Oil & Gas Geology ›› 2008, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (4): 444-452.doi: 10.11743/ogg20080405

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An analysis on the process of hydrocarbon accumulation in the central depression belt of the Junggar Basin

Yin Wei, Zheng Herong, Xu Shilin, Ma Lijuan, Jia Qingsu, Wu Xinhe   

  1. SINOPEC Exploration & Production Research Institute, Beijing 100083, China
  • Received:2008-05-23 Online:2008-08-24 Published:2012-01-16


The formation and evolution of the Che-Mo palaeo-high controlled hydrocarbon accumulation and evolution in the central depression.The relatively large volume of hydrocarbon charging during the Middle and Late Jurassic formed the early "Che-Mo fossil hydrocarbon accumulation belt",part of which was wrecked by the uplifting and denudation in the Late Jurassic.Another large-scale hydrocarbon charging happened and formed the middle "Che-Mo fossil hydrocarbon accumulation belt" during the late Early Jurassic-Paleogene,which was also the main reservoiring stage for the primary oil and gas reservoirs in the Jurassic and Cretaceous in the central depression.The "Che-Mo fossil hydrocarbon accumulation belt" was finally destructed since the Neogene,resulting in the present distribution of oil and gas.Generally speaking,the early uplifting during the late Middle JurassicPaleogene controlled the oil and gas accumulation of the Mesozoic in the central depression,while the late structural adjustment since the Neogene determined the present distribution of oil and gas.The Che-Mo paleo-high and its flanks,especially areas in its south flank where the Middle and Upper Jurassic were denuded,are rich in oil and gas resources because of the favorable preserving conditions and slight influence from later tectonic movement,thus are important areas for future exploration.

Key words: stage of hydrocarbon pooling, process of hydrocarbon pooling, Che-Mo paleo-high, central depression, Junggar Basin

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