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    25 April 2009, Volume 30 Issue 2
    Types and characteristics of slope zones in Tarim Basin and their relationship with oil accumulation
    Jin Zhijun, Yun Jinbiao, Zhou Bo
    2009, 30(2):  127-135.  doi:10.11743/ogg20090201
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    The Paleozoic slope zones in Tarim basin are divided into three types according to the characteristics of their formation and evolution:syndepositional paleo-slope,structural slope and superimposed slope.The slopes can also be classified into upper slope and lower slope in accordance with sediment compensation characteristics.The former is the extension of the platform and the latter is the stretch-out of the basin.Slope zones were developed in different evolution stages of the basin,mainly during the Paleozoic,the Cambrian and the Ordovician in particular.The high-energy phase belts of carbonates were developed in the upper slope of platform margin,while clastic stratigraphic-lithologic traps were formed in the lower slope of platform margin.Reservoir assemblage with deposits of reef-bank facies as the main reservoirs and tight carbonates or the Upper Ordovician mudstone as the caps was developed in the palaeo-slope zone.The structural slopes were resulted from regional tectonic movement or local uplift and are characterized by erosion in the upper part and deposition in the lower part.The slopes distribute around the margin of the palaeohighs,and the nearer of the slopes to the uplift,the stronger the erosion.For clastic sedimentary system,the transitional zone between the upper and lower slopes is a place where stratigraphy and lithology change and favorable for the formation of stratigraphic-lithology traps.As for the carbonate sedimentary system,the development of unconformity exerts a strong shaping effect upon the underlying layers,being favorable for the formation of karst and fractured-vuggy reservoirs.The karst reservoirs developed on the structural slope together with the mudstone caps form favorable reservoir assemblages.A comprehensive analysis of oil and gas fields in the basin indicates that multiphase concordant superimposed slopes and hinge zones are the potential areas for oil and gas accumulations.

    Controlling factors of the Paleogene-Cretaceous reservoirs and potential exploration areas in the eastern Kuqa Depression
    Shen Yang, Ma Yujie, Zhao Libin, Zhang Ronghu, Shou Jianfeng, Zhang Huiliang
    2009, 30(2):  136-142.  doi:10.11743/ogg20090202
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    The reservoirs in the complicated piedmont structural zones of the eastern Kuqa Depression are controlled by such factors as precipitation facies,digenesis,burial depth,and tectonic stress,causing difficulties in reservoir distribution prediction.The Cretaceous in the eastern Kuqa Depression was correlated for the very first time.The Cretaceous Bashijiqike Formation is widely distributed in the eastern Kuqa,and the reservoir properties show a tendency of getting better from east to west and from north to south because of the influence of sedimentary microfacies and source distribution.The predicted valid burial depth for reservoirs with high content of rigid grains may be more than 7000m.The compaction of reservoir by the palaeotectonic stress weakens from the orogenic zone to the basin.Potential exploration areas were finally predicted through integrating various controlling factors.

    Subzone division,connectivity and pool types of the Carboniferous Kalashayi Formation in the Tahe area
    Sheng Xiang, He Faqi, Yun Lou
    2009, 30(2):  143-148.  doi:10.11743/ogg20090203
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    The oil layers in the Carboniferous Kalashayi Formation (K) in the Tahe oilfield mainly occur in the interbedded sandstones and mudstones of K3 and K4 members. Based on the variability and cyclicity of resistivity and Gamma ray logs caused by calcareous contents in mudstones,K3 and K4 members were subdivided,from top to bottom,into five reservoir units:Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ,Ⅳ and Ⅴ.The thickness of each unit ranges from 80 m to 100 m and the boundaries of each unit were calibrated to the same event on well-tie seismic profile,thus being isochronal.Most of the oil and gas layers appear laterally as separated lenticular sandbodies for their thin single layer(2~5 m)and channel microfacies.The pools are mainly controlled by structural traps,distribution of lenticular sandbodies and faults seated in the Cambrian and Ordovician source rocks.

