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    08 August 2014, Volume 35 Issue 4
    Importance of unconventional mindsets in further fine exploration of mature blocks:a case study of Qingnan oilfield, eastern Dongying Depression
    Zhang Shanwen
    2014, 35(4):  441-448.  doi:10.11743/ogg20140401
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    After years of intensive exploration,blocks in eastern Dongying Depression of Shengli Oilfield Company yielded few and few new discoveries in past couple years.Explorationists of Shengli Oilfield Company wisely realized then that new mindsets and open mindness were urgently needed to guide further fine explration of these aging blocks.Then in 2013,the 75th discovery-Qingnan Oilfield-was disoveried in eastern blocks of Dongying Depression.This seccess can be attributed to the following reasons:an exploration strategy shift from structural traps on slopes to lithologic traps in sags;a shift of understanding of sedimentary settings from deep turbidite fan to shore-shallow lacustrine;an exploration view turning from unfavorable migration zones to favorable migration zones;a change of understanding of sedimentary facies from beach-sandbodies of subsag-scale to local sand bars.These reasons all made the importance of new mindsets and open mindness to stand out in each critical step of discovering the field.However,what behind all these are still concrete basic works and innovative technologies.

    Hydrochemistry of Paleogene formation water and its relationship with hydrocarbon migration and accumulation in Wenliu region in Dongpu sag, Bohai Bay Basin
    Wang Jun, Lou Zhanghua, Zhu Rong, He Yu, Zhu Zhenhong, Wang Tongjun, Qian Yuehong
    2014, 35(4):  449-455.  doi:10.11743/ogg20140402
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    Faults and salts are widely developed in Wenliu region in Dongpu sag,Bohai Bay Basin.And hydrocarbon migration processes and the contacts between water-,oil and gas are complex.Based on analysis of the current vertical and horizontal hydrochemical distribution of the Paleogene formation water,this paper determined the origin of formation water by using isotopes of hydrogen and oxygen.Combined with the features of regional tectonics and hydrodynamics,we also studied the relationship between the hydrochemical property and the accumulation and distribution of hydrocarbon in Wenliu region.Besides,by means of dissecting the typical profiles of Well Wen 218 to Well Wen 245,the coupling relation between hydrochemical characteristic and hydrocarbon migration and accumulation was further analyzed.The analysis of isotopes of hydrogen and oxygen show that the formation water of this region is primarily composed of the connate water,with paleo-meteoric water permeating only in some local areas.This indicates that the sealing conditions area good in the Wenliu region,favorable for hydrocarbon accumulation and preservation.Moreover,the hydrochemistry of this region can be divided into five zones in vertical,namely diluting zones due to permeating of(paleo-)meteoric water,released water of mudstone compaction and fault communication,concentration zones due to cross-formational flow and end over flow.In the plane,the Wendong rolling anticline belt and graben belt are the common areas for the gathering of released water from mudstone compaction and meteoric water.The concentrations of salinity and chloridion gradually increase as a result of the condensation process of cross-formational flow of formation water.The areas with high concentration of salinity and chloridion correlate well to hydrocarbon enrichment areas.In addition,the Wenliu region displays good connectivity of faults,resulting in the vertical hydrocarbon migration being dominant while the lateral migration being subsidiary.

    Fault linkages and their control on hydrocarbon accumulation in the Liaodongwan Depression, offshore Bohai Bay Basin
    Xu Changgui, Yu Yixin, Wu Kui, Wan Jing, Liu Yubo, Xu Xiaolong, Wu Hang
    2014, 35(4):  456-462.  doi:10.11743/ogg20140403
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    On the basis of structural interpretation and hydrocarbon exploration,this paper addresses fault linkages and their control on hydrocarbon accumulation in the Liaodongwan Depression,offshore Bohai Bay Basin.The extensional,strike-slip and compound faults with NE and NEE strikes are predominant in the Liaodongwan Depression,and they inte-ract with each other by hard or soft linkages.According to the assemble patterns of faults and their linkages,the hard linkages of faults can be divided into three types:relaying,consumering and transferring.Similarly,the types of soft lin-kages involve synthetic ramp,convergent anticline and divergent horst.Faults and their interaction exerted important influences on depositional systems,structural traps and reservoir properties.The interaction zones of faults are the favorable objectives for oil and gas exploration in the Liaodongwan Depression.

