Oil & Gas Geology ›› 1988, Vol. 9 ›› Issue (2): 155-162.doi: 10.11743/ogg19880206
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Wu Shiqing, Zhang Shufang, Yue Shuzhen
Longtan coal measures of the Late Permian in Meishan, north Zhejiang Province, is a suite of delta sediments with a thickness of 130-240m. Oil can be found in sandstones there. The coal is bark liptobiolite. Its suberinite con-tent is 44.98-65.47%, and the tar productivity of dry distillation 9.3-21.4%.The coal-formed oil is rich in isoprenoid, cycloalkane, C29 sterane and C29 re-arranged sterane. All the Pr/Ph, Pr/n-C17 and Ph/n-C18 are greater than 1.The main peak of n-alkane is at C19.
Wu Shiqing, Zhang Shufang, Yue Shuzhen. COAL-FORMED OIL IN LONGTAN COAL MEASURES,MEISHAN,NORTH ZHEJIANG[J]. Oil & Gas Geology, 1988, 9(2): 155-162.
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