    Comparison between the Upper Paleozoic gas reservoirs in Ordos Basin and deep basin gas reservoirs
    Li Zhongdong, Hao Shuming, Li Liang, Xi Kuanyang, Guo Min
    2009, 30(2):  149-155.  doi:10.11743/ogg20090204
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    A comparison between the Upper Paleozoic gas reservoirs in Ordos Basin and typical deep basin gas reservoirs was carried out through analysis of sandstone and shale compaction,pore evolution,pressure forming mechanism,gas and water distribution,gas migration and accumulation,pooling characteristics,as well as previous research results.These two kinds of gas reservoirs show some similarities in terms of basic pooling conditions and certain manifestations.However,dynamic data from gas development indicate that the Upper Paleozoic gas reservoirs are characterized by poor connectivity of gas layers,multiple pressure systems,no extensive inversion of gas-water contact,the existence of local edge water,and the control of structure location and favorable reservoir facies belts on gas-water distribution.A research on process,key conditions,and mechanisms of hydrocarbon pooling suggests that the Upper Paleozoic gas reservoirs belong to lithologic or structural-lithologic gas reservoirs featuring in near-source migration,accumulation,and pooling.It is therefore concluded that the Upper Paleozoic gas reservoirs distinguish themselves from deep basin gas reservoirs by poor connectivity of reservoirs and control of lithology and structure on traps.

    The relationship between compacting history and hydrocarbon accumulating history of the super-low permeability reservoirs in the Triassic Yanchang Formation in the Ordos Basin
    Deng Xiuqin, Liu Xinshe, Li Shixiang
    2009, 30(2):  156-161.  doi:10.11743/ogg20090205
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    According to the genesis of the super-low permeability reservoirs in the Late Triassic Yanchang Formation in the central Ordos lacustrine basin,diagenetic sequences and homogenization temperature of host minerals of inclusions were analyzed.Hydrocarbon inclusions in albite were formed during the early charging in the early of the Late Jurassic;hydrocarbon inclusions in quartz overgrowth developed during the peak hydrocarbon generation and expulsion in the Early Cretaceous;while those in ferruginous carbonates were generated during the early phase of the uplifting and cooling process at the end of the Early Cretaceous and were the products of late charging.Taking account of current development characteristics of pores in the reservoirs,palaeo-porosity and palaeo-permeability of reservoirs during the peak hydrocarbon generation and expulsion were discussed.It is proposed that the super-low permeability reservoirs had not been developed during the peak hydrocarbon generation and expulsion,and that cementing of ferruginous carbonates is the crucial factor for the compacting of reservoirs.

    Relationship of sedimentary microfacies with reservoirs in the Shan-1 member of the Daniudi gas field,Ordos Basin
    Dong Zhaoxiong, Shen Zhaoguo, He Guoxian, Liu Zhongqun
    2009, 30(2):  162-167.  doi:10.11743/ogg20090206
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    Eight sedimentary micro-facies,including channel floor lag,distributary channel,channel sand,channel bar,natural barrier,crevasse splay,interchannel low-lying land,and flood swamp,occur in the Shan-1 member (the first member of Shanxi Formation) of the Daniudi gas field in Ordos Basin.Reservoirs are mainly developed in the distributary channels and channel bars.Research on reservoir features and sedimentary micro-facies shows that the median throat radius of the reservoir has the strongest influence upon gas production capacity.The size of median radius,distribution and connectivity of throats as well as the debris particle size and content of quartz,and other geological features of the reservoir,depend on the microfacies distribution.Correlation of sedimentary microfacies with various parameters such as median throat radius of the reservoirs in Shan-1 member indicate that natural gas is mainly accumulated in distributary channels,which are distributed in areas where the rivers meet in the southwest part of the study area.

    Control of fault blocks upon the Late Permian reservoirs of reef facies in the Upper Yangtze Platform and exploration suggestions
    Zhu Zhongfa, Liu Jiangqing
    2009, 30(2):  168-176.  doi:10.11743/ogg20090207
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    In the Upper Yangtze Platform,a large amount basalt show linear and planform eruption,contemporaneous faults are well developed,and mutual restrictive relationship exists between epidermic fold and fracture trace systems and fault blocks.Study of sedimentary records in combination with these observations shows the platform during its formation experienced three drastic up-and down-turns,countless strong tearing and two large-scale tearing,causing strong subsidence in some areas and the formation of several intraplatform troughs.In the eastern part of the platform,nine fault blocks are recognized from north to south,namely Dabashang frontal fault block,Huayinshan,eastern platform margin,Yongchuan-Yibin,Chishui-Gudao-Yanjin,Bijie-Zhenxiong,Qianxi-Dafang,Zhijing-Nayong,and Puding-Puan fault blocks.The distribution of these fault blocks is mapped for the first time.The unbalanced subsidence and uplifting among fault blocks caused the tilting of these fault blocks with one side elevated,which controlled the growth of biogenic reefs and the development of dolostones,finally leading to the formation of reef-controlled reservoirs.During the Late Permian,the Dabashang frontal fault block upwarped at its west end,downwarped at its east end,uplifted in the south side,and tilted to the north;while the Huayinshang and Dongbutaiyuan fault blocks upwarped at its north end,downwarped at its south end,elevated in the east side,and tilted to the west.It is therefore suggested that exploration of reef-controlled reservoirs should follow the following principles:paying attention to structural control of fault block on reservoirs;drilling order being from the upwarped end to the downwarped end and from the elevated side to the tiled side;and performing sedimentary facies analysis before drilling when neither growth of biogenic reef nor tilting of fault block is known.

