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    24 December 2008, Volume 29 Issue 6
    A study on theories of basin evolution and hydrocarbon generation and accumulation and model of hydrocarbon generation in finite spaces
    Guan Defan, Xu Xuhui, Li Zhiming, Wang Jie
    2008, 29(6):  709-715.  doi:10.11743/ogg20080601
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    An analysis of current models for calculating volume of hydrocarbon generation points out problems that may exist in quantitative study of hydrocarbon generation and reservoiring through calculating volume of hy-drocarbon generation by using residual organic carbon.Based on the evolution law of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic basins in East China,the paper analyzes the evolutionary features of basins evolution phases and hydrocarbon ac-cumulation processes,explores the relationship between the hydrocarbon source rock and porous diagenesis,and then builds up a new model for quantitative calculating hydrocarbon accumulation amount in limited spaces.

    Hydrocarbon migration and accumulation patterns in the Tertiary unconformity reservoirs of the Jiyang depression
    Song Guoqi, Zhuo Qingong, Sun Li
    2008, 29(6):  716-720,732.  doi:10.11743/ogg20080602
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    Laterally,the Tertiary unconformity reservoirs of the Jiyang depression are mainly distributed in the large nosing structures of the marginal overlap zones and the flanks of salients,while vertically,they occur mainly near the first-order unconformity surface.Three types of structures,namely the type Ⅰ,Ⅱ,and Ⅲ,are identified in the Tertiary unconformity surface according to the degree of weathering and preservation of strata both above and below the surface.Different types of structures vary in conductivity/sealing ability.The main factors that control hydrocarbon accumulation in the Tertiary unconformity reservoirs are palaeogeomorphology,conducting systems and barrier beds.Two patterns of hydrocarbon migration and accumulation,namely forward direction pat-tern on slope and sideway pattern on salient,are established through observation of structural location of uncon-formity traps,occurrence of reservoirs,and migration direction of hydrocarbons.Both of the patterns are favorable for development of proximal sealed reservoirs and distal overlap reservoirs,with the"conducting hatch"in un-conformity body acting as the transition between these two kinds of reservoirs.

    A study on hydrocarbon pooling conditions in tight sandstones through simulated experiments
    Xiao Zhihua, Zhong Ningning, Huang Zhilong, Jiang Zhenxue, Liu Yan
    2008, 29(6):  721-725.  doi:10.11743/ogg20080603
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    A study on critical geological conditions for oil pooling in inversed oil/water distribution in tight sands is carried out through various serial physical simulated experiments. The result shows that,for crude with density of about 0.8g/cm3,a stable inversed oiL/water distribution may occur when the pore throat radius of different capillarity glass tubes made of the same material are 1.8 mm or the grain diameters in sand-column are smaller than 0.35-0.40mm. The phenomenon is thought to be related with the equilibrium between buoyancy (flota-tion) and capillary force and oil density plays a more important role than that of the interfacial tension in the formation of this inversed oil/water distribution. Therefore, it is suggested that the formation of oil pools with inversed water/oil distribution in tight sandstone is subject to the pore radius of reservoir sands and its relationship wish the density of crude oil.

    Discussion on characteristics of the Cambrian reservoirs and hydrocarbon accumulation in Well Tashen-1,Tarim Basin
    Yun Lu, Zhai Xiaoxian
    2008, 29(6):  726-732.  doi:10.11743/ogg20080604
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    Well Tashen-1 is so far the deepest well in China.The well is designed to target at the large-scale build-up traps located at the edge of the Cambrian carbonate platform in the east of Akekule uplift,Tarim Basin. The stratigraphic succession from the Ordovician to the Cambrian has been built based on the drilling results of the well.It has been confirmed that quality reservoirs exist in the ultra-deep build-up.The types of reservoir space are various including intercrystalline pores,intercrystalline dissolved pores,non-structure-selective dis-solved vugs,and reticular fractures.As the burial depth increases,the reservoirs become more favorable and dis-solved vugs are better developed.It is preliminarily suggested that corrosion of the organic acid fluids discharged from hydrocarbon generation of source rocks be the main factor for the formation of reservoir space and that ultra deep(>7000 m) build-ups are characterized by multiple hydrocarbon accumulation.What is worth mentioning is that the liquid hydrocarbons observed on the cores and the fluorescence thin-sections may lead us to a re-un-derstanding of the lower limits of"oil-generating window"in different regions (or basins).It is also safe to con-clude that the geological fruits gained from Well Tashen-1 can be used effectively in guiding the exploration for ultra deep hydrocarbons in the Tarim Basin.

