Oil & Gas Geology ›› 2022, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (1): 69-78.doi: 10.11743/ogg20220106
• Petroleum Geology • Previous Articles Next Articles
Qingyou Ma1,2,3(), Lianbo Zeng1,2(
), Xuhui Xu4, Zicheng Cao3, Huashan Jiang3, Haixue Wang5
Lianbo Zeng
CLC Number:
Qingyou Ma, Lianbo Zeng, Xuhui Xu, Zicheng Cao, Huashan Jiang, Haixue Wang. Internal architecture of strike-slip fault zone and its control over reservoirs in the Xiaoerbulake section, Tarim Basin[J]. Oil & Gas Geology, 2022, 43(1): 69-78.
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Table 2
Isotopic composition of carbon, oxygen and strontium in calcite cements from the strike?slip fault zone, Xiaoerbulake section, Tarim Basin"
样品编号 | 取样位置(见图5) | 岩性 | 87Sr/86Sr | δ13C(PDB)/‰ | δ18O(PDB)/‰ |
B01 | 断层核 | 晶粒状方解石 | 0.7103 6 | -6.39 | -11.75 |
B02 | 断层核 | 晶簇状方解石 | 0.7101 9 | -4.16 | -13.26 |
B03 | 断层核 | 钙华 | 0.7102 4 | -3.94 | -12.44 |
B04 | 断层核 | 白色细晶方解石 | 0.7102 5 | -3.80 | -12.23 |
B05 | 断层核 | 白色巨晶方解石 | 0.7100 4 | -5.26 | -8.88 |
B06 | 破碎带 | 晶粒状方解石 | 0.7102 8 | -4.13 | -12.20 |
B07 | 破碎带 | 马牙状巨晶方解石 | 0.7093 2 | -7.99 | -10.26 |
B08 | 破碎带 | 钙华 | 0.7102 9 | -3.30 | -11.43 |
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