Oil & Gas Geology ›› 2002, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (4): 357-360.doi: 10.11743/ogg20020411

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Luo Jinglan, Zhang Chengli   

  1. The Key Laboratory of Continental Dynamics, the Ministry of Education, Department of Geology, Northwest University, Xi'an
  • Received:2002-09-05 Online:2002-12-25 Published:2012-01-16


The Mesozoic volcanic rocks in Fenghuadian, Huanghua depression,mainly consist of rhyolites,trachydacites, trachytes and minor trachyandesites and dacites. Two lithofacies, volcanic explosion(including explosion and effusion subfacies) and volcaniclastic lithofacies can be distinguished. Reservoir in different lithofacies are characterized with different reservoirs physical properties, the volcanic explosion subfacies are the most favorable reservoirs. Different locations of volcanic rock in terms of palaeo-geomorphology have a great impact on the reservoir quality. Upper portion of the lava of the volcanic effusion subfacies in the highland of palaeo-geomorphology and in the hinge area are believed to be ideal oil and gas reservoirs. It is indicated by organic geo-chemical researches that source rock samples gathered from the volcanic rocks are quite similar to TIC chromatograph of mudstone extracts and saturated hydrocarbon chromatograph from Member Ⅱ,Ⅲ of Kongdian Formation, sterane and hopane of crude oil also have similarities with mudstone from Member Ⅱ of Kongdian Formation, therefore, the Eocene Member Ⅱ(EK2)of Kongdian Formation overlain the Suite and in Cangdong depression is the principal source rocks for generation of hydrocarbons reserved in Fenghuadian suite.The faults in the suite may have acted as conduits for hydrocarbon migration.

Key words: Fernghuadian, volcanic pool, lithofacies, hydrocarbons, provenace, migration

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