    Diagenesis of carbonate rocks and their control over reservoirs—an example from the Puguang gas field
    Gao Lin
    2008, 29(6):  733-739,747.  doi:10.11743/ogg20080605
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    The diagenesis of carbonate rocks underwent through the entire period from the accumulation,burial to the uplifting of sediments.Because carbonate rocks were sensitive to the rock-forming environment,primary petrofabric and physical properties of rocks were constantly modified during the long time of diagenesis.Exam-ples are the complex diagenesis processes of the Changxing reef shoal dolomite and the Feixianguan oolitic beach dolomite in the Puguang gas field in northwest Sichuan.This paper focuses on the burial diagenesis through thin-sections of key wells in the Puguang gas field,and high precision 3D seism and cores data have been used to analyse the penecontemporaneous diagenesis environment.From the sedimentation of the Changxing Formation of the Upper Permian to the Feixianguan Formation of the Lower Triassic,most part of the Puguang gas field was lo-cated on the platform margin.Reef on the Changxing Formation platform margin,marginal beach and intraplat-form beach on the Feixianguan Formation platform composed the reservoir facies of the Puguang gas field.Limi-ted environment after and between reef beach has provided penetration-reflux conditions for penecontemporane-ous dolomitization.The study on thin-sections shows that the Permian Changxing Formation and the Triassic Feixianguan Formation underwent large-scale diagenesis processes like dolomitization,multistage cementation, compaction,multistage dissolution and fissure.The dolomitization generated intracrystalline pores and improved reservoir permeability.Early calcite cementing materials protected the original porosity from compaction.The se-lective dissolution of oolite formed moldic pores.The selective dissolution of non-fabric materials created en-larged pores or caverns.Tectonic fracture not only improved reservoir permeability but also served as the liquid migration channels to enlarge the dissolved fissure.Despite the heterogeneity of reef beach facies reservoirs, which was determined by various diagenesis processes and the complexity of depositional fabric,the original dep-ositional fabric of oolitic beach and reef beach facies controlled the distribution of potential reservoirs.

    Joint development features and their functions as indicators for stress field transformation in the Majiang area
    Dong Li, Tang Liangjie, Lu Xuemei, Li Cang
    2008, 29(6):  740-747.  doi:10.11743/ogg20080606
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    The Majiang paleo-reservoir of hydrocarbon formed in the Majiang area,Guizhou Province,is one of the large-scale paleo-reservoirs in the residual units of marine strata in southern China.Affected by multi-stages of tectonic movements and experiencing complicated tectonic evolution processes,a large amount of joints were developed in the strata in the area.Joints are the final representation of surface rocks being reshaped and re-formed by multi-stages of tectonic evolution and stress fields,and can be used to reconstruct stress field status and evolution(transformation) processes as indicators for tracing the stress fields.Actual measurements of joints in different strata in the Majiang area are gathered for a statistical analysis on characteristics,occurrence,and geometries of the joints.The regional geological background as well as the intersecting relationship of joints and their crosscutting relationship with faults indicate that there are five stages of joints developed in the Majiang area. They are,from the oldest to the youngest,the planar X-shaped conjugated shear joints of early stage,X-shaped conjugated shear joints of SEE-NNE orientation,joints of NE,SSE,and near EW orientations,which are the products of the Duyun Movement,early Guangxi Movement,Indo-China Movement,and Yanshang Movement re-spectively.The tectonic stress field of each stage is reconstructed through inversion with joint occurrence.The calculation shows that the principle stress field in the Majiang area had shifted clockwise from SEE to SE,SSE, and finally EW.

