Oil & Gas Geology ›› 1983, Vol. 4 ›› Issue (1): 116-120.doi: 10.11743/ogg19830110
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Guan Shicong, Yuan Jie, Xu Mingguang
Mt.Xuefeng is considered by some people to be one of the nappes stressed from E.to W.in the south of Yangtze R.,and they suggest that oil traps might occurred in Lower Paleozoic or Anyuan coal series(T3-J1)under the so-called basement ramp. Through field observation,we learnt that this mountain is composed mainly by Banxi Group(Pt3)and Lungshan Series(PZ1)set vertically in occurrence,high augle thrust might be seen here and there along both sides of the range,and they stressed mostly from west to east,but not the opposite.Therefore,we have to say that this mountain is rooted,not napped.Paleozoic carbonate formations,as good overing beds,might somewhere overthrust upon the Anyuan coal series.But exactly the distribution of the later is rather limited,and then,the prospecting for oil and gas is not so good. And where is the oil and gas of Central Hunan?We have always considered that the upper Paleozoic formations in Qiyang Arc would be the most hopeful one.
Guan Shicong, Yuan Jie, Xu Mingguang. IS MT. XUEFENG A NAPPE? WHERE IS OIL AND GAS OF CENTRAL HUNAN?[J]. Oil & Gas Geology, 1983, 4(1): 116-120.
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URL: http://ogg.pepris.com/EN/10.11743/ogg19830110