Oil & Gas Geology ›› 2020, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (2): 235-247, 294.doi: 10.11743/ogg20200201
• Petroleum Geology • Previous Articles Next Articles
Changgui Xu(), Xiaofeng Du, Xiaojian Liu, Wei Xu, Yiwei Hao
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Changgui Xu, Xiaofeng Du, Xiaojian Liu, Wei Xu, Yiwei Hao. Formation mechanism of high-quality deep buried-hill reservoir of Archaean metamorphic rocks and its significance in petroleum exploration in Bohai Sea area[J]. Oil & Gas Geology, 2020, 41(2): 235-247, 294.
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Table 2
Fracture development stages and diagenetic evolution of the Archaean metamorphic rocks in the BZ 19-6 structure"
裂缝期次 | 构造期次 | 充填特征 | 成因及有效性 | 岩心照片 | 微观特征 |
Ⅲ期 | 喜马拉雅运动 | 充填方解石为主 | 后期构造作用,充填方解石为特征,后期溶蚀形成有效裂缝 | ![]() | ![]() |
Ⅱ期 | 燕山运动 | 充填碎基、铁质矿物和铁白云石为主 | 碎裂作用,变质岩储层主要造缝作用,优质储层形成期,岩石类型为碎裂岩和碎斑岩 | ![]() | |
Ⅰ期 | 印支运动 | 晶体内微裂缝,充填断层泥、白云石为主 | 早期构造运动充填作用为主,基本未能形成有效储集空间 | ![]() |
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