    Lithofacies and reservoir quality control factors of volcanics in the Yingcheng Formation in the Shengping gas field in the Songliao Basin
    Luo Jinglan, Lin Tong, Yang Zhisheng, Liu Xiaohong, Zhang Jun, Liu Shuyun
    2008, 29(6):  748-757.  doi:10.11743/ogg20080607
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    Study on lithology and petrography of volcanics and mechanism of volcanic activities in the Lower Cre-taceous Yingcheng Formation of the Shengping gas field in the Songliao Basin,indicates that rock types are mainly pyroclastics and lava,with minor pyroclastic lavas,sedimentary pyroclastic rocks,pyroclastic sedimentary rocks and sub-volcanic rocks.Lavas are dominated by rhyolite with minor dacite.Four volcanic eruption-effusion cycles can be recognized in the third member,the major gas-bearing interval,of Yingcheng Formation.The vol-canic activities are characterized by alternation of relatively quiet fissure effusion with relatively strong central eruption that features in high frequency,rapid eruptions,short intermittence,and quick condensation and consoli-dation.Five lithofacies (explosive,effusive,extrusive,volcanic conduit and volcanic-sedimentary facies)and six sub-facies(splash fall lava,pyroclastic,lava flow,volcanic gravity flow,volcanic neck and sub-volcanic) can be recognized.Wells with high gas flow rate are mainly located in areas with the volcanic explosive facies or interbe-ded explosive facies and effusive facies.The volcanic reservoir quality is mainly controlled by lithology,lithofa-cies,thickness and spatial distribution of volcanic rocks,followed by the characteristics of volcanic activity,pa-leogeomorphology,diagenesis and tectonic action.

    Method study of fracture prediction in the Zhuanghai paleo-buried hill:an example from the Zhuanghai area of Shengli Oilfield
    Lu Hongyou, Chen Xiaohong, Zhang Ruwei
    2008, 29(6):  758-763.  doi:10.11743/ogg20080608
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    Output from fractured reservoirs takes up a big chunk in world's total oil and gas production.Study of fractured reservoirs has become a focus of the industry.However,due to a complicated distribution of fractures, the identification of the fractures has been a headache for researchers.Based upon the real data of fractures in paleo-buried hill of the Zhuanghai area,Shengli oilfield,we processed seismic data by employing wavelet fre-quency division processing method and multiscale edge detection.As a result,effective waves are highlighted as the quality of seismic data is improved and the noise is eliminated.This is favorable for the further research of reservoirs in structural domain and optimization of fracture prediction.

    Fine seismic imaging technology for fractured-vuggy carbonate reservoirs in the Tahe oilfield
    Ma Xuejun, Li Zongjie
    2008, 29(6):  764-768.  doi:10.11743/ogg20080609
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    A fine seismic imaging technology tailored to fit the characteristics of the fractured-vuggy carbonate reservoirs in the Tahe oilfield is developed.It consists of a series of techniques,including noise elimination,sur-face consistency processing,wavelet consistency processing,velocity analysis,3D DMO stacking,cascade migra-tion to image,and etc.It has been proven that a delicate combination of these techniques can yield fine images of the top erosional surface and inner karst of the Ordovician,thus improving oil well yield and providing technical support for a steady and fast development of the Tahe oilfield.
    Comprehensive evaluation of sealing ability of Tonggang fault in the Bachu uplift of the Tarim basin
    Quan Yuke, Ding Wenlong, Yu Tengxiao, Huang Taizhu
    2008, 29(6):  769-773.  doi:10.11743/ogg20080610
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    Two structural traps (the Tonggang fault nose and the southern Tonggang faulted anticline) were developed in the Tonggang fault belt of the northwest Bachu uplift.The effectiveness of these traps,however,is still uncertain.The sealing ability of the Tongang fault has a direct effect on the effectiveness of the Tonggang structural traps.It is comprehensively evaluated through study of formation juxtaposition across,fault,surface mapping,shale smear factor,and calculation of pressure on fault surface.The following understandings are obtained. The lateral sealing ability is relatively low as a whole,while the vertical sealing ability is moderate to fair.Vertically,the seal is better in the deeper part (below the top of the Lower Ordovician) than that in the upper part; while laterally,it is better in the southern segment of the Tonggang fault than that in its northern segment.