    Geologic configuration types of the middle-upper Yangtze region and their significance for hydrocarbon preservation in marine strata
    Wo Yujin, Wang Xinwei
    2009, 30(2):  177-187.  doi:10.11743/ogg20090208
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    Three types (i.e.single-,double-,and three-layer structures) and eleven sub-types of geologic configurations are recognized in the middle-upper Yangtze region based on the previous study and combining field tectonic profiles,seismic-geological interpretations,and drilling data.The structural zonation of the fold-thrust belts and the distribution of these geological configuration types in the study area are expounded in terms of five structural provinces and the genesis of these configuration types is briefly discussed. The differences among these geologic configuration types are closely related to the detaching depths of the major faults within deforming zones,and the latter determines the erosion of regional cap rocks and the role of faults in hydrocarbon preservation for this type of geologic configuration.Among these geologic configuration types,the stable single-layer configuration,the deep structure in the double-layer configuration and the middle structure in the three-layer configuration have excellent preservation conditions,and therefore are potential exploration targets.

    Fractured reservoirs in metamorphic buried-hills in the Liaoxi low uplift and their hydrocarbon accumulation conditions
    Liu Le, Yang Minghui, Li Chunxia, Zheng Xiaofeng
    2009, 30(2):  188-194,222.  doi:10.11743/ogg20090209
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    Based on analysis of cores,thin-sections,FMI imaging log and seismic coherent slices,studies were performed on the petrological characteristics,reservoir types,response of vertical imaging logging,physical pro-perties of oil-bearing strata and horizontal distribution of fracture zone in Archean metamorphic buried-hills of the Liaoxi low uplift.Three types of lithology were identified in the metamorphic reservoirs:migmatite,regional metamorphic rocks and cataclasite.Types of reservoir space include fractures,dissolution pore and micro-pore,among which structural fracture is the dominant type.Five types of logging responses were identified and described by interpretation of imaging logging and dual lateral logging. Combining porosity logging,a comparative study was performed on porosity range in oil-bearing layers and logging response characteristics.The quantitative relationship between the number of hydrocarbon reservoirs and information dimension that reflect development of structural fractures were defined based on the analysis of seismic coherent slice.The vertical and horizontal distribution of favorable reservoirs were revealed,laying the foundation for comprehensive analysis of hydrocarbon accumulation.

    Vertical zonation of chemical characteristics of oilfield water in the Songliao Basin
    Lou Zhanghua, Li Mei, Jin Aimin, Zhu Rong, Tian Weizhuo, Zhang Huiting,
    2009, 30(2):  195-202.  doi:10.11743/ogg20090210
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    The influences of most factors on chemical characteristics of oilfield water change with the increase of burial depth,leading to the vertical zonation of oilfield water.According to the changes of groundwater salinity and Cl- concentration,five typical hydrochemical profile units could be divided from the shallow to the deep part,including meteoric water infiltration fresh zone (zone A);near surface evaporative concentration zone (zone B);fresh water from mudstone compaction (C1) and concentration zone by mudstone compaction and water-seepage (C2);clay mineral dehydration fresh zone (zone D); and deep concentration zone from seepage (zone E).

