Oil & Gas Geology ›› 2018, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (6): 1225-1236.doi: 10.11743/ogg20180612

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Reservoir lithology and space characteristics of the Archaeozoic basement rock in Ciyutuo buried hill,Liaohe Depression

Zhu Yixiu1,2, Wang Huan1,2, Shan Junfeng3, Yang Chengyu1,2   

  1. 1. State Key Laboratory of Petroleum Resources and Prospecting, China University of Petroleum(Beijing), Beijing 102200, China;
    2. College of Geosciences, China University of Petroleum(Beijing), Beijing 102200, China;
    3. Research Institute of Exploration and Development of Liaohe Oilfield Company Ltd., PetroChina, Panjin, Liaoning 124010, China
  • Received:2018-06-17 Revised:2018-08-20 Online:2018-12-28 Published:2018-10-22

Abstract: Understanding of the interior of the Archaeozoic metamorphic basement rocks in Ciyutuo buried hill,Liaohe Depression,is relative poor.The comprehensive research that involves logging,seismic,core and experimental data could be of great help to detect the lithology and distribution of the basement rock,types and characters of reservoir space as well as the impact of lithology on the reservoir physical properties,to further explore and develop petroleum effectively,and to perfect the new theory of petroleum accumulation in the interior of basement rock reservoirs.The Archaeozoic basement rock litho- logy in the study area is quite complicated,and can be classified into 11 categories and 18 kinds.The lithologies of the me-tamorphic reservoir include migmatitic granite,biotite granite-gneiss,migmatitic-gneiss,cataclasite and murbruk rock.The basement rocks feature vertical segmentation and lateral zonation of lithology:migmatitic granite with cataclasite interlayer occurring the lower part,migmatitic-gneiss and migmatitic granite with cataclasite interlayer in the middle-lower part,and gneiss in the upper part.The reservoir space of the metamorphic buried hill is cracks and dissolved pores and fractures starting from the cracks,with the structural fractures being dominant.The fractures are developed to various degrees in different lithologies,have strong heterogeneity,and are characterized by zonation.Reservoir zones with highly developed fractures are the main target of the exploration.The basement rock reservoir in Ciyutuo buried hill is controlled by petrology and mineralogy.Fragmented migmatitic granite and fragmented granite-gneiss could be quality reservoirs.Statistics show that the cataclasite-migmatitic granite with a ferromagnesian content of less than 10% and the cataclasite granite-gneiss with a ferromagnesian content of less than 12% are favorable for the formation of quality reservoir rocks.

Key words: basement rock, metamorphic rock, lithology, reservoir, Ciyutuo buried hill, Liaohe Depression

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