    Reservoir prediction techniques and their application to tight sandstones of the Xujiahe Formation in DY area,western Sichuan Basin
    Qiao ShuRong, Zhang Hong, Zhao Shuang
    2008, 29(6):  774-780.  doi:10.11743/ogg20080611
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    This paper presents an integrated reservoir prediction method which takes reservoir calibration as its basis,wave character analysis as its core and seismic inversion processing and interpretation as its major tools and joint application of various technologies as its feature.Its application in the study area reveals that the sand-stones in the second and the third members of the Xujiahe Formation have great thickness,favorable gas-bearing properties and stable lateral distribution.According to the study results,low frequency and weak amplitude are considered favorable seismic reflectance signatures of the reservoirs in the two members of the Xujiahe Forma-tion.A model for seismic-based placement of exploration and development well is put forward and several ap-praisal well locations for exploration and exploitation are proposed.Drilling results prove that the predictions are quite reliable and trustworthy.

    Analysis on special features of petroleum geological conditions of marine facies in Sichuan Basin
    Liu Shugen, Wang Hua, Sun Wei, Dai Hansong, Qin chuan
    2008, 29(6):  781-792,818.  doi:10.11743/ogg20080612
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    The Sichuan Basin is the biggest petroliferous basin in southern China and also one of the most impor-tant superimposed basins in China.Its specific petroleum geologic conditions of marine facies can be expounded in the following three aspects:(1) superimposed basin,(2) carbonate reservoir,and(3) natural gas.The Basin is a superimposed basin.Its basement can be divided into three parts.The sedimentary cover had undergone three evolutionary stages,including platform (marine facies),basin (continential facies),and folding& uplifting.Based on the basement and its structural features,the present basin can be divided into four divisions with eleven blocks.The basin contains marine carbonate reservoirs characterized by low porosity and permeability,highly-de-veloped fractures and strong heterogeneity.The basin is rich in natural gas,most of which is cracked gas from oil and is characterized by multiple sources,migration phases,and occurrences.In summary,the controlling factors and their functions for the marine oil & gas distribution in the basin can be boiled down to the following three points:1) hydrocarbon source rocks control the favorable areas of gas occurrence;2) reservoir quality controls the layers of gas accumulation;and 3) traps control the structural locations of gas accumulation.A diversified explo-ration strategy is therefore required to deal with the great variety of carbonate oil and gas pools in Sichuan Basin.

    Application of time-frequency analysis to division of cyclical sequence
    Li Xiaomei, Yu Juanli
    2008, 29(6):  793-796.  doi:10.11743/ogg20080613
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    This paper expounds first on the advantages of Time-Frequency Analysis(TFA)technique in fine description of graded pattern of sedimentation. Then it specifies the optimization design of T-F filter with frequency recursion based on the practicability of T-F filter principles and performs T-F analysis of seismic responses generated by a theoretical cycle model of tectonic geology built through forward simulation method. It finally offers an evaluation of practical application through interpretation and comparison of the simulated and the real cyclicity.

    Application of partial and grey correlation methods to layer selection for fracturing in tight sand gas reservoirs
    Xie Runcheng, Zhou Wen, Gao Yanqin, Guo Xinjiang, Ge Shanliang, Zhang Linzi
    2008, 29(6):  797-800,805.  doi:10.11743/ogg20080614
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    Layer selection for fracturing requires thorough consideration of many factors,which represent clear nonlinear characteristics.In addition to empirical analogy methods,nonlinear mathematical theories are also nee-ded to meet the requirements of fracturing operation.A geological optimization method consisting of partial and grey correlation for selecting layers for fracturing operation has been established after an analysis of all available layer selection methods.Fourteen parameters(such as net thickness,porosity and stress difference of layers to be fractured,and the average thickness of top and bottom barriers) are involved in the application of the method. The calculation result shows a good coincidence with that of in-site fracturing test.The method features in easy and fast calculation and yielding reliable results,and therefore can be used as reference in well evaluation and layer selection for fracturing in the same types of gas reservoirs.

