Oil & Gas Geology ›› 1992, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (2): 219-228.doi: 10.11743/ogg19920211

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Wang Xiuquan   

  1. Comprehensive Research Institute of Petroleum Geology, MGMR, Jiangling, Hubei
  • Received:1990-03-02 Revised:1992-02-17 Online:1992-06-25 Published:2012-01-16


Ili Basin is a Permo-Carboniferous basin that developed on Proterozoic basement with an area of 2.3?104 km2 and the maximum thickness of 10000m and over.The Lower Carboniferous Aksak Formation is composed of clastic and carbonate rocks that deposited in shallow sea shelf and shallow sea platform environment,the source rocks of which are 200-700m thick.Organic carbon contents:limestone is 0.56%,mud-stone 0.99%;chloroform extract "A":the limestone is 32 ppm,the mudstone 92.8 ppm.The organic matter is mainly humic type and the ratio of vitrinite reflectance 1.99%-2.74%.The Upper Permian Timulik Formation is mainly clastic rocks of river and lacustrine facies,the source rocks of which is 80-100m thick.Organic carbon contents:mudstone-shale is 1.38%,limestone 0.65%;chloroform extract"A":mudstone-shale is 358 ppm,limestone 91 ppm.The organic matter is generally humic type and the ratio of vitrinite reflectance 0.75%.Light oil and bitumen showings have been found in two for-mations.The above mentioned two sets of source rocks occurred in Qapqal and K黱es Sags with extensive distrioution and great thickness.Besides,they have fine source-reservoir-cap rock assemblages and various trap types,thus the two sags are most potential in hy-drocarbon exploration.