Oil & Gas Geology ›› 2023, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (3): 764-777.doi: 10.11743/ogg20230318
• Petroleum Geology • Previous Articles Next Articles
Dong WU1,2(), Hucheng DENG1,2(
), Liang XIONG3, Kaixuan CAO2, Xiaoxia DONG3, Yong ZHAO3, Limin WEI3, Tong WANG3, Ruolong MA1,2
Hucheng DENG
CLC Number:
Dong WU, Hucheng DENG, Liang XIONG, Kaixuan CAO, Xiaoxia DONG, Yong ZHAO, Limin WEI, Tong WANG, Ruolong MA. Sequence filling and evolutionary model of the Lower Cambrian Maidiping-Qiongzhusi formations in Sichuan Basin and on its periphery[J]. Oil & Gas Geology, 2023, 44(3): 764-777.
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Table 2
Outcrop characteristics of the Maidiping Formation in the Sichuan Basin and on its periphery[41-42]"
地区 | 岩性 | 厚度/m | |
滇东大区 | 澄江 | 硅质磷块岩、白云岩 | 96 |
晋宁 | 白云岩、磷块岩 | 10~39 | |
禄劝 | 白云质、硅质磷块岩 | 251 | |
沾益 | 泥质云岩、硅质岩、硅质磷块岩 | 138 | |
川西南、川西和川北大区 | 凉山、乐山、雅安、德阳、南江、城口 | 硅质条带白云岩、白云质磷块岩、砂质白云岩 | 40~55 |
陕南大区 | 汉中 | 硅质岩、磷块岩、石灰岩 | 51 |
安康 | 灰质白云岩、硅质白云岩、硅质岩 | 14~17 | |
鄂西北大区 | 神农架、荆门、十堰 | 白云岩、白云质灰岩 | 最厚处30 m,宜昌天柱山一带约3 m |
黔西北、黔中大区 | 遵义、毕节、贵阳 | 白云岩、磷块岩、硅质岩 | 3~21 |
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