    Percolation model of partial penetration in triple-porosity reservoirs and well test analysis
    Chen Fangfang, Jia Yonglu, Zhang Fuxiang, Lei Shenglin, Yang Xiangtong, Qin Fang
    2008, 29(6):  801-805.  doi:10.11743/ogg20080615
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    In view of partial penetration in fractured-vuggy carbonate reservoirs,this paper establishes an unsta-ble mathematical percolation model with wellbore storage and skin effects incorporated under various combina-tions of sealing top boundary,sealing bottom boundary,constant top boundary and constant bottom boundary.La-place transform and variable separation methods are used to obtain solutions of the model,which are turned to real space solutions through Stehfest numerical inversion.Pressure and pressure derivative log-log type curves are drawn up based upon these real space solutions.Flow regime is divided after the characteristic analysis of the type curves based on percolation mechanism.The results show that parameters related to partial penetration affect early-stage shapes of derivative type curves only.When a full-penetration percolation model is applied to well test analysis in a partial penetration well,a bigger skin factor and thus a false image of severe wellbore damage might be generated,leading to inaccurate conclusion or errors.For a relatively low partial penetration well,well test analysis with a complete penetration model may have large error.The results obtained from the model can be used in the study of the flow pattern and the analysis of pressure transient and well testing of partial-penetration wells in triple-porosity fractured-vuggy carbonate reservoirs.

    Porosity-permeability interrelation of limestone and dolomite reservoirs
    Xu Weisheng, Zhao Peirong, Nie Pengfei, Wang Xiande
    2008, 29(6):  806-811.  doi:10.11743/ogg20080616
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    One of the important topics of the study on carbonate reservoirs is how dolomitization influences reser-voir properties.The most important and most common understanding is that perhaps under deep burial,the poro-sity and permeability of dolomite are higher than that of limestone.Yet there are few quantitative evidences for this difference.Though most case studies show the porosity of dolomite is higher,there are some exceptions. Based on the interrelations between porosity and permeability of five core examples from carbonate platforms with different depositional settings,different geologic ages and different burial depths,this paper explores the similari-ties and differences between dolomite and limestone reservoirs.For cores sampled from shallow-buried platforms, the average porosity of dolomite is similar to that of limestone but permeability of dolomite is higher than that of limestone.While for cores sampled from deep burial platforms,the average porosity of limestone is much lower than that of the adjacent dolomite,but their interrelations of porosity-permeability are almost the same.

    CP-curve-based model for estimating reservoir permeability:an example from a sandstone of the Upper Devonian in Tarim Basin
    Tong Kaijun, Shan Yuming, Wang Daochuan, Yang Lu, Chen WenLing
    2008, 29(6):  812-818.  doi:10.11743/ogg20080617
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    Permeability is a key parameter which reflects the seeping capacity of a reservoir.However,reservoir permeability is currently obtained mainly through laboratory core analysis and is confined because of coring and testing cost limits.Other conventional permeability models also have the disadvantage of relatively large errors and can hardly meet the requirements of oil & gas field exploration and development.The pore throat size and distribution of reservoir rocks can be characterized by capillary pressure curves.In most cases,the absolute per-meability of rocks mainly depends on the distribution of pore throats.Based on many previous empirical formu-las,a capillary huddle tube model that simulates ideal pore structure,and the Darcy flow theory,this paper puts forward a formula of reservoir permeability by using intrusive mercury curves.Its application to a sandstone layer of the Upper Devonian in Tarim Basin shows that the predicted and measured permeability coincides well.