The Second Annual Meeting of Chinese Petroleum Society recieved more than 100 papers concerning petroleum geochemistry and selected 13 papers from these to read out at the special conferece about oil generation.References tocon stitution of source materials,methods and criteria of classification of or-ganic matter types,evolutionary mechanims and model of organic matter,andits thermo-reactive kinetics,biological markers(such as porphyrin,perylene,sterane and terpane et al.)oil and gas source rock correlation,evaluationindex of source rock and quantitative evaluation of oil generated,time-temper-ature index,the application of laser-pyrolysis gas chromatograph and othernew techniques and methods to the study of petroleum genesis are made.In comparasion with the First Annual Meeting,these results,both in their tech-nical level and their research depth and width,have obviously increased.Inthe field of organic geochemistry,Chinese geochemists have brought forth somenew ideas and begun doing their own contributions anew.The distinction bet-ween our research level and that of the world has been reduced.However,there are still some weak links and some new items which remainto be developed,we still have a long way to go in laberatorial techniques.For exampl,carbonate rock is widespread in China,but its amount of organicmatter is lower,maturation level is higher,and regional structures are morecomplex.Therefor,it is one of pressing items how to evaluate its hydrocar-bon potential and predict its favorable exploration targets.Other items,such as quantitative evaluation of source rock,composition and structuremodel of kerogen,analytical techniques,biological markers and simulatingtests have yet to be stutied deeply.