    Shallow gas accumulation pattern and potential evaluation in southern Daqing placanticline, Songliao Basin
    Liu Zongbao, Suo Su, Pan Long, Fu Xiaofei, Shen Jianian
    2014, 35(4):  463-472.  doi:10.11743/ogg20140404
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    As a new field of unconventional oil and gas exploration and development in China,shallow gas is large in resource potential.Various data including core,well logging,3D seismic and laboratory test data were integrated to study the shallow gas reservoir types,distribution characteristics,genetic mechanism and main controlling factors of shallow gas enrichment.The following results were obtained.The gas traps are controlled by anticline structure background and segmentation of multiple faults and there are mainly 4 types of gas reservoir traps,including anticline,faulted-anticline,fault-block and fault-nose.And the areal distribution of gas reservoirs is controlled by the positive structures and they mainly occur at the high positions of anticline and nose structures.Vertically,the single layer H5—H1,which is in the middle and lower parts of formation,is the main gas bearing interval affected by reservoir-cap assemblages.Gas in the Putaohua structure is mainly of biological genesis and is sourced from the first and second members of the Nenjiang Formation.In contrast,gas in the Puxi nosing structure is generated from the first and second members of the Nenjiang Formation,Qingshankou Formation and deeper formations,and is a mixture of biological gas,oil-type gas and abiogenetic gas.On this basis,the main controlling factors of shallow gas enrichment in Heidimiao reservoirs are summarized as follows:①multiple sets of good hydrocarbon source rocks offer a material basis for shallow gas;②reasonable timing of gas source faults and effective cap rock controls the horizons of shallow gas accumulation;③sandbodies of fluvial-dominated delta front act as high quality reservoirs;④lateral sealing capacity of fault ddetermines enrichment scale of shallow gas.Finally,the shallow gas accumulation pattern is established and showed as follows:tectonic reverse happened at the end of the Mingshui Formation stage,and the boundary faults in the areas with densely distributed faults were activated and opened,so that gas generated by the underlying source rocks migrated upward along the source rock-rooted faults into the high quality reservoirs connected well with the source rock-rooted faults,such as under water distributary channel,mouth bars and distal bars.After a short distance lateral migration in the high quality reservoirs,the shallow gas accumulated in anticlinal traps,fault-anticline,fault-block and fault-nose traps.The cumulative geological reserve of shallow gas was calculated to be 8.68 BCM by using volumetric methods on the basis of gas logging interpretation and 7 potential target areas were identified.

    Slope-break types and sequence stratigraphic styles of the Oligocene Lingshui Formation in Qiongdongnan Basin, South China Sea
    Zhang Yaxiong, Zhu Xiaomin, Chen Huanqing, Zhang Gongcheng
    2014, 35(4):  473-479.  doi:10.11743/ogg20140405
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    Based on the theories of sedimentology,sequence stratigraphy and petroleum geology,this paper identified two types of slope-break including fault slope-break and flexure slope-break on the basis of sequence framework of the Oligocene Lingshui Formation in Qiongdongnan Basin.We also documented the features of each slope-break and their control and influence on the sedimentary systems.Two kinds of sequence styles including single fault half graben-like type and step fault type are recognized in the Lingshui Formation.The former sequence style commonly occurs in a half graben basin with one main boundary fault and can be divided into a margin steep slope zone,a deep center zone and a margin gentle slope zone.While the later sequence style mainly develops in a basin under the joint control of one main boundary fault and many secondary faults parallel with the boundary fault.This paper also studied the distribution of each sequence style and its inner structure characteristics.The results indicate that the sandbodies of low system tract and high system tract are the favorable targets for future hydrocarbon exploration.