    Assessment of natural gas diffusion loss from multiple source rocks—an example from shallow gas source rocks in the northern Songliao Basin
    Wang Min, Guo Xiaobo, Xue Haitao, Lu Shuangfang, Fu Guang, Chen Yong
    2009, 30(2):  203-209.  doi:10.11743/ogg20090211
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    Based on principles of natural gas diffusion,mass balance and hydrocarbon concentration sealing,a model was established to assess natural gas diffusion loss from multiple source rocks.The model was applied to the shallow multiple source rocks in the north of the Songliao Basin.There are four shallow gas source rock intervals with a total accumulative gas volume generated of 387.5TCM,in which the 2nd member of the Cretaceous Nenjiang Formation (K1n2) is the largest in gas volume generated.Peak gas generation occurred at the end of the Nenjiang age.Calculation of the actual gas diffusion loss shows that K1n2 is the highest in diffusion loss,followed by the 2nd and 3rd member of the Cretaceous Qingshankou Formation (K1qn2+3),K1n1 and K1qn1.The actual cumulative gas diffusion loss with and without hydrocarbon concentration sealing effect considered are 199.42TCM and 105.44TCM,respectively.The ratio of diffusion loss to generation with hydrocarbon concentration sealing effect considered is lower than that without hydrocarbon concentration sealing effect considered.The latter is around 2-3 times as the former.

    Characteristics of hydrocarbon pooling in the east of the Maichen sag of the Beibu Gulf Basin
    Su Yongjin, Tang Yuegang, Shi Shengqun, Fang Xinna
    2009, 30(2):  210-214.  doi:10.11743/ogg20090212
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    Based on the analysis of regional tectonic evolution,structural unit division and characteristics of strata development,the reservoirs,hydrocarbon pooling conditions and main controlling factors were studied to set up pool-forming models in the east of the Maichen Sag of the Beibu Gulf Basin.The Paleogene Liushagang and Weizhou formations (El and Ew respectively) are the dominant oil-bearing formations which include four sets of reservoir-seal combinations;the dark mudstone in the El2 and the upper El3 are the main source rocks;the El3 and Ew are two important sandstone reservoirs.The traps are mainly faulted nose,faulted block and stratigraphic overlap traps with good timing and spatial configurations.The predominant factors controlling pool-forming could be mature source rocks,reservoirs development,fault features,sealing conditions,configuration of traps and their workable degree.There are three hydrocarbon pooling models,including the inner-slope zone in the deep sag,fault bench in the south,outer-slope and far slope zone.The western part of inner slope zone is the most favorable area for further exploration.

    Genetic types of the Neogene slope-breaks and their controls on deposition in Huizhou Depression in Pearl River Mouth Basin
    Long Gengsheng, Shi Hesheng, Wang Yingmin, Du Jiayuan, Liu Jun, Zhang Xiaoyu, Liu Hao
    2009, 30(2):  215-222.  doi:10.11743/ogg20090213
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    The Neogene in Huizhou Depression were deposited in neritic shelf environment and is gentle in dip.However,a comprehensive study of seismic,drilling,log data indicates that three types of slope-breaks (i.e.deposition breaks,fault breaks and flexural breaks) occur in the area.On the plane,these breaks combine with one another in four patterns,including multistage,diagonal,comb-shaped,and ridge-parallel.Their evolution presents such evident features as inheritance,periodicity,scale grading,and migration cyclicity.Slope-breaks in the north margin and south of the basin control the superimposing pattern of the sequences and the development and spatial distribution of depositional systems.

    A discussion on certain issues concerning reserve calculation of igneous reservoirs
    Zhang Ling, Wang Zhiqiang, Zhang Liyan, Jiao Lili
    2009, 30(2):  223-229.  doi:10.11743/ogg20090214
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    Igneous reservoirs feature in complexities of lithologies and lithofacies and strong heterogeneity.This paper analyzed the petrophysical characters,log responses,and oil-water system of reservoirs with different lithofacies and reservoir types,and proposed a unit division method suitable for reserve calculation of igneous reservoirs.Effective reservoir thickness is recognized through analyzing core,FMI and NMR log data.Models for porosity and saturation interpretation are established through subdivision of reservoir types and integration of conventional log,NMR,and intrusive mercury curve.Parameters of the reserve calculation units are described quantitatively through log-constrained seismic inversion.A comprehensive application of the above-mentioned methods and technologies would solve successfully such issues as difficulties in interpreting reserve parameters of fractured-vuggy igneous reservoirs with dual media and the inaccuracy of reserve calculation.Furthermore,it may help the evaluation of reserve calculation of similar igneous reservoirs.

