formation, South China[J]. Oil & Gas Geology, 2020, 41(5): 1048-1059.
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Table 1
Parameter comparison of the Paleozoic marine shale in South China"
层位 | 井名 | 深度/m | TOC/% | Ro/% | 矿物组成含量/% | 来源 | ||
石英 | 碳酸盐岩 | 粘土矿物 | ||||||
五峰组-龙马溪组 | 永页1 | 514~532 | 0.98~3.47(1.98) | 2.36~2.48(2.40) | 37.00~66.00(50.30) | 4.50 | 28.00~40.00(31.30) | 本文 |
永页2 | 1 508~1 523 | 2.21~3.53(2.84) | 2.01~2.06(2.03) | 34.60~62.20(47.90) | 0~22.70(6.80) | 14.00~54.20(26.90) | ||
龙参2 | 1 897~1 922 | 1.00~5.96(3.7) | 2.24~2.76(2.48) | 41.20~62.20(53.70) | 2.30~9.80(6.60) | 15.20~35.30(23.60) | ||
桑页1 | 1 567~1 595 | 0.60~2.08(1.56) | 2.40~3.20(2.80) | — | — | — | ||
焦页1 | 2 328~2 415 | 0.55~5.89(2.54) | 2.20~3.13(2.65) | 33.90~80.30(48.00) | — | 22.60~51.80(33.00) | [ | |
长宁 | — | 1.90~7.30(4.00) | 2.30~3.80(2.5) | 25.80~67.60(41.10) | 0~43.30(20.50) | 10.30~52.80(30.50) | ||
威201 | 1 503~1 543 | 2.60~5.30(3.20) | 1.90~2.90(2.50) | 16.70~72.80(40.00) | 9.20~65.20(21.80) | — | [ | |
牛蹄塘组 | 常页1 | 1 103~1 224 | 0.03~17.6(10.10) | 2.02~3.13(2.60) | 26.00~94.00(52.30) | 0~85.00(8.70) | 3.00~48.00(27.90) | [ |
1 288~ 1 344 | 0.75~9.89(8.20) | |||||||
花页1 | 2 483~2 508 | 1.27~9.94(2.4) | 2.00~3.60(2.80) | 21.40~70.40(43.00) | 6.80~58.80(20.40) | 8.90~45.30(27.70) | 本文 | |
2 526~2 595 | 1.16~13.30(7.00) | |||||||
慈页1 | 2 620~2 653 | 1.61~3.22(2.28) | 1.52~2.04(1.76) | 27.60~59.10(41.60) | 3.80~37.90(15.30) | 16.90~42.90(27.20) | 本文 | |
2 690~2 732 | 1.18~6.44(3.93) | |||||||
威201 | 2 652~2 704 | 2.00~3.60(2.80) | 3.20~3.60(3.30) | 29.00~72.50(38.50) | 2.10~15.60(8.50) | — | ||
宜地2 | 1 728 | 0.52~5.96(2.05) | 2.18~2.30(2.26) | 5.10~55.7(25.57) | 6.40~87.9(36.97) | 2.70~61.30(33.30) | [ | |
鄂阳页1 | 3 055 | 4.98~5.48(5.20) | 2.70 | 30.20~50.20(39.30) | 10.90~29.20(17.70) | 9.50~25.80(15.50) | [ | |
1 957 | 3.20 | 2.25 | 46.70 | 7.80 | 36.30 |
Table 2
Reservoir characteristics of typical samples from Well Huaye 1 in the Niutitang Formation, northwestern Hunan Province"
孔隙特征 | SEM观察 | TOC/% | BET比表面积/(m2·g-1) | VBJH/(10-3cm3·g-1) | VL/(cm3·g-1) |
以四面开口的锥形平行板孔为主 | 粒间孔、粘土矿物层间裂缝 | <2 | <4 | <6 | <4 |
规则的两端开口圆筒孔和狭窄的平行板孔 | 有机质孔、粒间孔、粘土矿物层间裂缝 | 2~8 | 4~15 | 6~20 | 4~6 |
狭窄的平行板孔、四面开口锥形平板孔和两端开口的锥形管孔 | 有机质孔、粒间孔、粘土矿物层间裂缝、晶间孔 | >8 | >15 | >20 | >6 |
Table 3
Gas-bearing features of typical shale gas wells in South China and Barnett shale"
层位 | 井号 | 总含气量/(m3·t-1) | 具体特征 |
Barnett | 4.2~9.9 | 吸附气体积分数20% | |
五峰组-龙马溪组 | 焦页1 | 0.44~5.19,平均1.97 | 吸附气体积分数20%~40% |
五峰组-龙马溪组 | 永页2 | 1.0~3.5 | 解吸气体积分数33.8%~79.0%,平均55.4%;残余气体积分数4.0%~40.5%,平均20.4% |
五峰组-龙马溪组 | 龙参2 | 1.56~3.04 | 残余气仅0.22~0.31 m3/t |
水井沱组 | 宜页1 | 0.58~5.48,平均为2.05 | 解吸气和损失气体积分数高,有工业气流 |
牛蹄塘组 | 慈页1 | 0.33~0.95,平均0.68 | 残余气体积分数44.8%~83.5%,平均69.7%;而解吸气体积分数只占8.3%~22.3%,平均14.9% |
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