    Distribution prediction for tight marlstone reservoirs in lower 3rd Member of the Shahejie Formation in central and southern Shulu sag, Bohai Bay Basin
    Cao Jianhua, Wang Sicheng, Lai Shenghua, Xiong Congcong
    2014, 35(4):  480-485.  doi:10.11743/ogg20140406
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    This paper focuses on the tight marlstone reservoir in lower 3rd Member of the Shahejie Formation in central and southern Shulu sag,Bohai Bay Basin.The reservoir is of great economic potential,and has the same characteristics as tight oil reservoir,such as reservoir-source coexisting,continuous distribution,oil-bearing but unclear boundary.Owing to its tight physical property and complex sedimentary environment,it is challenging to precisely predict distribution of the marlstone reservoir.In this paper,we presented a comprehensive geophysical workflow for prediction of tight marlstone reservoir.Firstly,the geological and geophysical features of the reservoir are studied.Secondly,multiple wells correlation and well-to-seismic calibration are carried out.Thereafter seismic-based sequential stratigraphy frameworks are established,and depositional units are identified.Then qualitative interpretation for the target reservoir is carried out by using techniques including geophysical modeling,basic seismic attributes analysis and post-stack impedance inversion.Finally,spatial and temporal reservoir distribution is analyzed with the integration of strata slicing technique,seismic attributes analysis and sequential boundary constraints.The results show that the lower 3rd Member of Shahejie Formation can be considered as a complete third-order sequence,and the distribution range of the target reservoir becomes wider as the depositional stages changes from low system tract,to transgressive system tract and finally to high system tract.The reservoir is thickest in central sag,while it is relatively pure and the most extensive in late stage of transgressive system tract.The inner slope has well-developed faults with NEE strike,and interbedded conglomerate and marlstone, thus is a favorable area for further exploration.

    Reconstruction of blanket sand porosity during hydrocarbon charging in the Jurassic Sangonghe Formation of Block 1 in Central Junggar Basin and its significance
    Chen Lin, Xu Tao, Shi Haoguo, Zhang Yuejing, Zhang Min, Xiu Jinlei
    2014, 35(4):  486-493.  doi:10.11743/ogg20140407
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    By using thin section and physical property data and in combination with the burial history and hydrocarbon charging history, this paper studied the diagenetic characteristics of the blanket sand in the hydrocarbon charging period, and established the coupling relationship between reservoir diagenetic sequence and the hydrocarbon charging. The porosity of blanket sand during the hydrocarbon charging in the lower 2nd member of the Jurassic Sangonghe Fornation in Block 1 in central Junggar Basin was quantitatively reconstructed by using the compaction trend and inversion back stripping methods respectively. The results show that the blanket sand were shallow buried and had good physical properties during the critical hydrocarbon charging period, thus could be good carrrier beds and reservoirs. The blanket sand played a critical role in hydrocarbon transportation and the study area has great exploration potential.

    Reservoir quality differences of submarine fans in deep-water oilfield A in Niger Delta Basin, West Africa
    Lin Yu, Wu Shenghe, Wang Xing, Wan Qionghua, Zhang Jiajia, Zhang Wenbiao
    2014, 35(4):  494-502.  doi:10.11743/ogg20140408
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    Deep-water submarine fans are characterized by large dimensions,special deposition positions and complex formation processes.Compared with terrestrial and shallow water deposits,reservoir quality of deep-water submarine fans are poorly studied,influencing the effective development of this kind of reservoirs.In this paper,taking deep-water oilfield A in the Niger Delta Basin in West Africa as an example,reservoir quality differences and controlling factors of submarine fans are researched based on core observations and descriptions,logging cross plot analyses and seismic attribute slicing.The results show that reservoir spaces of submarine fans are dominated by primary pores and the diagenesis is weak.Therefore,the reservoir quality is mainly controlled by sedimentary factors.According to lithology and sedimentary structures,these reservoirs could be divided into six types of rock facies,such as cross-laminated fine sandstones,parallel-la-minated medium to fine sandstones,massive medium to fine sandstones and so on.Microscopically,porosity and permeability of submarine fan reservoirs are controlled by sorting and matrix content respectively,but insignificantly influenced by median grain size,resulting in unique variation patterns of reservoir quality of different rock facies or sedimentary facies.Microscopically,spatial quality differences of submarine fan reservoirs are influenced by sequence,which controls spatial-temporal distributions of various sedimentary facies and rock facies combinations of the same type of sedimentary facies.