    Application of log parameter quantification technology to interpretation of the physical properties of the Putaohua reservoir in the Yushulin oilfield
    Wang Wenming,
    2009, 30(2):  230-235.  doi:10.11743/ogg20090215
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    Three types of flow units are recognized in the reservoirs of Yushulin oilfield,and log interpretation models are built for porosity and permeability through standardization of log data,selection and processing of core data,and calculation of flow unit index (FZI).Accuracy of permeability interpretation is greatly improved when calculating reservoir permeability according to the flow units.Sample collection that reflects the internal relationship between log data and flow units is also obtained,realizing the extrapolation of optimal quantitative reservoir parameters from the cored wells to non-cored wells. Relatively accurate calculation of permeability is realized by applying different interpretation models to different flow units. The application of the method in 77 wells in the study area shows that it can reflect honestly the lateral changing pattern of reservoir parameters and offers gui-dance for determining residual oil distribution and adjusting development programs.

    Optimal generalized S-transform and its application to hydrocarbon detection
    Shi Yanhong, Bian Li'en, He Zhenhua
    2009, 30(2):  236-239.  doi:10.11743/ogg20090216
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    Time-frequency analysis is one of the important means for direct hydrocarbon detection with seismic data.Real seismic signals are non-stationary and shortcomings and deficiencies exist in conventional time-frequency analysis methods such as short-time Fourier transform,Gabor transform and wavelet transform.To tackle these problems,a new time-frequency analysis method-optimal generalized S-transform-is achieved by adding a new parameter "p" in S-transform to adjust the standard deviation of window function and selecting the optimal value of p according to the measurement criteria of the time-frequency aggregation proposed by Jones and Parks.Trial calculation with synthetic signals shows that this method has a better time-frequency aggregation than conventional time-frequency analysis methods.Application of this method to actual seismic data shows that the frequency-division data volume generated by this method is effective in hydrocarbon detection and identification.

    Lithology prediction of thin reservoirs based on deterministic and stochastic models
    Li Jun, Xiong Liping, Zhao Weiyong, Liu Jian
    2009, 30(2):  240-244.  doi:10.11743/ogg20090217
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    The delta front is always one of the focuses for oil and gas exploration.However,reservoirs in delta front commonly occur as thin sandstone layers,which cannot be recognized accurately for the low resolution of seismic inversion,hence the distribution pattern of sandbodies could not be accurately predicted,leading to the difficulties for exploration and production.Taking advantage of various reservoir modeling techniques,this paper puts forward a new methodology of joint deterministic-stochastic modeling for lithology prediction of thin reservoirs in delta front areas.It first obtains acoustic impedance through deterministic modeling,and then predicts distribution of thin reservoirs through stochastic modeling.The specific methods used are joint seismic-log inversion and Markov chain modeling.Case study in the Y block of the northern Songliao Basin shows that more accurate prediction of thin sand layers could be achieved.

    A study on application of interbed absorption attribute in wavelet domain to the Xujiahe Formation in western Sichuan Depression
    Xu Tianji, Cheng Bingjie, Tang Jianming, Li Xiangui
    2009, 30(2):  245-249.  doi:10.11743/ogg20090218
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    Wavelet theory-based frequency-division processing of seismic data has the advantages of highlighting the local geological characteristics of geologic bodies and microstructure of reservoirs,and revealing the important information contained in thin interbed reflection.Reconstruction of two-dimension frequency-division seismic profile in wavelet domain can generate a 3D seismic data cube,of which the wave amplitude is directly related to the time and frequency.Then,important information for locating and predicting oil and gas reservoirs may be obtained through analysis of the interbed absorption attribute and high-frequency attenuation along the target layers or at the well points.Application of the technology to reservoir prediction and gas detection of the deep Xujiahe Formation in western Sichuan Depression gave out satisfactory results in accordance with log data.

    A method of determinming deliverability with build-up data of gas Wells—an example from the Jingbian gas field
    Zhang Zonglin, Hu Jianguo
    2009, 30(2):  250-254.  doi:10.11743/ogg20090219
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    Absolute open flow capacity of gas wells is a key index reflecting potential production capacity of gas wells.It is usually obtained by systematic well testing.For low-permeability reservoirs,however,it is difficult to define binomial deliverability equation through conventional systematic well testing. Based on analyses of binomial deliverability equation for gas wells and influences of reservoir types and characteristics on deliverability testing data,the modified isochronal testing data of over 20 wells in the Jingbian gas field were used to set up an empirical method for determining deliverability with build-up data.Field application shows that this method is feasible and effective.