Oil & Gas Geology ›› 2016, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (1): 45-55.doi: 10.11743/ogg20160107

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Gas preservation conditions of marine shale in northern Guizhou area: A case study of the Lower Cambrian Niutitang Formation in the Cen'gong block, Guizhou Province

Wang Ruyue1,2,3, Ding Wenlong1,2,3, Gong Dajian4,5, Leng Jigao4,5, Wang Xinghua1,2,3, Yin Shuai1,2,3, Sun Yaxiong1,2,3   

  1. 1. School of Energy Resources, China University of Geosciences, Beijing 100083, China;
    2. Key Laboratory for Marine Reservoir Evolution and Hydrocarbon Abundance Mechanism, Ministry of Education, China University of Geosciences, Beijing 100083, China;
    3. Key Laboratory for Shale Gas Exploitation and Assessment, Ministry of Land and Resources, China University of Geosciences, Beijing 100083, China;
    4. China Energy Reserve Corporation, Beijing 100107, China;
    5. Tongren Sino-Energy Natural Gas Corporation, Tongren, Guizhou 554300, China
  • Received:2015-03-20 Revised:2015-10-26 Online:2016-02-08 Published:2016-03-02

Abstract: South China,where develops several sets of marine organic-rich shales,is an important area for shale gas E & D.Compared with North America,the marine organic-rich shales in southern China have the characteristics of old geologic age,high maturity,multi-episodic tectonic movements,complex surface conditions,complicated earth stress state and large differences of preservation conditions.In comparison with the Longmaxi shale that has achieved a breakthrough in shale gas exploration and development in Sichuan Basin and its periphery,the Lower Cambrian Niutitang shale has an older age,greater particularity and complexity and higher requirement to preservation conditions.On the basis of the geological conditions of the complex structure areas in southern China,the preservation conditions of the Niutitang shale in the Cen'gong block were analyzed through precise seismic interpretation,tectonic evolution,material foundation,cap rocks,reservoir pressure,and component of natural gas and aquifers.The results indicate that late tectonic reconstruction dominated by denudation and faulting is the major factor leading to the dissipation of shale gas.The tectonic evolution of the study area has the characteristic of "moderate early uplifting,long-term stability and intensive late reformation".Besides,NE-NNE-trending trough-like folds,high dip-angle thrust faults and strike-slip faults are well-developed in the study area,and the central wide and gentle structure zone has less faults,moderate buried depth and good preservation conditions.In addition,the component of the natural gas and strata water shows that the superior roof,floor and regional cap rocks can effectively retard the gas dissipation and strata water invasion.Finally,an evaluation index system of structural preservation conditions is put forward and applied to identify the favorable preservation zones in the Cen'gong block.

Key words: preservation, shale gas, Niutitang Formation, Lower Cambrian, Cen'gong block, northern Guizhou area

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