    Genesis of medium-macro-crystalline dolomite in the Middle Permian of Sichuan Basin
    Jiang Qingchun, Hu Suyun, Wang Zecheng, Wang Tongshan, Li Qiufen, Zhai Xiufen
    2014, 35(4):  503-510.  doi:10.11743/ogg20140409
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    Observation of the Middle Permian outcrops and thin sections of cores from typical wells in Sichuan Basin and its periphery reveals that the Middle Permian consists mainly of micro-dolomite,medium-macro-crystalline dolomite and calcitic dolomite.And the petrophysical properties analysis shows that reservoir quality of the medium-macro-crystalline dolomite is the best,so it can act as effective reservoir.,Various geochemical analyses in combination with the geological background indicate the medium-macro-crystalline was formed by the deep thermal fluids.There are five major evidences concerning their genesis.The medium-macro-crystalline shows the characteristics of saddle-dolomites and is associated with some low temperature hydrothermal minerals;Gas-liquid hydrocarbon fluid inclusions with homogenization temperature higher than the surrounding rocks occur in the medium-macro-crystalline,,and the salinity of two phase fluid inclusions tested based on the freezing point temperature is three to five times of normal sea water,indicating high salinity digenetic fluids;The stable isotope values are extremely biased,and they all are less than -9‰ and mostly are up to -13‰;Their Sr isotopes have the characteristics of mantle-derived medium-macro-crystalline dolomite,indicating the existence of deep thermal fluids;The lateral and vertical distributions of dolomite vary dramatically,and dolomites are found to distribute along the deep-large faults and in areas with volcanic rocks.Most of the intergranular dissolved pores of medium-macro-crystalline dolomite are filled by asphalt.Comprehensive analysis based on the bury history of typical wells,homogenization temperature of fluid inclusions and hydrocarbon generation history of source rock reveals that the medium-macro-crystalline dolomites were formed early,at least prior to the Middle-Late Triassic,when large amount of hydrocarbons were charged.Based on the above mentioned analysis,a hydrothermal genetic model was established for the medium-macro-crystalline dolomite was established by using the typical wells and seismic profiles.

    Fracture characteristics of ultra-deep reef-bank lithologic gas reservoirs in the Upper Permian Changxing Formation in Yuanba area, Northeastern Sichuan Basin
    Fan Xiaojun, Peng Jun, Li Jixuan, Chen Dan, Li Feng, Deng Jinhua, Huang Yong, Miao Zhiwei
    2014, 35(4):  511-516.  doi:10.11743/ogg20140410
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    In order to understand the fracture characteristics of reef-bank reservoir in the Changxing Formation in Yuanba area,northeastern Sichuan Basin,this paper finely described the fractures of the Changxing Formation in many wells,and also studied the tectonic evolution,hydrocarbon generation,diagenesis and the porosity evolution.Vertically,the fractures are mainly distributed in the 2nd Member of Changxing Formation.While laterally,they show strong heterogeneity in distribution,with heterogeneity being different in different blocks.Fractures are relatively well developed on structural high.The fractures can be divided into 3 types and 11 subtypes developed mainly in 3 stages.We established the classification evaluation index system and the standard identification chart of typical fractures.The formation of fractures is mainly controlled by the tectonic evolution,burial and dissolution.The dynamic fracture-pore assemblages of the 2nd and 3rd stages are better than that of the 1st stage.These assemblages form effective storage space or reticular carrier systems and make a positive contribution to the reservoir property and productivity.The comprehensive analysis indicates that the Changxing Formation in the northwestern Yuanba area is favorable for enrichment of oil/gas.

    Single-sandstone-layer sedimentary microfacies and favorable sandbody prediction of Putaohua reservoir in south Gulong sag, Songliao Basin
    Tong Siqin, Li Bin, Luo Qun, Wang Hongjun
    2014, 35(4):  517-525.  doi:10.11743/ogg20140411
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    Based on characteristics and spatial distribution patterns of single-well sedimentary microfacies,gross-to-net ratio and thickness of single sandstone layer of the Putaohua reservoir in south Gulong sag of Songliao Basin,we studied the spatial distribution pattern of sedimentary microfacies and predicted favorable sand bodies.The Putaohua reservoir consists of various sedimentary microfacies including distributary channels,interdistributary channels,mouth bars,front sheet sand,front delta mud and shallow lake mud,with sediments mainly sourced from the north and the west.It is of a typical shallow-delta deposit characterized by poor-developed mouth bars but wide front sheet sandstones.From bottom to top,the thickness and the grain size of sandstone layers increase with the lake level dropping,indicating a progradational stratigraphic sequence.In addition,the areas of front sheet sandstones also enlarge upwards and their shapes change from EW-trending strips in the lower part into large sheets in the upper part.The provenance is mainly located in the north at the early stage,while is mainly located in the west at the late stage.The early banded sand layers and the later large sheet-shape lenticular sand layers at the center of the sag are favorable sandbodies.

