邹才能, 董大忠, 熊伟, 傅国友, 赵群, 刘雯, 孔维亮, 张琴, 蔡光银, 王玉满, 梁峰, 刘翰林, 邱振
Advances, challenges, and countermeasures in shale gas exploration of underexplored plays, sequences and new types in China
Caineng ZOU, Dazhong DONG, Wei XIONG, Guoyou FU, Qun ZHAO, Wen LIU, Weiliang KONG, Qin ZHANG, Guangyin CAI, Yuman WANG, Feng LIANG, Hanlin LIU, Zhen QIU
石油与天然气地质 . 2024, (2): 309 -326 .  DOI: 10.11743/ogg20240201