Oil & Gas Geology ›› 2023, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (6): 1595-1608.doi: 10.11743/ogg20230620
• Petroleum Geology • Previous Articles Next Articles
Tao LEI1,2(), Guanglei REN2, Xiaohui LI2, Wenjie FENG3(
), Huachao SUN2
Wenjie FENG
CLC Number:
Tao LEI, Guanglei REN, Xiaohui LI, Wenjie FENG, Huachao SUN. Sedimentary evolution pattern and architectural characteristics of mid-channel bars in sandy braided rivers: Understanding based on sedimentary numerical simulation[J]. Oil & Gas Geology, 2023, 44(6): 1595-1608.
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Table 1
Parameters for the sedimentary numerical simulation of a sandy braided river"
参数项 | 模拟设定值 | 说明 | |||
沉积物粒度中值/um | 300 | — | |||
泥质沉积物供应量/(kg/m3) | 10 | 参考现代沉积数据 | |||
砂质沉积物浓度/(kg/m3) | 2.5 | ||||
沉积物组分 | 细砂 | 中砂 | 粗砂 | 巨砂 | 多种组分混合后中值粒径约为300 μm |
砂质沉积物组分粒度中值/μm | 150 | 300 | 750 | 1 500 | |
砂质沉积物组分含量(质量占比)/% | 25 | 50 | 15 | 10 | |
沉积物浓度/(kg/m3) | 1.25 | 2.50 | 0.75 | 0.50 | |
砂质沉积物密度/(g/cm3) | 2.65 | ||||
底床坡度/(°) | 0.005 ~ 0.060 | 冲积平原坡度平缓 | |||
河道宽度/km | 3.2 | ||||
水流量/(m3/s) | 40 000 | ||||
平均水深/m | 4 ~ 6 m | 取决于河宽、底床坡度及水流量 | |||
控制流速/(m/s) | 0 ~ 4.5 | ||||
网格单元大小/m | 50×20 | ||||
平面网格单元总量/个 | 1 600×160 | ||||
模拟区域尺寸/m | 80 000×3 200 | ||||
地貌演化系数 | 48 | 地貌模拟加速48倍 | |||
底床糙度-chezy值/(m1/2/s) | 45 | (参考Schuurman等, 2013) | |||
水平涡粘系数/(m2/s) | 1 000 | ||||
垂向涡粘系数/(m2/s) | 0.001 | ||||
临近干网格侵蚀系数 | 0.25 | ||||
水动力计算时间步长/min | 0.2 | ||||
沉积模拟数据保存时间步长/min | 15 |
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