    Models of contemporaneous fault controlling sandstone deposition:a case study of Es1 in southern Nanpu Sag
    Yang Xiaoli, Zhang Zili, Sun Ming, Shi Wenwu, Li Ruisheng
    2014, 35(4):  526-533.  doi:10.11743/ogg20140412
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    Temporal-spatial differences of syndepositional tectonics have profound impact on accommodation space,sedimentation rate,types and distributional characteristics of provenance systems of a basin.Episodic tectonic movement of the Nanpu Sag is a major contributor to accommodation space.Several NE-SW-trending contemporaneous faults that were developed in the period of Es in the southern provenance enhanced the compartmentalization of lake basin.A series of echelon growth faults extending toward the basin controlled the distribution of the Shahejie Formation.The linear subsags with the same strike as the growth faults formed in the downthrown blocks are the main unloading areas for sediments.The main depositional system is the combination of braided river delta,infralittoral subaqueous fans,beach bar and lake system in the southern provenance.On this basis,a model of contemporaneous fault controlling sandstone distribution is established in southern Nanpu Sag.The contemporaneous faults stretching into the lake basin controlled the sandstone distribution of braid river delta,with lobate deposits occurring laterally along strikes on the downthrown blocks of faults and superimposing vertically in the shape of wedges.The favorable objectives for future exploration are braided river delta,infralittoral subaqueous fans at the distal end of these deltas,and the beach bars developed on the tilted blocks.

    Shale gas preservation conditions for the Upper Paleozoic in Guizhong Depression
    Pan Renfang, Tang Xiaoling, Meng Jianghui, Zhang Ximan, Gong Yu
    2014, 35(4):  534-541.  doi:10.11743/ogg20140413
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    The Middle and Lower Devonian as well as the Lower Carboniferous shale in the Upper Paleozoic in the Guizhong depression are favorable for hydrocarbon generation and accumulation,but the preservation conditions of shale gas are very complex due to multistage tectonic activities.The shale gas preservation conditions in the Upper Paleozoic of the Guizhong depression were comprehensively evaluated and the play fairways were identified based on both macroscopic and microscopic analyses.Based on the field geological survey data,in combination with drilling data,vitrinite reflectance,clay mineral X-ray diffraction,physical property,tectonic evolution history,and reconstruction of burial history and thermal history,we studied the shale gas preservation conditions in respects of the sealing capacity of cap rocks and the influence of faulting and uplifting.The following conclusions were obtained.The Middle Devonian shale in Guizhong depression has large thickness(of 250-650 m),continuous distribution,better ductility and high micro sealing capacity,thus can act as an regional cap rock for shale gas preservation.Although the Lower Carboniferous shale is limited in distribution,it has good ductility and strong sealing capacity,thus can act as local cap rocks.The Yanshanian period is the main deformation period in the study area,during which large imbricated thrust faults and high angle thrust faults were developed and influenced the present distribution patterns of the shale gas reservoirs.The strong denudation in this area destroyed the preservation of shale gas.Tectonic activity was weak and the amount of denudation was small in the west-central part of the depression.In conclusion,the Tianshan anticline and its west area in Liujiang low salient,the central part of Mashan uplifted as well as the central part of Hongdu shallow sag are the favorable areas for shale gas exploration thanks to their stable distribution and better ductility and strong sealing capacity as well as its weak tectonic destruction and weak denudation.

    Characteristics and controlling factors of nanopores in shales in Weibei, Ordos Basin
    Wu Jianguo, Liu Dameng, Yao Yanbin
    2014, 35(4):  542-550.  doi:10.11743/ogg20140414
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    To better understand the development characteristic of nanopores and its geological controlling factors,we collected 11 shale samples from the Taiyuan,Shanxi,and Yanchang formations in the Weibei,southeastern Ordos Basin,and performed low-temperature nitrogen adsorption,Argon-ion milled and field emission scanning electron microscopy(FE-SEM),vitrinite reflectivity(Ro)and maceral composition,total organic carbon(TOC)content and X-ray diffraction(XRD)analyses.The selected shale samples are in the transition period from low mature to mature,and are quite different in TOC.The nanopores in the shales are dominated by pores within the size of 2~50 nm,which account for 63.5% of the total pore volume.The BET specific surface area is commonly higher than 10 m2/g,indicating a favorable condition for methane adsorption.The pore types are mainly of narrow-slit pores and ink-bottle shaped pores.The dominant mineral compositions are different from area to area:clay minerals being dominated in the Hancheng area,while brittle minerals being dominated in the Tongchuan area.Clay mineral content is positively correlated with the total content of nanopores smaller than 2 nm and that within 2-50 nm,while the brittle mineral content is positively correlated with the content of nanopores larger than 50 nm.This means that the difference in mineral types is the main control factor on the development of nanopores.Moreover,Ro and TOC also have some influences on the development of nanopores.The higher the Ro is,the higher content of large nanopores is,but the lower content of medium to small nanopores is.In addition,the higher the TOC,the higher content of medium to small nanopores is.

    Calculation methods of sweep efficiency under different viscosity ratios for polymer flooding process
    Wang Qiang, Ji Bingyu, Nie Jun
    2014, 35(4):  551-555.  doi:10.11743/ogg20140415
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    Considering the absorbing factor and inaccessible pore,a five-spot well pattern model of polymer flooding was built on the base of polymer flooding mechanism analysis.By applying the stream tube method,the areal two-dimensional model was simplified to several one-dimensional displacement models,and a one-dimensional mathematical model of polymer flooding was established.On the basis of frontal displacement theory,the whole process of two-dimensional polymer flooding was simulated by superimposing the displacement performance in each stream tube on the five-spot well pattern.This calculation process was compiled into the VBA software to map the relation between the sweep efficiency and mobility ratios under different water cut conditions are draw,thus providing a theoretical criteria for the polymer solution viscosity preparation when performing IOR through polymer flooding.Comparison between the dynamic parameters with the experimental results shows a good consistency.The advantages of the stream tube model set up in this paper are as follo-wing:less input parameters,quick calculation,well-adapting,and no dispersion effect of numerical simulation as in the traditional rectangular grid.Therefore,this method offers an effective tool for the early selection for polymer flooding and reservoir dynamic management.

    Productivity index prediction of alluvial fan coarse-grained clastic reservoirs with low porosity and low permeability:a case from Triassic Baikouquan Formation reservoir in Y-region at northwestern margin of Junggar Basin
    Ren Tao, Wang Yanchun, Wang Renchong
    2014, 35(4):  556-561.  doi:10.11743/ogg20140416
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    In order to use 3D seismic data for productivity index prediction of alluvial fan coarse-grained clastic reservoirs with low porosity and low permeability,we chose the Triassic Baikouquan Formation reservoir in Y-region at the northwestern margin of Junggar Basin as a case.Based on traditional reservoir prediction such as thickness and porosity of coarse-grained clastic reservoirs,we analyzed in detail factors influencing permeability and oil-bearing properties,and introduced the average monthly production data at the early stage of development into 3D seismic inversion to predict the productivity index.The following work flow was established:‘finding coarse-grained clastic reservoirs through typical curve inversion,finding high quality coarse-grained clastic reservoirs through porosity inversion,finding permeable coarse-grained clastic reservoirs through spontaneous potential inversion,finding oil-bearing coarse-grained clastic reservoirs through resistivity inversion,and predicting reservoir productivity index with the combination of several methods’.A productivity index cube was finally generated through Neural Network modeling by using the monthly productivity as hard data and wave impedance,porosity,resistivity,spontaneous potential inversion data cube and time domain structure as trai-ning samples.The result shows that there is a positive correlation(R2=0.948 7)between the predicted monthly productivity and initial average monthly production.For wells with an initial monthly average production more than 300 ton,the error of prediction is less than 10%.The data cube contains various information controlling hydrocarbon distribution,such as lithology,reservoir property,oil-bearing property and permeability.The oil production of three appraisal wells deployed based on this research in Y-region reached more than 5 ton per day,which verified the accuracy and practicability of this productivity index prediction technology.

    A review of creation and propagation of complex hydraulic fracture network
    Zhao Liqiang, Liu Fei, Wang Peishan, Liu Pingli, Luo Zhifeng, Li Nianyin
    2014, 35(4):  562-569.  doi:10.11743/ogg20140417
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    With the accelerated process of the exploration and exploitation of natural fractured reservoir,coal bed me-thane,shale gas,tight gas,tight oil and complex lithology reservoir with low and/or ultra-low permeability,simulation of hydraulic fracture propagation is faced with big challenges from volume fracturing and real-time microseismic monitoring of hydraulic fracture.The propagation behaviors of complex fracture network are affected by reservoir lithology,geomechanics and natural fracture characteristics,etc.Research on the influences of natural fractures on the propagation of hydraulic fractures both at home and abroad was reviewed in this paper.The mechanical behaviors before,during and after the intersection of hydraulic fracture with pre-existing natural fracture determine the propagation of hydraulic fractures and the creation of fracture network.Before their intersection,tensile or shear debonding of cemented pre-existing natural fractures may start when induced fractures tip approaching.During their intersection,the natural fractures might be sheared to cause abundant fracturing fluid filtration,while the hydraulic fractures might penetrate natural fractures and propagate along the original path,or be arrested to propagate along the direction of natural fractures and re-initiate at its terminal or weak structure point.After their intersection,a complex fracture network may be formed with the simultaneous propagation of multiple fracture tips.True triaxial fracturing test system,combined with industrial computed tomography(CT)scan,acoustic emission device and X-ray diffraction,is the principal laboratorial means of studying the generation mechanism of complicated fracture network,while unconventional fracture model and extended finite element method(XFEM)are the main numerical methods for simulation of complex fracture network.XFEM is the most effective approach to deal with discontinuous analysis especially crack propagation problem,and has all the advantages of the finite element methods.As fracture fluid pressure is the driving force for hydraulic fracture propagation,XFEM-based seepage flow-stress-fracture propagation coupling is the future trend of complex fracture network propagation simulation.

    Preliminary exploration prospect evaluation and screening method
    Yan Xiangbin, Li Na, Cai Lixue, Yang Shuang, Li Jun, Ma Xiaojuan
    2014, 35(4):  570-576.  doi:10.11743/ogg20140418
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    Preliminary exploration prospect evaluation and screening in different areas and different exploration domain is the key to optimize exploration investment and to realize efficient exploration.Explorationists commonly select preliminary exploration targets according to such factors as petroleum-bearing property,petroleum resources,and technical and technological applicability of drilling engineering.Quantitative description of these factors and establishment of a set of unified evaluation and screening criteria are the technical challenges facing oil and gas exploration.Risk analysis-based ‘Risk Analysis-Resource Value’ model and relevant index system are established in this paper for unified evaluation and screening of preliminary exploration targets.The preferred preliminary exploration targets are ranked by the risked net va-lue.The preferred drilling targets in the 'Risk Analysis-Resource Value' model are located at the upper right of the threshold curve of risked net value which is plotted according to the number of drilling wells limited by investment.

    Probability distribution of parameters for trap resources assessment and its validation
    Huang Xuebin, Li Jun, Yan Xiangbin, Cai Lixue
    2014, 35(4):  577-584.  doi:10.11743/ogg20140419
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    Probabilistic statistics method is the most effective way to estimate trapped petroleum resources.However,the precision and rationality of the estimates depend on the probability distributions of parameters used for resources calculation.Therefore,establishing the probability distributions of the resources parameters suitable for traps of different types in different areas and making the rational validation check to prove their reliability have become the key points of the application of the probabilistic method.Based on risk analysis of exploration,this paper presented a workflow to establish and check probability distribution of the trap resources parameters,and an analytical method for determining the uncertainty of corresponding parameters.Meanwhile,the mathematical hypothesis check method was used to be applied into the validation check of the trap resources parameter models.According to the geologic and mathematic characteristics of the resources parameters,a corresponding mathematical hypothesis test workflow was also established.Finally,a pre-exploration trap in the east of China was taken as an example for illustrating the workflow and the application process of the method.The results show that the method can effectively realize quantitative analysis of the resources parameters.And the calculation results match well with the post-drilling predicted reserves,validating the reliability and the rationality of this method.